I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 783 The Shinsengumi has guns! M1861 rifle and Parrot rifled cannon! [5000]

Those with money contributed money, those with food contributed food, and those with animal power contributed animal power.

These are just the merchants who openly expressed their support for Qingdeng.

There are also many merchants who provide implicit assistance to Qingdeng in secret.

These well-known merchants actually donated generously to the same person... Such a scene is rare and amazing!

Of course, whether it is the tycoons in Osaka or other merchants far away, they are not the direct subordinates of Huluwu after all, and there is no "command" and "commanded" relationship between them.

Both parties are just "deeply friendly" partners.

Huluwu has indeed done them a favor, but if this favor is abused, it will only backfire.

No matter how big Kinoshita Lin's face is, it is impossible to force them to ruin their homes and sell their heads to support Qingdeng.

Therefore, they can only help Qingdeng as much as possible under the premise of "not affecting their own business situation".

Such assistance will not last long and last.

If all these merchants support Qingdeng without limit like Huluwu... then Qingdeng will probably become the most powerful and influential daimyo in Japan!

With this terrifying material advantage, not to mention flattening the whole of Japan, at least the entire capital can be conquered!

In short, the biggest support for Qinjin Domain is still Huluwu itself.

In addition to "investment", Huluwu also operates grain, wine and other businesses.

According to the boss Kiryu, the early Huluwu made a living by selling grain.

Japan under the rule of the Edo Shogunate implemented the rice standard.

Rice standard - a monetary system with rice as the standard currency, the value of each unit of currency is equivalent to a certain weight of rice.

In other words, selling rice in the Edo period is equivalent to selling gold in modern times!

Its transcendent status can be imagined.

It may not be the most profitable business, but it is definitely the most stable, the most prestigious and the most powerful!

Just by "selling grain", the Hulu House has accumulated considerable wealth.

With Kinoshita Rin's order, the whole Hulu House started up quickly and in an orderly manner, just like a precision machine that suddenly started up!




The headquarters of Hulu House is located in the southern part of Osaka near the harbor.

The air is filled with the salty smell of seawater.

The calls of seabirds appear from time to time.

The plain architectural style and the simple decoration style are very consistent with the low-key style of Hulu House.

Black roof tiles, diamond-patterned walls... At first glance, it is just an ordinary landlord's courtyard.

Today, Kinoshita Rin held a high-level meeting.

In the tea room at the deepest part of the mansion, the core cadres of Hulu House gathered together.

Kinoshita Rin, sitting on the main seat, is still wearing the elegant and luxurious large furisode with black background and gold edges.

Kinoshita Mai, dressed in red, sits behind her.

As for Qing Deng, he sat side by side with her.

Just by looking at this seating arrangement, you can see that Kinoshita Lin values ​​her granddaughter and grandson-in-law.

Boss Kiryu, Asai Shichirobei, Shimada Katsurokuro, Mogami Yoshikiyo... the core cadres of Huluya sat below them in order according to their status.

"I, an old woman, don't intend to talk too much nonsense."

Kinoshita Lin went straight to the point.

Her calm and steady voice dominated the entire tea room and was clearly heard by everyone present.

"'In order to completely wipe out the Fazhu Party, we will provide unlimited support to the Qinjin clan' - this is not a vague joke, but a strategy that will be implemented soon!"

"It will be very busy next, thank you all."

"First, we have to open the granary and provide Qinjin clan with sufficient food and grass! To ensure the stability of their country!"


Osaka, a warehouse area near the port -

"Open all the granaries! Quick! Hurry! Don't dawdle!"

The transport team composed of strong men and pack horses rushed straight to the chessboard-like warehouse group.

The heavy iron chains and sturdy door locks were removed.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "click, click, click", the heavy doors were slowly pushed open, revealing the scene inside the warehouse - mountains of rice taro.

The so-called "rice taro" is a container unique to Japan for transporting and storing rice. In fact, it is a layer of straw covering the surface of a wooden barrel.

Japan's marine monsoon climate makes rice storage difficult. Rice is easily affected by moisture and mold. Covering the barrel with straw enhances airtightness. At the same time, the straw has good water absorption, which ensures the dryness of the rice in the barrel and prolongs the storage time.

Therefore, the convenient and easy-to-use rice drum has become the most mainstream rice storage container in Japan.

"Don't stand there! Load all these grains on the car!"

The young men rushed forward and charged and attacked the "rice mountain" in front of them.

These rice drums were loaded onto the carriage one by one.

Once the carriage was full, they set off immediately, heading north directly to Qinjin Domain.

"Qinjin Fan urgently needs a huge amount of funds to advance various projects. Therefore, after opening the rice warehouse, we have to open the treasury!"

Huluwu headquarters, accounting office——

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

Clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter...

The sound of banging on the abacus, the sound of flipping the account books... They formed an overwhelming sound barrier, adding a tense and hurried atmosphere to the accounting office.

Looking around, every accountant on the scene is immersed in front of the case and working meticulously and seriously.

"I've already done the statistics here!"

"You made a mistake here! Calculate again!"

"The balance of vault B is 89,342 taels of gold! It can't be wrong. I have confirmed it many times!"

"Okay! Empty vault B! Don't leave a single copper coin!"

The huge task pressure left these accountants with no time to breathe.

Many people have injured their fingers and tendon sheaths by fiddling with abacus for a long time. They can only wear plasters and continue to work hard.

At the same time, countless people were coming in and out of various vaults.

They carried heavy lacquer boxes in their arms and rushed back and forth.

While transporting these lacquer boxes, someone walked too fast, so he stepped on the hem of the hakama and fell. The wooden box in his arms drew a standard parabola in mid-air and flew a long distance.

Crash - a sound. The contents of the paint box poured out.

In an instant, the golden luster illuminated the surrounding environment, and the smell of metal wafted in the air.

It’s a big award!

The things poured out from the box are golden gold!

[Note: Big gold: 1 small gold = 1 tael of gold. 1 piece of gold = 10 taels of gold. 】

Rough calculation, there are at least 100 pieces!

"Hey! Be careful!"

"Yeah, sorry!"

"You all pay my attention! Don't think about what you shouldn't have! If I find out that you have stolen money, what awaits you will be unparalleled regret! You will deeply understand what it means to regret. '!"

"Whether it is cultivating fields or building bastions, a large amount of animal power is required for support. Therefore, in addition to money and food, we must also provide animal power as much as possible!"

Koshu, a certain horse farm——

The horses neighed one after another.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!"

"Be good! Be obedient!"

"Dodo doo doo doo doo...Okay, it calmed down. When the horse gets mad, you can't act recklessly, otherwise it will be counterproductive. You have to hold the reins tightly and whisper 'do doo doo' repeatedly, This way, it will be restored to its original state very quickly.”

"Yes, I understand!"

There are no native donkeys in Japan, so naturally there are no mules that are hybrids of horses and donkeys.

Therefore, in addition to cattle, the most mainstream livestock power in ancient Japan was the native pony.

Although Japan's native horses are all short, no matter how short they are, they are still horses, possessing strength and speed that humans cannot match.

Looking around, countless horses were led out of the stables and galloped in the wilderness... This scene was so spectacular.

"An Yi intends to establish a firearms force. This is a very correct idea! In today's world, swords and swords have become outdated! Jiaqing, you are responsible for contacting Mr. Smith in the United States and tell him: I intend to deepen our relationship with him. Contact. Now deliver the inventory in the arsenal to Qin Jinfan!"

Another warehouse was opened.

Compared to the granary, the security level of the arsenal is undoubtedly much higher.

"Be careful! These are gunpowder!"

"Hmm...it's so heavy! Hey! Come with a few more people! We can't move such a heavy thing!"

"What is this? Why is it so heavy? Could it be a cannon?"

"Shh! Don't ask any more questions!"

The strong men carefully moved the large wooden boxes out of the warehouse.

At this time, suddenly, someone accidentally stepped on the air with his left foot and fell down.

The moment of imbalance prevented the others from reacting. The large wooden box they were carrying fell to the ground, the wooden lid flew out, and the contents inside rolled out.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dry straw.

But if you look closely, you can find shiny, brand-new rifles among these straw piles!

These guns are all advanced rifles that are currently making a splash in the American Civil War - the Springfield M1861 rifle!

The gun is a muzzle-loading rifled striker.

It is characterized by the use of minie bullets and flash caps.

Previously, all mainstream rifles in European countries were smoothbore guns, which had poor shooting accuracy and caused bullets to fly randomly from dozens of meters away.

The M1861 rifle can adopt a rifled structure after using Minie bullets. The accuracy of the bullets after firing is higher, especially the range is greatly improved.

The diameter of the cone-shaped bullet of the Minie bullet is slightly smaller than the diameter of the gun bore, which makes it easy to load the muzzleloader.

When using this kind of bullet, you need to bite open the paper package of the minie bullet and load the gunpowder and warhead respectively.

Loading muzzle-loading guns is relatively troublesome, but it is much faster than old-fashioned muzzle-loading guns.

In addition, the M1861 rifle uses a flash cap to fire, which is an upgrade compared to the flintlock rifle.

The failure rate of flintlock guns is relatively high, and even the best guns have a failure rate of one in ten.

For the M1861 rifle, the scale range is 500 meters, the relatively accurate range is directly increased to 200 meters, and it can fire 3 rounds per minute.

The old musket had a maximum range of about 200 meters, but soldiers could rarely accurately hit any target beyond 80 meters.

"Idiot! What do you do for food? Why can't you even move a box?!"

"I'm very sorry!"

They hurriedly cleaned up, stuffed the rifles that had fallen out back into the box, and then hurriedly carried them away.

In the 19th century, Europe and the United States were in a state of "vigorous vitality, all things competed", and the monster called "capitalism" was growing wildly.

In short, their market was in a wild state of "order in chaos, chaos in order; both chaotic and orderly".

As long as you have that money, you can buy almost any product you want in the market.

Therefore, if there is that way, it is not difficult to buy guns and cannons.

Not only can you buy them, but if your purchase volume is large enough, the merchant opposite may also package express delivery and free shipping.

In order to fight against the French Punishment Party, Huluwu will naturally not let go of the firearms, a killer weapon.

Under the instructions of Kinoshita Lin, Huluwu's purchasing ideas are very clear, and they do not engage in "international brands".

Whether it is a musket or a cannon, they all focus on one product.

The musket only buys M1861 rifles.

As for artillery, only the most advanced field artillery at the moment was purchased: the 10-pound Parrot rifled cannon.

This cannon also performed very well in the current Civil War. Both the North and the South were equipped with this cannon on a large scale, with a number of more than 700 guns.

The caliber of this artillery is 76 mm, and the weight of the shell is 4.5 kg. It is no longer a round shell.

The biggest feature of the Parrot rifled cannon is that it uses a rifled instead of a smoothbore.

After the shell is fired, the warhead expands under the action of gunpowder gas, thus embedding into the rifling to make the shell rotate, which greatly improves the accuracy and the range.

The theoretical maximum range of the Parrot rifled cannon is more than 4,000 meters, and the actual combat range is also about 2,000 meters.

The inventory of Huluwu is not much.

They can currently provide only 200 M1861 rifles to Qinjin Fan immediately.

As for the Parrot rifled cannon, there are only 5 of them.

Although the number is small, it finally allows Qingdeng to get rid of the dilemma of "no firearms"!

Kinoshita Rin gave precise instructions in an orderly manner.

Boss Kiryu and others listened attentively.

Those who received specific tasks—such as Mogami Yoshikiyo who was ordered to contact Mr. Smith in the United States—would stand up and say "yes" loudly.

After she finished speaking, she slowly turned her head and looked at Qing Deng beside her.


The sudden call made Qing Deng subconsciously straighten his back and look in the direction of the voice.

"I, an old woman, have done my best and have done everything I can. Next... it all depends on your performance."

"I won't tell you what to do, and I won't interfere in the internal affairs of Qinjin Domain."

"If you still fail to make some achievements immediately with my full support, I will be angry."

"In short, let's make Qinjin Domain a new look as soon as possible."

At this point, Kinoshita Rin paused.

Then, she curled her lips and changed to a half-joking tone:

"I am looking forward to it...looking forward to Qinjin Domain becoming a powerful country that is not afraid of any force!"

Qing Deng smiled slightly after hearing this, and then said passionately:

"Grandma, please be full of expectations. What I am best at is to exceed other people's expectations!"



Outskirts of Kyoto, Iwakura Village, the secluded place of Iwakura Tomomi——

Iwakura Tomomi: "..."

Kura Kogoro: "..."

The two sat face to face.

They stared at each other, and no one spoke.

Iwakura Tomomi sat crookedly, holding a pipe in his mouth, puffing out smoke with "puffs", "puffs".

In a moment, he suddenly grinned, as if he was talking to Katsura Kogoro in front of him, or talking to himself, and said faintly:

"I seem to be too arrogant..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I really underestimated Tachibana Aoto..."

"This guy... is really a monster!"

At this point, he suddenly pulled down his face, and his expression became particularly solemn and terrible.

"How did he do it...?!"

"Why can he persuade the big businessmen in Osaka to invest in him...?!"

"Damn...! My chessboard is messed up again...!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak-he squeezed the pipe tightly, and the pipe made a "squeak" sound that was overwhelmed.

Kura Kogoro said nothing, just kept silent, allowing Iwakura Tomomi to curse and vent.

About 5 minutes later, Iwakura Tomomi slowly stopped talking, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

After a while, he raised his eyes slowly and stared at Katsura Kogoro.

The violent look on his face had faded.

Instead, it was replaced by a bright and pleasant expression.

"Mr. Katsura, I am now a little interested in your proposal of 'secret cooperation between the court and Choshu'."


Katsura Kogoro still did not speak.

However, his slightly upturned lips had exposed his true feelings.



Satsuma Domain——

Saigo Yoshinosuke stood upright on the veranda, with his hands behind his back, facing the bright sunshine, and looking up at the courtyard with interest.

Suddenly, Komatsu appeared behind him with a sword.

"Saigo-kun, the Tosa samurai who calls himself 'Sakamoto Ryoma' is here again."

"He strongly claimed that 'Only by realizing the Satsuma Alliance and working together to overthrow the Edo shogunate can Japan have a glorious future."

Saigo Kinosuke raised his eyebrows:

"'Japan'? Ha, what a strange guy..."

As he spoke, he looked up at the boundless sky.

"...Komatsu-kun, drive him away. I have no need to see him right now."

Xiaosong narrowed his eyes with the knife and laughed dumbly:

"'Temporarily'...Okay, I understand."

After saying that, he bowed and then retreated into the far corner of the corridor in three steps and two steps at a time.

Saigo Kinosuke withdrew his gaze from the other party and looked into the distance.

After a while, he whispered softly at a volume that only he could hear clearly:

"'Sa Zhang Alliance'... It's not the best time to join forces yet..."

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Thank you book friend [Bing Wu Ye Yang]! Although he hasn't reached the chapter about Qingdeng's wedding yet, he has already drawn free fanart for the book of the heroines wearing white clothes! This book finally has fan art (Crying Leopard Head.jpg)

This book friend has already posted the picture in the comment area of ​​Qidian. Interested book friends can check it out! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

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