I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 787: The unrivaled one in Osaka, Kazuma Kazami! [4500]

Chapter 787 Keihan Wushuang·Osaka's Kirin'er, the wind sees a horse! 【4500】

"Aoto, look! That's the famous 'Dojima Rice Market' right there!"

"The price of rice in all parts of the world is based on the price of rice in the Dojima Rice Market!"

"To a certain extent, the stability of the Dojima Rice Market determines the safety of the entire world!"

“Continue walking along this street and you’ll reach the famous ‘Shinmachi’!”

"If you twitch your nose hard, you can smell the alluring fragrance of powder."

"Ah, Ayoto, don't worry, I will never let you go to Shinmachi!"

"If I find out that you have gone to Shinmachi or other places, I will inform Miss Chiba and Xiaoji as soon as possible, and file a complaint to grandma!"

"That magnificent, huge castle that reaches into the sky is Osaka Castle!"

"Unfortunately, this Osaka Castle was rebuilt by the Edo shogunate after the Toyotomi family was eliminated."

"The original 'Toyotomi Family Osaka Castle' has long been reduced to ashes in the 'Osaka Summer Formation'."

"It is said that the 'Toyotomi Family Osaka Castle' is far more magnificent than this 'Tokugawa Family Osaka Castle'. I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

"Aoto, did you know? It is said that 'Japan's number one soldier' ​​Sanada Yukimura is Chacha's lover! Toyotomi Hideyori's biological father is Sanada Yukimura!

"When the Toyotomi family was about to be destroyed, Sanada Yukimura hugged Chacha tightly and said, 'I Nobutano... will serve you until the end.' It's such a poignant story."

"But I also heard that Toyotomi Hideyori's biological father is not Sanada Yukimura, but Mori Katsunaga!"

"I always feel that all the 'Osaka Seven Generals' have an affair with Chacha... Who is Toyotomi Hideyori's biological father?"

After bidding farewell to the stranger, Aoto and Mai Kinoshita continued to visit the alleys of Osaka as planned.

Before setting off, Kinoshita Mai patted her chest and said to Qingnobo, "If you choose me as your tour guide, you will never be disappointed!"... Facts have proved that she was really not telling nonsense.

Because she grew up in Osaka, she has a deep understanding of this town.

She had at her fingertips all the important places in Osaka, as well as all kinds of unofficial history and rumors related to Osaka.

Just like right now - she is happily telling Qingdeng about Chacha's love story.

Chacha is the last mistress of the Toyotomi family.

According to legend, in order to consolidate her status, she gave Toyotomi Hideyoshi a huge cuckold so that she could get pregnant smoothly. Therefore, Toyotomi Hideyori, the second generation head of the Toyotomi family, was not Toyotomi Hideyoshi's biological father.

As for who Toyotomi Hideyori's "wild daddy" is, there are many versions, from "Osaka Sanye daddy" to "Osaka Nanye daddy", which makes people laugh.

Osaka was once the main city of the Toyotomi family, so there are many stories related to the Toyotomi family.

What "the bloodline of the Toyotomi family has not been cut off", what "the descendants of the Toyotomi family want to overthrow the Edo shogunate and restore the glory of the Toyotomi family"... all kinds of strange unofficial rumors made Aonto sigh with emotion: The imagination of the people is indeed rich!

Kinoshita Mai seems to be particularly fond of the Toyotomi family's unofficial history.

After getting up, she kept talking with bright eyes and was very enthusiastic.

Although the unofficial rumors mentioned by Kinoshita Mai are more nonsense than the last, and are comparable to "Nurhachi sells ditches to earn military expenses", Qingden still listens with interest.

First of all, he was happy to see Kinoshita Mai showing such a happy expression.

Secondly, these unofficial histories are quite exciting! Especially the anecdote about "Osaka Nanano Dad", Aonto was fascinated by it - no way, humans have always been fond of such stories.

Thirdly, he wanted to know more about this town.

In recent days, he didn't just focus on eating, drinking, having fun and enjoying the happiness of rich people every day.

Although with the stroke of Kinoshita Rin's pen, Calabash House and the Qinjin clan formed a close offensive and defensive alliance, the specific details of the cooperation - such as "how much food will be delivered on which days and months" - still need to be further discussed.

Ever since, Qingnobo's main work these days has been to meet, hold meetings, and negotiate with Kinoshita Rin.

How many meetings have you held and participated in these days? To be honest, Qingden has lost count.

In fact, it was not until this afternoon that this long and tedious work finally came to an end.

I just finished the work in Osaka today, and I have to rush back to Kyoto tomorrow... Aoto's schedule can be said to be full.

A "vacation" or something like that is simply a luxury.

Because he was so busy that he was able to visit Osaka, an ancient town with a long history, during the many days he came to Osaka.

Since Calabash House is already an ally of Qinjin Fan, he will probably visit this place frequently in the next few days.

All in all, it never hurts to know more about Osaka.

To be fair, Aomori quite likes Osaka.

In simple and easy-to-understand terms...Osaka has a lot of fireworks.

Even just walking on the streets at night, Ainoto can clearly feel that Osaka is very different from Edo and Kyoto.

Coincidentally, the "three capitals" represent three different cultures.

Edo represents the samurai culture of the gentry.

Kyoto represents the aristocratic public culture.

Osaka represents the culture of citizens and merchants.

In other places, the social hierarchical order of "scholars, farmers, industry and merchants" has always been maintained.

The only exception is Osaka - it is a "merchants, farmers and workers".

In Osaka, merchants hold an unparalleled lofty status, and the townspeople are proud to be merchants.

On the surface, Osaka is a land under the direct jurisdiction of the shogunate.

But in fact, Osaka is governed by the "Osaka Sango" organized by businessmen. It has a very strong tradition of citizen autonomy and is more like an autonomous territory.

The characteristics of citizen autonomy give Osaka a "freedom" that other towns and cities cannot match, and the political environment is very relaxed.

Because economic activities developed, the seeds of capitalism gradually emerged.

Giant merchants with capital and raw materials hired free-status townspeople to produce for market needs.

A large number of workshops with the characteristics of modern factories have appeared in Osaka town for a long time.

Economic prosperity, coupled with a relaxed political environment, has created a flourishing citizen culture.

The lights were bright and there was a buzz of people.

The streets and alleys are filled with various arts and crafts.

Hook up the tiles and hang the hairpins on the tiled houses to admire the flowers.

Perhaps it is because of this prosperity that Osaka people's way of dealing with others is so bold and special.

Qingdeng liked this kind of fireworks very much.

For him, if he is looking for a place to retire, Osaka is a very good choice.

At this time, Aoto was listening carefully to Mai Kinoshita's "Osakano History Lecture" and casually looking at the surrounding street scene——

"Ho...! Ho...! Ho...! Ho...! Ho...!"

With the blessing of "Perceiver of Wind +4", Qingden, who has excellent hearing, suddenly heard heavy breathing.

Qingdeng followed the sound - not far away, an old monk with a shiny bald head and worn shabby cassocks was holding the earth wall with both hands, and kept making rapid sounds that seemed to be mixed with sand. Gasps.

At this time, Kinoshita Mai also discovered the old monk.

She couldn't care less about her "Osaka Unofficial History Lecture" and hurriedly said to Aoshito:

"Qingdeng, look! That old monk seems a little weird!"

Qingden nodded.

"Well, let's go! Let's go see what's going on."

His words were obviously redundant.

Because he hadn't finished speaking, Kinoshita Mai had already strode towards the old monk.

Although he has temporarily "goed out of business" due to joining the Shinsengumi, the "cat monk" who hates hatred has always been an inseparable "half" of Kinoshita Mai.

How could she sit back and ignore someone when she saw someone in need of help?

She moved to the old monk's side like the wind, supported his shoulders, and asked eagerly:

"Sama, what's wrong with you? Do you need help?"

Qingden arrived slowly and helped the old monk with Kinoshita Mai.


After seeing the old monk's face clearly, Qingden raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise on his face.

He knows this person.

It was the "remnant of the Great Salt Party" whom I met by chance on my first day in Osaka.

Qingzhen remembered that his name was "Deng Wulang".

Qingdeng still remembers his story clearly.

26 years ago, he participated in the "Oshio Heihachiro Uprising" as a farmer.

As soon as the war started, the peasant army collapsed due to lack of organization. As a result, the army lost its morale and became powerless.

He was deeply ashamed of his original rout.

In order to atone for his sins, he became a monk and walked on the streets of Osaka every day, reciting sutras to pray for the martyrs who died heroically in the "Oshio Heihachiro Uprising".

Because this story was very touching, Qingdeng remembered the old monk firmly.

"Ho...! Ho...! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem...! Ahem...!"

Heavy breathing, interspersed with hoarse coughs.

His wheezing sounds of "ho, ho, ho" were like thick phlegm stuck in his throat, which he could not cough out or swallow.

After supporting the shoulders of the old monk... that is, Dengoro, Qingden was surprised by how thin his body was.

Because he was wearing a wide cassock, it was not obvious on the surface.

In fact, after touching it with my hands, I found that there was no flesh on his shoulders, and only hard bones could be touched, which was very painful.

At this time, Kinoshita Mai got a bowl of water from somewhere and handed it to Togoro.

"Come on, drink quickly. If you drink some water, you should feel better."

Togoro didn't care to speak, and after eagerly taking the bowl of water handed over by Kinoshita Mai, he started drinking "gudong, gudong".

In the blink of an eye, he drank the whole bowl.

"Thank you, thank you... you've been a big help..."

Togoro put down the bowl, wiped his mouth, and let out a long breath.

The wheezing stopped, the coughing stopped, and my complexion became much better.

"Huh? You are..."

Suddenly, he looked at Qingden with surprise.

"Do you know me?"

While Qingdeng asked calmly, he silently lowered the low-rimmed bamboo hat on his head.

"Of course I recognize it!"

Togoro grinned.

"A few days ago, that bastard introduced you to the 'Dayan Uprising' vividly, and shamelessly slandered Mr. Dashan - at that time, I had to thank you. Thanks to you for not helping that bastard, I was able to Teach that bastard a lesson."

Qingdeng laughed dumbly.

"You have such a good memory. Even though we just met by chance, you still remember me."

"Mainly because you are so tall, you impressed me deeply."

After saying that, he turned to look at Kinoshita Mai.

"Donor, thank you for the water. Thanks to your water, I am much better now."

"You're welcome! It's just a bowl of water. How do you feel now? I saw that you looked very uncomfortable just now. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Togoro waved his hand.

"No need, this is my old problem, and there is no cure for it."

"Besides...I don't have money for medical treatment."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and "showed" his dirty and worn cassock to the two of them.

While "showing", he turned his attention back to Qingdeng thoughtfully.

"Sir, judging from your accent, are you from Edo?"

"Well, yes, I am from Edo."

"So, are you a traveler?"

"Well, please forgive me for not being able to answer."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingdeng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment - why is this exchange so familiar?

It seems that this happened just now.

"Please forgive me for being an old monk, but I would like to ask you a question - have you ever seen a warrior with a hideous burn mark on his right abdomen who is good at using a spear?"

After Qingden heard this, he immediately turned his head and subconsciously turned to look at Kinoshita Mai beside him.

Coincidentally, Kinoshita Mai was also turning to look at him.

The two of them looked at each other and saw a look of helplessness and surprise in each other's eyes.

What happened tonight?

It was just a whim and I decided to go out to see the night view of Osaka.

I didn’t enjoy much of the scenery, but I helped two people who were in trouble, and both of them happened to be looking for someone.

Surprised, Qingdeng quickly adjusted his mood and replied unhurriedly:

"I know many warriors who are good at using spears, but I have never seen anyone with burn marks on the right abdomen."

Kinoshita Mai followed closely and shook her head:

"I haven't seen it either."

The old monk pursed his lips, the corners of his mouth pulled down, and his expression became gloomy.

"I see...I'm sorry for asking you weird questions."

After Kinoshita Mai hesitated for a while, she finally couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked aloud:

"Excuse me...Who is this person to you? Is he your son?"


Togoro repeated the word with an exaggerated expression and exaggerated tone, and then smiled up at the sky.

"Your Majesty, it's just the opposite!"

"He is not my son, he is my enemy!"

After he was done laughing, he lowered his head expressionlessly and sat down on the stone bricks next to him.

"...Two of you, have you ever heard of the 'Langhua Qilin'er'?"

Langhua - the ancient name of Osaka.

Qilin'er - refers to a child who is curious.

Qingto and Kinoshita Mai looked at each other again and shook their heads in unison.

"Ha... this name has indeed been forgotten..."

"fair enough!"

"This villain's name doesn't deserve to be passed down at all!"

He took several deep breaths to adjust his breathing that had become disordered due to emotion.

After he calmed down a bit, he continued:

"'The Kirin'er of Langka' - Kazami Kazuma, a samurai who was once famous in Kyosaka."

"At the age of only 13, I obtained the Hohoin-style spear technique, and then successively mastered Taneda-style, Shinten-style, Kugen-style and other spear techniques."

"He is born with supernatural power, and the spear that is difficult for ordinary people to control is as straight as a lamp grass in his hand."

"In order to maximize his power, he chose to use a large body gun as his weapon."

Tatsuki - A spear with a huge blade. Generally speaking, long guns with a blade length of more than 30 cm are classified as large guns.

"His sidearm is specially customized, with a total length of 9 feet (2.7 meters), and the length of the light blade is an astonishing 3 feet (90 centimeters)."

"Relying on his innate talent, he challenged the masters of spear skills everywhere and fought against all the invincible opponents in Keisaka. He was invincible, so he was dubbed the 'Keisaka Unparalleled'."

"And because he was born in Osaka, he soon received a new title: 'Kirin'er of Langka'."

"Honestly, when I was younger, I looked up to him."


Speaking of this, Togoro suddenly clenched his fists, his face turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead.

"When Mr. Oshio launched the uprising, he fought as a 'vanguard of the Tokugawa army' and changed from a brave and invincible samurai to an executioner who killed countless people!"

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