I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 792: All the vassals gather! To attend the wedding! [4800]

"Taro, Dad, I have to leave home for a while! When I'm not at home, you have to be a good boy and don't cause any trouble to your mother."

"Dad, where are you going?"

"Dad, I'm going to Otsu. I won't be back until the New Year."

"Otsu? Why do you want to go so far away?"

"The Qinjin vassal government is recruiting young men recently! The wages offered are quite high. I don't have anything else, but I have a lot of strength! So I have to prepare enough money for our family before the New Year."

"Open recruitment of young men? What is this for? Building a city? Or building a road?"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter what he does! As long as I'm paid enough, I can do it whether it's moving rocks or cutting down trees!"

"Mother, I'm leaving!"

"Oh...son, do you really want to go to Dajin?"

"Oh, mother, it's already this time, how can you pay back your mother-in-law?"

"Sigh... I'm not worried about you... Otsu is too far away. It's more than ten miles away. I'm afraid you might encounter some accident halfway..."

[Note: One mile in the Edo period is equal to 3.924 kilometers in modern times]

"Mom, don't worry! I'm not the only one going to Dajin! The two brothers from my neighbor's house, the big brother from across the street, and a few friends from the next village all want to go to Dajin with me! Let's go together and look after each other. , what could happen? So just relax!"


"Brother, do we really want to go to Otsu?"

"Of course! What? At this point, even the luggage and transportation are ready. Do you want to run away?"

"No, no! I will go wherever my eldest brother goes. I'm just worried... We brothers have no other skills except farming. Will they take us in?"

"Of course! The Qinjin vassal government has made it clear that 'restoring old fields and opening up new fields' will be the top goal of revitalizing the vassal state. They are in urgent need of farmers who are proficient in farming. Isn't this suitable for us? Besides, they opened it The wages are so high! Working there for a month is better than working here for three months!”

"But... I have never traveled far... Suddenly I have to go to such a far place, and I feel a little unsure..."

"Tsk, with me accompanying you, what are you afraid of? Brother, don't hesitate! We must seize this good opportunity this time! Earn money to repair the roof! The weather is getting colder and colder, it won't take long It will start to snow. If we don’t repair this broken roof, we won’t be able to survive the winter! Do you want to freeze to death at home?”

"No, I don't want to..."

"If you don't want to, then go to bed quickly! We'll be on the road early tomorrow morning!"

"I just heard on the street that Qinjin Mansion is recruiting experienced carpenters. I plan to give it a try."

"Eh? Qinjin Clan? Is it the Qinjin Clan of 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoden?"

"um, yes."

"Carpenter...Danna, you haven't done carpentry work for a long time, is that okay?"

[Note·Dana: Japanese women’s honorific title for their husbands]

"Anyway, let's give it a try first. As you know, the recent years have been very bad and money has become increasingly difficult to make. As long as there is an opportunity to make money, I am willing to give it a try."

"Son! Pack your bags! We, father and son, are leaving tomorrow!"

"Let's go? Where?"

"Go to Otsu!"

"Otsu? Why are you going to Otsu?"

"Of course I'm going to make money! The Qinjin vassal government is recruiting strong men, farmers, and skilled craftsmen of all kinds. This is a great business opportunity!"

"Business opportunities...? What business opportunities can this have?"

"Tsk! What do I usually say? If you want to make a lot of money, you must read more! As long as you read more, you will have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and rich knowledge! These two will help you have the ability to 'discover business opportunities' ! Son, let me ask you, do you know the ‘Mingli Fire’?”

"Hmm... Although I don't like reading, I still know this bit of common sense. Isn't it the incident caused by a burning sleeve during the Ming Li Period (1655-1657) that killed two-thirds of the people in the Jiang River? It was a big fire that burned the house to ashes.”

"Yes, do you know that after the fire subsided, in order to rebuild Edo, countless young men and craftsmen gathered in Edo. In order to meet the living needs of these people, izakayas, bathhouses, Okonokoro and other shops sprung up like mushrooms after a rain! A large number of merchants Benefit from it and make a lot of money!”

"Huh? So is there such a story behind the 'Mingli Fire'?"

"The impact of the 'Mingli Fire' goes beyond that! In the past, people only ate two meals a day, one in the morning and one at noon. Rebuilding a town was a hard job, and 'two meals a day' was simply not enough. We didn’t have the energy to work, so we changed to ‘three meals a day’. Over time, the ‘three meals a day’ lifestyle became popular.”

"Father, you are so knowledgeable..."

"Stop flattering me here! If you understand, hurry up and pack your bags! We are going to open a brand new izakaya in Otsu! I am sure that our business will be prosperous! Make a lot of money!"

"Y-yes! I'm going to pack my bags now!"

"Quick! Quick! Move fast! The key to doing business is 'speed'! If you have a quick hand, you will have a slow hand! Now there must be many colleagues rushing to Dajin, eager to get started! We have to rush over to 'grab the territory' OK! The opportunity to make money is always fleeting! If you miss it, you will get nothing!”

"I'm going!"

"Huh...huh...how far is it from Otsu?"

"Here we are! We've arrived in Otsu!"

"Wow, wow...! There are so many people! As expected of Otsu! There are so many people! Much more than the population of our village! This is the first time I have seen such a dense population!"

"Look! The light green Haori...is the Shinsengumi! It's the patrol team of the Shinsengumi!"

"He's so handsome...Okay, I've decided! If the Shinsengumi launches a new round of recruitment in the future, I will definitely apply!"

"Damn it! The people of Kyoto really live up to their reputation! They are all annoying! Since they are all here to recruit young men, why do you act like 'I am different from you' and 'we are noble people'? Arrogant Shit!"

"Attention! Get in line! Don't crowd! Craftsmen and people who are proficient in farming, please go this way! Ordinary strong men should go that way."

"Hey! What are you doing! No fighting! Quarrels and fights are strictly prohibited here!"

"You all should prick up your ears and listen! If anyone starts messing around again, our patrol team will send these disobedient guys to the prison to calm down!"

Kinoshita Rin's support for Qingto and the Qinjin clan can be said to be the best interpretation of the term "generous giving".

She did not say exactly how many supplies she donated.

But according to what Kiryu’s boss later revealed, she packed up almost half of Calabash House’s inventory and gave it to Qingto!

From Osaka to Otsu, the distance is not far and the road is not difficult.

Even with a slow carriage, 2 or 3 days are enough to travel back and forth between the two places.

But despite this, the huge transport team composed of hundreds of carriages took a total of more than half a month to finally transport the amount of supplies for that day!

The mission of the transportation team has been completed, but the "battle" in the finance room has just begun!

Following Elodie's example, all members of the finance office worked overtime and worked hard.

In the end, it took much less time than expected to bring this large-scale transportation project to a successful conclusion.

After stacking all the account books that are as thick as bricks, they look like a hill.

Thanks to Elodie's ability and the hard work of the finance office, the specific amounts of various materials sent by Kinoshita Lin were all taken care of and clearly counted.

Elodie recorded it on a piece of paper and made a simple "data sheet".

When this "data sheet" was handed to Qingdeng, even though he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but gasp!

Not to mention anything else, just the amount of "gold coins" and "rice" made him stunned!

1.32 million taels of gold!

Rice 2.82 million koku!

As for the amount of other supplies such as fodder, salt, sugar, etc., it is also staggering, so I will not go into details here.

How had Qingdeng ever fought such a wealthy battle?

Looking at the "data sheet" in his hand, Qingdeng couldn't help but recall the distant afternoon when he set out to form the Shinsengumi with a mere three thousand taels of start-up funds.

Looking back now, I feel really sad...

It has a sense of humor as if Tokugawa Iemo gave Aomori a branch and then said kindly, "Okay, you are already a mature hero, hurry up and defeat the devil!"

Although it sounds like a bit of a rustic to say this, Qingden has never seen so much money in his entire life!

Afterwards, he took some time and made a special trip to the warehouse.

Looking at the warehouse full of gold coins and rice, he stood there as if petrified, speechless for a long time...

The rich heritage of Calabash House opened his eyes again.

Of course, Kinoshita Rin's financial resources are not unlimited after all, and it is impossible for Qingto to take them all.

After delivering this batch of supplies, she would definitely not be able to organize the "second round of strategic transportation" in a short period of time.

However, no matter what, Qingdeng's goal has been achieved - the reason why he pushed hard for the alliance between Qinjin Fan and Huluwu was just for this moment!

Qin Jinfan is rich now! And he’s still incredibly rich!

In terms of cash and grain storage, I am afraid that even the shogunate with a large family and a large business, and the Satsuma Domain that has completed some modernization cannot be compared with the current Qinjin Domain!

The huge amount of money and food received made Aonto, Shannan Keisuke, Iwasaki Yataro and others full of energy, their whole faces glowed red, and they walked with wind.

They can't wait to start a big business quickly!

To use a vivid metaphor... Qin Jinfan is like a well-oiled machine, it is now running at full speed!

To restore old fields and open up new fields, farmers who are proficient in farming are needed.

Building forts and repairing roads require skilled craftsmen, including blacksmiths, carpenters, and stonemasons!

As for the strong men who are responsible for doing hard work, they are even more indispensable.

There is a huge gap in human resources.

With the small population in Qinjin Domain, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

So, under the leadership of Qingdeng, Shannan Keisuke came to draft the documents personally, and the Qinjin vassal government issued a "recruitment order" to all parts of the country!

Want money?

Want a job?

Then come to Qinjinfan!

Regardless of whether you are a civilian or a warrior, as long as you meet the requirements, feel free to come to Qinjin Fan! Not to be missed!

Under the influence of various factors such as "the invasion of foreign powers", "the destruction of the anti-war movement", and "the weakening of the shogunate's dominance", the living conditions of the Japanese people cannot be said to be in dire straits, but they can also be said to be in dire straits.

Leaving aside the farmers who have never experienced any good life, the life of the craftsman is really worse than the other day.

Even if they take the so-called "craftsman spirit" and "immortal culture" to the extreme, they still can't compete with the large Western factories.

In a word - there are so many "free people" who have lost their jobs and cannot find jobs due to the deterioration of economic conditions.

In this way, we can't imagine what kind of sensation it will cause when Qinjin Fan's "Recruitment Order" is announced to the outside world.

As expected - all of a sudden, countless young and vigorous people rushed towards Dajin with roars!

One after another, people flowed from different directions and different classes, converging towards the same place... This kind of scene is nothing short of spectacular!

This scene is very similar to the United States when it launched the "Westward Expansion Movement".

As this "Great Migration" unfolds, the total population of Otsu expands rapidly!

The original Otsu was just a peaceful town with a population of over 100,000, neither too big nor too small.

And now, its population has exceeded 200,000! And this number is still increasing rapidly!

Looking back on past history, Dajin has never been as "lively" as it is now.

Some businessmen saw the business opportunities and rushed to Dajin non-stop like cats smelling fishy smell.

Under their operation, the streets of Dajin are like mushrooms. A new shop will "grow" almost every night.

Izakaya, teahouses, bathhouses, and various restaurants...all have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

To be honest, these businessmen are really helpful.

First, they indirectly promoted the commercial development of Otsu.

Secondly, the restaurants, izakayas, and bathhouses they opened not only solved the problem of eating for the young men, but also effectively dispersed their energy.

As we all know, when a large number of young people gather together, if they don't find ways to consume their energy, these guys with excess energy may cause something to happen.

Money, food, manpower... resources are all available.

In this way, the much-anticipated "Qinjin Domain Construction" has officially begun!

Farmers picked up their farm tools and headed into the wilderness to renovate old fields and cultivate new ones.

Craftsmen picked up tools, made utensils, smoothed stone, and cut wood.

The young men were busy carrying rocks and wood, paving roads, and building houses.

Looking around, we can see that everyone is doing their duty and it is a lively atmosphere.

Inside and outside Ojin... no, it should be said that the entire Qinjin clan is filled with high-spirited and energetic "fireworks"!

Anyone who sees this scene will probably feel sincerely - Otsu is definitely the most dynamic town nowadays!

At the same time, almost everyone was convinced of the fact that the rapid rise of Qinjin Fan was a certainty!

The shogunate, Satsuma, Changshu, Huluwu... all the forces are paying close attention to the "big construction of Qinjin Domain". Some are happy and some are sad.

However, it didn’t take long for the world’s attention to be sucked away by a brand new breaking news——

"Nioh" Tachibana Aoden officially announced: He will hold a grand wedding ceremony on New Year's Eve! Officially married Chiba Sanako, Kinoshita Mai and Okita Tsukasa!

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the last day of Wenjiu's third year (1863) came quietly.

Wenjiu three years (1863), December 30 (New Year's Eve)——

Kyoto, Fushimi Inari Grand Shrine——

The wind is biting.

The cold and biting wind reminds people that "winter is here".

Today is New Year's Eve.

Logically speaking, on this day, every household should be busy making rice cakes, preparing Tusu wine, and decorating their doors. There is no free time to wander around in the streets.

However, this New Year’s Eve in Kyoto is extra special.

The area around Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine was filled with onlookers standing on tiptoes and stretching their necks.

"Look! It's Higo-sama's family crest! Higo-sama is here!"

"Isn't this a matter of course! How could the Lord of Aizu be absent from the wedding of the Lord of Qinjin Clan?"

"Wow! Look! It's the honor guard of the Kaga Domain! The 'Kaga Million Stones' are here too!"

The onlookers pointed their fingers at the flags within their field of vision, excitedly identifying the family crests on them.

Kaga Domain, Aizu Fan, Satsuma Domain... are all famous feudal domains.

Of course, in addition to these powerful vassals, the family crests of those vassals that have no sense of existence or are pitifully weak are also in everyone's sight.

For example, the Yonezawa clan, which is famous for its poverty and is extremely poor, is also included in this list.

Just today, at this ancient Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Aonto will hold their wedding.

At the wedding of the benevolent king, how could the vassals not show off their dignity?

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