I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 794 A unique grand wedding! [Leopard Update 7K1]

White clothes, charming makeup, graceful posture... The three girls, supported by their parents, slowly moved to Qing Deng's side.

From the moment the three girls appeared, Qing Deng seemed to have lost his soul. His eyes were straight, and he didn't blink. His sight was fixed on the figures of the three girls.

Seeing this, the boss of Kiryu on the side asked half-jokingly:

"Jujun, what's wrong? Are you dazzled?"

The words of the boss of Kiryu finally brought Qing Deng back to his senses.

He curled his lips and took several deep breaths to calm down his emotions, especially the heart in his chest that was beating hard and seemed to jump out of his throat.

"Yes, you are right."

"When I saw them, I was dazzled by the unprecedented beauty and almost fainted."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanako, who was standing next to him, said unhappily:

"Really... don't say such weird and disgusting things..."

Although she said this, her voice was faintly happy, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and her cheeks showed an expression of shyness that could not be hidden.

Kinoshita Mai and Souji were also in the same state, both of them showed shyness.

Dressed in pure white, with their hair tied up, and wearing a wide white cotton hat... The clothes the three women were wearing were the wedding dresses of the bride - the white wedding dress.

In ancient Japan, white was the color of the sun and was considered a sacred color. It was often used in priests' clothing and gradually evolved into a wedding dress for the bride.

The white wedding dress is a kimono that is all white from inside to outside, including the gown, the undergown, the belt, the cloth socks and even the small items worn.

The white color of the Shiromuku represents cleanliness and purity, and also means that it can be dyed into various colors after entering the husband's house, so that it is easy to integrate into the husband's house.

"Clothes make the man, saddles make the horse" - this old saying passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors is really true.

After changing into the Shiromuku, perhaps because of the style of the clothes, or perhaps because of the influence of the color, the temperament of the three women has changed significantly - becoming elegant and gentle.

In every gesture, there is a spring breeze-like tenderness.

Even the usual laughing and joking, the word "elegant" is the least related to the word Souji, now has become graceful and feminine.

Out of personal preference, Qing Deng particularly likes elegant and luxurious clothes like Shiromuku and Dafurisode.

And the flawless white like snow happens to be one of Qing Deng's favorite colors.

In other words, the current outfit of the three women perfectly hits Qing Deng's X fetish!

Therefore, what he just said, "I couldn't help but feel dizzy and almost fainted", is not a complete joke.

Until now, the heart in his chest is still beating hard, like a war drum, and the blood in his body is accelerating, and he has not been able to settle down for a long time.

Under the arrangement and dispatch of the shrine maidens, everyone took their positions and prepared to enter the shrine.

At this moment, Qing Deng seemed to have made up his mind, turned his head suddenly, and looked directly at the three women.

The three women noticed his sight at the first time, and they all turned their heads to look at him.

Looking at the three beautiful faces in front of him, Qing Deng showed an extremely serious expression and said word by word:

"Sanako, Awu, Xiao Si, you are very beautiful today!"

For women, the white wedding dress is an important costume that they only wear once in their lives.

Qing Deng had no way of knowing the mood of the three women now.

But he guessed: the first and last time they put on this holy costume that symbolizes happiness, they must be excited and looking forward to it besides being nervous.

As their husband, if he didn't say something at this time, it would be too unreasonable!

Just like that, Qing Deng held such a mood and said "You are beautiful" all at once.

After he finished speaking, he felt relieved immediately.

His sudden praise made the three women stunned for a moment, as if they were stunned, and they turned into clay sculptures and wooden sculptures one by one.

About 5 seconds later, the surprise finally turned into a sound:

Zuo: "Stupid, stupid! Why are you saying such weird and disgusting words again...!"

Wu: "Wuwu...! Thank, thank you..."

Si: "Hehehe~ Ju Jun, if you like my outfit, then I can wear it more often in private in the future~~"

Although the three women said different words, their expressions at the moment were very similar - their faces were visibly hot, and their eyes became chaotic and blurred due to strong shame.

The most shy Kinoshita Mai had the most intense reaction - faintly visible translucent steam floated out from her head, penetrated the white cotton hat, floated into the air, and did not dissipate for a long time.

It's no wonder they reacted like this.

After all... this place is "lively" now.

Qing Deng's relatives and friends (Kyubei, Shinsengumi generals), their relatives and friends... nearly a hundred people, all standing behind them, preparing to enter the shrine with them later.

In other words, Qing Deng just said something that they thought was very shameful in front of nearly a hundred people!

Those who have had similar experiences must understand this feeling.

The same embarrassing scene, showing it in front of strangers, may not feel strange.

But showing it in front of acquaintances - especially family members, will feel particularly shameful!

Since they can remember, the three girls have been deeply influenced by Confucian culture (Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism).

Therefore, they are used to being graceful and implicit.

They are really not used to this bold behavior of "saying you are beautiful in public".

Thinking that the series of interactions they had just had with Qingdeng were witnessed by their relatives and friends behind them, they instantly felt hot all over!

Even the jade feet wrapped in white socks unconsciously tightened their grip, and the cute silkworm-like toes clasped the flat clogs hard.

In fact, it was exactly what they expected - all the relatives and friends behind them showed playful reactions.

Or they pursed their lips; or looked away; or they covered their mouths with their hands, smothering their laughter in their palms... In short, they were all trying their best to suppress their laughter.

Of course, shyness is shyness.

Although Qingdeng's unexpected compliment caught them off guard, leaving them at a loss and blushing.

But apart from the shame, other emotions gradually appeared on their pretty faces.

While Sanako muttered "Really...", he raised his hands involuntarily, straightening the clothes on his chest and the white cotton hat on his head, smoothing out every wrinkle, as if he was trying his best to protect the beauty in Qingdeng's mouth. image.

At the same time, she quietly raised her gaze and glanced at Qingdeng.

When Qingdeng's majestic figure filled her eyes, her face turned even redder... Correction. A bit more pink.

Coincidentally, as if they had agreed in advance, Kinoshita Mai and Souji did the same thing - while adjusting their clothes, they peeked at Aomori, their cheeks turning red and their expressions weird.

Their coy looks seemed to be saying to Qingdeng: "Well... why don't you praise me a little more...?"

Compared with weddings in front of people, weddings in front of gods are undoubtedly much more complicated and time-consuming.

The process of the former is very simple - gather relatives and friends, read the wedding vows in public, then have a meal together and it's done.

If you find it too troublesome, you don't even need to read the oath, just call your relatives and friends together and let them see who your husband/wife is and what she looks like, and then you can enjoy the meal happily.

On the other hand, the processes and links of the latter are outrageous.

The first is "participation".

This is the first ceremony of a divine wedding.

The musicians played elegant music and walked in the front.

The groom, the bride, and their relatives and friends march toward the temple together.

In this way, "participation" begins.

This is not just a movement of place, it requires people to calm down and achieve a calm state of mind consistent with the ritual.

Because you are entering a sacred area where gods live, you cannot speak, let alone look around. You must concentrate and move toward the temple meticulously.

Now, Qingdeng and others are going through this stage.

With the bride and groom at the head of the team, the groom's relatives and friends stand behind the groom, and the bride's relatives and friends stand behind the bride. Everyone takes their places and lines up in two columns.

Since there were three brides and the groom had surprisingly few relatives and friends, the size of the two queues showed an overwhelming difference.

Qingdeng has neither parents nor any close family members, and the whole family has a sense of dilapidation that "will be cut off at any time."

Fortunately, the three friends of his late father, Takayuki Tachibana - Hideyuki Arima, Hanjiro Inotani, and Masaji Ushiyama - after receiving Aoto's invitation, they all put down their work and rushed to Kyoto to attend the banquet as scheduled. .

Thanks to their appearance, the "groom queue" behind Qingdeng was greatly enriched.

Because there is really a lack of elders, Qingto can only drag boss Kiryu to fill the scene.

There is a saying that "one day is a teacher, and all one's life is a father."

It wouldn't be a mistake for Boss Kiryu, who is a master, to serve as Qingto's parent.

Then, Aoto brought over the brothers including Shannan Keisuke, Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi, Toudou Heisuke and others.

In this way, his "group of relatives and friends" finally became somewhat larger.

By the way - in terms of actual status, Kondo Shusuke is considered Souji's adoptive father, while Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo and Inoue Genzaburo are considered Souji's adoptive brothers.

Therefore, the status of the four of them in today's wedding is that they are the family members of the General Secretary, and they are standing in the "bridal queue".

The positions of the "Groom's Queue" are roughly as follows:

Aoto Station is at the first place, followed by Boss Kiryu, followed by Arima Hideyuki, Inoya Hanjiro, Ushiyama Masaji, and then Kubei, Shannan Keisuke and others.

When Ayono specifically asked Kyubei to come into the "groom's queue", he was so frightened that he crawled to the ground and refused to accept it.

The reason he gave is simple - I am just a servant, how can He De join the young master's "group of relatives and friends"?

Although his attitude was very resolute, Qingdeng's attitude was even more resolute——

"Kyubei, don't worry about my mother-in-law and mother-in-law, I have always regarded you as a relative. In this case, how can I exclude you?"

In order to express his gratitude to this loyal old servant who never left the Tachibana family even when they were at their lowest, Qingden gave him the utmost respect.

Kubei was so moved that he burst into tears and almost fainted from tears... The specific details of this matter will not be stated for the time being.

After everything was ready, the leading musicians who stood at the front picked up their instruments and started playing gently.

The music is melodious and spreads to all directions.

Although this is a very solemn Gagaku from Shintoism, to be honest, Qingnobu really can't appreciate it.

At first glance, he always thought it was the sound of mourning music...

In this way, under the leadership of the musicians, the group walked slowly towards the temple.

After a while, the view suddenly broadened - in front of us was the beautiful temple, and at our feet was the spacious square in front of the temple.

The left and right sides of the square were already filled with dark guests.

When Qingdeng and others appeared, the whole audience suddenly heard a series of gasps.

Shock, envy, jealousy... bunches of eyes with different emotions fell on the bride and groom.

The reason why the guests reacted so loudly was not only because of the bizarre scene of "one groom and three brides", which was really unique, but also because the appearance of the bride and groom made it difficult for people to take their eyes away!

The groom is a majestic and heroic man among men.

The brides are even more incredible! What a beauty!

The charming face, coupled with the graceful and luxurious Bai Wugu...the two achieve the effect of "1+1\u003e2"! It makes people’s eyes almost blurry!

Not to mention that there are "the most beautiful women in Edo" who are extremely beautiful in the world.

The beautiful faces of the brides caused most of the "sharp eyes" at the scene to be directed towards Qingdeng.

To use an old cliche...if sight could kill, Qingden would have died hundreds of times.

Many male guests present all cast envious and jealous glances at Qingdeng.

One person possesses three stunning beauties... just imagining it makes one's teeth ache! I feel an indescribable sense of frustration!

In love, on the battlefield, in officialdom, you are proud of everything... Even if you are a strange man known as "The Incarnation of a Benevolent King", you will not be like this!

After "participating", comes "entering and taking a seat".

Qingdeng and the three women face the temple, with the groom sitting on the right in the front center and the bride sitting on the left.

The groom's family sits on the right side, and the bride's family sits on the left side, facing each other.

If there is a matchmaker, he will sit on the right side behind the groom, and the matchmaker's wife will sit on the left side. Since there is no matchmaker at today's wedding, these two seats will be empty.

However, if I have to say it... Aonto's matchmaker is actually Kiryu's boss.

That day, it was precisely because he walked into Thousand Things House that he got to know Kinoshita Mai.

That day, it was precisely because Boss Kiryu introduced him to the Trial Guard Hall that he was able to get to know Souji and then Sanako.

It is no exaggeration to say that Boss Kiryu is the "original point" connecting Qingto and the three girls!

Thinking of this, Qingden couldn't help but sigh: Boss Kiryu's help to him was almost equivalent to the kindness of reinvention.

After everyone was seated, they entered the third step: purification.

The so-called "Shuzhen" is a Shinto ritual to pray to the gods to absolve you of sins and stains.

Qingto and the three girls stood up and bowed under the instructions of the shrine maiden.

The master of the zodiac took out a skewer of "marijuana" and recited the ancestral words in a singing-like tone to rid the bride and groom of "impurity":

"By the orders of the high-ranking god Raki-gami Rumei, and the order of the emperor's ancestral god Izanagi, Awa-kihara built the Purple Hinata Orange Gate, and the great gods of the Ushu who were born from the purification of the evil spirits, purify and purify all disasters and sins. Dirty, I am afraid to worship the eight million gods of Tianjin Kingdom in Tianjin, and they are begging like a spotted horse in the sky and listen to them..."

After the purification ceremony is completed, it is the turn of the bride and groom to offer their congratulations to the gods.

"Blessings" refer to the prayers that the bride and groom report to God and wish for eternal happiness.

First, everyone stands up and bows under the instructions of the miko.

Then they recite blessings together and report to the gods, hoping for eternal happiness.

Because marriage requires the support of family, relatives, and friends, all relatives and friends present must listen to the congratulations with gratitude.

Qingdeng kept thinking to himself while reciting the congratulations:

Inari is the god of grain and food, responsible for harvests.

Is it really useful to pray to the "God of Agriculture" for a happy marriage?

While he was thinking this, the wedding began to enter the next stage: the witch dance.

As the name suggests, this ritual involves dancing to the gods.

Musicians use dragon flutes, bamboo flutes and phoenix shengs to play elegant music.

The witches in white clothes danced gracefully to the music and performed the "Dance of Enrichment".

Simply put, this is a dance that blesses the bride and groom.

As soon as he saw the witch, Qingdeng subconsciously thought of Tianzhangyuan.

Based on his friendship with Tokugawa Iemo and Tenzouin, there was no reason not to invite the mother and son to his wedding.

Tokugawa Iemo declined bluntly - this was what Aomori expected.

Nowadays, Hitotsubashi Kei has become a public servant, Matsudaira Harugaku has resigned, and the "Topsubashi faction" is in decline... For the first time since taking the throne, Tokugawa Iemo has integrated the forces of various factions in the shogunate and became a [real] general who conquered barbarians.

If he does not firmly grasp this rare window period, step up efforts to clean up bad governance and enhance his strength, then his years of forbearance and hard work will probably be in vain.

At this critical moment, countless government affairs piled on Tokugawa Iemo's desk.

He has so many things to do right now, and he really doesn't have the time to come to Kyoto.

However, as compensation, he sent Qingdeng a congratulatory gift - a lot of supplements.

Korean ginseng, high-grade wolfberry, tiger penis, deer penis, bear penis... to name a few.

When he saw these supplements, Qingden subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth.

He vaguely seemed to hear Tokugawa Iemo saying to him: Come! You are welcome! Take all these supplements quickly! Hurry up and give birth to an heir!

Then again, Qingden has never been "whipped" in his entire life.

Not to mention eating it, I haven't even seen it.

Therefore, although he felt complicated, he still silently accepted Tokugawa Iemochi's gift and prepared to taste these delicacies slowly later.

By the way, he was just curious about the taste of these supplements, and he had no other thoughts.

Compared with Tokugawa Iemochi's clear refusal, Tenshoin gave a vague response: If I have time, I will come quietly~~

As an old acquaintance of the other party, Qing Deng knew Tenshoin very well.

With her quirky and playful personality, she would not make a sound even at the wedding scene, and would definitely hide secretly, and then wait for an opportunity to give Qing Deng a "surprise".

In fact, the reason why Qing Deng left the room and went outside just now, in addition to killing time, was to find Tenshoin.

Unexpectedly... Tenshoin was not found, but instead ran into the "bride's relatives and friends" headed by "Chiba"...

Soon, the dance of the shrine maidens ended.

In the previous stages, the clergy of the shrine were basically busy.

There was "purification" and "dance".

Qing Deng and others basically sat there all the time, with nothing to do.

Fortunately, after the shrine maidens finished their dance, the bride and groom's sense of participation will be greatly increased in the next stages.

The first is the "oath cup ceremony".

Simply put, it is to drink from the same cup.

This "cup-to-cup wine" is not the same as the other "cup-to-cup wine". It is not that the man and woman drink with their arms around each other. It has a whole set of complex steps.

The official name of the ceremony is "Three Three Nine Degrees of Cup", or it is called "Three Offerings Ceremony".

The bride and groom exchange three cups of wine in front of the god to prove the couple's eternal contract.

The exchange of wine cups has a fixed order - the first cup is the groom → the bride, the second cup is the bride → the groom, and the third cup is the groom → the bride.

Odd numbers were auspicious numbers in ancient times, so "using three wine glasses and drinking three times from each glass" was considered a good omen. Each wine glass was exchanged three times, which was nine times.

The shrine maiden who poured the wine would tap the wine bottle three times, and then really pour the wine for the last time.

When the bride and groom drank, the first two sips were to the extent of touching the wine glass with their mouths and pecking it lightly, and then they drank it with the third sip.

The first cup was to pay tribute to the gods who cared for the newlyweds.

The second cup was to pay tribute to the parents who raised them.

The third cup was to pay tribute to relatives and friends.

In this way, each glass of wine had a very profound meaning.

Qing Deng held a bright red exquisite wine glass, and the shrine maiden beside him poured wine for him with gentle movements.

The wine glass was originally very small, and the shrine maiden would not fill it up, but only half of it.

With such a small amount of wine, it was at most half a mouthful.

Qing Deng followed the etiquette obediently, drank the wine glass upside down three times, and then passed it to Kinoshita Mai on the left.

The seating order of Qing Deng and the three women is as follows: from right to left, they are Qing Deng, Kinoshita Mai, Souji and Sanako.

There is no special meaning behind this seating order, it is simply arranged in the order of "getting acquainted with Qing Deng".

Qing Deng first met Kinoshita Mai, then Souji, and finally Sanako.

In this way, the big problem of "who will sit next to Qing Deng" can be solved fairly, and no one will complain.

The shrine maiden moved to Kinoshita Mai's side and poured wine for her.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

Suddenly, Qing Deng heard a strange sound.

At first, he thought it was a bee.

But after looking in the direction of the sound, he found that it was not the bee's buzzing, but Kinoshita Mai's hand shaking...

Fortunately, the wine in the glass was not full, only half, otherwise it would have spilled all over the floor - at this moment, Qing Deng seemed to understand why the shrine maiden only poured half a glass of wine.

Kinoshita Mai's hands were shaking so badly that they were like a sieve.

So much so that after she took the wine glass, the glass made a strange "buzzing" sound in the intense shaking.

Qing Deng couldn't see Kinoshita Mai's expression because it was covered by a large white cotton hat.

But he guessed that her face must have turned pale due to extreme nervousness.

The magnificent temple, thousands of guests, and a once-in-a-lifetime wedding... It was inevitable that the introverted Kinoshita Mai would feel nervous.

Seeing this, Qing Deng lowered his voice and comforted her softly:

"Awu, don't be afraid, just follow the process I just did."

After listening to Qing Deng's encouragement, Kinoshita Mai's "hand shaking" was slightly better.

She closed her eyes, quickly drank the wine in the glass in three gulps, and then passed the glass to the next person, Souji.

Qing Deng thought that Souji, who was carefree and informal, would not feel nervous.

But I didn't expect——

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

The same "bee buzzing"...

However, although she was nervous, her movements were not slow at all.

As soon as she took the wine glass, she drank the wine according to the procedure, and then passed the wine glass to the last person.

Before taking the wine glass, Sanako muttered in a helpless and confident tone:

"Really... Why are you so nervous? It's just a marriage, it's no big deal."

As she said, she stretched out her slender jade hand with high spirits and took the wine glass in her hand.


Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

Aoto: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: "..."

Souji: "..."

The man and two women had no expression on their faces, staring at Sanako, who was motionless except for her hands shaking wildly, as if she was petrified.

Sanako stared at the wine glass in her hand, neither making a sound nor moving.

After a while, she drank the wine quietly, and then calmly handed the glass back to the miko.

Qingto belatedly discovered that Sanako's nerves were quite strong - even after being slapped in the face by the speed of light, she could still put on a calm look of "nothing happened".

Finally, after changing three wine glasses and everyone drank nine drinks, the "oath-taking ceremony" ended.

After that, there is another very important and indispensable link - the reading of the oath.

Just from the name, you can recognize the content of this link.

The groom took out the vows he had prepared in advance and read them out in front of everyone.

Interestingly enough, Aoto's oath was written by Kiryu's boss.

"I have attended many people's weddings before, so I learned how to write wedding vows." - Boss Kiryu said.

As expected of Boss Kiryu! I can even write wedding vows! ——Aoto sighed while entrusting this important task to Boss Kiryu.

I don’t know whether it was to increase the sense of ceremony or something else, but the oath personally made by Kiryu’s boss was actually written in the ancient Japanese language from a thousand years ago...

Qingdeng didn't recognize most of the words in it.

He practiced it many times before he finally read the oath smoothly.

Qingdeng took out the neatly folded oath from his arms, unfolded it, cleared his throat, and then said loudly and clearly:

"Choose this auspicious day to hold the wedding."

"From now on, we must love each other, form a family, share joys and sorrows, and live forever."

"May we always be happy, and we pledge this together."

"The third year of Wenjiu, December 30th."

"Husband: Yuan Ju stays with you Qingden Shengqing."

After Qingdeng finished speaking, the three women followed up and said loudly:

"Wife: Chiba Sanako."

"Wife: Mai Kinoshita."

"Wife: Tsukasa Okita."

There was a mishap in the last chapter. The parents of the three daughters should be from the "mother's family", not the "law-in-law's family".

The virgin leopard is stupid! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg) Leopard Leopard has corrected this flaw at the speed of light!

Today is another 7K update from Leopard! For the sake of Leopard’s updates for two consecutive days, please be sure to vote for this book!

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