I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 797 Qingdeng's Longest Night [7100]

Chapter 797 Qing Deng's longest night... [7100]

Qing Deng felt a sting on his skin... Ah Wu's gaze hurt him.

Whenever Ah Wu showed this "dull eyes", Qing Deng would involuntarily feel a creepy feeling in his heart...

How many times had he and Souji experienced that?

How could he possibly remember!

However, there was only one thing he was sure of - he and Souji had "entangled" more than 100 times...

Qing Deng, who was just in his early twenties (21), was at the age of blood and energy.

On this basis, he also had the blessing of the talent "Yuan Yang +7".

[Note·Yuan Yang: The kidneys are not easy to get sick, and the kidney energy is much fuller and healthier than that of ordinary people. ]

Before this talent was upgraded, Qing Deng felt that his whole body was full of endless energy. If he was slightly "stimulated", he would feel a severe "burning" in his lower abdomen.

And now, after many upgrades, this talent has a "+7" suffix...

To be honest, it is difficult to describe how vigorous Qing Deng's current blood and energy are in specific words...

As we all know, due to regular exercise, high metabolism, rapid secretion of hormones, etc., martial artists' desires in "that aspect" are much stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, although it is a bit rude to say this, Souji's "hunger" is not weaker than Qing Deng!

Ordinary Souji may not be abnormal.

But whenever Qing Deng "finds" her, she always shows an exceptionally enthusiastic attitude!

Even in many cases, it is Souji who takes the initiative to "find" Qing Deng.

As Souji just said, because of her ordinary background, she is not a noble daughter, and has been deeply influenced by the citizen culture since childhood, so she is very open in "this aspect".

Over time, the two of them even developed a set of code words.

"Um... Tachibana-kun, my bear strap is a little loose..."

Whenever Souji whispered this to Aoto, the latter would nod in understanding, then take the former's hand and quietly walk into a nearby empty room or a dark corner where no one passed by...

In this way, they turned into "explorers" and explored every corner with "possibilities".

Before going to Kyoto, they left their traces in various hidden places in the test guard hall.

After arriving in Kyoto, they did the same and explored every corner inside and outside the garrison.

Thanks to Aoto's "Wind Perceiver +4" and "Dog's Nose", his perception is extraordinary.

[Note: Dog's Nose: The sense of smell is enhanced, and the brain's ability to process "smell" information is enhanced. The brain will not have difficulty processing excessive information due to the enhanced smell. ]

Whenever an outsider approaches, he can always find and avoid it in the first time.

Therefore, up to now, no one has ever seen him tightening Souji's bear strap again.

Both sides are young people who are vigorous, strong, and full of interest in "that aspect"...

It is not difficult to imagine that every time they "meet in private", they will cause a strong reaction like dry wood and raging fire!

If there is enough time, it is not uncommon for the two of them to "toss" for a whole night!

Although Souji is a martial arts prodigy that is rare in ten years, in terms of physical strength and energy, Qing Deng, who has nearly a hundred talents and is no different from a mutant, is better.

So every time they "meet in private", the final situation will be "Souji is exhausted, Qing Deng is still unsatisfied".

The long silence of Qing Deng and Souji makes the "aura" of Sanako and Awu more intense...ah, no, it should be said that it is more terrifying.

Awu's small half of the face is hidden in the darkness, and the eyes seem to be covered by a translucent film, completely losing the crystal brilliance of the past, and the body seems to be surrounded by a storm-like low pressure.

Sanako lowered her eyelids, continued to stare at Souji's side face, and leaned forward, slowly approaching him, silently exerting pressure, her tall nose almost poking Souji's cheek.

Just as Qing Deng racked his brains and tried desperately to think about how to get through this difficult time -

"Ah... never mind."

Suddenly, Sanako sighed lightly.

"At this point, it's meaningless to pursue these things."

As she said this, she retracted her leaning body, sat back to her original position, and turned her eyes away from Souji.

Ah Wu turned her face in surprise, looking at Sanako who suddenly "betrayed" with a surprised face.

Sanako continued the conversation with a calm expression.

"From now on, we and Xiao Si are a family."

"In this case, the three of us should work together to prevent internal strife."

"And...even if we only talk about the deep friendship between Xiao Si and me, I don't want to blame Xiao Si."

It must be said that these words are very much in the style of Sanako.

As a textbook-level Yamato Nadeshiko, the concept she has accepted since childhood is to be a perfect and virtuous wife.

Help her husband manage the family, promote friendly relations between wives and concubines, so that her husband can focus all his energy on his career without any worries.

After listening to Sanako's words, Awu looked hesitant.

Sometimes she bit her lower lip lightly, and sometimes continued to cast a "deep" look at Qing Deng.

It was obvious that she didn't seem to be willing to let Qing Deng go.

However, her eyes gradually regained clarity, no longer chaotic just now.

At this time, Sanako frowned again and said in a serious tone:

"Tachibana-kun, I didn't get angry because the target was Koji."

"If it was anyone else, I wouldn't let it go so easily."

"From now on, don't let me find you in and out of the brothel or the casino."

"Ama and Koji are fine, but I can't accept you playing with prostitutes."

As soon as Sanako finished speaking, Qing Deng straightened his back instantly and said loudly with a righteous face:

"Of course! I promise you that I will never have an affair with a prostitute in my life!"

Qing Deng didn't like brothels in the first place, so his words were not nonsense made up to fool the other party, but the truth from the heart.

While making a firm promise, he felt that the big stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground, thinking that he should be safe now.

For the first time, he felt that Sanako, who always tried to make plans, was so considerate!

Thanks to her understanding, his heart, which had been beating "boom", slowly stabilized, and the cold sweat that almost soaked his pajamas, also slowly stopped.

Coincidentally, as soon as Qing Deng finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the window.




Suddenly, a sharp sound like a whistling arrow sounded in the sky.

Immediately followed by a huge explosion-like sound.

At the same time, colorful lights shone in from the window, illuminating the faces of Qing Deng and others.

Qing Deng and others subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound-it was so lively outside the window!

Bunches of fireworks soared up with a whirring sound, and after reaching the highest point, with a "pop", they turned into countless colorful flowers.

Red, yellow, white, blue... colorful and gorgeous.

The dazzling light dispelled the darkness and ushered in the day.

As the fireworks rose into the sky one after another, the excited shouts of children could be faintly heard from afar.

Looking at the lively scene outside the window, Qing Deng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed a few times in a self-deprecating way:

"I almost forgot... Today is New Year's Eve..."

As he said, he opened the Tang cabinet next to him and took out a simple pocket watch from it - the hour hand and minute hand overlapped, no more, no less, exactly 0 o'clock.

So, it is no longer December 30, 1863, but January 1, 1864!

[Note: The Edo period adopted the lunar calendar, so there was no 31st of each month, only the 29th or 30th]

"Tachibana-kun, Ama, Sanako, happy New Year!"

Souji's hearty voice attracted the attention of Qing Deng and others.

Sanako and Ama looked at each other, and then sent sincere New Year's greetings one after another.

Qing Deng looked at the three girls, then put away his pocket watch with a peaceful smile.

"Well, happy New Year!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he unconsciously let out a long breath - he couldn't help but recall the past year.

In general...this year is really busy.

At the beginning of the year, the Shinsengumi was formed, and he ran around to strengthen the Shinsengumi, and in the middle of the way, he quelled the rebellion in the Iga region.

In the middle of the year, he united with the Aizu and Satsuma domains to launch the "August 18th Coup", expelled the Sonnō Faction from Kyoto, and at the same time annihilated the Tenchugumi that was rebellious in Yamato with thunderous means.

At the end of the year, he was busy building the Qinjin Domain, and finally facilitated the union of the Qinjin Domain and Huluwu. At the same time, on the last day of the year, he successfully held a wedding with his three daughters.

Although it was an extremely busy year, it was also a year full of meaning.

This year, he became the Gyeonggi Sustainment Envoy who guarded the Gyeonggi region.

This year, he became the head of the Hachioji Thousand People who controlled the Kanto Gate.

This year, he became a daimyo who ruled a region and owned 300,000 stones of fiefdom.

This year, his dream of "forming a big family" was finally realized.

It was only a year, but many things happened.

Compared to a year ago, Qing Deng is now a completely different person.

Not only has he become a unique pillar of the shogunate and a high-ranking official, but he has also married three beautiful wives.

Some people say that Qing Deng is "successful in love, battlefield, and officialdom" - this is really not an exaggeration!

In the eyes of others, Qing Deng is now a winner in life who is hard to match.

Not to mention chasing him! I don't even have the courage to be jealous of him!

After wishing each other a happy new year, the man and three women looked out the window again and quietly watched the fireworks.

In the Edo period, the scene of "large fireworks" was not common, and only during the New Year and fireworks festivals could one have a chance to see it.

The repeated flickering of the sparks made people intuitively feel that the old year had passed and the new year had arrived.

Of course, Qing Deng and others did not spend too much time enjoying the scenery.

After all... tonight is the "wedding night"!

Suddenly, Sanako murmured softly in a mosquito-like low tone:

"A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold... I can't dawdle any more..."

Awu and Souji did not hear her voice.

Qing Deng, who had sharp ears due to his talent "Wind Perception +4", heard it clearly.

When Qing Deng looked at her curiously, he saw that she seemed to have made up her mind. She sat up straight with her clothes straightened, her legs together, and her hands folded naturally on her thighs.

Then, she faced Qing Deng, placed three fingers on the ground, and bowed her upper body solemnly and slowly-

"I am not talented, please give me more advice in the future!"

She buried her head very low, revealing her smooth and white neck, and the two sides of her chest opened slightly under the influence of gravity, revealing the deeper, looming beautiful scenery.

Sanako's action made Qing Deng and the other two women stunned.

Then, Qing Deng remembered half a beat late-in ancient Japan, a woman with a little education would say this solemn word to her husband on the "wedding night" like a vow.

Seeing this, Ama and Souji blinked their beautiful eyes a few times, then as if they had come to their senses, they hurriedly straightened their postures, and then followed suit and lowered their upper bodies:

"I am not talented, please give me more guidance in the future!"*2

Looking at the three women who all lowered their bodies and put on a respectful posture, Qing Deng felt flattered and at a loss.

He really didn't understand how he, as a husband, should respond after his wives said this...

- What should I say now?

- I can't just say "My dear wives, please stand up?"

Just as Qing Deng was thinking to himself, Sanako, who was opposite him, suddenly straightened up.

"Okay... I have done all the etiquette."

When she sat up again, her expression turned back to a cold and indifferent look.

She stared at Qing Deng, and then asked him a knife-like question:

"Ju Jun, there is a question that I have been wanting to ask since just now - why do you have such a 'relieved' expression? "

She tilted her head and looked at Qing Deng with a strange look, her eyes flashing with puzzlement.

"You seem to have made a mistake."

"I just said that I would not blame Xiao Si, when did I say that I would let you go?"

"You said 'I love you', but you left me and A Wu behind and secretly had fun with Xiao Si..."

"I can't let you go so easily."

"You actually want to get away with it... You are too optimistic, aren't you?"

The more Sanako spoke, the lower and colder her tone became, as if her words were filled with frost.

This moment... It was really in an instant! Qing Deng's body suddenly froze as if it was cast with a petrifying magic!

The cold sweat that had just stopped, surged again.

Qing Deng subconsciously raised his eyes and cast a look of help to Souji.

Oh, this ceiling is too ceiling-Souji looked up at the ceiling with an "innocent" face, his eyes did not blink, and completely ignored Qing Deng's distress signal.

Ever since Sanako "betrayed" her, Ah Wu's cheeks have been depressed.

And now, she was stunned at first, and then showed a happy expression half a beat later, and the depressed look on her face was swept away.

She and Sanako cast a "deep" look at Qing Deng together, and their eyes became terrifying and horrifying again.

Maybe they sensed the danger... At this moment, the "battle instinct" accumulated from years of fighting played a role!

Qing Deng felt the hairs on his body stand up! The heart beat rapidly, "boom, boom, boom", playing a warning signal, and a chill rose from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to the top of his head.

In the blink of an eye, his body took action before his consciousness did - he instinctively retreated.

However... it happened in a flash! As soon as Qing Deng retreated, he suddenly felt a fragrant breeze rushing towards him - Sanako pounced on him like a hungry tiger and grabbed his shoulders.

Then there was a muffled "pop" sound, and she pressed Qing Deng on the tatami.

Then, she sat on Qing Deng's belly.

The two formed a "woman on top, man on bottom" position.

"Tachibana-kun, don't be nervous."

Sanako said with a sweet smile, comfortable and sunny, without a trace of coldness just now.

Thanks to the bright fireworks outside the window, Qing Deng was able to see Sanako's expression at the moment.

She pursed her red lips and tightened her facial lines... It was not difficult to see that she was trying to pretend to be calm.

What a pity... No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide the bright pink and the strong shyness.

Qing Deng didn't know if it was his illusion.

He always felt... there seemed to be a strange "flame" burning in Sanako's beautiful eyes...

She squinted her eyes as if to suppress her shyness, hiding her eyes, staring at Qing Deng who was still dazed under her, and said gently:

"After all, I'm not a devil, so I won't do anything rude."

"Since you always secretly had fun with Xiao Si behind my and A Wu's backs, the solution is also very simple."

"You should pay us back all the money you owe us tonight...!"

The moment she finished speaking, Sanako slowly lowered her upper body...

Under the brilliant light of the fireworks, the two figures merged into one...



In the early morning of January 1, 1864--

The golden sun showed its face from behind the dark blue mountains in the distance.

In an instant, the warmth of the morning sun dispelled the night's chill.

The sun flowed across the earth, casting sparkling golden light, dyeing the clouds in the sky red.

All the myriad things on the earth were wrapped in its golden-red brilliance.

Qing Deng felt his face getting hot.

Looking up, he found that a beam of sunlight penetrated the window and hit his face squarely.

He climbed out of the bed weakly, rubbing his tired eyes while turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Hmm... it's dawn..."

Due to excessive fatigue, Qing Deng's sense of time has become a little strange, and he can't tell what time it is now.

He felt dizzy, as if Venus was flying in front of his eyes, and his vision was covered with a faint "green film".

He didn't even know if he slept last night.

He slowly put on his clothes, moved to the window, and quietly watched the sunrise of the New Year - before getting up, he helped the three girls tuck in the quilt.

The sun first appeared as a golden edge that quietly emerged, then gradually smudged the sky, and finally turned into a golden round wheel.

The sky was clear and blue, the sky was high and the air was clear, and the breeze was blowing... As far as the New Year's sun was concerned, this was indeed a good omen.

This refreshing weather makes people feel happy just by looking at it.

——This year, I... must continue to work hard!

Qing Deng made up his mind while looking at the new year's sun.

From now on, he is no longer alone.

From now on, he has three more close family members around him!

When he thought of this, Qing Deng felt a warmth in his chest, as if he had ignited endless power.

Suddenly, a weak voice sounded behind Qing Deng:

"Tachibana-kun... Good morning..."

Qing Deng raised his eyebrows and looked back.

"Sanako, good morning, you woke up so early?"

"I didn't sleep at all... We just stopped just now, how could I have time to sleep...?"

As she said this, she put on her clothes and got up with difficulty.

Before she could stand firmly, she stumbled and fell straight onto the tatami.

Seeing this, Qing Deng immediately stepped forward and supported Sanako at the critical moment.

"Sanako, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Sanako rubbed her head and said tiredly:

"I'm fine... just... a little weak..."

"Well... how should I put it, Sanako, you... surprised me."

Qing Deng thought for a long time before finally saying "you surprised me".

In fact, it was just as Qing Deng said - in the past few hours, Sanako surprised Qing Deng.

Hearing this, Sanako glared at him fiercely, and then said unhappily:

"I want to see the sunrise... help me to the window..."

Qing Deng nodded hurriedly, carefully helped her back to the window.

Looking at the bright sun in the distance, Sanako's lips were slightly smiling, and her face regained some color.

"It's so beautiful..."

She seemed to realize something, and after a pause, she changed to a philosopher's tone.

"After the 'wedding night' comes the first day of the new year... I feel strangely emotional...

"Just like the 'new year' has arrived, I, Sanako, have also become 'brand new'..."

At this time, there was a rustling sound behind Qing Deng again.

"Hmm...? Tachibana-kun, Miss Sanako, you are awake...?"

"Mmm...ah...it's dawn..."

Souji and Awu opened their blankets and sat up at the same time.

Souji was fine. After waking up, she was completely distracted by the sunrise outside the window.

"Oh! What a beautiful sunrise!"

She wrapped herself in clothes casually, jumped to the window, held the window frame with both hands, and watched the view intently.

On the other hand, Awu - she had just woken up, and she cast a complaining look at Sanako.

"Miss Sanako...what should I say to you? "

"Last night, I was secretly delighted when I learned that you were unwilling to let Qing Deng go easily."

"I had thought about joining forces with you to beat Qing Deng up."

"I didn't expect... the revenge method you thought of was actually this form..."

"I was dragged into it without knowing why..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped talking - the next breath, she raised her lips and showed a mischievous smirk.

"Well... I expected you to make such a decision."

"After all, not long ago, I saw you secretly use the corner of the Tang cabinet..."

When she said this, Kinoshita Mai paused and stopped talking, leaving enough room for imagination.

However... even so, Sanako was still very excited.

"Ah ... "

Sanako suddenly made a loud noise.

She was too weak to move just now, but now, as if assisted by God, she suddenly regained her strength, opened her eyes wide, and rushed towards Kinoshita Mai, covering her mouth with force.

Qing Deng also became alert.

Hey! Don't say half of the words! 'The corner of the Tang cabinet', and then what? - Qing Deng wanted to ask loudly, but after seeing Sanako's intense reaction, he buried this question in his heart.

-When there is a chance in the future, I will ask Ah Wu again...

He thought to himself.

It was noisy and particularly noisy.

On the first day of the new year, the Tachibana residence was particularly lively... This can be regarded as a good thing!

After deleting about a thousand words, I finally got unblocked... woohoo... Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation ticket! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

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