I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 815 Identity Exposed! The true identity of

Chapter 815 Identity Exposed! The true identity of "The Most Beautiful Woman in Kyoto" is——【5200】

With every word Ebina Ye Zong said, Qing Deng's expression changed.

If these words came from someone else, Qing Deng might be suspicious, or even take it as a joke.

But the person who said these words happened to be a member of the Great Salt Party - this made Qing Deng have to cheer up.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the Great Salt Party is not outstanding.

Although they are both secret societies, they are far inferior to the Law and Punishment Party.

The reason why the Great Salt Party has been able to survive under the siege of the Shogunate and the Law and Punishment Party is that they rely on their extremely powerful intelligence capabilities!

Although it is not clear how they did it, they did rely on their unparalleled intelligence capabilities to cleverly hide themselves, and at the same time, relying on the benefits of intelligence, they spared no effort to create trouble for the Shogunate and the Law and Punishment Party.

Four years ago, when Qing Deng was tracking down Huanfudi, it was thanks to the important information provided by Ebina Ye Zong and others that the whole operation became much smoother.

After calming down a little, Qing Deng asked in a deep voice:

"Mr. Ebina, how did you get involved with the Sonnjo Faction?"

"Where did you get all this information?"

"How much do you know about the Sonnjo Faction's actions tonight?"

He spit out many questions like a machine gun.

Ebina Ye Zong sighed lightly:

"We had no intention of opposing the Sonnjo Faction."

"Rather, we once considered forming an alliance with the Sonnjo Faction."

"Both sides are hostile to the shogunate and are committed to "overthrowing the shogunate" - so from this perspective, we and the Sonnjo Faction are natural allies."

"However...what the Sonnjo Faction has done in recent years is really too much."

At this point, Ebina Ye Zong clenched his fists.

"They treat human life as worthless and brutalize the people."

"For the so-called 'Sonjo's great cause', they disregard the lives of the people."

"Such practices are contrary to our ideal of 'establishing a world of great harmony and making all the people in the world happy.'"

"Therefore, since the middle of last year, we have begun to be wary of the Sonjo faction and closely monitor its movements."

"In fact, it was not until the evening of this day that we learned through special channels about the series of plots of the 'Sonjo faction's intention to burn down Kyoto tonight and kidnap the emperor.'"

"To be honest, when I learned that the Sonjo faction was so bold and crazy, I was shocked and sweated."

"How can we, the Great Salt Party, tolerate the Sonnjo Faction to do such a cruel and cruel thing?"

"However... we are really short of manpower."

"Unfortunately, although our Great Salt Party is not short of generous and tragic people, we have always lacked martial arts masters with outstanding skills."

"The only warriors we can immediately mobilize are me and another person."

"It is really beyond our ability to fight against the Sonnjo Faction with such a lineup."

"So, Mr. Tachibana, we want to join forces with you! Together we can defeat the Sonnjo Faction's conspiracy!"

At this point, Ebina Ye Zong paused, and then continued the conversation.

"Mr. Tachibana, I know you still have many questions to ask."

"Regarding the specific matters of cooperation, you can ask our 'Miss Sumire' in detail after you meet her."

The sudden unfamiliar name made Qing Deng look confused:

"'Miss Sumire'?"

Ebina Ye Zong smiled slightly:

"You can understand her as the intelligence chief of our Da Yan Party."

"'Miss Sumire' is her nickname."

"With her outstanding talent and ability, she has been promoted rapidly since joining us. At a young age, she took over the power of intelligence and became one of the important pillars of our Da Yan Party."

"Thanks to her ability, our Da Yan Party's intelligence capabilities have reached a new level."

"She was the first to propose the proposal to join forces with you to fight against the Sonnang Faction."

At this point, Ebina Ye Zong pointed forward.

"To be honest, Miss Jin is waiting for us in front."

"The reason why I asked you to come alone is to let you meet Miss Jin and let you talk face to face."

After Qing Deng finished listening, the doubts on his cheeks were quickly replaced by surprise.

Miss Jin... Qing Deng had never heard of this person before.

However, this also indirectly shows how strong the intelligence capabilities of the Great Salt Party are!

As the intelligence chief of the Great Salt Party, if her name and appearance are known to everyone, what will it look like?

Since she is called "Miss", then this person must be a woman.

From the tone of Ebina Ye Zong just now, this "Miss Jin" should not be very old.

A woman, and a young woman, has become an important cadre with real power in the Great Salt Party just by her personal talents...The more Qing Deng thought about it, the more curious he was about this "Miss Jin" who had not yet met but was about to meet.

Since the Great Salt Party has such outstanding intelligence capabilities, then this ‘Miss Sumire’ who is in charge of the intelligence power of the Great Salt Party must also be an outstanding contemporary hero!

Thinking of this, Qing Deng asked half jokingly and half smiling:

"Mr. Ebina, is this really okay?"

"Since this ‘Miss Sumire’ is your intelligence chief, shouldn’t you protect her strictly?"

"Isn't it too hasty to let me meet her like this?"

"If the two sides become enemies one day in the future, I might spread the portrait of ‘Miss Sumire’ everywhere."

After hearing this, Ebina Ye Zong burst out laughing:

"Mr. Tachibana, to be honest... most people, including me, are against you and Miss Sumire meeting."

"The reason is just as you said just now. It is too risky to rashly let 'Niou' Tachibana Aoto meet with our intelligence chief. It is simply putting your neck on the knife edge."

"However, Miss Sumire said: 'It doesn't matter! I trust Tachibana Aki! If you want to crush the conspiracy of the Sonjo faction, Tachibana Aki's power is indispensable! We need Tachibana Aki's help! In the life and death of thousands of people in Kyoto, In front of death, no problem is a problem! Let me talk to him face to face! '"

"Just like that, under Miss Jin's strong request, the superior finally reluctantly agreed to let her meet you."

"In short, Mr. Tachibana, please take this as our sincerity-we really want to join forces with you."

Qing Deng frowned before Ebina Ye Zong finished speaking:

"Mr. Ebina, what you just said is Miss Jin's original words?"

"Of course, Miss Jin's original words are exactly like this."

Qing Deng frowned even more tightly.

"Miss Jin's words...she seems to know me very well."

Ebina Ye Zong laughed, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth showed an intriguing meaning.

"Whether Miss Jin knows you or not, I, as an outsider, dare not say too much."

"But, to her, you are indeed not a stranger."

"After all, you have met many times."

After hearing this, Qing Deng's face was immediately filled with strong confusion.

--'Met many times'? Who?

After being surprised, he secretly recalled the women he knew.

Although he had tried hard to think, but...As a high-ranking and powerful official of the shogunate, Qing Deng usually participated in various social events.

After a while, he knew too many women!

There were geishas and musicians with outstanding talents, as well as the wives and daughters of certain officials and certain daimyo.

For a moment, he couldn't think of who would be the intelligence chief of the Great Salt Party.

Before he could ask, Ebina Ye Zong took the lead and said:

"Mr. Ju, I won't waste my time talking."

"Next... please talk to Miss Jin slowly and in detail."

"We're here!"

After saying that, he turned sideways, made way, bowed slightly, stretched out his right arm, and made a "please" gesture.

Qing Deng immediately raised his sight and looked forward.

Ahead was the deepest part of the alley - a small open space of five feet square.

Looking up, there were eaves on both sides that covered most of the sky.

Looking down, there was a wet ground full of sewage and garbage.

Because of the lack of sunlight, there were no weeds here, and there was no life at all.

The air was filled with an indescribable strange smell that made people hold their breath.

In a nutshell: this was a piece of rotten land that even beggars and vagrants would not approach.

However, it was such a barren piece of rotten land that a graceful figure appeared at the moment.

A woman in black standing in the middle of the wasteland with her back to Qing Deng, looking up at the small piece of night sky between the eaves.

Although he could not see her face, Qing Deng could sense her transcendent temperament.

The dilapidated and decayed land and the graceful girl - the two seemed so out of place.

It seemed like a long time had passed to describe the girl's back in such detail.

In fact, when Qing Deng appeared, the girl immediately greeted him:

"Tachibana Aki, how are you?"

A familiar voice...a familiar way of greeting...at this moment, Qing Deng's pupils shrank slightly.

The sudden shocking truth caught him off guard.

Silence fell...about 10 seconds later, Qing Deng showed a half-smile.

"I see...so you are 'Miss Sumire'...!"

Accompanied by a few silver bell-like chuckles, the woman in black slowly turned around - a familiar, beautiful face came into Qing Deng's eyes.

A woman with such beauty... Even if you look all over Kyoto, you can't find another one!

It is the legendary woman who has many reputations such as "the most beautiful woman in Kyoto", "the first geisha in Kyoto", and "the treasure of Gion" - Miss Ziyang!

Looking at Ziyang so close, Qing Deng felt his brain was in chaos.

Of course, Qing Deng, who has experienced countless storms, will naturally not be confused by such a change.

In just a moment, the messy "ball of wool" in his mind was combed straight and sorted out one by one.

The true identity of "the first geisha in Kyoto" turned out to be the intelligence chief of the Great Salt Party... Although this truth was unexpected, it was also reasonable!

As everyone knows , Gion is a place where good and bad people mix together.

The guests who come in and out of Gion include both the lower-class civilians with little status and the dignitaries with prominent status.

Such a place with dense traffic and mixed jade and stone is a natural "treasure trove of intelligence"!

At the same time, due to the heavy flow of people, it will be very easy to mix in some spies or pass some information to the outside.

As the most outstanding and most valuable geisha in Gion, Ziyang meets countless dignitaries every day!

In the face of Ziyang's beauty and flattery, how many men can remain wooden and stone-hearted?

Qingdeng could imagine this scene: Ziyang was pouring wine while flattering her, and the other party's head was hot. In order to show off in front of the beauty, he told all kinds of top-secret information...

Just by virtue of her status, she is enough to become a unique intelligence master!

In this way, it is not a puzzling thing that she will become the intelligence chief of the Great Salt Party!

"Should I call you 'Miss Ziyang' now? Or should I call you 'Miss Sumire'?"

Qingden said, raising his eyes and looking at the other person up and down.

As far as Qingdeng knows, Ziyang prefers green clothes.

Whenever she goes on stage to receive guests, she always wears a gorgeous green furisode.

Even in private, she often wears green.

But now, there is no trace of green on her body, replaced by a set of clothes with a special shape and completely black.

How should I put it, her current outfit... looks very much like a female ninja!

Through the gap between the two lapels, it can be seen that there is a fishnet-shaped chain mail underneath.

Outside the chainmail, there is a tight-fitting, sleeveless black kimono, revealing her fair and delicate arms, with small gauntlets on each palm.

The lower body is nothing to talk about in detail. It has a long hakama like a kendo suit. The hem of the hakama is tightly tied to the footbags on the feet, which greatly improves mobility.

There were no shoes on her feet, just a pair of split-toe bags.

This foot bag seems to be specially made, and the bottom is very thick. In this way, even if you don't wear shoes, you don't have to worry about the soles of your feet being scratched or punctured.

It is worth mentioning that because of her obvious shortcomings in figure, after putting on this rather tight "kunoichi costume", if you don't look at her face, you might think that this person is a delicate figure. boy……

Before that, Qingdeng had vaguely noticed that Ziyang's figure seemed a bit... like a man's.

Kimono has a certain concealing effect on a person's figure.

Unless they have exaggerated curves like Sanako, Tenjoin, and Kinoshita Mai, they can be flattened for you.

For this reason, when Ziyang wore furisode and other women's kimono, she didn't feel anything strange.

And now... this "female ninja costume" infinitely magnifies the "masculine feeling" on her body!

——As long as you dress up a little, you can perfectly transform into a man...

In just ten seconds, Qingdeng understood more and more why Ziyang could become the intelligence leader of the Great Salt Party.

This kind of strange person who is not only a popular geisha, a stunning beauty, but also can make up into a handsome young man, is really one of a kind! Born to be a spy!

When Qingdeng was secretly lamenting about the strange things, facing the question he just raised, Ziyang smiled slightly and responded lightly:

"I am here to see you as Miss Sumire of the Great Salt Party, so if possible, I hope you can call me 'Miss Sumire'."

The tone is calm, the behavior is dignified, neither humble nor arrogant.

No matter her tone of voice or her every move, she looks like a smart and capable strong woman!

Compared with the charming look she exuded at the banquet in Gion, she was completely different! It's really like a different person!

Such a sharp contrast made Qingdeng feel a little confused. She didn't know which one was the real her, the "coquettish" one at the banquet and the "robust" one now.

Although Qingdeng was full of questions and wanted to ask the other party one by one, at the moment of great urgency, he naturally understood the priorities of things.

"Well, Miss Sumire, please forgive me for getting straight to the point - how much do you know about the Zunbo faction's conspiracy tonight? Where is the meeting place of Miyabe Daizo, Katsura Kogoro and others?"

Ziyang... should now be called "Miss Sumire" - she is also a sensible person and knows what is most important now, so she puts on a serious tone and says word by word:

"Unfortunately, I don't know the meeting place of Miyabe Daizo, Katsura Kogoro and others."

"But I know that Miyabe Daizo and others have stored enough kerosene in a warehouse in the southern suburbs of Kyoto!"

"These kerosene are prepared to burn down Kyoto tonight!"

"Although I don't know the specific time of setting fire, as far as I know, the person responsible for leading the team to burn the city tonight is Yoshida Nomo, who is deeply trusted by Kusaka Genzui and Miyabe Daizo!"

"Just now, I learned the specific location of this warehouse!"

"I'm going to rush here immediately to collect the kerosene!"

"However...the manpower under my command is too few."

"The only people who can fight are Mr. Ebina and one other person."

"That warehouse is heavily guarded, including many skilled martial arts masters."

"Unfortunately, we, the Great Salt Party, were unable to capture the warehouse on our own."

"Therefore, Tachibana Aki, I need your power!"

"If I can get your support, it will be like gaining the strength of ten thousand people!"

"We provide intelligence, and you provide force. We work together to capture the 'oil depot' and eliminate the group of lofty ideals with broken heads, so that tonight's 'Shanboko Parade' can be held smoothly - this is my cooperation proposal."

"We protected the people of Kyoto, and you also attacked the Zunban faction, killing two birds with one stone."

Zi Yangyan succinctly and concisely explained the information she had, as well as her cooperation plan and cooperation intentions.

Now that the matter has come to this, Qingdeng will naturally not doubt the accuracy of the other party's intelligence.

Based on all the information currently known, the current situation is very clear - the radicals of the Zunbang faction have come up with the idea of ​​"building plank roads openly and building plank roads secretly".

On the surface, they were negotiating with Katsura Kogoro who was unwilling to take extreme measures.

In fact, they had quietly sent out a secret army, ready to take advantage of Katsura Kogoro being held back to plunge Kyoto into an extremely hot prison.

It was impossible for Qing Deng to sit back and watch such a tragedy happen!

If the group of lunatics succeeded in setting the fire, then even if Qing Deng finally succeeded in finding the meeting place of Miyabe Teizo and others, it would be a complete defeat.

As the governor of the capital, Qing Deng could not even protect Kyoto, which was so close. His reputation would be directly ruined.

In this case, there was no need to worry!

Just when Qing Deng was about to nod and agree to the other party's cooperation request, Miss Jin spoke again:

"Tachibana Aki, I almost forgot to say, I have a condition."

"Tachibana Aki, I only trust you."

"As for your subordinates, I don't trust any of them!"

"So, the only one who can fight alongside us is you."

"As for the rest of your subordinates, I will neither meet them nor let them participate in this battle!"

Please vote for the monthly ticket! Please recommend! (Baotou crying.jpg) I didn't sleep well last night, so I will update less today...

Zi Yang is Miss Jin - there are actually many foreshadowings in the previous article. In a previous chapter, when Baobaozi introduced that many geishas and prostitutes were spies, he hinted at Zi Yang's true identity.

"Miss Jin" first appeared in Chapter 93 of Volume 3. Those who forgot can go back and watch.

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