I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 820 It turns out that you are also a member of the Great Salt Party! [5100]

The so-called "defeated army" is nothing more than that.

Miss Sumire and others were shocked and stunned.

Looking up, Qingdeng's fighting posture - the steps to dodge attacks, the technique of wielding the sword, the transformation of offense and defense, the connection between moves - from the body posture to the details of his fingertips, everything is exquisite and exquisite. Profound, flowing, and pleasing to the eye!

There is no doubt that this is an exquisite move that can only be shown by a person who has reached the pinnacle of skill and combat experience!

Calling him a "dancer"... I'm afraid it's not quite appropriate.

Qingdeng's movements are more than outstanding, but not elegant enough.

To be precise...Qingden right now is more like a killing machine that specializes in wielding a sword!

Kill the enemy when you encounter it, use a wide range of movements, and pursue efficiency. If you can kill the enemy with one sword, you will never use a second sword, reduce your own consumption to the lowest point, and increase the enemy's casualties to the highest point!

Unknowingly, Miss Sumire and others fell into a sluggish state, neither speaking nor moving, as if they were clay and wood sculptures.

About 5 seconds later, Miss Sumire reacted first and shouted:

"Don't be stunned! Go and help!"

As she spoke, she took off six shurikens from her waist, grabbed three in each hand, kicked open the window in front of her, aimed at the unlucky ones closest to her, took a deep breath, and waved her hands violently - -All six shurikens were thrown out.

The unstoppable Qingdeng in front of them has already made the patriots so anxious that they have no time to think about anything else.

Therefore, facing this sudden shuriken attack, the patriots did not react at all.

By the time they heard the sound of breaking wind, it was too late.

The six shurikens thrown by Miss Sumire all hit, and none of them missed.

The unlucky ones she targeted were all hit - two died on the spot, and the other two were seriously injured, their combat effectiveness greatly reduced.

The places she aimed at were all vital parts such as wrists, ankles, necks, heads, etc. that could directly kill someone or render a person incapable of fighting.

Throwing multiple shurikens in one breath; throwing with almost no aim, just raising her hand; hit rate extremely high... Miss Sumire's superb throwing skills were fully demonstrated at this moment.

When Miss Sumire and others arrived for reinforcements, Qingto, who had sharp ears, had already noticed their movements.

While he continued to attack the enemy with his sword, he peeked out of the corner of his eye.

After witnessing Miss Sumire's wonderful skill in throwing shuriken, Aoto couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

Ayoto has seen many people who are good at using katana, wakizashi, spear, and naginata.

But he really didn't see many people who were good at using shuriken.

He couldn't help but think: the girls around him who knew martial arts not only had different personalities, but also used different weapons.

Souji is good at katana, Sanako is good at naginata, Amai is good at fists and kicks, Tenjoin is good at bow and arrow, and Sumire-san is good at shuriken.

After thinking wildly for a while, Qingden quickly discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind and refocused on the battle in front of him.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that even Seito alone is enough to take down the warehouse and wipe out all the enemies. There is no need for the help of Miss Sumire and others at all, but this kind of "others are busy while you watch" "The feeling is really oppressive.

As a result, under the leadership of Miss Sumire, Ebina Yezong and the kunoichi went into battle one after another.

Ebina Ye Zong drew his sword, shouted, rushed into the chaos, aimed at a certain patriot, and hit him with a knife.

This strike was so wonderful that the blade drew a graceful curve in mid-air and cut off half of his forehead.

In the next moment, while adjusting his breath, he assumed the Canshin stance, pulled the sword back to his chest, and then slashed the next enemy after completing the charge.

Ebina Ye Zong's swordsmanship skills are not outstanding, but he has considerable combat experience and is a veteran of hundreds of battles.

At the same time that Ebina Yezong stood up to fight, Miss Sumire and the kunoichi under her command began to use their skills.

Miss Sumire is not bragging, her subordinates are indeed very good at using hidden weapons.

I saw them scattering in all directions, each occupying the commanding heights, and then taking out shurikens that were gleaming coldly from all over their bodies.

In an instant, a "rain of shurikens" started falling in the warehouse!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Qingden heard a scalp-numbing sound of intense wind coming from above his head.

A pair of shurikens cut out thrilling afterimages in mid-air, attacking the patriots from all directions.

Immediately after the sound of breaking wind, there were screams and moans one after another.


"Uh...! My hand...! My hand was pierced...!"

"You actually used a hidden weapon! You are so despicable! If you have the guts, come down and have a showdown!"

Faced with the "complaints" from the patriots, Miss Sumire spoke impatiently:

"What are you screaming about? You idiots with no vision! This is how we female ninjas fight!"

Except for those with extraordinary talents like Souji, most women's muscle strength and physical fitness are far inferior to men.

Therefore, if women want to kill enemies like men and achieve results, they can only find other ways and choose weapons that suit them and can bridge the gap between men and women.

For example, spears and naginata have a distance advantage.

Or hidden weapons like shurikens and kunai.

Even if you are a female, when you throw the shuriken with force, it is enough to defeat thieves and kill the enemy!

Among the "rain of shurikens" flying all over the sky, Miss Sumire's shurikens were the most accurate and powerful.

If she didn't raise her hand, it would be fine. Once she raised her hand, a patriot would fall to the ground and scream or die directly.

Her skills were so superb that even Qing Deng couldn't help but be tempted, and the idea of ​​poaching began to emerge in his mind.

Of course, Qing Deng still knew himself.

He didn't think that he could "kidnap" the intelligence chief of the Great Salt Party with just a few words or by luring him with fame and fortune.

After successively contacting members of the Great Salt Party such as my grandson Chutaro, Ebina Ye Zong, and Miss Sumire, Qing Deng finally understood that in this environment where the Great Salt Party was repeatedly hunted down, those who would still join the Great Salt Party were basically a group of determined idealists.

For more than 20 years, the shogunate's relentless pursuit of the Great Salt Party has played a kind of "reverse filtering" effect.

Those with weak wills have long since withdrawn.

Most of those who stayed were a group of hard-core people who were ready to die and had a strong heart.

If there was enough time, Qing Deng might have played with the group of patriots in front of him slowly and interestingly with the mentality of "cat playing with mouse", and also picked up a few talents.

But now, the four big words "burning Kyoto" are like a sword of Damocles, hanging over Qing Deng's head, making him dare not relax.

In addition, the situation over at Ikeda House also made him very concerned, and he was always thinking about it.

Therefore, he now just wanted to take over this warehouse as soon as possible, kill the group of lunatics headed by Yoshida Minoru, settle the crisis of "Kyoto Fire", and then rush to Ikeda House to check the situation.

When he entered the warehouse, he asked very casually, "Which one is Yoshida Minoru".

But after a long time, he still didn't know who Yoshida Minoru was.

But it doesn't matter.

- As long as you keep swinging your sword and kill all the enemies in front of you, you can always kill Yoshida Minoru!

With this simple thought, Qing Deng leaped out like a beast and tore a certain patriot to pieces.

With the support of Miss Jin and others, the current battle situation... needless to say.

When the opponent was only Niou, the patriots were already defeated.

But now, there is not only Niou, but also a veteran soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time, and countless shurikens are flying above his head... The battle situation has become one-sided! There is no possibility of turning defeat into victory!

Except for a few people who are still fighting bloody, the rest of the people who are still alive have no will to fight and fled.

Of course, before they escaped far, they were knocked to the ground by the shurikens of Miss Jin and others one after another.

It didn't take a while, the sound of fighting gradually stopped-the scene returned to silence.

Looking around, all the patriots within sight were cleared.

Most of them fell under Qing Deng's sword.

The people who are still alive are also injured and have completely lost their fighting power.

Under Miss Sumire's instructions, the female ninjas jumped down from the heights and divided into two groups.

One group ran towards the stacked wooden boxes deep in the warehouse - the leader was A Tao.

When they opened the wooden boxes, the air was suddenly filled with the pungent smell of kerosene and the bitter smell of gunpowder - the boxes were filled with bottles of kerosene and boxes of gunpowder!

This amount of kerosene and gunpowder is more than enough to burn half of Kyoto!

A Tao excitedly shouted to Miss Sumire:

"Miss Sumire! Found it! The kerosene and gunpowder are here!"

The other group rushed towards the guys who were still alive - the leader was A Mei.

"Don't move!"

"Be honest!"

"If you still want to live, just listen to us!"

The female ninjas frowned, trying to look fierce, and used their hands and feet to capture the lucky survivors.

Being able to escape from Qing Deng's sword - from this point of view, they are indeed lucky.

Obviously, the fierce appearances that the female ninjas showed to intimidate the patriots were completely unnecessary.

Although these guys survived, they were all injured. The lightest injured people were unable to stand up and completely lost the ability to resist.

After landing gracefully, Miss Sumire did not rush to find kerosene and gunpowder or capture the surviving patriots like other female ninjas, but bent down and carefully examined the faces of the dead.

For those who were lying down and could not see their faces clearly, she also turned over their faces and bodies.

Such behavior seemed to be looking for someone.

Seeing this, Qing Deng couldn't help asking:

"A Sumire, what are you doing?"

Miss Sumire replied without raising her head:

"I'm looking for Yoshida Minoru."

"Yoshida Minoru? Do you know what Yoshida Minoru looks like?"

Miss Sumire smiled meaningfully.

"Aki, have you forgotten? I am the 'No. 1 Geisha in Kyoto'."

"'There is no spirit below a man's navel'. Both the Sonnōjō faction and the Shogunate faction like to hang out with women."

"Before the 'August 18th Coup', the Sonnōjō faction particularly liked to hold banquets and meetings in Gion."

"After a few visits, I have seen all the prominent figures in the Sonnōjō faction with my own eyes."

"I have seen Yoshida Minoru several times."

"He always follows Kusaka Genzui, talking about 'expelling the barbarians' and 'heavenly punishment'. He is a very gloomy and cruel guy."

"If we can successfully kill this man, it can be regarded as eliminating a great harm for the world."

There is no spirit below a man's navel - this is a classic saying in the Edo period.

As the name suggests, this sentence is complaining that men are all big perverts.

Since Miss Sumire recognized Yoshida Minoru's appearance, Qing Deng breathed a sigh of relief.

Yoshida Minoruma is one of the leaders of the crazy plan of "burning Kyoto".

If this person is not eliminated, this "joint action" tonight is far from perfect.

The overall situation is now determined.

The next task is nothing more than cleaning up the battlefield.

However... at this moment, Qing Deng's ears trembled slightly - the talent "Wind Perception +3" was activated - he suddenly heard the "squeaking" sound of the bowstring being tightened!

His face suddenly changed slightly, and he turned his head like lightning.

I saw a patriot covered in blood, leaning against the wall, gritting his teeth and pulling the Japanese bow in his hand.

There was a shuriken stuck in his neck, and his breath was gradually weakening, as if he would die at any time.

This person squeezed out all the remaining strength in his body and pulled the bow in his hand into a full moon.

The place where that bit of cold light was aimed at... was the back of Ebina Ye Zong!

Ebina Ye Zong was regulating his breathing and did not notice the crisis behind him.

When Qing Deng found this person, the bowstring was already taut, the arrow was also firmly placed and aligned, and the whole bow was ready to shoot at any time!

"Mr. Ebina! Get down!"

Qing Deng shouted loudly, while turning his right wrist, changing the way he held the knife, changing the normal grip to an inverted grip, and then aiming at the man's head with a javelin-like motion, and threw the Vairocana in his hand with force.

Almost at the same moment when Qing Deng threw the knife, the man loosened his fingers that were tightly holding the bowstring-


The originally tense force suddenly bounced off from between his arms!

The arrow shot out!

Qing Deng's reminder was timely.

But... compared to the speed of the other party shooting arrows, his reminder was still half a step slower!

When Qing Deng reminded him, although Ebina Ye Zong didn't understand, he still quickly got down.

The speed at which he crouched... was obviously not as fast as the speed of the arrow flying!

It was clear at a glance-he was already unable to dodge!

At this critical moment, a spear suddenly fell from the sky!

This spear was as straight as a meteor, cutting through the atmosphere, cutting through everyone's vision diagonally, and then accurately intercepting the arrow in mid-air.

Spear and arrow - which one is stronger and which one is weaker is obvious.

With a "click" sound, the spear easily broke the arrow like breaking a toothpick.

The arrow, broken into two pieces, fell to the ground boredly.

As for the spear, the remaining force did not decrease, and it went straight into the ground, leaving only the spear shaft and half of the spear head outside.

At the same moment when the spear broke the arrow, the Vairocana thrown by Qingdeng hit the attacker's forehead.

"Brain hole opening" on the physical level... The man's eyes bulged out, and then his eyes rolled back, revealing the whites of his eyes like a dead fish, and then his head tilted back as if being pulled, and he died completely.

From the bow attack to Qing Deng's warning and rescue, to the sudden attack of the spear... everything happened in milliseconds.

Because it happened suddenly, Miss Jin and others were stunned for 2 or 3 seconds before they came to their senses.

When Qing Deng saw the spear falling from the sky, he was immediately surprised.

Throwing the spear, accurately intercepting the high-speed arrow in mid-air... With this sharp eyesight and perfect spear-wielding skills, the owner of this spear must be a martial arts master!

At this moment, Miss Jin and others also looked confused as if they were in a fog.

However, in just a moment, they seemed to realize something and slowly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Qing Deng first glanced at the two broken arrows on the ground, then looked up and looked in the direction where the spear was shot - there was a huge figure standing on the beam.

The hand that just "threw the spear and broke the arrow" was very chic and elegant.

But the owner of this gun... Although it cannot be said that he has nothing to do with the words "stylish" and "elegant", it can be said that he is completely different.

The body shape of this person is simply the best interpretation of the word "pot-bellied".

Even wearing a loose kimono, it can't cover the fat, high and protruding belly.

The hair without shaved heads is messy, like a bird's nest.

The face is also dirty and looks quite greasy.

At first glance, he is just a slovenly person.

However, after seeing this person, Qing Deng showed a look of surprise.

The reason for this is that he recognizes this person.

"Mr. Tojo...?"

The other party is not someone else, but Tojo Shintaro who came to Beijing not long ago to take up the position of "Kyoto Director"!

Under the gaze of everyone, Tojo Shintaro staggered his steps and jumped down.

Bang - when this huge "meatball"-like body landed, the entire ground immediately shook slightly, showing how heavy it was.

Why was Tojo Shintaro here - although he had this question in his mind, Qing Deng soon figured out the answer.

However... the answer made him difficult to adapt to for a while.

"You fat guy, you're too slow!"

Miss Sumire glared at Tojo Shintaro unhappily.

The other party spread his hands:

"Sorry, I'm here at full speed. Fortunately, I'm not too late. It's better to come early than to come early."

Looking at the interaction between Miss Sumire and Tojo Shintaro... Qing Deng could only accept this fact no matter how surprised he was.

"... Today is really a good day."

Qing Deng looked at Miss Sumire, then looked at Tojo Shintaro, and continued in a half-joking, half-serious tone:

"People who usually hide themselves have all revealed their 'true identity' tonight."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at Tojo Shintaro:

"So you are the 'combat expert' that Sumire has been talking about just now!"

The combat personnel that Miss Sumire can immediately call on tonight, in addition to Ebina Ye Zong, there is only one other person - Qing Deng didn't care about this matter.

He thought to himself, "Who cares who he is, as long as he doesn't hold back and can be used."

He never expected that the person Miss Sumire was talking about would be an acquaintance around him...!

As soon as Qing Deng finished speaking, Tojo Shintaro smiled slightly:

"He is both a shogunate retainer and a patriot of the Great Salt Party... This is not surprising, right?"

"Isn't my grandson Chutaro like this?"

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Tojo Shintaro is actually a member of the Great Salt Party! (Leopard Shock.jpg) Well, this is not a big deal. Many book friends have guessed that Tojo Shintaro is not ordinary.

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