I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 825: Call Ju Qingdeng out! I want to challenge him! [4800]

About 1 minute ago——

Ikedaya, front door——

"Come on! They're tired!"

"Don't let them have a chance to breathe!"

"Come together!"

There were quite a few people screaming and running toward the front door.

After all, Yoshimura Kanichiro and Chief Souma, who are responsible for guarding the front door, are not monsters like Souji.

After a series of fierce battles, they were sweating profusely and their breath was disordered.

Kanichiro Yoshimura wiped the sweat from his face and said to Chief Soma in his difficult southern clan accent:

"Souma, someone is here again."

Chief Souma, who was not good at martial arts, had no strength to even open his eyes. His eyes were half-closed and his face was as pale as paper.

"Well, I saw it...Yoshimura, can you still fight?"

Yoshimura Kanichiro smiled bitterly:

"To be honest, I only have 20% of my strength left..."

"Then you are better than me. I only have half my strength left. Sigh... I really don't want to fight anymore."

Although he was complaining, his movements were not slow at all, and he readied the knife tiredly but firmly.

Yoshimura Kanichiro also put his feet firmly on his feet, took up his posture, and stared closely at the enemies that appeared again and rushed towards him.

The two of them are indeed the newcomers who are highly favored by Qingdeng. Until now, no one has managed to escape, and the front door has always been as stable as a rock.

They stand proudly, majestic, and guard the door firmly, just like door gods.

However, there are still many people with lofty ideals who are still fighting against a trapped beast.

Although the Shinsengumi side were all elite, they only had 8 people after all.

There were only four people who broke into Ikedaya.

Isamu Kondo was busy dealing with Daizo Miyabe.

Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and Prajna fight.

Only Gensaburo Inoue was left to deal with other patriots.

Although Inoue Genzaburo is an experienced and reliable backbone, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot stop all enemies with two hands and a knife.

Therefore, many people with lofty ideals luckily escaped Inoue Genzaburo's blade, escaped from the second floor of Ikeda House, which had been turned into a Shura battlefield, and jumped to the front or back door.

Although most of these guys who were running away were just a group of unworthy and incompetent soldiers, their numbers were a big problem.

Seeing that Yoshimura Kanichiro and Chief Souma were already exhausted, those guys who were lurking and thinking "the mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole behind" were all like cats smelling fishy smell, and they were all in a hurry. He rushed out like a cockroach.

Probably knowing that such a great opportunity is rare, everyone is working hard, and the momentum cannot be underestimated.

This time, there were 6 patriots who came out to kill them.

Yoshimura Kanichiro held his breath.

Chief Souma gritted his teeth.

The two squeezed out the remaining strength in their bodies, dragged their exhausted bodies, and tried their best to stop him.

The spirit is commendable, but the power of the spirit has its limit...

At this critical moment when they were about to die, a violent afterimage suddenly broke into everyone's field of vision.

Immediately after the afterimage, there were 6 shining sword lights!

When the light of the sword dissipated, the six patriots who had been so vicious just now opened their eyes wide with fear on their faces.

First, they stood frozen as if they were immobilized, then blood spurted out from their bodies, their feet swayed, and then they were like withered rice, unable to get up again.

Under the rain of blood flying all over the sky, a young samurai wearing a light green haori maintained his sword-drawing posture.

The sudden arrival of reinforcements caused Yoshimura Kanichiro and Chief Souma to fall into brief consternation.

The former was the first to react, with a look of surprise on his face:

"Captain Saito!"

As soon as Saito stood up, while shaking off the blood on the blade, he asked bluntly:

"Where are Mr. Kondo and the others?"

The horse master immediately replied:

"They are all on the second floor of Ikeda House! Captain Saito, please go and provide support!"

As soon as Saito heard this, he stopped lingering and rushed into Ikeda House in an instant.

In order to save time, he did not go through the main door. Instead, he jumped up, grabbed the eaves on the first floor of Ikeda House, flipped up, stood on the eaves, and then broke the window and jumped into the second floor of Ikeda House.

As soon as Saito stepped forward, Kanichiro Yoshimura and Chief Soma heard a large number of footsteps coming from far and near behind.

He turned around and looked - it was the "Eastern Route Army" led by Hijikata Toshizo!

"Vice Chief Hijikata!"

Chief Xiangma showed a look of relief on his face and took three steps at a time to meet him.

Seeing that it was Sōma's chief planner who had arrived, Hijikata Sue San got straight to the point:

"Souma, how's the situation?"

At this critical moment that determines tonight's victory or defeat, Master Xiangma will not sit there and talk nonsense.

Toudo Heisuke and Nakazawa Qin guarded the back door; Kondo Isamu led Souji and others to attack, but the current situation was unknown... He explained Kondo Isamu's combat deployment and his current situations one by one in a concise and concise manner.

At this time, Yoshimura Kanichiro looked around Hijikata Toshizo and found that Aoto was not behind him, so he couldn't help but ask:

"Deputy Chief Hijikata, where is my lord?"

Hijikata Toshizo said calmly:

"Tachibana went to do other things. He'll be back in a moment."

After learning the general battle situation from Chief Souma, Toshizo Hijikata quickly issued precise orders without thinking:

"Yoshimura, Soma, thank you for your hard work. Please step back and rest for now."

"Sanosuke, lead Matsubara to support the back entrance of Ikedaya."

Matsubara—that is, Matsubara Tadashi, the deputy captain of the 10th Division.

Harada Sanosuke yelled "Ouch!" and raised his gun above his head.

"Hohoin-ryu, captain of the 10th Division of the Shinsengumi, Harada Sanosuke, comes out!"

He announced his arrival at the house like a kabuki actor, shouting "Come out of battle" and ran towards the back door. Matsubara Chuji chased after him.

"Brothers from the Gu family, please stay at the front door!"

The Tani brothers—Tani Sanjuro and Tani Mantaro.

"Serizawa, Niimi, Nakazawa, come with me!"

Zhongze Zhen only nodded vigorously.

Serizawa Kamo and Niimi Nishiki silently drew their swords in their hands.

Uh-huh—Hijikata Toshizo pulled out the Izumi Mamoru Kanesada from his waist, feeling high-spirited.


He held Izumi Mamoru Kanada in front of his chest, took Kasumdan stance, strode through the front door, and burst into Ikeda House.

Serizawa Kamo, Niimi Nishiki and Nakazawa Sadashi filed in.

As soon as he entered Ikeda House, the strong smell of blood hit his face and was nauseating.

In all the major and minor battles since the establishment of the Shinsengumi - from the "Battle of Iga" that quelled civil unrest to the "Battle of Yamato" that destroyed the Tenchu ​​Group - Hijikata Toshizo, Serizawa Kamo and others have not missed a single battle. .

Therefore, they are already accustomed to such bloody scenes.

On the other hand, Nakazawa Sadazuki was not very adaptable.

The new recruit group he and his sister Qin Nakazawa had joined before were only at the level of a "security brigade" and had never fought any big, hard, or bloody battles.

For this reason, he could not help frowning, holding his breath, and his face turned slightly pale.

The group of people passed through the entrance hall and arrived at the stairs without any danger - until then, they finally met a few living people.

I saw two young women - they were Ikedaya's tedai ​​- sitting beside the stairs, hugging each other tightly, shivering, they were all frightened, their eyes were straight, their expressions were stiff, they looked like clay and wood sculptures.

Hijikata Toizo glanced at them, then withdrew his gaze, ignored them, and moved on.

When I climbed the stairs and reached the second floor, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The so-called "a mess" and "a river of blood" are nothing more than that!

The first thing that caught my eye was the corpses all over the floor! There is almost no place to stay!

Pounce forward; turn around and run away; cry in sorrow; twist the facial features... all kinds of postures and strange expressions.

Just based on this picture of "a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood", it is not difficult to imagine the brutality of the battle.

At this moment, Hijikata Toizan and the others suddenly heard heavy breathing:

"Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...!"

A warrior was leaning against the wall not far away, his head hanging down.

If his chest and shoulders weren't still rising and falling, this man would really look like he was dead.

Because the light was dim and the man was covered in blood, Hijikata Toizo and others took a closer look for a while before recognizing that the man was wearing a light green haori.

Soon, they saw each other's faces clearly.

"Uncle Yuan!"

Toshizo Hijikata, who has always been known as a "cold-faced devil", rarely showed a frightened and worried expression after seeing the tragic situation of Genzaburo Inoue.

He ignored the corpses and pools of blood on the ground, and rushed forward to Genzaburo Inoue, steadying his body.

"Uncle Yuan! Uncle Yuan!"

"Stop shaking... I feel very uncomfortable now... If you shake a few more times, I will vomit all over you."

Genzaburo Inoue slowly raised his head - his face was covered in blood, with almost no clean spots.

"Hijikata, you are finally here..."

"Uncle Yuan, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine...Thanks to this chainmail, I didn't suffer any major injuries. I'm just...exhausted...so tired that I feel like vomiting...Oh...it's a pity that I got the knife..."

As he said this, he turned to look at the knife by his leg - the Oshu Shirakawa resident Kanejune given to him by Aoto was already in terrible shape.

The blade is covered with large and small gaps, turning into a saw-like shape.

Fortunately, the blade is not twisted or deformed, and it has not yet reached the point of being scrapped.

As long as the blade is sharpened, it can still be used.

It's just that the lifespan of this knife has been greatly shortened. If it suffers such serious trauma again, it will not be repaired.

Anyone who has used a sword knows that when swinging a sword to kill someone, the front half of the blade is mainly used to kill the enemy.

The front half of his saber was stained dark red by blood and grease, as if it had been splashed with red ink.

Those layers of fat...if you scraped it off, it would be enough to fry a whole plate of vegetables!

It's hard to imagine how many people Inoue Genzaburo killed in tonight's battle...

"Hijikata, I don't have the strength to move...

"Go and see how the little master is doing..."

"He will definitely not have an easy time dealing with Miyabe Daizo and his bodyguards alone..."

Hijikata Toshizo nodded vigorously.

"Well, I understand. Uncle Yuan, you should have a good rest first. Leave the rest to us!"

After sending Nimi Nishiki to carry Inoue Genzaburo out of Ikeda House, he led Serizawa Kamo and Nakazawa Sadage and continued walking deeper into the second floor.

In a short time, they successfully arrived at the deepest room, which was the room where Miyabe Daizo, Katsura Kogoro and others were meeting.

The level of blood inside the room was even worse than outside the room.

Knife marks of varying lengths and depths covered every corner of the room.

Toshizo Hijikata just glanced around and found a familiar figure——

"Ah Sui... you guys... came too late... what were you doing?"

Isamu Kondo leaned against the window sill, sitting on the ground with his body covered in blood. The moonlight shone from behind, barely illuminating the smile on his face.

"We came flying here, please forgive us."

Seeing that Kondo Isamu was still alive and that all his body parts were missing, Toshizo Hijikata breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let me explain in advance...I was not injured...just...a small cut on my right leg...the blood on my body belongs to the enemy..."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the other corner:

"You...are all...short-sighted...insects...!"

Hijikata Toizan and others turned around to look - the corner was filled with layers of corpses, forming a hill-like shape.

On this "hill", a dying middle-aged man barely raised his upper body and glared at Hijikata Toshizo and others.

"Ah Sui, this guy is Miyabe Daizo... He is just a weak scholar. I knocked him down with just one blow... But his bodyguards are quite capable..."

No one saw Isamu Kondo fight just now... This is really a pity.

He single-handedly faced off against many martial arts masters who were as powerful as Gensaburo Inoue and Heisuke Toudo, and won the final victory... With such a record, he lived up to his reputation as "the fourth generation head of the Natural Rishin-ryu Sect"!

For Miyabe Daizo, all the changes tonight were both unexpected and made him extremely sad and angry.

I wanted to use tonight's meeting to drag Katsura Kogoro here so that he would not hinder the plan to "burn Kyoto".

But I never thought...his "praying mantis" would be eaten by the "oriole"!

His grief and anger were so extreme that his eyes were splitting.

"Watch...history...will be written by us...!"

Hijikata Toshizo said calmly:

"I don't know who will ultimately write history, but it will definitely not be a defeated general like you."

Serizawa glanced at him and asked calmly:

"Do I need to introduce the wrong person?"

Serizawa Kamo's "goodwill" was like a needle, deeply hurting Miyabe Daizo's self-esteem.

He was supposed to have only one breath left, but suddenly burst out with strength——


He raised the broken knife in his hand and howled at Kondo Isamu.

Hijikata Toizo was about to raise his sword to intercept, but Kondo Isamu jumped up faster and swung his sword to hit the side of Miyabe Daizo's neck.

Under normal circumstances, Kondo Isamu would definitely be able to decapitate Miyabe Daizo with this sword.

However, due to his current exhaustion, his knife only cut a few inches into his neck.

However, such injuries could be fatal.

Miyabe Daizo instantly collapsed on the ground, his body twitched a few times, and then his eyes widened, completely lifeless.

Hijikata Toizo glanced at Miyabe Daizo's body, then withdrew his gaze as if disgusted, and looked around.

"A Sheng, where are Xiaoji and Nagakura? Where is Saito who just arrived first?"

Kondo Isamu instantly darkened his face.

"I have been concentrating on dealing with Miyabe Daizo, so I don't know the specific situation..."

"All I know is that they are working together against a powerful enemy."

"I just vaguely heard that they thought the corridor was too narrow, so they moved to the rooftop..."

Hearing this, Tossan Hijikata couldn't help but be startled, and then he immediately raised his ears - there was indeed a faint sound of gold and iron hitting each other from the direction of the roof!

They quickly climbed out of the window and moved to the roof.

There was no one on the roof of Ikeda House.

Hijikata Toizan looked around and finally found Souji and others - on the roof of a shop 20 meters away, four figures collided and intertwined repeatedly!

While holding his sword, Hannya quickly glanced at Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and Saito Ichi who surrounded him in the shape of a "pin".

Looking at Saitoichi on the left, Hannya curled his lips:

"What a master of no leakage! I haven't met a master of no leakage as strong as you in a long time!"

Saito ignored the conversation and silently stood up and swung his sword to attack the enemy.

Seeing Saito's move, Souji and Nagakura Shinpachi immediately stepped forward to cooperate.

The three of them coordinated with each other, attacked alternately, and launched a continuous offensive, giving Prajna no chance to breathe.

Natural Rishin-ryu, Shinto Muken-ryu, and Mugai-ryu—three masters of the Shinsengumi who studied under different schools work together to fight against powerful enemies.

Such a grand occasion is indeed rare to see!

Prajna, who enjoys this grand occasion alone, is indeed a monster with unfathomable strength!

Even if he singled out the three top masters of the Shinsengumi, he showed no sign of weakness!

Like a fish in water, he shuttled back and forth between the attacks of the three men with ease, and from time to time he would return a blow or make up for it, putting Souji and others in danger many times.

Seeing this, Hijikata Toshizo and others rushed forward, hoping to join the melee.

"Mr. Hijikata, don't come over here!"

Suddenly, the Souji shouted loudly.

She took advantage of her breath adjustment to dissuade Hijikata Toizan and others who came for reinforcements.

"If you add more people without thinking, you will only get in each other's way!"

"You go deal with other patriots! Leave this guy to us!"

Having said this, the director-general paused for a moment, and then asked tentatively:

"Mr. Hijikata, is Tachibana-kun here?"

Mr. Ju - upon hearing this title, Prajna immediately reacted as if he was in stress, and his expression suddenly changed:

"Tachibana-kun? Is Tachibana Aoden? Where is he? Let him come out quickly! I want to see him! I want to see how capable he is, and he can actually get the mantle of master!"

Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation ticket! (豹头泣.jpg)

PS:豹豹子 has tried his best to enrich the content of the "Ikedaya Incident". The "Ikedaya Incident" in historical facts was actually very boring. It was not a fierce battle. When Hijikata Toshizo arrived with reinforcements, the battle was basically over.

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