I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 827 In ancient times, Lu Bu rode Dian Wei, and now Qing Deng rides Dongcheng! [4600]

Using "eye-catching" to describe the carved shapes of Qing Deng and Dongcheng Shintaro is really an accurate description.

If you look at the upper part, it's not so bad.

Qing Deng holds a Japanese bow - this is what he picked up from the ground when he left the warehouse, and took a pot of arrows with him - fortunately, the patriots in the warehouse are equipped with several bows and arrows, so Qing Deng has no shortage of bows.

Although he hasn't used a bow for a long time, with his 83 times higher archery skills and the blessing of his talent, Qing Deng can easily play the Japanese bow into the effect of Barrett!

"Fire Eyes +5" locks the target.

"See through +4" grasps the sense of distance.

"Nine Oxen and Two Tigers +3" and "Tiger Arm +4" easily pull the Japanese bow into a full moon.

If those who focus on traditional archery see Qing Deng's current archery posture, they will definitely be furious.

According to traditional practice, the way to use the Japanese bow is to first raise the Japanese bow above the head, hold the bow with the left hand, pinch the bowstring with the right hand, and then drag both hands down to naturally stretch the Japanese bow.

The reason for using this method is that it is conducive to exerting force.

But Qing Deng is not like this.

Anyway, he has the most strength, so he doesn't care about whether he has hands or not!

He directly pulls the bowstring with brute force, without using any skills, just put the arrow on and shoot!

For this reason, Qing Deng's shooting speed is extremely fast! He can shoot an arrow in almost 1 or 2 seconds! He just shoots out suppressive firepower with his own strength!

After seeing Qing Deng pulling the bow so messily, those archery masters felt angry and annoyed, but they could do nothing, let alone say anything to criticize.

After all, Qing Deng not only shoots fast, but also has a very high accuracy rate!

His wolf-like eyes swept left and right along the bow.

As long as he finds someone who has taken out a fire starter, he will shoot an arrow directly at him!

Those who are hit by the arrow will either die or be injured.

Even those who are lucky enough to survive will hug the part where the arrow hit them, screaming and falling to the ground, and their strength will be reduced by 60% to 70%.

The clear sound of the bowstring vibrating repeatedly dominates the entire space! It makes the monsters extremely frightened!

If you only look at the upper body, it looks like the mighty appearance of the Eight-footed God descending to the world, holding the bow to kill the enemy.

However... if you look down, you can see a particularly eye-catching scene!

I saw Qing Deng riding on Tojo Shintaro's shoulders, his legs tightly wrapped around his neck, and his whole body firmly pinned to Tojo Shintaro.

Where is Tojo Shintaro? He hung the spear on his back so that he could free his hands to hold Qing Deng's legs to ensure his stability.

At the same time, he took big steps and ran at full speed.

Even through a layer of clothes, one can vaguely see the fat on his belly trembling.

It's really hard for a fat man like him to run so fast while carrying a big living person.

Not to mention the heavy breathing, his whole face has turned the color of pig liver.

During this period, Qingdeng's other two talents - "Riding Master" (Riding talent is 36 times that of ordinary people) and "Cat Turn +3" - both came into play.

Thanks to the blessing of these two talents, plus the hands of Dongcheng Shintaro holding Qingdeng's thighs tightly, Qingdeng has a relatively comfortable and stable "output environment".

Qingdeng riding Dongcheng Shintaro... can't help but remind people of the allusion of "Lü Bu is invincible in horse battles, Dian Wei is invincible in foot battles; Lu Bu riding Dian Wei, the world is invincible".

The reason for this is purely helpless.

No matter how powerful Qingdeng is, he can't guarantee the shooting speed and hit rate while "running fast and drawing the bow".

He needed a mount that was fast and stable enough so that he could concentrate on shooting arrows while approaching the enemy.

At this moment, who could be the mount around him?

After thinking about it, he could only let Tojo Shintaro.

Although this "Lü Bu riding Dian Wei" tactic was very funny, he could not care about so much.

It must be said that because Tojo Shintaro was fat and had broad shoulders, it was quite comfortable to sit on his shoulders.

"Mr. Tojo! Run faster!"

Tojo Shintaro replied breathlessly and unhappily:

"Don't... Huh...! It's hard to force me...! Huh...! You also... don't look at my... age...! Body size...!"

Although he complained, Tojo Shintaro still gritted his teeth and squeezed out all the strength in his body to further increase the charge speed - the increase was not much, but it was better than nothing.

"Damn it! Who is shooting arrows?!"

"Light green haori! It's the Shinsengumi!"

"Shinsengumi? How can the shogunate's lackeys be here?!"

"Who is coming?"

"I don't know! I can't see clearly!"

Under the vibrations of the bowstrings one after another, the conspiracy of the patriots was disintegrated.

Although they successfully poured kerosene on the hoko carts, no one has successfully set them on fire.

Qing Deng couldn't help but feel lucky that he had foresight just now - fortunately he brought a pair of bows and arrows, otherwise he would not be able to stop the atrocities of these crazy people in time.

Where should the patriots attack to cause the greatest chaos in Kyoto?

When Qing Deng changed his mind, he immediately thought of the answer - today is the day of the "Yamaboko Parade"!

As one of the grandest and most lively celebrations in Kyoto, the popularity of the "Yamaboko Parade" is self-evident.

Tonight, most people in Kyoto will go to attend this annual ceremony!

There is no doubt that the place with the most people and the most likely to cause chaos tonight is the scene of the Yamaboko Parade!

Although it is just a personal guess, Qing Deng believes that his guess is very likely.

Qing Deng revealed his inference.

Although he only got the support of Tojo Shintaro, Qing Deng still insisted on his own idea-"Yamaboko Parade" is in danger!

So, he and Tojo Shintaro rushed to Kakuchu at full speed.

As soon as they arrived at the parade site, they happened to run into the patriots who started to commit violence.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened next.

Qing Deng jumped up, straddled Tojo Shintaro's shoulders, and started a unique "horse riding and shooting".

He was really right... The patriots really aimed at the "Yamaboko Parade" and prepared to burn the Yamaboko!

Qing Deng felt a chill in his teeth while secretly rejoicing.

These lunatics are really too crazy!

If they were allowed to successfully set fire to the parade site, the chaos and riots that would follow would be hard to describe with specific words!

Although this group of patriots was large in number, their organization was average, revealing a sense of stupidity that was "brave in vain".

Facing Qing Deng's rain of arrows, they lost their composure in a moment.

"Mr. Yoshida! It's Tachibana Aoto! It's Tachibana Aoto!"

The talent "Wind Perception +3" was activated!

Although the scene was in chaos and all kinds of sounds filled his ears, Qing Deng still accurately captured the title "Mr. Yoshida".

He immediately turned his head and looked - about 40 meters away, a dozen patriots surrounded a plain young samurai like stars surrounding the moon, and they obviously respected this man.

Qing Deng looked carefully... This man's face was indeed somewhat similar to the portrait on the wanted poster of Yoshida Minoru!

Qing Deng made a prompt decision:

"Mr. Tojo! Go over there! That person looks like Yoshida Minoruma!"

Yoshida Minoruma - As the director of Kyoto, Tojo Shintaro naturally knew how valuable this person's head was.

As soon as he heard it, he changed direction without hesitation and rushed straight towards Yoshida Minoruma.

At the same time, Qing Deng re-set the arrow and quickly drew the bow, aiming the arrow at Yoshida Minoruma's head, showing his murderous intent.

The next moment, the originally tense force bounced off Qing Deng's arms.

Hiss - the sharp sound of breaking wind made people's scalps numb.

But in a flash, the arrow was in front of Yoshida Minoruma.

Just when Qing Deng was about to succeed. Yoshida Minoruma suddenly pulled out the knife at his waist - silver thread splashed down - the arrow broke into two pieces, and both fell at his feet.

Seeing this, Qing Deng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He had long heard that Yoshida Minoruma was a rare swordsman.

Now it seems that this evaluation is true.

Looking at the "horse duo" rushing towards this side, Yoshida Minoruma said in a deep voice:

"What are you panicking about!"

"There are only two people coming! We can hold them back!"

"Koike, take people to hold back Tachibana Aoto!"

The patriot called "Koike" was stunned immediately.

"Hold back Tachibana Aoto? Me?"

Yoshida Minoruma ignored his doubts and continued to give orders:

"Dojima, you guys go and light the hokosha!"

"Tachibana Aoto only has one bow! Even if he pulls sparks out of the bowstring, he can't stop you all!"

With a backbone, the chaos was finally stopped.

The patriots gradually regrouped and acted according to Yoshida Minoruma's orders.

Intercepting Tachibana Aotoko... Although it was an extremely difficult task, Xiaochi still gritted his teeth and took on this important task.

In an instant, more than 30 patriots drew out their shining blades and rushed towards the "Century Duo" with a roar.

Looking at the enemies rushing in front of him, Tojo Shintaro lowered his eyelids:

"...Aki, can I let go of my hands?"

Aki looked at him and said without hesitation:


After obtaining Aki's permission, Tojo Shintaro immediately let go of Aki's legs and freed his hands to take off the spear on his back.

"Aki, there may be some bumps next! You should pay more attention!"

After saying that, he stabbed out the spear in his hand!

The spear rod slid in his palm, and the spear came out like a dragon! It hit the chest of the person in front of him!

Before the man could scream, Tojo Shintaro swept to the right, and the man's flesh and bones were all cut to pieces by the spear blade.

When the spear blade broke out of the body, the remaining force continued to sweep to the right.

The people on the right reacted quickly, stepped firmly on their heels, stabilized their bodies, and raised their palm knives to take a defensive posture.

Unexpectedly, the spear had an amazing force! After hitting the knives of the people, the blade directly cracked with spider web-like patterns, and then shattered like a mirror.

The people only felt a huge force like a torrent pressing towards them.

The tiger's mouth was broken and the arm bones were broken where the "torrent" passed.

When the palm knife was broken, they held the half-broken blade that was blocked back and flew out like a cannonball, either falling to the ground or hitting other people.

With just one blow, the enemy on the right was beaten to lose their armor and formation.

In a flash, Tojo Shintaro swung the second shot - this time, he swung the gun to the left.

The long spear tip drew an arc in the air and swept down 4 people in one breath.

When he swung again, three more people were knocked out.

Compared to "stabbing", Tojo Shintaro prefers "swinging" and "smashing".

Therefore, Qing Deng thought that compared with ordinary long spears, naginata and large spears were more suitable for him.

When Tojo Shintaro waved his spear to disperse the invading enemies, Qing Deng was not idle either.

He handed the "battlefield below" to Tojo Shintaro and continued to focus on the bow and arrow in his hand.

He still drew his bow and shot at the guys who tried to set fire to the hokosha in the distance.

The people above drew their bows and shot arrows.

The people below waved their spears.

This really became "Lü Bu riding Dian Wei, invincible in the world"!

Such a situation made many patriots shout angrily:

"What the hell is this...?!"

Yoshida Minoruma looked at the "horse duo" who failed to intercept and were still approaching here, and shouted angrily to his accomplices not far away:

"You guys, be quick! Burn all these hokoshas for me!"

What Yoshida Minoruma said just now was not false.

No matter how powerful Qing Deng was, he was only one man with one bow.

Even if he increased his shooting speed to the extreme, he could not cover everything.

Finally... someone managed to escape Qing Deng's sniper and threw the burning fire starter in his hand at the long sword hoko.


When the oil and fire touched, a big fire suddenly ignited!

The flames instantly engulfed the car body.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the thick black smoke rising from below filled the night.

The wheels, pillars, and metal tools that fixed the car body... either melted or turned into charcoal.

Soon, when the scattered sparks fell into other places that were doused with kerosene, they suddenly grew like mushrooms, and wherever they fell, flames grew.

Several nearby hoko cars also caught fire.

It is not difficult to imagine that if these hoko cars suddenly caught fire during the lively celebration, it would definitely cause great panic.

Apart from anything else, the screams of Ontodori and Ete when they were burned by the fire were enough to make the panic swell instantly and spread to every corner of the scene.

Fortunately, the timely arrival of Aoto and Tojo Shintaro and the killing spree bought enough time for the people.

All the staff on the Yamaboko escaped.

The people also stayed away from the convoy.

Although the lunatics still succeeded in setting fire to the Yamaboko, it did not cause a tragic impact.

It can be said that the casualties have been reduced to a minimum and no irreversible consequences have been caused.

However... such a large number of people cannot be evacuated immediately.

At least nearly 10,000 people gathered in this street alone... Although several officials were trying to maintain order, this number of people was completely a drop in the bucket compared to such a scene.

As long as the people in front are a little slower, it will trigger a chain reaction, causing a big congestion in the back - modern traffic jams are always like this. There is no accident and no road repairs, but it is inexplicably blocked all the way.

The sudden terrorists and the sudden melee... Anyone would be scared and just want to leave quickly, as far as possible.

At this moment, the intersections and alleys on both sides of the street are crowded with people who want to escape from this place. It can be said that it is "water-filled" and difficult to move forward.

You squeeze me, I squeeze you... Although there has not been a large-scale stampede, judging from the current situation, an accident is only a matter of time.

Compared with Yoshida Minoru and others in front of him, Qing Deng is more concerned about the people who have not escaped far.

He is afraid that the aftermath of the battle and the spread of the fire will implicate these people.

Just when Qing Deng was worrying about "how to evacuate the crowd", he suddenly heard a familiar yet unfamiliar cry:

"Everyone! Please listen to our command! As long as everyone stays calm, everyone can escape!"

Qing Deng was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned his head to look -

In the street in the distance, there stood a figure that seemed to be a man at first glance.

It was Miss Jin!

Miss Jin was wearing a mask and lowered her voice - probably to hide her identity, Qing Deng almost didn't recognize her voice - she directed the crowd in an orderly manner, so that they left in an orderly manner and prevented crowding.

Many female ninjas followed closely around her, helping her maintain the scene and direct the evacuation.

She probably felt Qing Deng's gaze, turned her head, and looked into Qing Deng's eyes.


She said nothing, just nodded to Qing Deng.

Qing Deng smiled slightly and murmured:

"Ms. Jin, you are so helpful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw down the Japanese bow in his hand, drew the Vairocana from his waist, and then jumped out like a tiger, jumping off the shoulder of Tojo Shintaro...!

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