I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 631: Liu Mingyu who disappeared again

Ta Ta Ta.

Ye Qingxuan's rapid footsteps sounded, and was quickly suppressed by thunder.

Lu Haipeng, who got out of the car, also saw the corpses around him, he felt a little bit in his heart, and quickly ordered: "Brothers, follow Sister Ye."

Under Lu Haipeng's orders, everyone quickly ran towards the supermarket.

Ye Qingxuan's speed was very fast, like a breeze.

What caught her eyes were the corpses of zombies piled up into a hill.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, are you in there?"

Ye Qingxuan ignored the dirty blood from the corpse and controlled Ye Qinglong and Ye Qingyan to clear the way.

On the surface, they are Ye Qingxuan's cousins, but they are actually two zombie puppets controlled by Ye Qingxuan.

After Ye Qinglong and Ye Qingyan cleaned up the corpses on the hill, a road leading to the supermarket was quickly cleared.

Seeing more and more corpses of zombies, Ye Qingxuan's heart shook again. With so many zombies, Brother Yu won't have an accident, right?

No, definitely not.

Not long ago, Brother Yu was still talking to himself!

Soon I entered the interior of the supermarket. This supermarket is a small convenience store and the overall space is not large.

Ye Qingxuan searched it quickly, but did not find Liu Mingyu.

"No, no, there will be nothing wrong with Brother Yu. I have survived a month, and it won't be an hour away."

Ye Qingxuan kept denying in her heart, but she didn't see Liu Mingyu's figure, and her worries increased a bit, but because she didn't see Liu Mingyu's figure, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.

I should have made a mistake, it is impossible for this to happen.

Lu Haipeng behind him also followed at this moment: "Sister Ye, have you seen the general?"

Seeing Ye Qingxuan being silent over there, looking around, Lu Haipeng felt awe-inspiring, and said, "Brothers, look around."

He didn't dare to say to look for it in this corpse mountain. If he really wanted to say that, I'm afraid Ye Sister in front would directly give him a fatal blow.


After the brother below took the order, he quickly scattered around.

Lu Haipeng walked up to Ye Qingxuan and comforted: "Perhaps the general is in another place, not here. You can see that there are no supplies that the general said."

While speaking, Lu Haipeng seemed to have found an explanation.

Ye Qingxuan recovered from her sluggish state and restored her happy smile: "It's okay, maybe Brother Yu is on the other side, I'll call him now."

Toot toot.

"The communication number you dialed is not in the service area. Please try again later."

The voice of customer service came over the phone.

Lu Haipeng also heard this voice, and his heart shook again.

No way, really encountered such a thing?

If you have no news, just go.

Now that there is information, but you give such information, is it really God's will to trick people?

When Ye Qingxuan heard the voice of this customer service, her face that was originally smiling gradually darkened.

Involuntarily clenched the smart bracelet in his hand.


The smart bracelet was even crushed by Ye Qingxuan.

"Ye... Sister Ye, maybe the general's smart bracelet is just not here. I have asked my brothers to look around. I believe there will be news soon."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's state, Lu Haipeng also wiped a cold sweat in his heart.

At this moment, a brother walked in outside and said, "Sister Ye, Minister Lu, I found two people nearby. They are not from the place where we live. I asked them what they were told by their boss. Waiting for Ye Qingxuan here, I thought, isn't Ye Qingxuan exactly the name of Sister Ye, and hurried over to report."

Ye Qingxuan, who was originally dark-faced, immediately relaxed as soon as he heard his report. She put her hands on the man's shoulder and asked, "Where are they? Take me over."

"Just around the corner on the other side."

The brother took Ye Qingxuan to another corner quickly.

Ye Qingxuan saw a group of people surrounded.

"All give way." Lu Haipeng shouted from the side.

Everyone gave way to Ye Qingxuan.

Soon, Ye Qingxuan saw two middle-aged people standing straight at the gate.

"I am Ye Qingxuan. You said your boss asked you to wait for me here. Excuse me, is your boss called Liu Mingyu?"

Ye Qingxuan asked with a hint of nervousness.

I'm afraid that the two of them will answer a negative answer.

"Yes, our boss is named Liu Mingyu. Just before the boss left, let us inform Miss Ye that he will be back soon and let you start moving supplies first."

With that said, the two helped to open the door of the house.

Suddenly, you can see that the room is full of boxes.

Ye Qingxuan is very familiar with these boxes. As the head of the logistics department of the entire base, she is in charge of the supplies of the entire base. For this kind of boxes, she is really familiar with them. This is the materials Liu Mingyu transported back~www.wuxiaspot.com~Listen When the two of them answered, Ye Qingxuan finally let go of her originally hanging heart, and quickly asked: "When did your boss leave? Do you know where he went? When will he come back?"

Ye Qingxuan asked three questions in a row.

"Just left twenty minutes ago, I didn't tell us where to go, just let us wait for Miss Ye here, the boss should be back soon." The zombie bodyguard replied loudly.

"Well, thank you, other brothers, first move the supplies to the car and protect the box." Ye Qingxuan no longer struggles. Now that Liu Mingyu has something to go out, he has someone to wait here. I must be back soon. Now Let's talk about getting the supplies first.

Soon, with the help of many brothers, cars drove up to the front and quickly moved the supplies into the big truck.

When many brothers were carrying supplies, a light flashed.

Liu Mingyu's figure appeared in the supermarket shortly after Ye Qingxuan left.

Huh, what's the matter? What a mess here.

As soon as Liu Mingyu returned, he found signs that the corpses around the supermarket seemed to have been flipped indiscriminately.

Also, why is it raining so heavily outside.

He remembered that in the real world, it was still sunny, and when he left, it was also sunny. Why did it rain so much just after leaving for a while.

This also shows that the worlds on both sides are only synchronized in time, and the weather and other aspects are not synchronized.

Liu Mingyu walked out of the supermarket and found many vehicles on the street.

Is this the material transportation team sent by Ye Qingxuan?

Soon, Liu Mingyu found Ye Qingxuan next to the gate of the material storage point.

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