I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 653: Viral infection

"Yes... there shouldn't be. If there is, it would have been reported long ago?"

Looking at Zhao Yulong's weird smile, Wu Junhao suddenly became a little unconfident.

After all, he is not a person who specializes in intelligent robots, but he is involved in intelligent robots when learning artificial intelligence.

Liu Mingyu listened to the conversation between them silently. He didn't know the development of this world very well. Most of the knowledge was learned in the classroom in the virtual world.

It is not that the knowledge in the virtual classroom is fake. In this world, there are many hidden sides that have not been disclosed.

And the three laws of robotics are absent from the development of intelligent robots described by Zhao Yulong. What happens is obviously knowledge that cannot be learned in the classroom.

Zhao Yulong chuckled softly: "Then do you know why all governments in the world restrict the development of intelligent robots? You should feel the convenience brought by intelligent robots, but why, except for some necessary industries, other industries do not have large-scale production of intelligent robots. Where's the robot?"

Wu Junhao shook his head cooperatively: "I don't know, don't sell it, you know, just announce the answer quickly."

Zhao Yulong spread his hands: "Actually I don't know."

"You, are you looking for a fight, are you?" Wu Junhao was so angry that Zhao Yulong had said it together for a long time, and you didn't know it yourself.

Zhao Yulong repeatedly begged for mercy: "Boss, Minister Wu, I did not deliberately entertain you, because I was studying the intelligent core of the rogue robot, and seemed to have discovered the reason why the government restricted intelligent robots."

"Hurry up and talk about it. If it's fake, you won't be able to escape this fight." Wu Junhao raised his fist and aimed at Zhao Yulong.

Liu Mingyu also joked from the side: "If you want to avoid this beating, you can quickly talk about what you found, otherwise, you can slowly accept Minister Wu's beating."

Zhao Yulong no longer sells Guanzi: "Minister Wu, the smart core is still with you, I think using the smart core to demonstrate, you will be more clear."

"In my office, boss, you wait here for a while, I'll take it now." Wu Junhao nodded and said.

"Go and come back quickly." Liu Mingyu smiled.

After a while, Wu Junhao carried a chip in his hand and placed it on the conference table: "This is the smart core you want, you can demonstrate it."

Zhao Yulong took the chip and quickly put the chip on a prepared computer.

The computer flashes with red light. This is a phenomenon that the computer has suffered and may cause hardware damage.

Zhao Yulong didn't care about the flashing red light on the side. He quickly operated the computer and opened the professional software. Soon, a holographic video appeared in front of everyone.

Liu Mingyu waited aside for a long time, but didn't find the key point Zhao Yulong said. He only saw the holographic video in front of the flashing lights of various colors, as if poisoned, and finally couldn't help but ask: "You What’s the point? Why didn’t I see it."

"Boss, wait a minute, this smart core is so powerful, every time you touch it, it will produce new changes. Now you need to crack it to read the information inside." Zhao Yulong was stunned. Khan, he remembers the speed of cracking was very fast last time, why is it so slow this time?

Hey, I knew I should also learn to crack, so that the boss is watching, but I still can't do some effective operations.

Wu Junhao asked on the side: "What, Lao Zhao, are you going to crack this smart core? Why don't you say it earlier, let me do it."

Zhao Yulong quickly gave up his position. Now it’s not the time to covertly research on his own, but to conduct open research. As the third-ranked mouse in China’s hacker industry, he is right next to him. Instead of looking for him, he uses the computer’s own cracking software. , Isn't that stupid?

After Wu Junhao took over the computer, he saw his hands dancing quickly on the projection keyboard, like a pianist playing a fast rhythm.

The software on the holographic projection was quickly changing.

After about five minutes, the holographic video that originally exuded colorful light finally returned to normal.

"Okay, can you see if it's okay?"

Worthy of being an intelligent core, every time it has been enhanced, I almost missed it. Fortunately, Brother Wu has enough tools, and Wu Junhao secretly relieved in his heart.

"Thank you, Minister Wu, it's all right." Zhao Yulong quickly thanked him.

Zhao Yulong did not know when he brought in a new smart core. This smart core was directly connected to the holographic video without cracking it.

"Boss, Minister Wu, look, the one on the left is the intelligent core of the intelligent robot in the violent incident, and the one on the right is the core of the ordinary intelligent robot. Have you seen anything different?" Zhao Yulong Asked.

Liu Mingyu looked at the comparison of the two software screens on the holographic video~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Judging from the information inside, there didn't seem to be much difference. Suddenly he thought of the three laws of robotics mentioned by Zhao Yulong.

After mastering this direction, I took a closer look, and I saw the different places on both sides, and said: "You mean the three laws of robotics?"

"Yes, the biggest difference between them is whether there are three laws of robotics in the intelligent core." Zhao Yulong snapped his fingers.

"Did this difference be caused by a virus infection?"

It is the first time for Wu Junhao to know that there are no three laws of robotics in the intelligent core, but during his time studying the intelligent core, he discovered that the intelligent core seems to be infected by some kind of virus, which seems to have been seen before. But it is a little different from the viruses he has ever seen. It seems to be a virus that specifically infects intelligent robots and is used to modify the underlying protocols of intelligent robots.

Zhao Yulong nodded fiercely: "It seems that Minister Wu has studied this intelligent core very thoroughly. After my discovery, after the three laws of robotics are absent from the intelligent core, coupled with this virus infection, the intelligent robot will become very Furious and frantically attacking humans, this is the same as humans being infected with zombie viruses. After infection, they will become living dead and attack other humans frantically.

"It's the same as the zombie virus? Does the virus of the intelligent robot also come from the'devil' comet?" Liu Mingyu raised his own question.

"Boss, it should not be. The'demon' comet crashed into the earth from distant outer space five years ago, which caused the zombie virus. And this virus that infects intelligent robots seems to be a virus originally possessed on the earth, and its origin is far away. Much earlier than the Devil Comet."

Wu Junhao said firmly.

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