Do zombies have their own consciousness?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan shuddered. If the zombie had its own consciousness, it would be a very terrifying thing.

In the face of endless zombies, how can the survivors here survive?

The reason why the current survivors can survive is because of human beings' strong ability to adapt to the environment.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan didn't know that some special zombies have their own consciousness, but their consciousness is relatively weak compared to human beings.

However, as long as zombies continue to evolve, they will one day be comparable to humans, or even surpass humans.

Seeing these zombies who seemed to have their own consciousness, Ye Qingxuan frowned.

"Brother Lu, when are these surveillance videos?" Ye Qingxuan asked. These zombies are right next to the Star Group. There are such a large number of zombies. If they are really conscious, I am afraid that the ten-meter-high wall is not necessarily Can withstand them.

What's the most here?

There are the most zombies.

If ordinary zombies really have their own consciousness, it might not be that simple to defend.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help worrying at the thought of a large number of zombies coming here.

"These videos are all what happened this morning, but don't worry. After destroying the drone, these zombies did not continue to advance to the company, but stopped at Fuwan Garden."

Lu Haipeng knew what Ye Qingxuan was worried about and immediately comforted.

With that said, I opened a new video, which was shot at a far away place.

In this video, you can clearly see that in the direction of Jiacheng City, a large number of zombies suddenly appeared, and these zombies stopped in Fuwan Garden like well-trained soldiers.

It seems that there is something in Fuwan Garden that is attracting them, or Fuwan Garden is like a cover, so that the zombies can only enter, but can't get out.

Is there anything in Fuwan Garden that hasn't been found?

"Brother Lu, have you searched this Fuwan Garden?"

Ye Qingxuan raised her own question.

Lu Haipeng nodded and said, "Fuwan Garden is a community closer to the city. The community has been searched by the exploration team. There should be no important materials left in it."

When Lu Haipeng saw the zombies, he also thought of this.

I don't know what exactly the thing the zombies are thinking about is and how big it is.

If it's just a gadget, or something inconspicuous, even if the exploration team has searched it, it will not be clear that all the good things have been cleaned up.

Ye Qingxuan nodded and nodded: "Brother Lu, this group of zombies are not kind. Although they are trapped in Fuwan Garden for some unknown reason, we must make preparations."

"Understand, I'll make arrangements right away." Lu Haipeng nodded.

After Lu Haipeng left, Ye Qingxuan carefully observed the first surveillance video, which was the first drone surveillance to capture a large number of zombies.

Ye Qingxuan watched the ten-minute video several times.

Suddenly, in a certain video frame, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have discovered some unusual places in the zombie army.

Ye Qingxuan quickly paused the enlarged video.

Among the zombies, Ye Qingxuan saw a zombie that was obviously different from the surrounding zombies. There were also a group of zombies around that zombie, which seemed to be protecting this zombie.

Suddenly, this zombie couldn't see anything special.

Even in the surveillance video, if Ye Qingxuan did not check it repeatedly, he would not find this unusual.

Only when you look closely will you discover the special features of this zombie.

A zombie that is a little bigger than an ordinary zombie, but unlike the blaster, it is much larger than other zombies.

Is this a special zombie?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan quickly opened the special zombie database to match.


No information about this zombie was found in the special zombie database.

There may be two such things.

First: This zombie that gave Ye Qingxuan an unusual feeling was actually just an ordinary zombie.

Second: This is a special zombie that has not been included.

Ye Qingxuan checked the video carefully, and she found that the longer she stared, the stronger the strange feeling.

She can be very sure that this is a special zombie that has not been included.

The database of special zombies has been recorded from Li Haifeng. So far, dozens of special zombies have been recorded.

But this world has entered its fifth year of being infected with the zombie virus.

During these five years, the ghost knew how many zombies evolved into special zombies.

These dozens of zombies were all special zombies found in Jiacheng and Hangzhou. Ye Qingxuan didn't know how many special zombies there were.

Special zombies are strong and weak.

Strong special zombies, such as the flying dragon Liu Mingyu encountered before, possess great strength and agile speed.

Liu Mingyu took great pains to kill the flying dragon.

The weak special zombies are not even different from ordinary zombies.

If it weren't for killing, the energy spar would be different, and you wouldn't even be able to notice it. It turned out that this was a special zombie.

It seems that the zombie in the video seems to be a relatively weak special zombie.

However, this zombie gave Ye Qingxuan a strong feeling. She felt that this particular zombie was definitely not simple.

Ye Qingxuan even suspected that the sudden appearance of a large number of zombies this time might be related to this particular zombie.

Ye Qingxuan had no evidence, she was only suspicious after seeing the other party.

After Lu Haipeng left, he immediately intensified patrols and equipped the patrol personnel with real guns and live ammunition.

The employees of Xingchen Company also discovered Lu Haipeng's dispatch, and they were inquiring about what happened?

" Brother, do you know what happened? Why do I see a lot of people on the wall?"

"I don't know. I took a shift today without notifying me of work."

"My son was asked to work overtime. It seems that there are a large number of zombies gathering outside the city. We need to take some defensive measures."

"A large number of zombies gathered? No, I didn't encounter any zombies when I went out this morning."

"Then I don't know. Look, the city gate is already closed. It seems that something unusual may have happened."

"Ah, won't there be a lot of zombies coming here?"

"Relax, our city wall is ten meters high and three meters thick. Even if there are zombies coming, it is just a moving target. I have sent us energy spar. Oh, it's a pity that I am not on duty today, otherwise I will kill these zombies. , I will definitely get a lot of contribution points. I have been coveting the pork belly for a long time, but unfortunately, I can only get a chance to redeem it when I accumulate it slowly."

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