Watson looked at the order of flowerpots placed on the rooftop balcony in the distance, and knew that his message had been successfully passed to Charlotte Holmes.

He called to the passing taxi to stop and went to the prosperous commercial street to buy gifts.

Naturally, this gift is not prepared for Clovette, who is scheduled to meet in Holborn the day after tomorrow, but for little Anna, whose birthday is the day after tomorrow... This is the plan proposed by Nello Bacchus to him, through little Anna, Establish a good relationship with Winfrey Morgan and let the other party quickly put down their guard, so as to quickly absorb him into the other party's team.

Although Nello said that he only wanted Dean Winfres to arrange time for your next operation as soon as possible, sir, Watson knew very well that Nello actually hoped that he would be able to join the esoteric cult after he recovered as soon as possible. Work together.

However, what Nello didn't know was that Watson was more eager to join Winfreth's secret cult team than he was - he still lacked enough knowledge about the hidden world. He neither knew how to arrange the ritual nor how to arrange it. How to ask for Si Chen's power.

Watson is eager to get a complete set of systematic learning... and the Winfres team, which seems to have sponsors in the hidden world, is his best choice at the moment.

He would never let go of this opportunity to come into contact with the hidden world under Charlotte Holmes's nose!


The sun sets and rises again.

The cold wind began to rage on the streets, mercilessly robbing the heat of those who walked by. The gray snowflakes, as polluted by coal smoke, slowly fell, making this gloomy city even colder.

Passers-by put on thick and bloated winter clothes overnight, and homeless people in the alleys along the way have to set up bonfires during the day and sit around the burning oil drums to enjoy the momentary warmth.

But Watson seems to be unable to feel the severe cold. In addition to being extra strong, the new skin after metamorphosis also has the effect of slowing down the loss of body temperature, greatly improving his tolerance to cold.

But in order not to attract attention, he also wrapped himself in thick clothes like other mortals.

The flying gray snow cast a lonely and desolate look on everything outside the car window. When the taxi was about to enter the bustling street where the Royal Free Hospital lived, Watson saw a group of homeless people crying in mourning from the alley paved with cardboard boxes. A corpse with a purple complexion was lifted out, seemingly heading to the nearby river bank, letting the dirty river take the brother who unfortunately froze to death to the other side of purity and tranquility.

Watson looked away expressionlessly.

The doorman of the Royal Free Hospital had already recognized the face of this regular customer and let him through without any obstruction. However, Watson still smiled and handed over a cigarette and stood at the door to chat with him. Perhaps one day, this person could also send him a message. serve a certain purpose.

After smoking a cigarette, he walked into the hospital and went to the ward where little Anna was.

The aunt nurse was still sitting in the ward, and little Anna was still lying on the hospital bed and looking out the window, looking at the big tree that was shaking off its leaves due to the sudden cold.

After a while, the big tree in the center of the hospital garden has become a little bare. Only a few withered yellow leaves remain on the bare branches, but they are still falling off like the hairline of a middle-aged bald man... ...At the same time Watson entered the door, he saw another dead leaf falling from the branch.

Little Anna's eyes seemed to be chasing this fallen leaf, watching the withered yellow leaves swaying and falling slowly in the cold wind, until the fallen leaves left the boundary of the window's field of vision.

Watson sat down near the head of the bed and said softly: "Good afternoon, little Anna."

When Anna Morgan heard the words of Uncle John, whom she had not seen for a long time, a flash of joy flashed in her green pupils, but she immediately looked away and looked out the window.

If she hadn't been able to control her facial muscles voluntarily, Watson believed that the other party would have looked arrogant at this moment.

He moved to the other side of the bed, and that thin figure immediately came into Anna's eyes. However, she closed her eyes, but her long snow-white eyelashes were still trembling slightly.

"What's the matter, little Anna? Are you angry with Uncle John? Is it because Uncle John didn't keep his promise to visit you for so long, and didn't come to tell you the story of the great detective?"

Little Anna was naturally unable to answer. She still closed her eyes tightly, but her fingers kept tapping on the special small table, making a crisp echo - yes, I am angry, angry, angry! ! !

The tapping rhythm was repeated three times in a row, and each time the force was more obvious than the last... Watson could clearly understand the inner anger of the girl in front of him.

He smiled lightly and caressed the other person's hair, which was purer and whiter than the snow outside the window, as if doting on it, until it was crumpled into a mess like a chicken coop.

"I'm sorry, Uncle John was wrong. I apologize to little Anna very seriously. I shouldn't have forgotten the promise between us and delayed coming to chat with little Anna."

As Watson spoke, he took out the music box he had prepared in advance, turned the spring to make the internal gears start to run, and played a light and pleasant music.

"Look, Uncle John has prepared a small gift for you, can you just let it apologize on your behalf?"

Little Anna slowly opened her eyes when she heard the fresh and melodious music. She saw a ballerina sculptured from pure crystal dancing gracefully to the music...and without any support. Uncle John who can even stand up!

A flash of surprise flashed through his clear green pupils, but it was not entirely because of the ballet music box, but more because he was happy that Uncle John could stand and walk.

Before Watson even waited for the girl to knock on the small table, he already knew that the other party was happy that she had recovered from her injury. Because she had not had too much contact with the real society, the simple kindness still remained in the girl's heart.

"Look! Uncle John can stand up normally now!"

Little Anna blinked her eyelids several times, not only to be surprised by Mr. John's recovery, but also to ask him how to cure the stubborn leg disease. Could it be that Mr. John has not come to visit me during this period because he is recuperating in other hospitals?

"Yes, Anna is really smart. She immediately guessed the reason why Uncle John didn't come during this time... Yes, I have been lying in other hospitals recently waiting for my injury to recover. I was just discharged from the hospital yesterday. I went to buy some for little Anna yesterday. An apology gift, and then he ran over immediately.”

Watson continued to take out the beautifully crafted stuffed doll, "Dang, dang, dang! And this, I heard Nello say that today is your birthday, little Anna, and this is the birthday gift I want to give you."

Anna's pupils dilated for a moment, and if she could speak normally, she would have opened her mouth and let out an exclamation. It wasn't because the gifts were expensive. Ever since she became paralyzed and unable to move freely, her father had bought her all kinds of gifts. She was used to the gifts that all civilian girls longed for.

She was grateful for Mr. John's attention... After living in the hospital for a long time, she had rarely made real friends. In addition to her father, the people who usually came to the hospital to visit her were his subordinates, and most of them came with mission-related purposes.

Except for Sister Crowette! Anna likes to talk to the sister who always has a smile on her face, and she seems to be able to draw strength from her sister's clear laughter, and is infected by the pure joy... But sometimes the other sister always has a terrible way. The eyes staring at her made her feel very uncomfortable, and she was both happy and afraid of Sister Crowette's arrival.

But even so, she still longed for the other person's arrival in her heart... Unfortunately, it seemed that her father was very busy during this period, and it was difficult for even Sister Crovitt to find time to chat with her.

But why did Mr. John mention Mr. Nello... Could it be that Mr. John has also become Dad's subordinate?

"No, Nello...he is my old subordinate in the army. It was with the help of Mr. Morgan that I was able to cure an old leg disease some time ago. Nello is responsible for my daily life and diet. It just happened that we were talking about today's child. It’s your birthday, Anna, so I came here on my own initiative.”

That's it...it seems that dad's medical skills are superb again.

"Yes." Watson smiled and touched the girl's head, "You see, Mr. Morgan can even cure my leg disease that has troubled all the doctors in the city... I think you will be able to cure little Anna soon. I'm sick. After you recover, how about Uncle John taking you out to visit the famous Sherlock Holmes Detective Agency?"

OK! ! ! But... Mr. John, will you forget it again this time?

Watson hooked the girl's little finger with his little finger, "Haha, let's hook up and promise that no one will go back on it."

Um! Pull the hook, and no one is allowed to regret it!

The eyes of the girl lying on the hospital bed were filled with smiles, as if the corners of her eyes were rising into cheerful crescents... However, she could not move the muscles of her cheeks.

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