I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 366 The repentant Johnny

A gunner in the 5th Fusiliers of the Berkshire Brigade, this was Jonny's identity when he served in the army.

But privately, everyone prefers to call him "Short Gunner Johnny". The meaning of this nickname cannot be more obvious.

Johnny, who was born squat and short, now has a new identity, a frighteningly dangerous one.

A generous revolutionary who burns to illuminate injustice.

A secret cultist of the Blade who pursues Sichen, the spirit of change and struggle.

On the night when the riots in the House of Lords came to a perfect end, these once-incomplete veterans gathered together, held up their wine glasses, hugged each other's shoulders, sang impassioned war songs, and then roared and drank.

Perhaps because they were too happy, the box of whiskey was surprisingly strong, and they, a group of blade secret cultists who were far more powerful than mortals, were all drunk.

So much so that when the damn Anti-Suppression Bureau suddenly came to their door in the early hours of the morning, they didn't even react immediately!

They all fell into a trap ritual temporarily set by the Anti-Suppression Bureau, and suffered a cruel light that melted their five senses and minds.

Even though the secret method of awakening taught by Mr. Nello has been used to awaken the ferocious self hidden deep in the body... even the terrifying power that can rival the aberrants cannot resist the elite extermination force at all.

The noon steel blade mixed with bits of inhumane light tore through the pale white poisonous mist of anesthetic and chopped it directly towards Johnny's head!

The thick-edged cross-epee sword that came towards him contained the great power of illumination to drive away darkness. It easily cut off the bone-white horns on Johnny's head, and even embedded it directly into his forehead bone. That ray of light drove away darkness. The dark blank color penetrated directly into his skull... The conscious world became blank and blank.

When Johnny regained some consciousness, he had been hung up on the wall by the damn Anti-Suppression Bureau with chains that contained the power of rejection, like a sow waiting to be slaughtered.

The dazzling white light shone from the pure white wall, making him feel dizzy, with a splitting headache, and deep weakness.

But while he was weak, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable hunger in his heart.

Johnny looked at the dazzling light that was difficult to look directly at, and something from the depths of his blood seemed to be whispering in his mind.

Teach him that he should swallow up the radiance of hypocrisy and let the radiance of betrayal experience the real pain.

"Hey Johnny, relax, don't be so downcast."

"It's not time to admit defeat yet!"

"Think carefully about the emergency action plan that boss taught us... think about it carefully, you should know what we should do now!"

The ancient bugs lurking in the folds of the brain seemed completely unaffected by the dazzling light, and were still chattering in Johnny's head.

His consciousness seemed to be gradually waking up amidst the whispers of ancient bugs, or it was becoming more hazy and chaotic, filled with wild thoughts, and even he could not predict what he would think in the next second.

Johnny lowered his head and looked at the sporadic blood stains and bone fragments on the shiny floor. Suddenly he felt that it was like a vivid scene painting, with dark red blood stains like shadows of dancing trees, and broken bones. They appear to be jagged old trees... but something important seems to be missing, leaving this woodland portrait incomplete.

"Yes, that's right. There are too few trees, the shadows are not dense enough, and there is a lack of a group of pink rabbits, a fat, short, dark worm, and..."

Johnny felt smug about his wit, and he couldn't help coughing violently. Every cough was extremely violent, like a broken furnace whining and roaring.

Blood bruises and fresh blood, broken teeth and broken teeth, tongue tips and tastes, membranes and sounds, skin and touch... all kinds of superfluous and unnecessary things were shaken off Johnny's body in violent tremors.

His face, which was already bloody and bloody, now became more ferocious and terrifying.

Pieces of covering pieces fell off like broken porcelain tiles, and the muscle fibers inside also disintegrated piece by piece, exposing the white skull.

The two deformed and swollen eyeballs like multi-faceted crystals swelled further, directly opening the eye sockets. Broken cracks spread outward from the corners of the eyes, and turbid yet clear liquid slowly leaked out from the tip of the nose. ...Those bloated and redundant perceptions and memories are gradually being thrown away from this broken body.

These scraps of flesh and blood that had been ruthlessly abandoned fell to the floor below Johnny, but they still retained some strange activity. They were actually squirming and slowly crawling on the floor, as if they were some kind of deformed bugs.

This group of flesh and blood insects that fell to the ground vowed to sacrifice the rest of their lives to add a touch of blood, a touch of beauty and a touch of madness to the incomplete portrait on the white floor!


The true identities of the seven cultists in the House of Lords riots belong to the newly established Bass Arms Company, which proves that the batch of cheap and reliable firearms previously circulated in the world were indeed made by the 'Professor'.

Therefore, Spencer, the investigator responsible for investigating the source of black market weapons, also participated in the interrogation of this group of blade cultists from Bass Arms Company - of course, headed by Charlotte Holmes and assisted by him.

But facing this group of blade monsters that are suspected of being deformed, it is obviously not suitable for face-to-face interrogation - even though the power of this group of monsters should have disappeared, leaving only a broken and deformed body, the powerful body endowed by the deformation Power cannot be easily wiped out by the equipment within the bureau.

In accordance with the rules and procedures of the bureau, the female detective decided to temporarily imprison these monsters, using the constant light to weaken the opponent's madness and restlessness, and further consume the opponent's terrifying power that can tear a tiger and leopard alive.

Waiting for the great light to dispel the remaining evil in the skulls of these monsters and restore the sense of reason that humans should have before continuing the interrogation work - fortunately, these monsters only appear to be deformed, but it seems that the deformation is not complete.

The flight and fight reactions at the arrest scene alone can prove that these Bass Arms Company cultists only master the power of quasi-abnormality, rather than truly indulge in sexual desires, mental loss, and physical aberrations.

Spencer walked into the surveillance room carrying two cups of steaming coffee. A huge mirror of sixteen feet by sixteen feet was erected inside the large room. With the help of the advanced equipment in the bureau, the situation in seventeen prison cells could be monitored at the same time. .

He looked at the seventeen hideous and terrifying figures. They had lowered their heads silently in the blazing light, as if they were dead. However, the surveillance instrument in front of him clearly showed seventeen slightly undulating fold lines - that was Regarding the real-time measurement of the sanity of the cultists in the prison room - statistics are collected every ten seconds, showing fluctuations per minute.

[Jonny E. Ochoa, Sanity value fluctuations: 0.79-0.82-0.88-0.90-0.84-0.78]

[Wim Lardner, sanity value fluctuations: 0.95-0.86-0.92-0.87-0.88-0.90]

[Thor H. Paine, Sanity value fluctuations: 0.99-0.99-0.98-1.01-1.00-1.08]

[Kosai Aldulin, Sanity value fluctuations: 1.03-1.05-0.99-0.97-1.01-1.00]


Spencer handed another cup of coffee in his hand to the tall and beautiful figure standing in front of the surveillance mirror, and asked: "How is the progress now? Can the interrogation start?"

Holmes took the coffee without moving her head and took a sip. The fragrant smell that hit her nostrils seemed to relax her spirit, but the bitterness that poured into her mouth in the next second brought the female detective back to her senses. The caffeine made her clearer and clearer, and the fatigue from the past few days seemed to be relieved.

She just shook her head slowly and said calmly: "It's not the time yet. At present, only a small number of suspects' sanity values ​​have temporarily returned to normal values ​​under the light, but even so, their sanity values ​​will fall from time to time."

"According to the current progress, it is estimated that in three hours, the sanity of these seventeen cultists should have returned to normal levels."

"Then we can start—"

Before the female detective finished speaking, she saw that the first cultist's sanity value in the monitoring equipment suddenly began to drop rapidly!

[Jonny E. Ochoa, Sanity value fluctuations: 0.88-0.90-0.84-0.78-0.70-0.59]

She immediately turned her gaze to the corresponding surveillance mirror, and saw that the deformed body that was tied up by Wu Zhigang's chains was losing pieces of skin and flesh, and she spit out mouthfuls of thickened meat while coughing violently. Thick blood and pieces of internal organs.

The female detective's eyes were so sharp that she immediately discovered that after the flesh and blood residue spat out by the other party fell to the ground, it incredibly began to crawl slowly and slowly, as if to draw a grotesque and bizarre portrait on the floor. .

Just having a glimpse of the blurry image of the portrait, Holmes already felt a strong sense of discomfort, as if he opened the curtains and looked up when he got up in the morning, but could only see a layer of thick and dense gray and black clouds.

The clouds were so heavy that they seemed to be pressing down, making every viewer feel gloomy and uneasy throughout the day.

"No, they still have power!"

The female detective immediately slapped the button in front of her with her palm, and the sound of the rattling gears sounded within the walls of the prison cell.

The blazing white light in all directions seems to be awakening, bursting out with more and more dazzling light!

The brilliant light, which is extremely dazzling and difficult for mortals to look directly at, flashes crazily.

The sudden bright pure white light seemed to contain an icy hot temperature. Johnny, who was gradually abandoning unnecessary things in himself in order to pray for wild and chaotic power, seemed to be thrown into a strange furnace burning with cold white flames.

His exposed jagged bone spurs melted quickly like ice in the spring sun, and the discarded flesh and blood that fell to the ground burst into bright flames, and the free and unfettered thoughts in his skull stopped for a moment.

Johnny suddenly felt an unbearable pain, but it was clear that his pain nerves had been eaten away by the ancient insects in his skull, so how could he feel the long-lost pain again? !

Waves of pain, like burning, freezing, and sad, hit the fragile brain one after another.

Stimulated by such a bitter and bitter mental pain, many memories that should have been completely forgotten suddenly emerged in Johnny's groggy head.

He thought back to his small but warm family.

He thought back to his virtuous wife who managed the household well.

He recalled his lovely and well-behaved daughter, Little Lena... Little Lena had inherited the appearance of his wife brilliantly, with fair and soft skin like fine velvet. She loved to call Dad, Dad, I was at school today when she came back from school. What interesting things happened and what new knowledge was learned.

"Uuuuuuuuuah...my little Reina..."

"I obviously want to witness little Leiya grow up, attend her college graduation ceremony, hold her arm and send her into marriage, and watch her live another happy life."

"Why did I want to join their revolutionary organization as if I was blinded by the devil?!"

"Why do I commit so many terrible and unforgivable mistakes just to live up to my code?!!"

"Why... why do I turn into this horrible half-human, half-ghost, half-monster look now?!"

Two lines of blood and tears flowed out from the hollow eye sockets. Johnny, who had somehow completely recovered his normal sanity and lost memories, nodded crazily, but his Adam's apple, which had lost his vocal cords, could only make vague whimpers and choked with sobs.

But the female detective sensed the message that the monster wanted to convey based on the frequency of its nodding.

"I, plead guilty."


"I, report."

"But, I need to meet Leia."

"I need you to heal me."

Holmes, who had memorized the information of these seventeen cultists, naturally understood the meaning of Johnny E. Ochoa at the first time. The Lena in the other party's mouth was the other party's only daughter.

She glanced at the sanity monitoring instrument and saw that Jonny E. Ochoa's sanity had actually risen to 1.68 points - this could definitely be called a rational person with clear thinking.

"Invite the family of Jonny E. Ochoa to come over, and be ready to play the gramophone tape you prepared earlier."

Johnny, who was crying and choking, still had some hearing ability. His left ear had completely fallen off, exposing the hole in the ear canal, but half of the pinna of his right ear was still left.

So after he repeated the nod signal that corresponded to the Morse code seven times, he began to hear subtle noises in the room, like someone whispering.

The subtle whisper gradually became clearer and louder, and every syllable could be clearly heard.

"Shashasha...Dad, Dad, where are you???"

"Shasha...Dad, dad, I miss you so much...wuwuwu daddy, why didn't you come home for so long???"

"Shashasha... Dad, do you not like little Lena anymore? Sorry, little Lena is wrong. I will never dislike Dad. Your fake nose is ugly and weird, and you look like a court jester..."

"Uuuuuuu...Dad, please go home quickly..."

This was the voice of Jonny's beloved daughter, Reyna.

Johnny heard his daughter's familiar voice, and the thick, foul-smelling black blood tears burst out from his empty eyes again. He nodded desperately and said in Morse code: "I, plead guilty, I, report, I, report! "

Thirteen minutes later, Johnny, who had washed away the blood, put on a hooded cloak to hide his terrifying figure and sat on the chair in the interrogation room.

His body was still wrapped with the heavy Wu Zhi Gang shackles, restricting his forbidden power and physical strength, but only his left arm was slightly relaxed, allowing him to barely hold the pen and write useful messages.

The heavily armed extermination soldier responsible for face-to-face communication looked at the subtitle board held up by his colleague in the transparent mirror behind him, tried his best to suppress the fear and caution of the monster in front of him, and asked in a calm and gentle voice:

"Jonny E. Ochoa, who is your immediate supervisor?"

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