I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 57 Sister Zhou: I don't believe it, you must be lying to me

Sekiro players were immediately divided into two groups.

A group vigorously promoted how powerful the Juggernaut was, and was proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

Another wave did not believe their words at all, and threatened to find the Juggernaut on their own.

They are people who have been pitted by the peerless swordsman, they have seen the nonsense of the players, and they have even participated in pitting people, so they are particularly distrustful of these words.

Another day when I was struck to death with lightning by the Sword Saint!

Mark pushed the keyboard away and took a deep breath.

Compared with the death of the sword before, he has made great progress now!

Mark believes that one day, he can successfully kill the Juggernaut!

After YY for a while, he opened the live broadcast room to see how others beat Juggernaut.

Just casually, he entered Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

As soon as I entered, I heard Sister Zhou announce loudly.

"Let's fight Juggernaut today!"

"There are many descriptions of Juggernaut on the Internet, but I have seen what they said, and I have made a major discovery!"

When Mark heard this, his mind moved.

major discovery? what is it?

He couldn't help but leaned closer to the screen and wanted to hear it. The so-called major discovery was just heard by Sister Zhou.

"The Sword Saint they are talking about, it is very likely that, like the previous Double Sword Saint, it is deliberately cheating!"

"Actually, Juggernaut is not a human, but may be other animals, or half-human creatures."

"Look, some people say that the Sword Saint holds both swords and spears, and also uses fire guns. Ordinary people only have two hands, how can they come here?"

"What does this prove? This proves that the Juggernaut is definitely not a person, at least a half-human figure!"

What Sister Zhou said was plausible and justified. If he hadn't seen the Juggernaut, Mark might have believed it.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room believed her words.

"I think so too, how can anyone hold three weapons?"

"This Juggernaut boss must be unusual!"

"Sister Zhou checked all the little monsters around, maybe she ran into the boss!"

After being affirmed, Sister Zhou is more confident.

After Peerless Swordsman, there were quite a few animals, and Sister Zhou remained vigilant throughout.

She tensed up and searched her surroundings cautiously, for fear of being attacked.

There was movement in her ears, and Sister Zhou immediately turned around and slashed.

Except for the sound of the knife hitting something at the beginning, it swung in the air after that.

Sister Zhou stopped to take a look, there was a sheep lying on the ground, and she was killed by one blow by accident.

She was a little embarrassed. She said that the monster was very strong, but now this monster is not killed, and it died so quickly.

Slap in the face!

The audience laughed.

"Sister Zhou is fighting with the air 〃~."

"That's right, that's not bad, it's worthy to be Sister Zhou who can kill a sheep as strong as Wei Ming."

"I hope you can also exert such a powerful strength against the Juggernaut."

Their words made Sister Zhou's face hot, it was really too slapped.

But she recovered quickly.

As long as the Juggernaut is found, all the rumors will be self-defeating!

Sister Zhou was full of confidence, and her eyes lit up when she saw a horse with six swords on the side of the road.

"This must be the Juggernaut! I'll kill it!"

Sister Zhou was so excited that she even ignored the players' descriptions of Juggernaut——

Juggernauts have swords and spears, and can also use firearms!

She rushed over, beheaded the horse with a few knives, and fell silent.

"It's not right..."

"The real Juggernaut cannot be killed so easily by me. Is the Juggernaut really not an animal?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were about to die of laughter when they saw her actions.

"Great, you finally realize."

"Juggernaut is not an animal!!!"

"Smile to death, Sister Zhou is fighting with the air all the time. I really want to think that she is selling her IQ."

Mark also laughed and slapped his thighs. I have never seen such a persistent player, who would think that Juggernaut is an animal?


Realizing that she had misunderstood, Sister Zhou did not spend too much time on the mobs, and soon came to the swordsman.

"Is this the Sword Saint?"

"Sure enough, it's a big boss, it's really high!"

Sister Zhou's praise was unanimously recognized.

"Sister Zhou is finally standing in front of the Sword Saint. It's not easy."

"It's been hard fighting with the air along the way, come and be abused by the Sword Saint together!"

"Juggernaut, proficient in all kinds of martial arts except swords!"

Sister Zhou got ready and rushed to the Sword Saint.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

She frantically blocked Juggernaut's moves and tried her best to hit her face.

In her opinion, as long as you fight the boss face to face, you will never be swept away by a gun, nor will you be killed by a fire gun!

But she didn't see Juggernaut holding a gun.

After it stabs, it leaps into the sky and slashes downwards.

Sister Zhou, who was very close to the boss, was shot and flew out, the character became gray, and the word "death" appeared in front of her.

She widened her eyes, shocked.

"This swordsmanship is too powerful. You actually said that the swordsman is proficient in everything other than swordsmanship?"

"A sword saint, the reason why he is called a sword saint must be because he is proficient in swordsmanship!"

"I suspect you are lying to me."

The audience is wronged, but they are telling the truth!

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

"¨々People, always believe in the fantasies in your mind and what you see in front of you, alas... sad, sad."

"I have prepared a stool and melon seeds, and I will wait for Sister Zhou to slap her in the face."

Sister Zhou concluded that they were cheating on herself, rolled her eyes, and concentrated on dealing with the boss in front of her.

"Do you think I'll be fooled again? Tell you, it's impossible!"

She stood up again and rushed towards the Juggernaut.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sound of hammering was endless.

She is very focused and immersed in the duel with the boss.

Even if there is no perfect block, normal block can block the damage of the Juggernaut.

Sister Zhou is full of self-confidence, and her eyes are full of energy.

"Look, it's actually very simple!"

"Looks like I'm going through customs faster than PDD and Duan Xiaomei!"

"This is the master..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the swordsman held a spear in his hand.



Rotary Slash!

Sister Zhou reluctantly avoided the Sword Saint's attack and kept sweating.

She has a high concentration of hits, and has been paying attention to the attack of the Juggernaut (good Zhao Hao), as long as she dodges all the attacks, she will definitely win!

Willpower supported Sister Zhou, and finally the blood pressure of the swordsman was bloodshot. Seeing that it was about to be executed, Sister Zhou showed a smile of victory.

It's a pity that the next second, the Juggernaut drew his gun.

"I am the Sword Saint..."

"Warrior, times have changed..."


The character was hit and fell to the ground, and the picture gradually became gray, with the bright red word "death" and "the shame of life but the glory of death".

Bright sneer.

Sister Zhou couldn't hold back the light.

She screamed and smashed the keyboard.

"I thought the Juggernaut was also an animal and was very careful about everything, but the Juggernaut turned out to be a human being!"

"I've been careful enough! But why! nm why!!!"

"Dog Juggernaut! Can actually draw a gun! Is there any martial virtue!!!"

Mark was stunned to watch Sister Zhou go from disbelieving the rumors to becoming violent, as if he saw the evolutionary history of the female tyrannosaurus. .

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