I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

101 Mr. Lin, I’M Sorry! For Platinum Stars, We Have To Give Our Hearts! !

"I stress it one last time!"

"No one is allowed to work overtime without my approval!"

"Otherwise, I will give you a warning the first time, and you will be fired directly the second time!"

Throwing this sentence away angrily.

Lin Keke left without looking back.

Only the confused employees were left, looking at me and me at you.

All scratched their ears.

He seems to be wondering if he heard it wrong

"Wait a minute, Lao Yu, what Mr. Lin just said was that you have to ask her to approve notes when you work overtime? Hiss...that's not right! Did I hear it wrong?"

"Xiang Dahai, what did you hear just now?"

"Ah...it seems to say that you need to report for overtime work?"

Everyone is confused!

Do I still need approval from my boss to work overtime?

This group of college students have just stepped out of society and have only heard about the dangers of society, but have not yet been severely beaten.

Everyone is dumbfounded! Doubting life!


"I said that the game industry is very involved. The welfare of small companies is not guaranteed, and the lives of large companies are not guaranteed?"

Before they graduate!

The most commonly heard news is which company is in arrears with wages, which company has forced overtime and odd and even weekends...

What other employee dies suddenly in the company, but is refused to be considered a work-related injury or something...


When everyone first stepped out of school and joined Platinum Star, they were still very scared.

I am afraid that I will be the next social animal to be oppressed and destroyed!

I still want to legally protect my rights and interests, take a heavy blow to rectify the workplace, etc...

What a result!

How about fixing your shit?!


The originally noisy R&D department suddenly became silent and fell into an eerie silence!

Some people even want to give themselves a big mouth to see if they are dreaming!

who are we?

A group of college students who have just stepped out of society, have basically zero work experience, and have no ability!

But what conditions did the company give us?

It’s the favorable office conditions, the five social insurances and one housing fund that are guaranteed to be paid, and the salary and benefits that are rising every month!

It’s full trust! And there’s a work environment that’s never involved!

The company obviously treats us so well, but we are still complaining about working overtime..."

"What a damn! We are so damned!!"

All of a sudden!

Many employees at the scene felt that their eyes were getting wet.

My heart is filled with an emotion called guilt!

What kind of company is this?

This is simply the hometown where I was born and raised and gave me a warm embrace!

I was very emotional, angry at my own incompetence, and felt very sorry for the employees of the company, and my voice was choked with sobs.

"Director Yu, I would like to ask, can our project be completed within three months if we don't work overtime?"

"Well...it's almost impossible."

Yu Luo shrugged helplessly.

“Even if the quality requirements are lowered, the final products that can be rushed out will only be semi-finished products.

"To put it bluntly, it's just a prototype of a framework, the kind that doesn't even have time to polish the details."

Yu Luo sighed and said, "Originally, I was thinking that my brothers have worked hard these past few months and worked overtime to finish the game."

"After all, the Tokyo Game Show is an international event. On the territory of Xiaoli, everyone doesn't want to embarrass the country, right?"

"But it's a pity that Mr. Lin didn't agree to the proposal to work overtime, and even criticized me, saying that this would create a bad trend of involution!"

"To be honest, Mr. Lin's words do make sense, and three months is indeed too hasty."

"Perhaps we can rush out a DEMO first, which is a trial version, and then polish the game body before putting it on the platform..."


Before Yu Luo could finish speaking!

I saw all the employees in the project department standing up in unison.

I patted my chest hard!


Xiang Dahai, leader of the art team, shook his head with firm eyes, "We don't agree!"

"What do you disagree with?"

Yu Luo was stunned.

"I disagree with Mr. Lin's statement!"

“We are not allowed to work overtime! It’s impossible! It’s impossible not to work overtime in this life! 17

"Lao Yu, we can't compromise!"

These words seemed to express everyone's feelings.

All the employees nodded vigorously!

"That's right! The company treats us well!"

"Since the establishment of Platinum Star, with Director Yu's genius creativity and design, every work has been deeply loved by players. It can be said that we have gained both fame and fortune!"

"but now!"

"MHW is our largest project to date, with the most investment, the most creative ideas, and the most market attention!

"No mistakes will be tolerated! Let alone show up at the Tokyo Game Show as a half-finished product in a rush!"

"If a game that everyone has high hopes for overturns, it will undoubtedly be a major blow to the company's reputation, and it also illustrates our uselessness!"

"Are we going to make Mr. Lin feel that he has recruited a group of people who only know how to eat dry food?"

Damn it...are you really not sick?!

Yu Luo was stunned by what the employee said.

Sure enough, self-strategy is the most deadly!

Why are you letting this PUA go...

"So what do you think?"

Yu Luo scratched his head in confusion, feeling that these people were much more abstract than himself.

My mental state is worrying...

But I saw Xu Yang, the leader, wave his hand!

The voice is exciting and emotional!

“As the saying goes, a thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist!”

"But now! Although we are not great horses, we are fortunate enough to be appreciated by Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin treats us with sincerity, so naturally we cannot let her down!"


Finish this sentence.

All employees patted their chests vigorously, as if they wanted to give their hearts!

"Tata open!"

"For Platinum Star! For Monster Hunter! For Mr. Lin's kindness! For Mr. Yu's genius creativity!"

"This class————"

Everyone shouted in unison!

"We've added a reservation!!"

....You guys are such idiots.

Yu Luo was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that he was not the most abstract person in the company.


He also felt that Lin Keke's rule not allowing employees to work overtime was outrageous enough.


These junior students who were recruited into the company are 217 even more ferocious!

The main theme is the two words of rebellion and rebellion!

They are actually willing to work overtime voluntarily when the company's assets are tight and unable to pay overtime pay??

Yu Luo is naturally very happy that everyone has such progressive ideas.

After all, this is their platinum star's first opportunity to be on the world stage.

No one wants to be embarrassed and wants to show the most perfect work.

"I feel your enthusiasm."

Yu Luo frowned, "But the problem is

"Mr. Lin was furious just now and repeatedly stressed that he could not work overtime without permission. If he wanted to work overtime, he had to get her consent first!"

"This is not easy to handle..."

Hear this.

On the other hand, Xu Yang, Yu Luo's eldest son, rolled his eyes as if he had come up with a clever idea.

"This is indeed a headache, but it's not impossible. It's just that

"Don't be the Riddler, but what?" Yu Luo's curiosity was aroused.

"We may need to take some risks..."

Seeing Xu Yang's embarrassed look, Yu Luo waved his hand impatiently.

"Stop whining and say it quickly."

"Anyway, if the sky falls, I will hold it up for you. If Mr. Lin gets really angry, I will take the blame!"

As soon as this statement came out!

The employees all clapped and cheered!

"Mr. Yu is awesome! Mr. Yu is mighty!"

And Xu Yang also gave a thumbs up before calling everyone together.

He deliberately lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"Our plan is this..."

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