I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

104 Go To The Island Country! Tokyo Game Show Grand Opening! !


The summer heat has not completely faded away in the magical city of early autumn.

It just so happened that God was not in his favor.

On such a day when I was about to go to the island country, it started to rain lightly outside.

"Let's go! Brother Luo, it's time to hit the road!"

As the office door was pushed open.

They saw Xiang Dahai and Xu Yang standing at the door wearing sunglasses and looking arrogant, and they didn't forget to raise their eyebrows at Yu Luo.


Yu Luo was drinking water and almost sprayed all the water on the screen.

"What the fuck do you mean - on the road?"

"Can your b-mouth say something?"

Yes, that's right!

Except for Yu Luo, Lin Keke and Chen Yurou, the three platinum veterans were invited to the island nation of Tokyo this time.

There are also two project team leaders, Xiang Dahai and Xu Yang, who are responsible for helping with reporters' interviews and trivial matters such as receiving media.

After all, it is the annual global development conference.

Not only players from all over the world, but also officials from various countries attach great importance to this event.

Especially for major game manufacturers, this Tokyo Game Show is of great significance!

In addition to being able to promote your own games to the world.

More importantly, being able to communicate with top designers from all over the world, including but not limited to

Mutual cooperation, talent trading, copyright purchase, exchange of successful experiences, etc.!

And Platinum Star is naturally no exception [he came with a purpose————

They want their games to go abroad and to the world!

"Mr. Lin and Mr. Yu, the car is ready. The flight will take off from Shanghai Modu Airport at 10 am and will go to Tokyo Haneda International Airport!"

Following Chen Yurou's reminder, everyone who had been waiting for a long time also got on the bus.

The more formal the occasion, the more the role of an assistant like Chen Yurou can be reflected!

after an hour.

As the plane slowly left the Magic City International Airport.

Platinum's first ever expedition begins here!

One p.m!

It spanned more than 2,000 kilometers and took more than three hours of flight!

Platinum F3 is centered on Yu Luo, Lin Keke, and Chen Yurou, plus several accompanying employees such as Xu Yang and Xiang Dahai.

The platinum delegation, a total of ten people, landed on time as flight MD5732.

Arrive at Tokyo Haneda Airport smoothly.

Just got off the plane.

I felt the cool autumn wind blowing along with the fine raindrops.

It made people shiver involuntarily.

"It's so cold in this damn place!"

"It was raining when we got on the plane, and it's still raining when we got off the plane!"

Xiang Dahai, who was holding an umbrella, was beeping quietly.

"I haven't seen the sun in two days.

"I just checked the weather forecast, and it seems like it's going to rain in the past few days! You probably won't see the sun tomorrow.

Yu Luo, who was walking at the front, froze slightly at the corner of his mouth and turned around helplessly.

"This is too unlucky to say."

Everyone laughed and walked down the ramp of the plane.

While riding in the airport pick-up car, I saw the organizer staff waiting at the pick-up gate.

Chen Yurou, holding the platinum medal in her hand, immediately stepped forward.

With a standard professional smile on his face, he said hello to this Sakura girl.

"Hello, we are the platinum delegation from China. This is our president, Ms. Lin Keke..."

"This is our game director, Mr. Yu Luo!"

Speak fluent Japanese!

Not only the platinum crowd present were shocked!

Even the Sakura girl who was responsible for picking up the plane couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then she panicked and answered in her not-so-fluent Chinese.

"Hey, hello, hello, hello! I apologize for the poor reception!"

Looking at the little days that showed the spirit of craftsmanship, I bowed repeatedly, my waist almost bent to the ground.

Lin Keke, who was watching the fun, patted Yu Luo on the shoulder, leaned into his ear and whispered softly.

"A child is speaking Chinese, and a Chinese is speaking Japanese. This scene is too abstract, haha!"

"I didn't expect that Sister Yurou is not only so fluent in English, but also so proficient in the language she used to speak during her childhood."

"Professional! This is true professionalism!"

"Do you two understand what they are saying?"

"It's not a discussion... Damn it! Look over there!!"

As Xiang Dahai yelled, Yu Luo followed his gaze.

I saw waves of exclamations!

A line of teams holding signs with "Penguin Games" was surrounded by a large number of organizers!

With head held high and chest held high, I walked out of the airport lobby in a high-profile manner!

I saw that the leader was in a suit and leather shoes, walking vigorously, and his expression was serious and majestic, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

And the dozens of employees following him also have a strong aura and walk with wind!

Yu Luo looked up and squinted slightly.

He naturally recognized the other party's identity at a glance

Hayama once wanted to poach Platinum and sent him a job invitation!


To be able to have such a grand occasion and be so valued by the organizer!

Besides Goose Factory, the leader in the domestic Internet industry, who else could be there?

At this Tokyo Game Show, not many game manufacturers from China were invited to participate.

The most striking of them all.

Naturally, it is the Goose Factory delegation that has the greatest influence in the country.

And the Platinum Star delegation was invited to participate as the "biggest dark horse in the Chinese gaming industry"!

Yu Luo narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Shan, who naturally frowned slightly and looked at him.

Although it's not as exaggerated as enemies meeting.

But to some extent.

When it comes to issues related to games, Shiloh will become a very cautious person.

When Goose Factory failed to poach employees, it resorted to the traditional art of copy-and-paste, euphemistically called learning from the successful experiences of its friends.

Seize the legal loophole that plagiarism of gameplay does not count as plagiarism.

In less than half a month, a replica of "Shoveling the Earth for Advancement" with a 100% duplication check rate was released!

Although Yu Luo didn't say anything about this incident at the beginning, it didn't mean that he had forgotten it and had been thinking about it in his heart.

The moment the two looked at each other, the temperature at the airport seemed to drop two degrees.

"Hey! Aren't these Mr. Xiao Lin and Director Yu from Platinum?"

"I didn't expect to meet an old friend in a foreign country. What a coincidence."

Looking at the two people who looked wrong.

Not only did Hayama not care at all, but he also pretended to care about the "juniors".

With dozens of employees behind him, he walked over in a mighty manner.

"I didn't expect to meet Director Yu here. He is really a young hero. It's better to see him than to hear about him a hundred times!"

"Nice to meet you!"

hehe... The weasel wishes the chicken a happy new year, right?

Although he sneered inwardly.

But after all, Yu Luo has been a veteran for two generations, so he naturally faked a smile and shook hands with Ye Shan.

"No, no, Mr. Ye is so complimentary."

"We are platinum, but we are just lucky enough to have a few popular works..."

"The mainstay of the Chinese game industry still depends on Mr. Ye and Penguin."

Two people who are yin and yang.

Just like good friends who fell in love at first sight, they looked at each other and smiled.

An ultimate tug!

The traditional Chinese Tai Chi Kung Fu is fully reflected at this moment!

The host lady in charge of the reception also felt a little envious.

"I didn't expect that the game manufacturers in China would be so united! Could it be that Yu Sang and Ye from Goose Factory have always been friends?"

Hear this.

The smile on Chen Yurou's lips froze slightly, and she nodded awkwardly.

"To a certain extent... you can say that."

you do not say!

Although the two of them have never met in real life, they have always been thinking about each other in their hearts!

A thief is determined to poach someone.

In less than half a year, I sent Yu Luo several job invitations!

After being rejected countless times, I even became angry!

In line with the principle of joining if you can't beat it, we have successively launched "Shovel for Advancement", "Resurrection Cell", "Noisy Ridge" and "Pursuit"...

Waiting for four "genuine" masterpieces from Goose Factory that are almost authentic replicas!

...Please give me flowers...

Although the results are not very good, the players' skulls are about to be blown away.

But with low prices and various shameless marketing promotions...

More or less, it was bitten off from Platinum's body!

And the other one is even more heavyweight!

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they become extremely jealous!

Chen Yurou is a little scared now.

If the law hadn't allowed it, there would have been security guards at the airport.

I'm afraid Yu Luo, an old thief with an abnormal mental state, would pull out a fruit knife and stab him right now!

And this Miss Sakura, who was in charge of the reception, naturally didn't know the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.

I can only sigh.

"Wow! It's really enviable! No wonder China's games have improved so quickly! They have become so well-known internationally recently!"

And the other side!

"I'll report on the game and know all the strategies!"

"Hello everyone! I am the little candy from Yumi Starry Sky!"

"Long time no see! Welcome everyone to watch today's special program!"

The warm sunshine is shining down, and the rain that has lasted for several days has finally cleared up!

And in the capital of the island country.

A huge exhibition hall building with an iconic inverted triangle design on the top and a height of tens of meters stands quietly in the city center!

This is the Tokyo International Exhibition Center!

At this moment, the crowd outside the gate is bustling. Young people from all over the world are gathered here, all anxiously standing on tiptoes and looking at it!

As a special correspondent, Xiaotang also traveled across the ocean to Tokyo, smiling brightly at the camera.

"I believe you have also seen that we are now at the entrance of the Tokyo International Convention and Exhibition Center!"

"So here, the annual video game exhibition is about to be held!"

"As one of the largest video game exhibitions in the world, this Tokyo Game Show invites game manufacturers from all over the world and hundreds of top designers!"


At Xiaotang's signal, the photographer turned the camera to the various flags flying above the exhibition hall.

"Nintendo, Capcom, Skavill, Konami, and Sony... are all major game companies that we are familiar with!"

“Of course, in addition to these legendary manufacturers, we can also see outstanding new game manufacturers from various countries.

"For example, our country, China, has been gaining momentum recently and is known as the biggest dark horse in the gaming industry - Platinum Star!"

Just like the tourists on site!

There were so many barrages in the live broadcast room that they exploded!

As one of the few media in China with official endorsement, it is qualified to enter the venue for filming.

game starry sky every time

Once this happens, it will enter a period of skyrocketing popularity and traffic!

I blanched! I saw the platinum flag!

'He's so handsome! This old thief is really full of faces!'

'I really didn't expect that a small factory like Baijin with assets of less than 100 million yuan could be invited.

'So they're at the bottom!'

‘Don’t worry! I think next time I participate in an international exhibition, the platinum flag should be placed first!

‘Hopefully! As long as they don’t overturn, there’s still a chance

'Speaking of which, if you have any brothers in the island country, do you want to kill the old thieves offline?'

‘Hahahaha, a classic repertoire, right?”

‘The male spearman in the national uniform is asking for a fight! Watch me shoot out the entire summer with one shot!’

‘Hahaha! This topic is too dangerous, next time!

‘By the way, do these old thieves have any new works?”

Do you want to play a new game so soon? Have you cleared the level with a sledgehammer? Have you achieved all five Dead Cells? Is Silent Hill not scary enough, or is Escape not exciting enough?

'Master, stop reading! Stop reading!'

I'm feeling a little aesthetic fatigue and PTSD! The main old thief only knows how to play underworld games. He's really tired after playing too much...

‘Indeed! When I was playing Silent Hill and Escape, I really had nightmares every day! I felt like I was about to have a mental breakdown and I felt quite haggard.

‘Just believe in Platinum! You can’t rely on Goose Factory to show off our country’s prestige, right?’

Come on, old thief! This is on the territory of Xiaoli! You must not stretch your hips!! And'.

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