I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

107 The Whole Place Exploded? Lin Keke Who Doubts Life! Monster Hunter, Start Up! !


Almost at the moment the four characters "Monster Hunter" appeared on the screen.

The whole place was in an uproar!

Screams and cheers broke out, almost knocking over the ceiling of the exhibition hall!

To know!

After the release of Silent Hill and Outlast, two masterpieces that made horror games great again!

Not only the domestic gaming circle is shocked, but also many players abroad have become loyal fans of Platinum!

All of a sudden!

There were shouts in various languages ​​at the scene!

"MyGod! Good friends, now is the time to witness the miracle!"

"New work from Platinum! Yu Sang, we can't wait!"

"Axi! My hands are shaking, it's so exciting Smita!"

"Here it comes, brothers, get ready! The old thief's new game, he's ready——!!"


Dead leaves fall.

Appeared in front of them in the expectant eyes of everyone.

It is a large lush prehistoric forest and a huge lake as clear as a mirror!

As the breeze blows, the fallen leaves fall.

From time to time, animals will climb on the ancient tree of Cangtian, and everything is full of life!

But just then——

A roar like the roar of a giant dragon resounded throughout the world!


Staggering steps stepped into the pool, causing a large splash of water!

"Look at that!"

With an exclamation from the audience.

At the end of the line of sight, a hunter appeared with a heavy sword on his back and a steady pace!

In this quiet but uneasy prehistoric forest, it seems that murderous intent is hidden.

He followed the flickering green fireflies and moved forward cautiously, bending down from time to time to observe the huge and ferocious footprints on the ground.

He didn't forget to take out his knife and collect the unknown mucus bit by bit, as if he was following and investigating something.


Thump thump thump——!!

The passionate background music came late but arrived, and the intensive drumbeats made the audience excited!

There were even a lot of excited foreigners in the hall, all swaying to the rhythm of the BGM.

It’s like being high!

But the next moment!

But something unexpected happened!

With a roar that resounded across the sky!

The earth seems to be shaking crazily!

Blocking the hunter's path.

It turned out to be a giant dragon covered in red, with blood dripping from its ferocious mouth, and a thick and terrifying tail full of barbs, as terrifying as a killing machine!

A moment!

A terrible sense of oppression is coming!

The audience's eyes were shaken, as if they had seen a ghost, and their mouths were open!

In the live broadcast room where the simultaneous screening was taking place, the barrage exploded on the spot!


‘Holy shit? Damn it! I’m so stupid! What the hell is this? Tyrannosaurus Rex? Or Godzilla?!”

Where is the promised hunting simulator? Is the way I opened it wrong? This is completely different from what I thought!’

'Is there a possibility... that we are the prey?'

‘Monster hunter is a human, right? Hahahaha! It makes sense!

‘Great! Sure enough, Chinese culture is profound and profound!”

‘It seems! We still underestimated the old thief’s ability in the underworld!

‘It’s impossible not to torture players!

´WTF? WTF!! Look at this hunter, WTF!!’

Amidst the exclamations of the audience!

The BGM called Proof of Heroes has finally reached its climax.

I saw it under the bright moonlight.

Faced with the ferocious and terrifying Barbarian Jaws, which looked like a prehistoric beast.

The hunter with the huge sword on his back took off his concealing clothes with a wave of his hand!

He completely exposed himself to the sight of his prey!

A moment!


The deafening roar stirred up layers of air waves!

Feeling that it had been provoked, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was also covered in blood and entered a state of rage!

Every step you take seems to make the earth tremble!

Chasing the hunter is a crazy biting meal!

But I never thought about it!

This hunter, who seems to be played by the player, seems to be used to life and death.

Almost at the moment when the Barbarian Jaw Dragon collided with it, it jumped high on the spot!

He actually jumped directly across the sky and jumped on the head of this monster!

Under the exciting and magnificent BGM of "Hero's Evidence".

He raised the giant sword in his hand high, as if he was about to bring it down with all his strength!

But amid a burst of exclamations from the audience.

The enraged Barbarognathus flew away with a flick of its tail!

Seeing the ferocious and bloody mouth, he bit him!

The hunter, who was seriously unbalanced, actually shot a hook lock in mid-air and hit Masaomi like Spider-Man!

A set of movements flowed smoothly without any superfluity.

Every step feels like walking on the edge of death, and you can feel the thrilling feeling through the screen!

Many viewers were watching and patting their chests, gasping for breath and exclaiming how exciting it was!

A real man must fight the dragon!

This is real hunting!

With a roar!

The hunter, who had dodged one flame after another, finally pulled out the giant sword from behind and jumped down from the sky!

After accumulating strength, the heavy giant sword suddenly swung out!

A powerful and heavy slash!

It actually made the huge Barbarian Jaw Dragon feel intimidated!

Take a few steps back!

And seizing this brief gap, the hunter in pursuit of victory leaned forward like a rock!

He roared angrily and raised his sword again!

Flying and leaping into a sweeping slash!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking, it hit the Barbarian Jaw Dragon in the head, making this ferocious electric beast completely furious!

The black hair all over the body stands on end, the heat dissipation film is opened, and it is filled with blood like lava, and there are a pair of small wings spread out on the back!



Another terrible dragon roar came!

All I can see is the sky!

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared that blocked the sun all day long, swooping in like a shooting star!


After the dragon roared, the flying sand and rocks blown up by the strong wind dissipated.

Another pupil earthquake, the audience was shocked and speechless, only to find out!

This uninvited guest falling from the sky turned out to be another terrifying dragon...or a flying dragon!

Its eyes were sinister and blood-red, its whole body was covered in blue-gray scales, and its outstretched wings were at least eighteen meters long!

The tail that hung down from high in the sky was about 20 meters in length by visual inspection!

Just like the queen of the sky!

What kind of monster is this?

This shit is even more outrageous than a jet fighter!

It is simply a huge killing machine!!

The music is so passionate that it makes your blood boil, accompanied by the shocking scenes of giant beasts fighting.

The audience who was lucky enough to witness this scene all opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say.

I have been so shocked by the promotional video that my mind went blank!

I will only cheer with Abba Abba!

And while the female Fire Dragon and the Barbarian Dragon were competing for territory, the hunter who escaped calmly also immediately sent a rescue signal!

High fireworks pierced the sky!

An arrow pierces the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet you!

And as the camera continues to move!

After receiving the rescue signal, the three hunters immediately rode on dragons and sped away!

The hunter standing at the front has an elegant and elegant figure, and the armor all over his body shines with a cold color in the moonlight.

And with his tall and heroic posture, the weapon behind him is no longer a heavy sword.

Instead, it is a huge sword that is one hundred and fifty centimeters long!

The two hunters following him, one holding a pair of swords, were like assassins hiding in the night.

He usually holds a giant heavy crossbow in his arms, as if he wants to sweep everything away with firepower!

Almost at the moment when the hunter team gathered and officially started hunting!

The hero's testimony has also reached its climax!

This promotional video was broadcast to the whole world and shocked people to the point of being speechless.

It ended with the passionate symphony and bursts of dragon roars!

And the name of the game also appeared in the sky!

【Monster Hunter: World】

【Platinum Game】

【Presented to you】

The whole audience cheered!


'Damn! This guy is so handsome!

'Look! I said you can always trust the old thief!'

‘Gift Crab! This game is too crazy! Where is the morality, where is the bottom line, where is the demo version, and where is the official version?!”

‘Axi! Isn’t this a false promotional video? I don’t believe that China’s games are of this quality…

Little stick, please be careful in your next life. Brother, I took out this forty-meter-long knife, but it’s hard to take it back.

‘Si Guoyi! It turns out that this is the true meaning of hunting! Yu Jun’s energy is beyond our imagination!”

‘It’s so damn shocking! As soon as this promotional video comes out, why don’t you push Goose Factory to the ground and rub it?

‘Ahhhh! I want to play Monster Hunter right now. I can’t play it for even a second and I feel like there are ants crawling on me.

It exploded!

As soon as this promotional video came out.

Not only the players, but also the anchors and media reporters were shocked.

Even Lin Keke exploded!

"What's going on with this special meow?!"

But he saw Lin Keke at this moment.

It was as if someone had taken away his soul, sitting in his position blankly.

Looking straight at the promotional video on the screen, listening to the overwhelming cheers from the audience.

There was confusion in his eyes.


What about the hunting simulator you talked about?

What does this mean! Why is it completely different from what I thought!

"Hey, hey! Boss, what's wrong with you? I've only been on stage for a few minutes, and you've become stupid?"

At this moment.

Amid the screams of the players, Yu Luo walked off the stage with a smile and patted Lin Keke on the shoulder.

His tone was full of doubts.


Lin Keke chuckled!

damn it!

Why am I stupid?

Don’t you have any ideas in mind?

Was it promised to be a hunting simulator? Was it promised to be a half-finished product? Was it promised that our game would be violent?

Why did you release a promotional video and it shocked the whole audience? Damn it!


Looking at the cheers and screams at the scene, it was not difficult for Lin Keke to judge——

This monster hunter made by Lao Yu is even more amazing than the previous Silent Hill and Escape!

"."If you mess with me...you won't be able to lose money!"

Lin Keke scratched her head and ears and almost burst into tears!


Everything went quite smoothly!

I borrowed money from everywhere, spent 50 million in one go, and was pressed for time, so I could only make a half-finished product...

No matter what, she is already sure of victory and will definitely lose!

But I never expected it!

In the end, it will be her most trusted Mr. Wolong who makes a false shot!

Knife him from behind!


Hello Yu Luo!

I, an old comrade in my twenties, was not paying attention, so I cheated and attacked! Another awesome game!

Looking at Yu Luo's mean smile.

Lin Keke was so angry that she almost went crazy.

"Lao Yu... I remember you said before that this was a hunting simulator?"

"Then there was a Tyrannosaurus rex and a flying fire dragon just now...what the hell is that?!"

Hear the words.

Yu Luo was slightly startled, "Did I say that?"

Then he thought about it and suddenly realized it.

"Oh, yes, I think I said, 'To a certain extent, this is indeed a hunting simulator.' Boss, you have a pretty good memory, haha.

Haha, you are so big!

No laughing!

Lin Keke felt like she was going dark and was about to go berserk!

If my memory was not good, could I have been deceived by your words for three months?!

Pinch mom!

Looking at Yu Luo with an innocent face, Lin Keke's fist hardened and she really wanted to punch him!

"so what?"

She stretched out her hand and pointed at the Baregnathus and the Charmander on the screen, "What does this mean?"

"Oh (Deno), boss, that's what you said."

But I saw Yu Luo shrugging helplessly, "It's indeed hunting."

"It's just that the prey may be a little bit more ferocious. Is there any problem?"


As if thinking of something, Yu Luo patted Lin Keke on the shoulder and joked.

"What? You really think I'm going to play an ordinary hunting game, right? Just like catching rabbits and deer.

"Hahahaha, that's too boring. How retarded am I to choose this subject of cerebral palsy? Isn't that a sure loss? Boss, you can't agree, right...

Finish this sentence.

Yu Luo nodded to the reporter next to him, indicating that he had time to be interviewed.

Look at the back of him, the sixth child, gradually leaving.

Lin Keke was really furious in an instant!

Damn it! Where's my knife?

You’re so mad at me! Why are you so annoying, you idiot... I’ll just stab you to death, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!

Lin Keke's face was almost turning green!

It would be fine if she usually overturned, but this time she signed a gambling agreement with the system. If she loses money, she will have to pay double the amount!!

That’s 20 million! A total of 20 million system loans!!

If this all goes to waste...she really wants to die!

Just when Lin Keke was despairing of all hope and wanted to praise Si in various prayer games.

the other side!

The little girl who waited in line for a long time to get the trial qualification also patted the somatosensory booth next to her.

Cheered at the camera!

"Wuhu! It's finally my turn!"

"Brothers! I'm going! The live broadcast is displayed outside and everyone can see it! Huh! You're just an old thief!"

"Just let me meet your monster hunter for a moment!"

"Let's see who is the underworld of your game, or the genius girl like me who can even clear Silent Hill and Escape!".

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