The night passed quickly.

The next day.

Platinum Star Games Inc.!

Lin Keke, holding a thick stack of documents in his arms, opened the door to the conference room with a smile.

Don't look at her usual demeanor.

But the matter related to losing money is not ambiguous at all. The main focus is to act vigorously and resolutely!

Once again, he sat back in the chief position in the conference room and looked at the employees looking at him in awe.

Lin Keke, who has had enough of being a boss, is super excited!

"I didn't expect...a gaming idiot like me would one day lead a project!"

With the corner of his eye, he secretly glanced at Yu Luo, who had a calm face and no visible expression next to him.

Lin Keke recited silently in his heart.

Sorry, Comrade Lao Yu!

Although I know you are a designer with dreams and pursuits.

But after all! Different road non-phase plan!

We are destined to be clocks in the opposite direction!

When I succeed, I will definitely give you some equity in the company, just think of it as compensation!

Just thinking about it.

The door to the conference room was pushed open again and again, and employees gradually arrived and took their seats.

Platinum Star's first super conference.

Discussions about new projects have officially begun!

"Don't be nervous, everyone."

Seeing the employees sitting down one after another, Lin Keke, who was in a happy mood, also smiled sweetly.

"There's no need to be so formal."

"Today's meeting...well, the main purpose is to discuss the establishment of a new work project. Everyone should open their minds and speak freely!"

"Of course, if I make any mistakes, please ask our Yuda designer to correct me!"

Lin Keke stuck out her tongue, a little modest...or maybe she felt guilty?

As for Yu Luo.

Although he was a little surprised, he still nodded, "Please."

Hehe~ Then I won’t be polite!

Lin Keke suppressed a smile and opened his evil notepad!


It was all densely packed with various data that she had collected in the past few days.

including but not limited to--

The game with the highest negative review rate in recent years, the most unpopular game type in recent years, the game with the lowest sales on major domestic platforms, etc.!

She works really hard.

In order to lose money, it can be said that you have done enough homework.


Seeing the employees whispering, she coughed lightly before speaking.

"Our top priority is to determine the type of game for the new game."

After saying this, she looked at Yu Luo with a smile.

"Our bedroom... designer Yu, do you have any thoughts on this?"

That depends on the emotional value in my system.

Yu Luo murmured in his heart and shook his head.

"Because the notice was relatively short and we haven't had time to discuss it, does Mr. Lin have any better ideas?"

That’s right!

Looking at Yu Luo who shrugged helplessly, Lin Keke's eyes lit up!

"Then let me take a look at the data. What types of games are the most popular, and we will do what we do..."

Lin Keke devil whispered and flipped through the notepad in his hand.

From time to time, he circled a few points with a pen, which seemed to be very serious.

"Hmm... Then let's make a side-scrolling pixel action game!"

A side-scrolling game, as the name suggests.

It is a game where the screen is fixed on a horizontal plane and can only be moved left and right, or jumped up and down!

Perhaps it’s because this is a parallel world and there are no groundbreaking masterpieces like Mario and Castlevania.


This weird type of game can be said to be very unpopular!


In the past three years, few games of the same type have been found on the Xunyou platform.

It's the kind that no one plays with at all, and the dogs even look at it and hate it!


Lin Keke hadn't finished speaking yet.

Chen Yurou, who was next to her, leaned back tactically and took a breath of air.

Oh My God!

What kind of gouba type is this?

As long as little ancestor, you can tell me a reasonably reliable game type, even if it is a galgame that is rare on the market, I can reluctantly accept it.

As a result, you always say "horizontal pixel action game"?

She barely listened to the horizontal version a few times.

But what kind of antique is "pixel"?

These days, somatosensory chambers are gradually becoming more and more popular. Why are there still people thinking about this mosaic-like game? It has almost become a childhood memory!

The last word "action" is also heavyweight.

They are the kind that are gradually being eliminated because they are too difficult to adapt to today's fast-paced life.

It’s not too much to say tears of the times, right?

This is a horizontal version, pixels, and action...

Why do you always keep this stack of buffs?

"That's it, Mr. Lin."

Although her heart collapsed, Chen Yurou tried her best to suppress her emotions.

"Such a type, even in today's gaming industry, is still too advanced..."

"As far as I know, no one in recent years has even bothered to try to make...a weird game like this."

"Even big companies like Penguin and Yinet dare not try it easily because the risk is too great."

Chen Yurou opened her mouth, as if she couldn't help it and wanted to say something else.

But when he saw Lin Keke with firm eyes, he waved his little hand!

"I think this idea is very good! It's not our Platinum Star style to follow the trend and make crappy games!"

Finish this sentence.

She smiled and looked at Yu Luo, who was sitting quietly next to her.

The big eyes are dazzling.

"Our Yuda designer, what do you think?"

Feel the caring eyes of the boss.

Yu Luo rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment.

to be honest.

Lin Keke's idea is indeed a good one.

Although side-scrolling pixel games are very unpopular in this world, it doesn’t mean anything.

Like Castlevania in his previous life, Metroid Hollow Knight, and the famous Mario...

They are all regarded as masterpieces by players and can be called classics!

What's more important is.

The development costs of these horizontal pixel games are not too high, and they do not require high technical requirements.

It fits their company’s conditions very well!

"I agree with Mr. Lin's statement."

He nodded and said.

"If we want to break the monopoly of big companies and carve out a way out in this cruel game market... we must face the difficulties. The challenge is impossible!"



That’s so well said!

He is indeed the man I fell in love with at first glance!

Lin Keke, who was secretly happy in his heart, quietly gave a thumbs up.

Our Mr. Wolong...

It’s still so reassuring!

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