I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

019 Be Bigger And Stronger And Create Greater Glory!

A night of silence.

The next day soon came!

Platinum Star Games Inc.!

A new project hosted by designer Yu Luo and directed by boss Lin Keke——

The project is officially established!

After determining the tone and general framework of the game, various development work began in full swing.


Theoretically speaking, building a Roguelike game is quite complicated!

Although various meat pigeon games in the previous life seemed a bit crude and sloppy due to the pixel art style.

The controls are dull and silly, and the plot is dispensable.

But this time Yu Luo spent tens of thousands of emotional points to successfully unlock the dead cells in the system treasure house.

Even if you look at the previous life where 3A masterpieces were rampant, it can be regarded as a rare masterpiece.

The fragmented plot is exciting and rich, hidden in little easter eggs that are easily overlooked. The amount of copywriting work is also huge!


Because the essence of Roguelike lies in the combination of random equipment and skills for growth.

Therefore, as a designer, Yu Luo needs to use so many genres, constructions, and skills to ensure sufficient excitement without being too supermodel!

To know.

A mature meat pigeon game has thousands of props in it, and the effects that can be achieved by combining them are even more terrifying!

Just the balance test project takes a lot of time.

If it hadn't been for the help of the system, he would probably have gone bald on the spot!

"Fortunately, I have you, honey."

Looking at the source code and theme architecture files exchanged from the system treasure house, Yu Luo was filled with emotion.

"Otherwise, let alone one month, with the company's manpower, I will definitely not be able to survive another year."

after all.

As a game designer, Yu Luo also holds several positions as planner and director.

In addition to writing code and data, you also have to keep an eye on the progress of multiple projects at the same time.

Including but not limited to the progress of the art girl, the completion of the outsourced music team, etc.!

It can be said that I work overtime at high intensity every day, and I am so busy that I feel dizzy!

This also made Yu Luo, who was still drinking coffee and catching up on progress in the dead of night, couldn't help but feel helpless and leaned on his chair to think.

It would be great if there were more people in the company, or a dedicated production team could be set up

For example, in the two dormitories of my own, there are still unemployed people at home, waiting for food?

This might be a good idea.

It just so happens that as the chief designer, I am also short of a few interns to help with errands and support.

If you have time, you can mention it to Mr. Lin...


that's all!

A month of development time flies by!

The official release version 1.0 of "Dead Cells" was finally completed after three rounds of BUG testing under the auspices of Yu Luo!

And this so-called "version 1.0" is actually the simplest and original version.

It does not include subsequent expansion packs such as "The Bad Seed", "Rise of Giants", "Fatal Fall", "The Queen and the Sea", "Return to Castlevania", etc.!

After all, these DLCs will be used to make profits later.

After all, Mr. Lin was kind to him and was the one who led him into the gaming industry.

The treatment given to him as a designer in the company is even better.

Insufficient manpower and insufficient budget are not problems, we can fill them up casually.

This made Yu Luo feel valued, and while he was quite moved, he also became more determined.

We must let "Dead Cells", which has been put into countless efforts, become the latest hit in the game market.

Make as much profit as possible.

Not only for the tenfold rebate of my own system, but also because I want to help the company.

Get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Be bigger and stronger and create greater glory!

"If this new work is like Sledgehammer, if the same day sales volume explodes... Mr. Lin will definitely be happy, right?"

Looking at the finished game, he felt excited and nervous at the same time!

Although this "Dead Cells" could be said to have killed everyone in his previous life.

But in this parallel world where the game industry is lacking, no one can guarantee the specific results.

Everything is still unknown!


Time passes unconsciously.

Seven o'clock in the evening!

The conference room of Platinum Star was packed!


Under normal circumstances, their company strictly prohibits overtime work.

But today is the day the game is officially completed!

As the chief designer, Yu Luo needs to work with his employees to report the project summary to the boss and demonstrate it.

If all goes well, it's time to schedule your game for release.

When he saw the door being pushed open, Lin Keke strutted in while humming a song, not forgetting to say hello to himself.

Yu Luo also nodded, no nonsense.

Get to the point.

"The final name of this project is "Dead Cells", the development period is thirty days, and the investment cost is about one million."

"The salary of the employees and outsourcing team is 500,000 yuan, the engine cost is about 50,000 yuan, and the sound effects, art, UI and various platform resources and materials total 400,000 yuan."

"The price of the game is tentatively set at ten yuan, and the type is a Roguelike game..."

"The starting time is tomorrow night at eight o'clock!"




I was originally planning to take advantage of the situation, but when I saw that a big brother sent me a thousand flowers, I got up and added another chapter. I also want to ask for some data~

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