"Mr. Yu Luo, welcome to Platinum Star!"

As soon as these words came out.

Yu Luo and Chen Yurou were both shocked!

He quickly turned around and looked.

I saw a petite and cute girl sitting on the desk in the center of the conference room.

Wearing a light-colored short skirt, she is probably about the same age as Yu Luo, in her early twenties.

On the round face, the big watery eyes are shining, and the soft twin tails hang down on the shoulders, looking cute and sweet.

Yu Luo raised her eyebrows slightly.

Although it sounds a bit outrageous.

But he knew it after reading the company information in advance.

This girl sitting in the center of the conference room with a lollipop in her mouth is not a mascot or anything.

Rather, he is the president behind Platinum Star, the true top executive!

Perhaps it was because she kept smiling and looking at her without saying anything, so Yu Luo didn't pay too much attention.

No one thought of it at all.

The first words she spoke were so weighty!

Chen Yurou’s face changed with fright!

"Mr. Lin, you..."

If you believe that this college student has the potential to be a designer, you might as well believe that I am Qin Shihuang!

I looked at the game concept map again.

He was holding a hammer in his hand, like a Down syndrome villain in a urine jar.

She just had a black eye.

No matter which angle you look at this crappy game, it doesn’t look like it could have been designed by a person with a normal mental state, right?

Just put this "Sledgehammer" on the Xunyou platform, let alone make money.

Even if I could sell one copy, I would have to kneel on the ground and crack my head three times before apologizing!

"Little ancestor, you are confused!"


Chen Yurou, who was so heartbroken, just wanted to speak out to dissuade her.

But they saw their Platinum Star girl president standing up with a smile.

Looking at Yu Luo's eyes are shining!

"Mr. Yu, you just said...that you are a college student who has not graduated yet, right?"

"That's right."

Although he was surprised, Yu Luo nodded honestly.

"Have you never had an internship before? Don't you have any work experience in the game industry?"


Yu Luo hesitated at first, but finally shook his head.

expressed denial.

Although he had interned at Nintendo in his previous life, after returning to China after completing his studies, he established an independent game studio with his good buddies and served as the project director.

I can barely be considered an experienced designer.

But after all, it all happened in a previous life.

In this life, he was just a senior intern, so he did not lie.

"Besides this "Sledgehammer", uh... do you have any other works?"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Yu Luo always felt that her eyes were strange, as if she was looking forward to it...but also wary?

"not at all."

Looking at Yu Luo who keeps shaking his head, he seems not very smart.

Lin Keke's big eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

It's like discovering a treasure!

"good very good!"

She was so excited that she trotted all the way to Yu Luo.

Young people like Yu Luo are the "talents" that their Platinum Stars dream of!

Hey hey hey... I want to settle on this man!

Just thinking about it.

Lin Keke, who was trying not to laugh out loud, stretched out her white hand towards Yu Luo.

"Mr. Yu Luo, you passed the interview!"

"From now on, you will be a member of our Platinum Star family."

"Chief designer, Mr. Yu!"


Fuck...fuck! Wait a minute! Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Seeing the two of them bowing to each other, their hands were almost clasped together.

Chen Yurou, whose eyes gradually widened, felt that her brain was overloaded and her CPU was about to burn out!

How come you passed the interview?

Am I crazy? Or is the boss crazy?

It is clear that our company has suffered losses on several games in a row and is about to go bankrupt and dissolve.

Why do you still insist on trying again and again on the verge of death?


Just when Chen Yurou was doubting her life, she subconsciously opened her mouth and just wanted to speak.

As Yu Luo and Lin Keke held hands.

It was as if some magical contract had been completed.

A crisp sound of "ding" suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for joining Platinum Star and successfully binding an investment agent! 】

[The game rebate system is officially launched! 】

[Only good games can make people empathize. From now on, the host needs to collect players’ emotional values ​​to further unlock the game treasure house! 】

[In addition, as the sales of the game increase, the host will also receive up to ten times the system rebate! 】

The crisp electronic sound is so pleasant to the ear.

This...is this successful?

Yu Luo scratched his head, looking a little confused.

Happiness comes a bit suddenly!

This Mr. Xiao Lin, who has a keen eye for knowing pigs, is really a grievance... No! He is his great nobleman!

Looking at the beautiful smile on the corner of Lin Keke's mouth, Yu Luo felt a little touched in her heart for some reason.

But what he didn't know was.

The moment the system is activated.

A clear reminder also sounded in Lin Keke's mind.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully binding game designer Yu Luo and successfully activating the loss rebate system! 】

[From now on, once a game released by an agent designer suffers a loss...]

[The system will compensate the host with ten times the rebate! ! 】

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