I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

050 When It Comes To Prodigality, We Are Professionals!

do not know why.

Looking at the once high-spirited Yu Luo, he was now slumped on the ground frustrated and powerless.

Lin Keke was so happy!

No need to say more!

Just by looking at these two people who are hopeless in life, you can tell what happened!

I'm afraid if it weren't for Platinum Star's booth today, there wouldn't even be ten people visiting it!

Oh no!

If she gets more than five, she loses!

He looked at Yu Luo, whose eyes were so distracted that he didn't even notice that he was coming.

Lin Keke was going crazy with joy!

after all.

As far as she knows, their Mr. Wolong has always been very confident!

He always looks so calm and calm.

He seems to be strategizing, he seems to know that his game will be a hit, and he seems to never be afraid of losing money.

It doesn't look like he will be hit at all!

But now!

Even a swollen man like him turned into a salted fish paralyzed on the ground.

The eyes were empty, confused and in a trance.

To be honest, Lin Keke felt a little distressed when she saw it.

What a big blow this must have been...shouldn't his heart be broken and never recover from it?

The gaming industry has lost a talented designer forever, right?

After all, he became a god on the Internet and created a new game genre. He is known as the founder of Meat Pigeon, but in reality no one cares about him.

No one can bear such a big gap.

"Here, here you go!"

Putting away his gloating smile, Lin Keke ran all the way and soon came to Yu Luo's side.

He took out two cups of milk tea from the bag and handed them into their hands respectively.

He didn't forget to smile and stroke Yu Luo's dog head, comforting him.

"Okay, okay! Lao Yu, don't be sad!"

"It's just a crappy exhibition. We're not here to promote it anyway. We're just here to see the successful experiences of our friends. Don't be so depressed~"


The milk tea was as cold as ice, and the moisture from the sugar helped Yu Luo regain some vitality and feel a little bit alive.

However, he looked at Lin Keke who had a doting look on his face and was still trying to comfort himself.

Yu Luo's mouth froze slightly, and his eyes became more confused.

What the hell?

sad? Why should I be sad? Is she comforting me?

no! Where do I look like I need comfort?

I'm just too tired to talk!

But before he could speak, he saw Lin Keke smiling and clapping his hands.

"Okay everyone! Get back on your feet and don't be hit by the temporary failure!"

"You've worked hard today, what do you want to eat for dinner? You're welcome, just say it."

"My boss is footing the bill anyway!"




"Did you starve to death in your last life?!"

Half an hour later!

Lin Keke, who waited until the withdrawal was over, immediately took Yu Luo and others to a high-end and luxurious buffet restaurant in Shanghai.


She had witnessed with her own eyes what it meant to be the real reincarnation of a starving ghost!

M12 wagyu? Show off!

Baked lobster with cheese and butter? Show off!

Faguo oysters? Show off!

They are almost starving to death, but the boss’s treat is not for nothing!

Just show off like crazy and that’s it!

that's all.

Seeing the two people sucked in by the storm, Lin Keke was not the only one who was confused.

Even the waiter who was diligent in collecting the plates was completely dumbfounded.


Lin Keke swallowed, and wanted to remind them several times to eat slowly, as no one would compete with them.

But every time it was interrupted by the crunching sound of chewing!

Even Chen Yurou, who had always been calm and gave people the feeling of a big sister, felt as if she hadn't eaten in hundreds of years.

All kinds of grief and anger turn into appetite!

"That...that's about it."

He patted Yu Luo on the shoulder, as if he was afraid that he would choke to death, and handed him a glass of juice.

"Let's just say, it's your first time coming to this restaurant...don't die in other people's restaurants..."


Her boss seemed to be isolated.

The only response to her was that one plate after another of steaks and lobsters had been cleared!

Full of wine and food!

Two hours have passed since I started eating!

I looked at the time and saw that it was already seven o'clock in the evening. It was unrealistic to rush back now.

In addition, Yu Luo and Chen Yurou were still half-dead, even walking tremblingly.

Lin Keke was really afraid that they would die in someone else's car.

Just wave your hand generously and never go back!

Check out the hotel tonight!

Of course, there is a reason why Lin Keke is so generous!

Mainly because she asked the system in advance.

Such as various expenses for going out, as well as food and accommodation expenses, etc., after settlement.

It can all be summed up in the cost of game production, and you can enjoy the bonus of ten times the rebate!


The game development festival they attended this time could theoretically be considered a business trip.

It can be reimbursed directly by the company, and there is no need to use Lin Keke's private treasury!

"Lao Yu, do you want to experience the joy of the presidential suite?"

Lin Keke, who hailed a taxi, felt relaxed!

Hi hi hi hi!

This is a good chance for me!

See if I don’t squander it this time and spend it all for you!

When it comes to prodigality, I am a professional!

In less than five minutes, as the car door opened, they arrived at the embassy district of Shanghai.

Not only are there top-notch five-star hotels, but they also have top-notch services and supporting facilities.

Of course, the price is definitely the best!


Lin Keke still wanted to give it to herself, Yu Luo and Chen Yurou directly.

One person can order a presidential suite with an area of ​​400 square meters and a price of 160,000 per night.

But before he even opened his mouth, he was warned by the system!

The reason is also very simple.

That is, today's Platinum Star is still a small and medium-sized company, and it is not worthy of enjoying such top-notch luxury treatment.

no way.

Lin Keke had no choice but to back down, and she could only feel wronged by Mr. Wolong and chose a standard room for 4,000 yuan per night.

Three people, plus tonight’s buffet and bus fare.

In one night, it cost about fifteen thousand.

Although there is no comparison with the 4 million investment in "Silent Hill Game".

But Lin Keke didn't care either. With the idea of ​​being diligent and frugal in running the house, every little thing he could thank was worth it!

Under the guidance of the waiter, Yu Luo quickly came to his room.

There was a click.

After swiping the room card and pushing the door open.

Yu Luo, who had a sore back, was exhausted, and had a hoarse voice that was speechless, threw himself directly on the sofa.

Burying his head deeply into the soft blanket of the hotel, well... it smells like money.

After taking a quick look at the luxurious decoration of the room, I guess it costs several thousand per night, which is not cheap.

Although Lin Keke, the boss, usually looks crazy and seems to be in an abnormal mental state.

But to be honest, it's pretty good for these employees.

Covering my waist, I lay on the sofa for more than ten minutes!

Yu Luo felt a little better now.

I looked at the time, it was almost eight o'clock.

He struggled to sit up from the sofa, took a comfortable hot bath, and changed into pajamas.

Waiting for eight o'clock to arrive, I will upload Silent Hill to the Xunyou platform.


Don't know why.

The door of the hotel was knocked at this time.


................................................................. ........................................


There are only 1,000 flowers left to break the 10,000 mark (crazy hint)!

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