I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

056 Judgment Coming? The Punishment Result Shocked The Entire Network!

can only say.

He is worthy of being the werewolf who dominates the shopping mall and dares to fight a physical business war with a penguin.

Lu Guohua can be said to be resolute and very efficient!

Lin Keke here has just gotten out of the car and returned to the company, and her butt is not even hot yet.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Above it is a letter of apology pushed by Xunyou across all platforms——

[Dear players, designers, and all friends who support the Xunyou platform, hello]

[First of all, please allow us to extend our most sincere apology to Platinum Games...]

A letter of apology filled with true feelings and thousands of words was revealed in front of me.

Browsed it roughly.

Lin Keke couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and sighed secretly in her heart!

As the president of Xunyou, Lu Guohua completely exposed his company's scandal without any cover-up.

With all kinds of solid evidence, all I have to do is write the word sincerity on my face!

"Get on the road!"

Lin Keke couldn't help but give a thumbs up, quite satisfied with this old guy's attitude.

All the resentment in my heart dissipated.

[After internal review of the group, the punishment results are now announced as follows——]

Even though I had already heard that Lu Guohua was a tough and ruthless person, I had already been prepared in my heart.

But at the 16th moment when his eyes slowly moved down and he saw the punishment result.

Lin Keke couldn't help but gasp!

Good guy!

Unexpectedly, this old guy was like his grandson in front of me, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

Cleaning up the house is called ruthlessness!

The first step is to pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, to make sure that the culprit this time is not only the old fox Lee Kuan Yew, but also an accomplice!

That is--

Chen He, Operations Director of Mingyue Games!

After finding solid evidence and confirming that there is indeed something fishy about these two old foxes.

Xunyou Group, represented by Lu Guohua, also officially announced the cut, and decided to disqualify Mingyue Games for Chen He’s bribery behavior.

At the same time, all their works on the Xunyou platform will be removed from the shelves, and they will be permanently blacklisted. They will never cooperate again, and they reserve all rights to pursue legal responsibility!

"Okay, it's very satisfying!"

Lin Keke immediately clapped her hands to show her approval!

After such a scandal was exposed, the company Mingyue Games was completely cool.

This is not just as simple as being blocked from the Xunyou platform. The most important thing is to have such a criminal record.

In order to avoid suspicion, other game platforms will avoid it like a fly.

This is no longer a matter of great loss of vitality, it is so serious that it affects the survival of the company!

Humming a song.

Lin Keke, who was in a good mood, continued reading.

Targeting the source of all evil in this bribery incident - the culprit Lee Kuan Yew!

Xunyou Group also decisively dismissed him.

At the same time, because the amount involved in the case was huge, and there were still many case records and handles in the company's hands, after applying for relevant departments to intervene in the investigation.

Xunyou Group will file a lawsuit against him on the grounds of "office embezzlement"!

at last.

In order to express the apology of Xunyou Platform, they will re-list Silent Hill later and try their best to compensate for the losses.

"Hiss...this old guy is quite ruthless!"

Seeing such a severe punishment, Lin Keke couldn't help being shocked.

This is both dismissal and job embezzlement...

Lee Kuan Yew, the old fox, has come to an end in this life.

I'm afraid I will spend the rest of my life in regrets and lawsuits.

As for thirty years to the east and thirty years to the west, don’t bully the old and poor? Do you want to go to another company to make a comeback?

Even if you are not living in a dream!

With such a serious criminal record and such a big shit pot on his head, which company would dare to ask for this thing from him?

Cruel enough!

It’s also really refreshing!

Lin Keke nodded with satisfaction and felt refreshed.

Ah——I feel comfortable!

Although she, Lin Keke, is a salty fish, others can't really treat her like a brainless person!


Today’s incident is the best warning!

As for Xunyou’s so-called compensation results?

Sorry, my aunt doesn't care and doesn't need it!

Lin Keke breathed a long sigh of relief, turned off the screen of his phone and put it back into his bag.

Let's end this matter here.

I don't like your little moves very much.

But I am very satisfied with your sincerity and handling results.

Then let it pass like this~

Lin Keke, who collapsed on the sofa with a pop, seemed to have returned to his salty mode.

How could he still have the same aggressive aura as the female Dragon King just now?


The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn’t stop!

Just when she felt comfortable and yawned, she was about to catch up on her sleep.

A squeak!

The door to the hotel room was pushed open again for some reason!

I saw Chen Yurou walking in with a tablet in her arms and a bright smile.

"What great news for Mr. Lin! The compensation plan customized by Xunyou Platform for us has been released!"

Hear the words.

Lin Keke, who had closed his eyes, waved his hand impatiently.

"It doesn't matter what kind of compensation it is. The main thing is that I can't swallow that breath."

However, just when she was sending Chen Yurou away, wanting her to go back and not disturb her sleep.

The other party’s words.

But Lin Keke, who was lying on the bed, was dead in a blink of an eye!

"Lin is always like this. In order to compensate for our company's losses, Silent Hill will be on shelves as normal at 8 o'clock tonight

"At the same time, Xunyou Platform will use all its publicity and distribution resources to provide high-intensity recommendations for our games 24 hours a day, including but not limited to————"

"A month-long login opening screen advertisement, a banner recommendation position in the most conspicuous position of the game mall, and the most important thing!"

The more Chen Yurou talked, the more excited she became, and her face turned rosy!

"In order to show sincerity, Xunyou Platform will set our "Silent Hill Game" as a summer promotion game, and everyone will enjoy a record low 40% discount, and the part of the player's discount will be made up by the platform!"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Lu is so sincere. He is just doing business at a loss for us! I'm really flattered!

I sat up in shock while dying of illness!

Lin Keke, who had faked the corpse, opened his eyes in confusion.

Looking at the compensation regulations on the screen in Chen Yurou's hand, she fell into a long silence.

Then it was like going crazy during the practice, and my delicate body trembled!

His eyes darkened, and his face quickly darkened!

He looked like he might die suddenly at any time!

This of course startled Chen Yurou, who quickly supported her eldest daughter and asked with concern.

"Mr. Lin, you look so bad!"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? I'm going to call a taxi now!"


Lin Keke, who was lying in Chen Yurou's arms, smiled sadly.

There is a feeling of frustration that I want to spurt blood, but I can't.

What the hell is this?!

With a pale face, she stared at the compensation agreement on the screen.

I just feel that sometimes, being the boss alone is quite helpless.

As if her eyes had an automatic filtering function, she looked horizontally and vertically.

All I can see are these words——


Highly recommended!!

Platform subsidy!!!

753 Lin Keke's neck tilted and he almost died.

I burn your dreams!

Where is your compensation?

You are simply killing me!

Don't be frightened by how aggressive I am today. I just want an apology, just be sincere!

But I never wanted compensation or anything, and I don’t need you to help me announce it!!

In order to lose money, I, Lin Keke, racked my brains to come up with such a genius project as a somatic horror game.

It looks like I will become rich overnight and achieve financial freedom.

As a result, you... woo woo woo you!!!

Lin Keke felt tears welling up in her eyes and almost cried.

He said in a hoarse voice, "Is this the compensation Xunyou gives us?"


Chen Yurou nodded repeatedly, with excitement still on her face.

"Mr. Lu said that this time there was a flaw in their management, and they must take the blame and do their best to recover the loss of our platinum!"

"If you are still dissatisfied with anything, you can raise it and he will be completely satisfied.

Wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Lin Keke wanted to slap himself twice.

How dare I make any demands? Please forgive me...

Lin Keke, you are such a fool!

You said you have nothing to do, why are you pretending? Isn't it better to just let this pass?

The more I think about it!

The bitterer Lin Keke's heart becomes, the more she becomes hopeless!

He glanced at Chen Yurou, who looked confused and bewildered beside him, and opened his mouth weakly.

It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength to hold back such a sentence.

"Assistant Chen...what do you think this person means by living?"


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