I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

058 Getting Violent Again? Can Hotels Be Haunted? !


It felt like there were eyes in all directions, pure blackness being stared at strangely by the house.

My scalp exploded on the spot!

And the audience who noticed that the clock was reset and time went back, also felt a sense of horror.

Damn it! This is a bit annoying...

"As expected of Platinum's game, it still has a familiar taste and a familiar underworld!"

‘High-energy warning ahead! Start full-screen barrage reloading!”

‘Awesome, this old thief has created a great atmosphere, I have already turned on the barrage’

Is there a possibility that it is not the game underworld, but the old thief really threw a ghost into it (funny.jpg)'

'Ah, yes, yes, as long as you don't pay attention, a hand will stretch out from behind to help you reset the clock, right?'

It’s boiled! Can you please stop talking, bro? I didn’t think it was that scary at first!’

'At this time, a strong man retracted Jio into the quilt...

In fact!

It's like there is a ghost behind you. The feeling of being watched all the time is not an illusion of pure blackness and the audience.

Instead, it benefited from the [Gaze Tracking Technology] Yiluo exchanged from the system mall.

This black technology can monitor the movements of players in real time.

Ensure that players are always within sight and adjust to changes in the surrounding environment at any time.

It was as if pairs of eyes were watching everything silently.

And you can feel something is wrong.

But I just can’t find the source of this weirdness!

Originally this was just a small experiment by Yu Luo, but he didn't expect a lightning strike at the opening.

As soon as I entered the game, the host and the audience were so scared that they broke into a cold sweat!

"No...I just realized it.

After taking several deep breaths, I managed to suppress the pure blackness of fear in my heart.

He looked at his empty hands and filled his empty pockets.

"Isn't this a horror game? Where are my weapons?"

"Even if you don't have a pistol or an AK, just give me a knife for self-defense!"

All fear comes from lack of firepower!

As the designer of Laoliu, Yu Luo seems to be very aware of players’ desire for weapons in a dangerous and thrilling environment!

910 Even just a rusty kitchen knife or even a broken wooden stick.

As long as you can hold it in your hand, you will feel more at ease!

But Lin Keke, who proposed to Yu Luo to cancel the weapon system, seemed to have no such intention.

After searching nearby, I confirmed that this game really does not have any weapons.

My scalp felt numb and numb, and my blood pressure suddenly went up!

In the eerily quiet corridor.

Along with the hoarse sound of electricity, the old radio was still playing the recording of the case repeatedly.

A patter of rain splashed on the windows.

Outside the window, it was pouring rain.

Paired with dim flickering lights and swaying mottled tree shadows.

It always gives people the illusion that there is someone outside.


"I don't have any weapons! I can't lift my legs and my knees are weak..."

I can’t imagine what is on the other side of the corridor at the end of the darkness!

At this moment, Pure Black is like an old grandfather, holding on to the cold and damp wall, taking trembling steps.

Little by little, he moved towards the end of the corridor.

Even if there are thousands of reluctances in my heart.

But after all, he has already boasted in front of the audience, so he can only cry and play to the end.

Otherwise, it will be so cowardly and humiliating that it will be broadcast...

I'm afraid I will be ridiculed by netizens for the rest of my life, and I will never be able to get rid of the title of "the top three cowards at Station B"!


The sound of sore teeth came from the end of the corner.

Human beings instinctively fear all unknown things.

No one knew what was around the corner.

Like Schrödinger's cat, fear lurks in the infinite imagination.

Even though nothing had happened yet, Jun Hei, who was thinking so wildly, almost scared himself to death!

"This game... is really too special!"

Pure Black was crawling forward in the darkness, breathing heavily.

Trying to explain the inner fear to the audience.

"If previous horror games were like assassins, they would kill you around corners and in the face, and then they would jump up and give you a knife."

"Then this old thief's Silent Hill..."

"It's like a butcher executing an execution! The knife is on my neck, but it just can't get in. I don't know when to make a move!"

"I don't dare to go anywhere now because I'm afraid something dirty is waiting for me in front!"

Death is not terrible.

The scary thing is the slow process of waiting for death!

Heavy rain, haunted house, dark and silent corridors, dim and flickering lights, and old windless and automatic fans...

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or what.

This rustling radio broadcast always gave Pure Black the feeling of a devil whispering in his ears.

It was like blowing air conditioning on his neck while whispering softly

There is a ghost here, there is a ghost here, there is a ghost here...


Where is the ghost?

have no idea!

When does the ghost appear?

have no idea!

What form does a ghost take? Is it a male ghost or a female ghost?

Still don’t know!

Maybe it’s at the next corner of the corridor, maybe it’s opening the door inadvertently, maybe it’s the next time you look back, maybe it’s even the mirror you accidentally see...

Maybe in the next minute, maybe in the next second...she will suddenly appear in front of you!


"Old thief, please give me a pleasure, I really want it!!"

Pure Hei's heartbeat was racing and he was covering his chest, his face clearly in pain!

This kind of all-pervasive pressure puts him in a state of high mental stress all the time.

My spirit has been wandering on the edge of collapse. If I am neither up nor down, I will be tortured!

"I can't stand it anymore!"

The pure black hair that is being grasped crazily is an ancient way.

"I guess there must be something dirty around the next corner. To be safe, I'm going to rush over there with my eyes closed!"

Finish this sentence!

He took a deep breath, seemed to muster up all the courage in his body, and closed his eyes tightly!

"Ah Hei! Come on! You can do it!!"

"It's not scary at all! This is just a trick of an old thief!"

"Three! Two! One! Charge ah ah ah——"

"I'm not afraid at all——!!"

In the dark corridor!

At this moment, the young master is like an out-of-control dump truck, rushing forward crazily with his fists waving!

"I'll kill you if you have anything to do with it——!!"


As Dahao's head hit the wall, everything became quiet.

Only a squeaking, heart-wrenching sound came from the ceiling.

Looked up.

A shabby chandelier with no wind is standing prominently in the center of the living room.

Apart from that, there is nothing.

There was darkness all around, and he still had to wait for death.

But the audience (bgfb) in the live broadcast room had already burst into laughter!

‘Hahahaha classic I’m scaring myself!”

Autobot! Transformation! Dump truck form!’

‘Another crazy one hahahaha’

‘I was quite scared at first, but the young master’s voice made me laugh soberly.

"When you think you are stupid enough, please remember that there was once an anchor who tried to kill a female ghost"

'Master, don't be afraid! You are a man who has conquered so many horror games, how could you be defeated by the old thief!

Looking at the barrage that kept passing by, Pure Black smiled bitterly.

"What's the use of all the horror games I've conquered before?"

"Those games are not worthy of even lifting shoes in front of Silent Hill!"

"I'm just wondering..."

Pure Black took a deep breath and roared.

"How can the old thief, a man from the earthly world, play such a game of the underworld?!"

The audience also laughed happily as they watched Pure Black break through his defenses and become helpless and furious.

After greeting the designer's family again in my heart.

Pure Black shook his head helplessly and could only continue to move forward.

Walking forward, you will see another familiar corridor.

On his right side is a closed door.

Based on the idea that if you don't seek death, you won't die, Pure Black has no idea at all.

Step by step forward slowly.

What catches the eye.

It was a small entrance hall, with shabby peas shaking on the ceiling.

From time to time, it makes a tooth-aching squeaking sound.

We have reached the end, except for a short corridor going down...

There seemed to be no other way.


Pure Black, who took a breath of air-conditioning, could only bite the bullet and go all the way down.

At the same time, he muttered words and prayed over and over again.

"There is no opening the door to kill... There is no opening the door to kill... There is no opening the door to kill..."


The old door was slowly pushed open.

There was only a dim light outside.

Indeed, there are no clichéd plots like those of female ghosts in other horror games.

But the scene in front of me is hundreds of times more terrifying than the door-opening kill!

It’s still that familiar corridor!

It’s still that rustling radio!

It’s still the wall lamp that might go out at any time!


Him! Pure black!

After moving forward all the way, I unknowingly returned to the starting point!

Ghost...Ghost hits the wall?!

A moment!

Pure Black and the tiger body of the audience were shocked at the same time!

The horror elements from Chinese tradition, set off by this weird atmosphere, show extremely terrifying power!

Everything feels like starting over.

It's like nothing happened!


His scalp was completely black, and his breathing was uneven.

"No wonder the goal of this game is just four words - get out of here!"

He understands, he finally understands!

What seems to be the simplest goal is actually as difficult as reaching the sky!

"I shouldn't"

"We have to find a way out of the cycle again and again?!"

Tonight is destined to be a night of screaming in Silent Hill!

This masterpiece from the underworld that came out of nowhere can be said to have caused a bloody storm on the Internet.

I don’t know how many anchors have been scared to tears and how many famous scenes have been created!

However, as a game designer who is the source of all evil.

Yu Luo, on the other hand, was humming a song and playing Dead Cells with a controller out of boredom in the room.

Since it happened to be the weekend, it coincided with the release date of the game.

As the boss, Lin Keke also booked a hotel for them for two days, treating it as a trip at public expense.

They are strongly prohibited from returning to the company to work overtime!

Therefore, he and Chen Yurou were forced to fish, lying in the hotel for a whole day, almost exhausted.

"Has it been released almost an hour ago? I don't know how the sales of Silent Hill are..."

Yu Luo glanced at the time and muttered.

Maybe it's because I'm thirsty and I want to go downstairs to get a can of ice-cold happy water from the vending machine.


Just walked out of the room!

He opened his eyes in confusion and exclaimed in surprise.

"Damn it, it's getting violent again... I fucking saw the Palace of Hell?!"


In Lin Keke's room next door, there was a man with a trace of red light shining through the door!

Not to mention how weird it is!

A grunt.

Yu Luo, whose scalp was numb, swallowed his saliva.

In the hotel shrouded in night, at the end of the deserted corridor, there is a strange room that quietly emits red light...

Rao is the designer of the underworld who has a big heart and deals with terror every day.

I was almost frightened and felt a little creepy.

"It can't really be... really haunted, right?!"


Thanks to "PVZ" for your monthly pass!.

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