I! Game Designer! The Boss Cried At The Loss At The Beginning!

099 Even Old Thieves Have Their Talents Exhausted, And There Will Be An Ominous Day In Their Later Y

"monster hunter?"

the next day!

Platinum Game Company, conference room!

Looking at the plan in Yu Luo's hand, everyone's eyes widened!

That’s right!

After all, this Tokyo Game Show is their first step to go abroad and step onto the world stage.

Yu Luo naturally put a lot of thought into it.

It was originally according to his idea.

If you want to preach at the Tokyo Game Show and shock this game-starved world with a little masterpiece.


Like those phenomenal 3A masterpieces from previous generations, they are definitely the first choice!

The first thing Yu Luo thought of was GTA5 and Big Cousin.

If these two big killers can be brought out, it will definitely be a dimensionality reduction blow to the game manufacturers in this world.

I am afraid that the Tokyo Game Show, which was not intended to be killed, will be a river of blood, making all colleagues feel ashamed!

But unfortunately.

These two works require too many emotional values.

Even through these two masterpieces of the underworld, Silent Hill and Escape, Yu Luo has crazily harvested millions of emotional points in three months.

But facing these two "arts of art" that require tens of millions of emotional values ​​​​to unlock

For Yu Luo now, he is still powerless.

It is the white moonlight that cannot be obtained.

This gave him a headache.

But on second thought, it's not bad.

After all, Platinum Star is still a fledgling game company with a relatively small background and a small size.

And super masterpieces like GTA and Big Cousin would have cost hundreds of millions of dollars even in previous lives.

Unless they have the ability to make money, it is impossible for them to do it even with systematic help.

Go to bed early! Stop dreaming!

Ever since.

Lock the emotional value at the level of one million, and combine it with the inspiration from watching a movie with Lin Keke last night.

Yu Luo finally chose mhw, who was so popular in his previous life and once caused a sensation in the gaming industry——

That is "Monster Hunter: World"!

I believe it would have been successful if there had been no dystocia and delays.

It can also cause a sensation in the gaming industry and become the biggest dark horse at the Tokyo Game Show!

At the same time, it also allows players in this world to experience the mysterious power from the East.

Let them know that in distant China.

Not only is there a game company named Platinum, but there is also a genius designer named Yu Luo!

Of course!

These are just Yu Luo's inner thoughts.

Others will definitely not be able to understand the brain circuit of the time traveler.

Especially for classmate Lin Keke who is not very smart...

"So...we're going to have a hunting game?"

She picked up a rubber band and made a bow and arrow shooting motion.

"Hunting simulator, right?"

After hearing what Yu Luo said, such a scene appeared in Lin Keke's mind.

On a leisurely and pleasant afternoon, the old hunter picked up his shotgun and went out.

Then we began to wait patiently, with a glass of wine, a pack of cigarettes, and a rabbit squatting all day long...

This... is so boring...

She couldn't understand Yu Luo's brain circuit at all, and was stunned!

A somatosensory game with a minimum investment of 50 million!

Why on earth are you serving such an abstract game to someone?

Could it be said that Lao Yu’s talent is limited to the underworld games?

Does he really want to use up his talents?

The good day for my aunt to lose money is finally coming?!


However, Yu Luo was slightly stunned after hearing this.

Then he nodded hesitantly, "It can be considered a hunting simulator to a certain extent."


Hear the words!

Lin Keke's big eyes suddenly brightened up!

What a fucking retarded game!

These days, in order to improve the success rate of losing money, she, the platinum CEO, can be said to be worried.

I even went to check out the popular works of previous Tokyo Game Shows.

Starting from the first "Ghost Recon" and ending with the last "Skyline Racing"!

Without exception!

They are all popular themes like cars, guns and ball!

But Yu Luo!

Mr. Wolong of their Platinum Star!

But want to make a hunting game you’ve never heard of?

Who will lose if I don’t lose this time?

Lin Keke became happier the more she thought about it.

He smiled and gave Yu Luo a thumbs up...

Never had such a wonderful start!

that's all!

Projects to participate in this Tokyo Game Show.

It was in this cheerful atmosphere of playing the piano against each other and communicating across channels that the final decision was made!

With only three months left, the Tokyo Game Show will officially be held.

Therefore, time is urgent! There is no need to delay!

The most important thing for their Platinum Star right now——

Just quickly raise funds and start construction on the spot!

As the platinum president, Lin Keke made a little calculation.

Even if all four of their works are hits.

…Please give me flowers…

In just a few months, Sledgehammer sold more than half a million copies, and Dead Cells sold more than one million copies...

Although Silent Hill is a motion-sensing game, it sold nearly half a million copies in just three months!

Even Escape, which was just released, has successfully sold 200,000 copies!

But after removing some operating expenses and the messy things like platform commissions...

The liquidity they can use now may not even be 40 million!

This is so painful!

You must know that on an international stage like the Tokyo Game Show, any work that you want to display on the stage will cost at least 50 million!

This is just the bottom line, not the upper limit!

For example, domestic Goose Factory and Yiwang, and foreign giants such as Biyu and Kapukong.

But casually, you can create a masterpiece that costs hundreds of millions!

Although Lin Keke wanted to lose money, he also didn't want to be embarrassed.

Therefore, we must not let our company look too shabby at such an international exhibition...

But her only backer, Lin Capital, has long been determined.

If we want Platinum Star to be self-reliant, we will never subsidize them at all!

That's why.

In desperation, Lin Keke could only make a bold decision——

Your biological father refuses to lend money? Then go to the system father to borrow money!

Different from bank loans!

Her loss rebate system also thoughtfully provides a loan function.

But no interest will be charged, the only condition is——

If you successfully lose money, all the borrowed system funds will be written off in one go and will not need to be repaid.

But if you fail at a loss!

You will need to repay double the funds!

Isn’t it very bold?

What kind of loan is this?

This is a gambling agreement!

I won the young model in the club, but I lost the dog gambling behavior of jumping off the building on the spot!


Lin Keke, who has never suffered a loss since her debut, is already red-eyed.

Completely crazy!

Not to mention that Mr. Wolong in their family has a vague tendency to run out of talents and have an ominous trend in his later years.

A sand sculpture hunting simulator costing 50 million.

She was afraid that she would lose everything even if she closed her eyes!

“Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!”

"Study! Must all stud!"

"The advantage is how can I lose?"

"The wool of this system"

"My aunt really just took her away and did it!"

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