After sending away the annoying Oki Iwamatsu.

Mio Tokiwa continues to introduce others to Shinji and others.

"Then this is the designer of our building, the architect Hidehiko Kazama."

"Hello, everyone, I am Hidehiko Kazama, and learn from Emperor Moriya!" Hidehiko Kazama introduced.

Hearing the name Moriya Teji, the faces of Mouri and others changed.

Due to Shinji, the rice flower municipal building did not explode, but Moriya Teji's matter was published in the newspaper.

And also emphatically talked about the reason Moriya Teji wanted to install bombs in those buildings.

So everyone knows Moriya Teji is a perfect symmetryist, and they are also afraid that Moriya Teji's disciples will inherit his perfect symmetry.

Thus the building was bombed that day.

Looking at their expressions, Hidehiko Kazama knew that they thought of Teiji Moriya: "Don't worry, everyone."

"Although my teacher is Teji Moriya, I am not a perfect symmetryist, so don't worry that I will blow up this building."

The purpose of his career is to make money. He has a wife and children, and he doesn't want to be an artist.

That's why he doesn't do things like bombing buildings.

"You can't do it, but Gin will!" Shinji secretly said in his heart.

Then Shinji thought of something.

That's what the neon tower! The first building!

Things will happen later.

As for other buildings, Shinji doesn't care about it. His own building must not have an accident. After all, it is his own property.


"Don't worry, everyone, I knew Kazama was a disciple of Moriya Teji for a long time, so things like bombing the building will never happen." Tokiwa promised Mio.

When he asked Kazama to design the building, she checked Kazama upright.

Then after Teiji Moriya's accident, Mio Tokiwa checked it again.

So she was pretty sure that Hidehiko Kazama was just an ordinary designer, not a mentally ill designer like Moriya Teji.

Otherwise, she would have fired him a long time ago.

Hearing Mio Tokiwa's assurance, everyone's expressions improved a lot.

"Then this is a genius computer programmer, Yuan Jiaming."

Hearing Hara Ming's name, Shinji also offered to glance at it.

"This guy who seems harmless to humans and animals is actually a peripheral member of the organization? He also used Tokiwa Group's computers to invade the organization's system and steal information."

"It's true that people are not to be seen, and the sea is not to be measured!"

"A guy who dares to do this and doesn't hide, it's really the first time I've seen him!" Shinji exclaimed in his heart.

As long as it is a person who has betrayed the organization, the first reaction is to hide first, and then come out after the limelight has passed.

Except for Akai Shuichi, the power behind him is very large, so he is not afraid of organization.

But there was no huge organization behind Yuan Jiaming.

Some are just backed by the Tokiwa Group.

Compared with the organization, the Tokiwa Group is completely insignificant.

Tokiwa Group simply cannot keep Yuan Jiaming.

So Yuan Jiaming was dead.

However, Shinji wanted to know what kind of information Yuan Jiaming had stolen from the organization.

The content of this information is also a mystery in the previous life.

So Shinji decided to tell someone about Hara Ming's betrayal and theft of the organization.

After introducing the people, Mio Tokiwa led the people to the window again, letting them admire the beauty of Mount Fuji.

At this time, Ruyue Fengshui spoke angrily: "Mio, I'm going back."

After speaking, he walked directly to the elevator.

Seeing that the teacher was leaving, Mio Tokiwa hurried up: "Teacher, I will see you downstairs."

The people on the side also felt that Ruyue Fengshui seemed a little angry.

"Mr. Kitsuki Minami seems a little angry, what's the matter?" Mouri Kogorou asked.

"Ms. Mio bought the words of Mr. Kisaragi everywhere, and then sold it at a high price, so he was a little angry." Hidehiko Kazama explained.

But this is not the place where Ruyuefengshui is most angry.

The place where he is most angry is these two skyscrapers.

Because of the relationship between the two skyscrapers, he could not see Mount Fuji at home.

It's not that you can't see Mount Fuji, but you can't see the complete Mount Fuji.

This is where he is most angry.

And he has drawn up a plan to kill.

After Mio Tokiwa came up, seeing that it was getting late, she invited Shinji and others to eat in the building next door.

Although the building next door is not yet open to the public, these are only for ordinary people.

So Shinji and others became the first customers inside.

After dinner, Tokiwa Mio said to Shinji and others: "In three days, I will host a dinner at the Twin Towers skyscraper. I hope you can come by then."

At the same time, hand over the prepared invitation letter to Shinji and others.

Of course, these invitations can also invite their friends over.

"At that time, we will definitely be there!" Shinji said while supporting Mouri Kogorou.

Mouri Kogorou was already drunk at this time, but Shinji did not drink because he had to drive.

Finally, Mio Tokiwa sent Shinji and others all the way to the first floor before returning to the skyscraper.


"It's delicious!"

Xiaolan felt embarrassed when she saw this scene!

"Brother Shinji, I really trouble you!" Xiaolan said gratefully.

"It's okay, we're used to Uncle Mouri like this."

Shinji replied, and then threw Mouri Kogorou onto the car.

"Right! This is the Uncle Mouri I know, and the drunk Uncle Mouri is the most interesting." Sonoko smiled.

After finishing Mouri Kogorou, Shinji quickly started the car.

Send Xiaolan and Sonoko home.

Finally, I was going back with Xiao Ai.

After Sonoko and Xiaolan left, Xiao Ai said, "I won't go to the dinner in a few days."

Seeing Gin's car appeared there today, Xiao Ai had no plans to attend the dinner a few days later.

If he is found out by Gin, it will be over.

"Do not worry."

"Didn't I say it?"

"You have gone through the disguise now, as long as you don't blew yourself up, Gin won't be able to find you."

"And today Gin parked the car downstairs for something else."

"I'll go back and explore Gin's tone later," Shinji said.

"Better not to ask." Xiao Ai blurted out: "Gin is very cautious. If you ask him, he might doubt you."

"He won't doubt me, even if I don't ask, he will ask me what happened today."

"So there is no difference."

And Shinji is just normal communication, how could Gin suspect him.

Xiao Ai thought about it, too.

With the intelligence capabilities of the organization, it is impossible not to know that Shinji is also in the Twin Towers skyscraper today.

So ask, there shouldn't be anything wrong.


"That's right, so in a few days, you and Emi will join us to the dinner party. There will be no problem." Shinji promised.

"Good." Xiao Ai replied.

After a while, the two returned to the apartment.

Xiao Ai returned to her home and told Huimei about today's affairs.

And Shinji also returned to his home.

Then each person sent a text message.

[Yuan Jiaming........ Information]


This text message, the old riddler.

Shinji sent text messages directly from his mobile phone.

Anyway, it is a black technology phone, even if Gin checks him, it is impossible to find out anything from him.

After sending the text message, Shinji suddenly thought.

"This seems to be the first time I have reported to the red party!"

"I almost forgot one of my undercover agents."


ps: Thank you "qq_**" for your monthly pass.

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