Tokyo, Haneda Airport.

A blond, blue-eyed, forty-year-old man walked out from the airport with a suitcase.

This person is the person on Gin's photo.

MI6 sent neon agents.

He is also the person in charge of MI6 in the neon area.

Although he is now the person in charge of the neon area, but now their MI6 is poor in the neon area.

Last time, all the people in MI6 were killed by Shinji.

And this time their MI6 will re-establish a neon intelligence network here, and at the same time they will kill their current number one enemy of MI6, Black Cherry.

That's right.

Since Shinji was killed by MI6 members in Neon, Shinji has become MI6's mortal enemy.

They surpassed Gin on their MI6 kill list, ranking first.

The black tissue can be immortal, but the black cherry must die.

The main task for George this time is to rebuild MI6's intelligence network in Neon, and another task is to kill their number one enemy of MI6, Black Cherry.

After walking out of the airport, George took out his cell phone and made a call.

This phone number is the phone number of their MI6 member.

Before he came, their MI6 had dispatched some people to sneak into the neon in batches, and they began to prepare to rebuild the intelligence network, and then they were collecting intelligence on the black cherry and the black organization.

"Hey, I'm here, David, where are you now?" George asked.

The man called David looked at the caravan of dragons in front of him and said, "Oh! Sorry. Mr. George."

"I'm in a traffic jam here. It may take a while to get to Haneda Airport."

"Can I trouble you to wait?" David said.


"You haven't come yet?"

"Didn't I tell you to pick me up at the airport before I got on the plane?" George had something.

I feel that these MI6 members do not obey his orders, and the team is not easy to lead!

"Mr. George, something has been delayed."

"In addition, Tokyo is too traffic jam, so I came late."

"I hope you can understand." David said, leaning on the chair.

Because Tumen Kanghui was assassinated a few days ago.

They have been investigating this matter.

Because Shinji wiped out all the members of MI6 last time.

So they don't have any sources of intelligence, and they don't even know who killed Tumen Kanghui.

Have been checking now.

Something was detected just now.

That is, this matter also involves the FBI.

As for other things, they don't know anymore.

"What's delayed?" George asked.

He was selected from the fierce competition to be the head of the neon area only yesterday, so he doesn't know about it yet.

Of course, the members of MI6 in the neon area did not take this matter up.

Because they haven't found anything useful yet, reporting it has no effect.

"A few days ago, a member of Neon, Tumen Kanghui was assassinated in Beihu Park." David said.

Upon hearing this, George exclaimed: "What? A congressman was killed?"

"Who did it?"

George was taken aback when he heard the news.

One member of the Diet was killed. This is a big deal!

"have no idea."

"We are still investigating this matter."

"Our intelligence system was destroyed by the black organization last time. There is no way to get any information."

"Now I can only investigate little by little."

"But in the past few days we still found something out of investigation." David rubbed his temple and said 0...

He has been busy these days and has not taken a good rest.

"What did the investigation reveal?" George asked.

"We discovered that after Domen Kanghui was assassinated, people from the Metropolitan Police Department took FBI's Akai Shuichi into the Metropolitan Police Department."

"As for what they said, we have no idea." David said.

"Tumen Kanghui actually involved the FBI. Could it be that the assassination of Tumen Kanghui was related to the US?" George asked.

"have no idea."

"Our intelligence network has been destroyed too thoroughly, and nothing can be found out at all." David said.

Hearing this, George was also silent.

The last incident caused the loss of MI6's power in Neon.

Now it is quite difficult to rebuild the intelligence network.

At this time, George didn't know whether accepting the appointment was good or bad.

I don't know if the black organization will attack MI6 again.


"But if you can't find it now, you can't not check it, you still have to keep checking." George said.


At this time, the convoy ahead moved.

"Let's talk later, it doesn't seem to be blocked now, I'll go over immediately."

"Well, I am here waiting for you."

After that, George hung up the phone.

Turned around and walked into the airport lobby, found a spot and sat down, waiting for David to come and pick him up.

When George was sitting in the airport lobby, a man wearing a black hat and holding a newspaper stared at George.

"Is this what I want to kill?"

"It doesn't look good!"

"But I can't kill him yet. When I find MI6's lair, I will bring them in one pot once again."

"I believe the high-levels of MI6, their faces should be very exciting!".

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