I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 102: The Great War! The aircraft carrier fighters of the two sides are banging against each

Chapter 102: The Great War! The aircraft carrier fighters of the two sides are banging against each other, and the picture is earth-shattering!!!!!!

After the phone call.

for the rest of the time.

Beeping beeps sounded all the time.

The academicians next to him all watched closely.

They don't know who the caller is.

But they had heard rumors that as long as Jiang Bai called, he was ready to make a move.

And this moment.

Jiang Bai's eyes became serious.

before that.

He considered calling Ross.

But at that moment, he held back.

But now.

He knew the situation was serious.

At the same time, he was very angry.

Therefore, the next step is to take this plan.

He needs to borrow a Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Then with it, against six aircraft carrier battle groups.

thought of that scene.

Jiang Bai's eyes also became excited.


The phone beeped for a while.

There was no one there.

When Jiang Bai saw that the phone was not connected, his mood sank a little.


He also thought about it.

It is night in the beautiful country now.

Ross may be sleeping.

However, he believes that as long as the other party wakes up, then this call will definitely be open!

And this time.

The surrounding academicians showed regretful expressions.

In fact, they are looking forward to this call to get through.

Then I also want to know what sound is coming from the other side of the phone.

"Mr. Jiang, it's okay!"

"We're just waiting for good news!"

Academician Zhang said in a comforting tone.

The academicians next to him all nodded.

They feel that this matter can be left to Long Guo to deal with it.

There is no need to let Jiang Bai contact his best friend as before.

But said this time.

Jiang Bai also frowned slightly.

He knew that time was pressing now.

It would be better if Ross could be reached.

So he prepared to make another call.

at the same time.

Chen Xinghuai walked over from the side.

He saw Jiang Bai frown.

I thought the other party was still worried.

Then he spoke soothingly:

"Mr. Jiang, the academicians are right, leave this matter to Long Guo to handle it!

while talking.

Chen Xinghuai also showed a strong self-confidence.

And this kind of self-confidence does not come from himself, but from the Dragon Kingdom.

To know.

Today's Dragon Kingdom is not what it used to be.

Definitely have enough confidence to address these threats.

Hear what Chen Xinghuai said.

Jiang Bai nodded.

However, there are some scruples.

Ask directly:

"Chen Lao, can this battle be fought? 99

"After all, the beautiful country sent six aircraft carrier battle groups? 35

Accompanied by these words.

The surrounding academicians lowered their heads and thought about it one by one.

They just felt that the Dragon Kingdom was not false.

But if it really hits.

What would be the consequences of that?

Because six aircraft carrier battle groups.

This power cannot be underestimated.

Don't think about anything else, if it's just a long-range strike.

Then the follow-up impact will be huge.

After all, the lives of the surrounding people will be affected.


There was a look of sadness on the faces of the academicians.

In their opinion, this time, with or without a fight, the situation involved is too complicated.

At least they don't have a clear idea in their minds now.

If you let them make decisions, they will be blinded at this moment.

But they all looked at Chen Xinghuai.

After all, the other party is the one who makes the decisions.

They just wanted to hear how Chen Lao would answer Jiang Bai's question.

In the end, can this battle be fought?

In the end, to fight or not to fight?

under the gaze of the crowd.

Chen Xinghuai spoke calmly, but every sentence was like a boulder, smashing down violently, heavy and powerful.

"Dragon Kingdom is no longer afraid of any enemies!"

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone!"

"If you want to fight, then fight!!!""

The voice fell.

Like thunder, lingering in the ears of the academician.

I saw that they were stunned on the spot.

To say that the Dragon Country is no longer the Dragon Country it used to be.

If it is now, the Dragon Kingdom will have enough background.

to meet any enemy.

whatever the threat.

The Dragon Kingdom will not back down.

When I thought of the scene depicted by Chen Lao.

'If you want to fight, fight!'

Can't help but.

The hearts of every academician were on fire.

Like a rush of blood, it poured into my heart unstoppable.

Like a feeling, flowing in the hot blood.

Academicians present.

I just hate myself for not being on the front line.

Otherwise, at this moment, they will throw their heads and shed their blood, and they will not have the slightest idea of ​​retreating.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

He heard what Chen Xinghuai said.

I also felt a warm current in my heart.

And this warm current comes from the deepest power in the heart of each Dragon Kingdom.

They will do everything in their power to confront any threat that comes head-on.

And Jiang Bai is no exception.

He looked at Chen Xinghuai and then asked:

"Chen Lao, are we going to dispatch an aircraft carrier?" 33

Chen Xinghuai nodded: "Yes! 35"

to this moment.

Whether the beautiful country sent six aircraft carriers, or ten aircraft carriers.

Long Guo had already made all preparations.

The Dragon Country aircraft carrier in major ports.

Officially out to sea!!

at the port.

The three Longguo aircraft carriers set sail at the same time.

They are from different places.

Drove out loudly.

at the same time.

The formation of the battle group of the aircraft carrier followed closely.

Including a frigate, a submarine, two destroyers...

As the escort force of the aircraft carrier battle group.

They provide great protection.

For aircraft carriers, their own defense capabilities are weak.

But with these fleet formations, protection can be provided under the water as well as in the air!

At the moment when the three Dragon Country aircraft carriers sailed out.

The fishermen on the entire island were shocked.

After all, it was all out.

What the hell happened.

To use such terrifying power.

The fishermen rarely surf the Internet, so naturally they don't understand the whole thing.

It's just that they are very clear in their hearts, and even the aircraft carrier is used.

Next, the Dragon Kingdom will have a heavy blow!


Three Dragon Country aircraft carrier battle groups approached from all directions.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of water were expelled, and they gathered in the same sea area like the overlords of the sea.

Immediately after.

The three Dragon Country aircraft carriers kept pace.

The entire queue was directly arranged in a four-dimensional eight-square array.

The four-dimensional means that the aircraft carrier fleet will maintain a square in four directions, going hand in hand.

What they have to do is, no matter which direction is hit, there will be three fleets to respond with firepower.

As for the three innermost aircraft carriers of the Dragon Kingdom.

will always be at the heart of the defense.

Even if it is a beautiful country, there is no way to easily break through this four-dimensional and eight-square array.

On the way to the battle, they can also change the formation, from a four-dimensional and eight-square formation to a diamond formation.

In this way, the air defense force will be directly filled, and one side can easily be supported by the four sides!

For the Dragon Kingdom.

Obviously came prepared.


The three Longguo aircraft carrier battle groups are looking at the beautiful country's six aircraft carrier battle groups.


Immediately hit!!

If you look down from above, you will find that the scene is always in a state of tension.

Just a little bit of movement from one side.

Then the strike force from the air and underwater will come out in full force!

For the people of Longguo who are watching the live broadcast.

This scene is even more tense.

It's an aircraft carrier confrontation after all.

This is like two giant sea beasts on one side, separated by the vast sea, about to devour each other.

You can see the sea is calm.

Even if there is a gust of wind blowing in the distance.

However, under the power of the two giant beasts, Wanzhangfeng was directly enveloped and disappeared in this solemn atmosphere.

By this time.

The scene is getting more and more tense, as if it is about to fire, the arrow is on the string!

And next.

Spokesperson from Dragon Country.

Upright and straight, with a strong military atmosphere.

A sonorous and powerful speech was issued directly.

"Six Carrier Strike Groups in Pretty Nation!"

"Give you a minute!"

"No matter what purpose, what reason, what power you bring!99

"Dragon Kingdom now orders you to fully evacuate from this sea!!!"5

Accompanied by these words.

I saw the tranquility of the two parties and immediately broke it.

Like a heavy force, it fell into the silent atmosphere.

As long as it was the people from the Dragon Kingdom who were watching the live broadcast, they jumped up excitedly on the spot.

The blood of their whole body was instantly stimulated.

That natural surging power completely exploded.

a time.

discussions all over the place.

Like a storm, it sounded violently.

This represents the extremely excited emotions in their hearts.

"Break up!!!

"I am from the Dragon Kingdom and I am proud!!

"What is the sound of hitting the ground, this is called the sound of hitting the ground!!"

"You are not arrogant, you are not arrogant, you are not provocative, now I only give you one minute! Quickly evacuate!

"No matter what purpose, reason, strength! You only have one minute! Get me out of this sea!

"Don't look at the beautiful state with six aircraft carrier battle groups, but in terms of power, it was directly crushed by the Dragon Kingdom!!

"What is a dimensionality reduction attack, this speech is a proper dimensionality reduction attack!

"Longguo is not afraid of anyone's threats, and no one's threats are useless!!""

"We the people of Longguo will never let the beautiful country advance half an inch!"5

"Then it's time to hit the ground running!


As long as it is from the Dragon Kingdom.

At this moment, all became enthusiastic.

Under this deafening speech.

They felt a deep sense of pride.

You know, if there is no strong background.

It was simply impossible to make such a majestic speech.

And this time.

Everyone knows the determination of Long Guo to stick to it.

Even in the face of the beautiful country, they will never let each other advance.

Under this circumstance, all the people of Longguo looked forward to it.

They want to see the beautiful country's six aircraft carrier battle groups fully withdrawn.

I also want to see these arrogant and domineering people running away one by one.

I want to see that the whole beautiful country directly created the funniest scene in the world!

It is conceivable that as long as the beautiful country takes half a step back, people all over the world will seize this point, followed by crazy ridicule.

And when some people are excited.

Some people also expressed concern.

Although this part of people is also very excited.

It's just that after they were excited, the first thought that popped up was worry.

To know.

The Dragon Kingdom just sent three aircraft carriers.

But facing the beautiful country's six aircraft carriers.

And there are some differences here.


The military fans were all nervous.

From their point of view, the number of aircraft carriers in the Dragon Kingdom is at a disadvantage.

Then in the power section, the beautiful country is powered by nuclear power.

On the Dragon Country side, it was just a regular power source.

Next, in the preparation of the aircraft carrier battle group, the opponent's destroyers and air superiority should be slightly stronger.

with various factors.

They were also frantically worried in their hearts.

Terrible! Terrible! Terrible!!

How to do how to do??

The momentum of the Dragon Kingdom is not bad, but there is a gap in absolute power!

What will happen after a powerful speech!

Now that the sword is drawn, isn't there going to be a hail of bullets on the sea next??

under the worries of the people.

Inside the Dragon Academy.

The old academician and Chen Xinghuai were staring at the scene of the confrontation on the sea.

It's a head-to-head confrontation after all.

Even if they believe in the absolute power possessed by the Dragon Kingdom.

But it was inevitable that he was worried.

For Chen Xinghuai.

More so.

Because he knew that in terms of aircraft carrier craftsmanship and organization strength, there was still some gap between the Dragon Country and the Beautiful Country.

In terms of quantity and quality, it is not as good as the beautiful country.

If discussing the odds.

Then the chances of winning will not be very optimistic.


These old academicians and Chen Xinghuai.

At this moment, they were all staring at him.

No one said a word.

Very quiet.

But the invisible pressure was directly overwhelmed.

Everyone can feel it.

Now every minute and second, it can make people nervous to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat.

Beautiful National Research Institute.

Chen Hai is also paying close attention to this matter.

Although it is from the Dragon Kingdom.

But he was on the side of the beautiful country.

After all, he values ​​the difference in absolute power.

When the beautiful country is directly ahead of the dragon country aircraft carrier battle group in terms of quantity and quality.

His idea is that the beautiful country is stable this time.

And don't look at Long Guo's speech is very shocking.

In reality, that's just superficiality.

When you really want to move.

The Dragon Kingdom could not stop the Beautiful Kingdom at all.

on the sea.

(Zhao Zhaohao) The storm surges again.

Along with Long Guo made a speech.

The beautiful country aircraft carrier fleet did not respond at all.

And next.

The Dragon Kingdom once again issued a warning.

"", Dragon's tolerance is limited!

‘You only have thirty seconds left! 39

"I immediately order you, the six aircraft carrier battle groups of the Beautiful Country, to fully withdraw from this sea area!!

When these words sounded.

I saw that there was finally movement in the beautiful country.

But the speech that followed was unexpected.

James released harsh words on the spot, raised a palm, and said coldly:

"Let's do it! I'll give you Dragon Kingdom five minutes!"

"Immediately bring me all the top scientists in the 612 beautiful countries that you detained! 35

"Once the time is up!"

"That's not to give you a little color to the Dragon Kingdom! Nian

"At that moment, this place will become a sea of ​​fire!"

"The anger of our beautiful country will tell you what the dragon country is called force suppression!!""

Accompanied by these words.

I saw James below.

Immediately, there were cheers from the sailors.

Wave after wave.

It seems to be fueling this arrogant and domineering momentum.

And James raised his palm, and then counted down the scene.

It is full of provocation.

"five minutes!"

"The countdown starts now!

James said coldly.

As this scene spread.

I saw that the entire Dragon Academy was completely enveloped in a state of anger and depression.

To say anger, that is James too presumptuous!

To say depression, that is, the opponent's aircraft carrier really has absolute power!

And in this case.

Everyone's expressions were completely gloomy.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

He also reacted the same way.

Just this moment.

He saw the phone light up.

"Jingle bell! 35

A phone call from the other side of the ocean called the demon.

Jiang Bai took a look.

It turned out to be that SSS-level friend, the leader of the beautiful country, Ross called back!!!.


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