I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 104: Ford-class aircraft carrier battle group, join the war!!!

Chapter 104: Ford-class aircraft carrier battle group, join the war!!!

Just when things are fermenting.

In a high-rise office in Pretty Country.

The Speaker is watching the video news on the tablet.

He just woke up.

As a result, what he did not expect was that the beautiful country actually dispatched a Ford-class aircraft carrier battle group!

The most important thing is that now this full-scale aircraft carrier fleet has sailed to the vast sea.

saw this scene.

The Speaker's first reaction was shock!

To know that he never gave James the order, let the other party - send the Ford aircraft carrier.

It didn't even let the other side send the entire Ford aircraft carrier battle group.

But what's the situation now?

Why go straight to the Dragon Country??

For the Speaker.

He is very clear.

Once the Ford-class aircraft carrier is dispatched, then the meaning is completely different.

After all, it symbolizes destruction of heaven and earth.

It also symbolizes the collapse of the sky.

Even after it came out.

The whole world will shake violently!

at the same time.

That means.

Beautiful country showed the last trump card!

Bring the absolute power to subvert the situation on the table!

But in the opinion of the Speaker.

Although this force is strong.

He also did not dispatch the Ford aircraft carrier for the first time.

The reason is also very simple.

His idea was that this time he only needed to teach Long Guo a lesson.

Therefore, it is enough to send six aircraft carrier battle groups to strike the opponent, and then bring back 612 top scientists of the beautiful country.

in this case.

He just didn't understand why the entire Ford carrier battle group was dispatched.

With a confused look.

The Speaker's eyes narrowed.

It is conceivable that after this absolute force debuted.

That also means completely tearing up the face with the Dragon Kingdom!

Even this sea of ​​fire will burn on the beautiful country!

In his opinion.

Not to the point of a close call.

Such a strategy should not be adopted.

But now?

Why make such a variable??

thought here.

The Speaker was instantly angry.

He picked up his mobile phone and made a direct call.

And this time.

He was about to question James.

Accompanied by the call.

I saw that the speaker directly asked:

"Who gave you the order to dispatch the Ford aircraft carrier?? 35

"Are you full?""

Hear this.

I saw James dumbfounded on the spot.

"What's the meaning?"

"Isn't your order, Speaker, for me to dispatch six nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups?

"When did it get to do with the Ford carrier?

James didn't know about this at all, and asked directly.

The voice fell.

The expression on the speaker's face could not help changing.

He was very angry just now.

But now, there are more doubts.

I thought to myself.

Could it be that this matter has nothing to do with James?

But James does have the right to send the Ford aircraft carrier!

Besides him, who else could have done this?

The speaker's tone sank, and then asked:

"Who are you if not you??

One listen.

James shook his head, "I don't know either!

"I think it's a big deal to send a Ford nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!"5

He is very clear.

What a terrifying strike capability the Ford-class aircraft carrier has!

It can even be said that this aircraft carrier is a sea castle!

While indestructible, it is also equipped with world-class advanced equipment!

But such a giant.

There's no need to send it out at all!

Is it difficult to use it to attack the Dragon Kingdom??

Accompanied by these words.

I saw the Speaker pondered.

And his eyes gradually brightened from doubt.

If not James?

So who will it be?

Who can directly dispatch the Ford aircraft carrier?


There was an idea in his mind.

That man can only be their leader, Ross!

Only the other side can get past James and dispatch the Ford carrier!

thought here.

The Speaker said with a sneer:

"It seems that Ross is also angry!"

Hearing this, James was stunned on the spot.


He was bewildered.

I don't understand how the speaker could say such a thing.

Speaking of the Speaker.

He didn't explain it to James.

He is very clear.

Ross dispatched the Ford Carrier Strike Group.

That is the meaning of making the Dragon Kingdom pay a heavy price!

If it weren't for the huge anger.

How could this decision be made??

And the Speaker figured out the reasons behind it.

Heart is also cruel.

Just decided not to interfere!


He looked forward to it.

When the Ford aircraft carrier battle group arrived.

Then you can.

Sit back and watch the Dragon Kingdom be destroyed!

on a sea.

The three aircraft carriers of the Dragon Country are in a confrontation with the six aircraft carriers of the Beautiful Country.

From the beginning, the scene was tense.

If a little spark falls, it will set off a sea of ​​fire on the spot!

Although the scene is very serious.

But neither side showed weakness.

On the side of the Beautiful National Fleet, the arrogant and domineering scene was vividly displayed.

James, who was headed by him, provoked his words first, then raised his hand and started a countdown!

When such a defiant scene appeared.

The soldiers on the entire Dragon Nation fleet are all irritated!

There was only one thought left in their minds, and that was to tear apart the other's six aircraft carrier battle groups!

Don't look at the disparity in absolute power.

But for these soldiers, the fighting spirit is more and more surging!


Whether it is a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom or a soldier of the Beautiful Country.

They don't know the news of the Ford-class aircraft carrier battle group going to sea for the time being.

At sea after all.

There was some sluggishness in the speed at which the news spread.

But soon.

The news spread to the fleet of Beautiful Country and the fleet of Long Country.

Although the same news.

But it can be seen that the two parties directly showed different reactions.

I saw the dragon country.

When the captain heard the news, his expression changed.

Could not help but bring a touch of worry.

After all, this is recognized as the world's first aircraft carrier battle group!

Its dominance is king from start to finish!

The next step is to reach this sea area.

Then there will be an unprecedented sea of ​​fire!

at the same time.

He was also very angry.

The whole face became extremely livid.

After all, the beautiful country dispatched this kind of strike force!

That's for destruction.

in this case.

He wasn't just angry.

I can't even wait to die with these aircraft carrier fleets in the beautiful country.

After all, behind him is the Dragon Kingdom!

All he has to do is to stand firm and not let the opponent advance half an inch!


To die together is also the last option.

Not as a last resort.

The captain will definitely not make this choice!

Let's talk about the soldiers on the Dragon Kingdom fleet.

After they heard about the Ford carrier.

Immediately after, a face turned gloomy.

The whole atmosphere instantly became very depressed!

No one spoke.

No one squeaked.

After all, he is a battle-hardened person.

They've all heard the legend of the Ford Carrier Strike Group!

That is the world's top aircraft carrier fleet!

Directly has the ability to destroy the world!

Even comparable to ten aircraft carriers!

And what's the situation now?

Dragon country here.

Only three nuclear powered aircraft carriers!

Once a head-to-head confrontation is made, it is sure to lose!

thought here.

These soldiers did not know how to speak.

A wave of fear immediately spread.

Just because they still have that burning fighting spirit in their hearts.

So this fear did not overwhelm them.

But what can be seen is.

Their eyes became extremely solemn.

While looking out at the sea.

My heart is full of worry.

As you can imagine.

Next, the Ford aircraft carrier fleet will gallop from the front position.

Then join the battlefield!

And the situation is that at that moment, it will completely turn to the beautiful country's side.

at the same time.

On the beautiful country aircraft carrier fleet.

All the sailors heard about the Ford carrier.

It's just that they reacted very differently.

The entire fleet directly showed a scene of excitement.

the entire navy.

Even a sonorous military song was played directly!

After all, this time it was the trump card!

Together with the Ford aircraft carrier fleet will join the battlefield!

In this case, the beautiful country is directly invincible!


Those sailors raised their heads one by one, accompanied by the military song.

Then became extremely confident.

And under the blessing of this atmosphere.

・・・For flowers 0......

These beautiful navy soldiers are all looking forward to it.

I thought to myself.

As long as the Ford aircraft carrier fleet appears, then you can swallow the arrogance of the Dragon Kingdom in one bite!

Moreover, the anger of the beautiful country will completely burn out, filling the entire sea area.

As for the Dragon Kingdom, it will only become a part of the sea of ​​fire, until the ashes are scattered by the wind!

Back to James.

He stood up straight away.

Now that Ross issued this order, the Ford aircraft carrier fleet was dispatched.

That means that the beautiful country must bring back 612 top scientists from the beautiful country.

thought here.

James looked grim and directly threatened:

"Longguo, I give you an ultimatum! 35

"I will only give you ten minutes, and I will bring the top scientists of the 612 beautiful country over immediately!!

"Otherwise, the anger of our beautiful country will burn, and all of you will have to go to sea with you!! 39

A word fell.

It directly ignited the blood of the sailors.

They scrambled to respond.

"Drink! 99

"Drink!! 99


A huge movement came out.

The navy from the beautiful country roared in unison.

And they are full of confidence.

Behaviour became more and more arrogant.

Someone just boarded the fighter jet.

Some people directly turned the direction of the cannons and machine guns, and directly aimed at the position of Captain Long Guo!

With this scene appeared.

I saw the soldiers of the Dragon Nation Fleet, their eyes flashed with gloomy and cold colors!


On the Dragon Country Fleet, various weapons were also placed one after another, and then they were aimed at James one by one.



After the weapon is aimed.

I saw the scene of the two sides attacking, and it has already appeared.

If only the atmosphere was tense before!

Now, it's time to start a war!

As long as someone sounds the first cannon fire, the scene will be instantly chaotic, turning this sea area into a sea of ​​fire!

can be seen.

The surroundings became extremely peaceful.

Only the sound of the fighter jet lingering in everyone's ears.

The scene directly became tense and tense to the extreme!

It seems that if you are not careful, you will miss the gun.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will hear someone slamming a shot, and the horn of the battle will be launched directly!!

And the crowd.

A layer of cold sweat broke out from the palm of his hand.

The whole nerve is tense.

Just waiting for the last cannon fire to come!!

at the same time.

in a sea.

Ford-class aircraft carrier with its full-class fleet, breaking the waves!

It was moving fast and was about to join the battle of that side.

As you can imagine.

As long as it joins the battlefield, it will detonate that very tense scene in an instant.

And this time.

from afar,

Behind the Ford-class aircraft carrier.

Various fleet preparations followed closely.

They are aggressive and simply unstoppable.

Under the blessing of the full-level fleet, the power of the entire aircraft carrier battle group was raised to a higher level.

This is like a super fortress at sea, wherever it goes, it will engulf everything!

And they do have this absolute power!

At the same time when this sea giant is coming.

From the side, you can see clearly.

On the aircraft carrier, there are various types of fighters, but without exception, all of them are the most advanced in the world.

Including Lightning Fighter, Super Hornet fighter attack aircraft, Growler electronic combat aircraft, Hawkeye early warning aircraft, Knight Eagle multi-purpose helicopter...

There are also equipped missile weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, evolved sea sparrow missiles, two ram missiles...

And two phalanx quick guns, four super machine guns...

Besides, this Ford-class aircraft carrier, the entire body, has a width of 80 meters and a length of 340 meters.

It is directly the size of two football fields, which is full of oppression!

If you stand under it, then it is like seeing an epic beast, which makes you look very small.

And soon.

This sea giant!

to reach that sea.

And it arrives.

It's going to explode into a fight!!!

[Kneeling and begging for a flower reward evaluation ticket!] Seven.

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