I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 64: Revenge! Hundred-fold return! Durga Banna turned into ruins!

Chapter 64: Revenge! Hundred-fold return! Durga Banna turned into ruins!

The store manager was dumbfounded.

It didn't even respond when the phone was dropped.

And now.

There are more than one hundred Nicos standing at the door.

Instead, more than 800 Nige swarmed directly up and filed in.

Appeared in the store with a dark scene.

Including the store manager and the store clerk, they suddenly became silent and didn't dare to say a word.

Let's talk about this nigga.

Each expression became unhappy.

"Why is there nothing left?"

"Isn't there any way for us to make zero yuan purchases??"

Nico looks around

throughout the store

Things have been swept away

Only a few clothes left

They agreed to Jiang Bai, saying that they would make a zero-dollar purchase here.

But nothing to do now?

How can this work???

And at this time.

A message popped up on their phones.

Jiang Bai: "The zero-yuan purchase is over, the next step is to smash the store, everyone doesn't need to smash more, just smash one place!

Jiang Bai's intention is very simple, as long as the loss caused by each person does not exceed one thousand dollars, it will not constitute a crime locally!

After the buddies saw the news.

Just now there were some unhappy Nego, who once again appeared ecstatic.


"Old friend, this time the task is too easy!"

"Smashing the shop!"

"Start now!! 99

news emerges

I saw a group of nigos start the action directly after sending the message.

and now

I saw that the manager and the clerk were shaking

They didn't dare to dissuade these gangsters at all.

Although I don't know how the other party is smiling so happily

But they know that there are too many people

I'm not an opponent at all.

The manager has already called the police.

But at this moment, a group of niggers turned out to be walking in his direction.

"Where is the warehouse?

"Seven Forty Zero"

Nico asked directly

heard this.

The store manager was stunned and involuntarily pointed in one direction.


And this moment

A group of people all rushed into the warehouse.

see this scene

The store manager couldn't help but bring a touch of puzzlement

To know that things have been looted

There's only a bunch of tools left in the warehouse

Is it possible to even have that worthless tool??


When Nico walked out of the warehouse one by one

I saw some people with wooden sticks and others with hammers...

Anyway, all the tools were moved out.

Seeing this scene, the store manager couldn't help but be surprised.

What do these people want?

And just as the store manager was surprised

I saw a Nico came over

In front of him, he directly raised the hammer and slammed it on a glass counter in front of him.


A loud bang resounded

And the entire glass table top burst directly!!

Fragments fly!

From the position of the hammer, a spider web burst out.

The moment I heard this voice

The manager only felt that his heart skipped a half beat.

The whole person was dumbfounded

On the spot, he looked at Nico, who was in front of him.

But said that this Nige, saw a hammer and did not smash a big mouth

At the moment, another hammer slammed down


great strength

The glass hole broke on the spot!

"Oh buy it!"

The store manager was startled, exclaimed and hugged his head back, looking at this scene with horror.

He didn't expect that the Nicole in front of him would smash the table in front of him without saying a word!

This is so, so violent!!!

"Omg, what are you doing!!

When he came back to his senses, the store manager roared in shock and anger.

However, what responded to him was a terrifying explosion after another!


bang bang bang!


bang bang!!!



Fly with the glass!

I saw the scene suddenly chaotic.

But in the chaos, you can see that Nico maintains an orderly rhythm.

Someone raised a stick and directly smashed the glass on the exterior wall of the store!!

Some people also raised their hands and grabbed the hanger, and gave a violent fall!!

Some people waved the hanger, and directly rolled the various wires on it.

And while they were wreaking havoc.

I saw the store manager's face changed greatly on the spot!!

With every glass shatter.

I saw his body trembling violently.

And there are still crackling sounds all around

It's like magic

Hearing that, the manager's whole head is about to explode!

And at this moment, the store manager was completely dumbfounded.

Just bought for zero

now what?

Directly to smash the store?????

Although the losses caused by each nico are not large, at most between a few hundred dollars and a thousand dollars.

But each of these hundreds of people comes, that is hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars!

And the most important thing is that this store is Durgabanna!

If the headquarters knew about this, they would definitely fire him!

think here

The store manager panicked

Immediately rushed to the front of a Nico, directly hugged each other's arm.


"stop it now!!""

"Don't smash it anymore!!!

but said nico

It's so cool

suddenly give such a hug

Suddenly angry.

When he saw someone disturbing Yaxing, he just slapped him out.


And the few people next to him were not used to seeing the store manager.

Get started on the spot

Made a few big slaps

"Clap! Clap! Clap!!!

Originally, the manager could stand still, but he was a little dizzy.

But this moment

I saw that he was thrown to the ground directly.

And it rolled twice

Then it just fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Then the group of buddies didn't care about him anymore, but continued to start the "smashing shop"!

with this scene.

The audience in the entire live room also exploded.

"Fuck!! It's so fun!!

"More than 800 Nige!! Invincible!!

"Don't let this store manager stand up and continue to slap him for me!

"And the entire Durga Banana store, smash it to me! Smash it to death!! 35

"Go crazy! 35

"Cool! Cool! Cool!

"Let you humiliate the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

"I want to see the whole store in ruins!!35

"Let the storm come harder!"

"Listening to the sound of smashing things, it actually played a wonderful movement!

"This time the sound is so sweet!!



For the audience.

They have long hated the store manager for a long time.

Not to mention insulting the customers of Longguo, and even insulting the entire Longguo directly in the back, saying that the people of Longguo are just a piece of shit!

Faced with such insults, how could the audience not be furious???

But now, watching the store manager get beaten up, everyone just feels refreshed and hearty!!

And outside the store.

Chen Qiang couldn't help being shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

He never thought that this time, he would be able to take revenge so well!

Hearing the sound of smashing the store, he only felt immersed in a concert.


The suffocation on the whole body was swept away.

I just saw the scene of the store being destroyed.

He also had a worried look.

Hit like this?

Will it be okay????

at the moment.

He called Chen Ming immediately.

"Brother! The zero-yuan purchase is acceptable!

"But this time, will there be an accident? 35

Because he does not know the specific situation.

Just asked.

On the other side of the phone.

When Chen Ming was excited, he also showed concern.

This time, it was Brother Bai who asked these Negos to do damage.

If something really happened.

Maybe Brother Bai can't run away!

thought here.

Chen Ming immediately asked in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Bai! Brother Bai! It won't happen if you hit it like this! 95

To say that the entire barrage is an afterthought.

So I also asked

And the next second.

Jiang Bai also responded to the crowd.

"Let me tell you about the popular science, the beautiful city of California has recently introduced a new law, as long as the damage caused does not exceed one thousand dollars, it does not constitute a crime!

"So you can smash it!!

heard this.

The audience in the live broadcast room also went crazy.


And such a good thing!!


You should call me!!!

And when they were crazy, Jiang Bai continued to speak and said to Chen Ming:

"Since they didn't apologize to your brother. 35

"Now you can also let your brother join in, don't worry about any worries!

With this proposal emerged.

I saw that Chen Ming was immediately excited.

If you can hit it!

How can it not be smashed!!!

So he directly accepted the proposal and called Chen Qiang to inform him.

"Brother, you go to smash too!!

"This time is my chance for revenge!!

Hear this.

Chen Qiang was a little cowardly.

After all, he didn't have the guts.

Otherwise, you'll just smash things that day.

"Forget it." Chen Qiang replied.


Chen Ming said firmly: "If you don't take action this time, you will definitely regret it!! 55


Chen Qiang was also stunned.

To be honest, you will really regret it!

Start by yourself after all!

It's not the same as others!

Just as he hesitated, Chen Ming continued to instigate:

"Brother, as long as you don't lose more than a thousand dollars, you're fine! This is a new law in California!"9

"Let's get going!!

Hearing this, Chen Qiang wondered, "Really?"

Chen Ming nodded fiercely: "Yes!!

Accompanied by these words.

I saw Chen Qiang think about it, and his face changed on the spot.

His eyes narrowed and he nodded:


next second.

He found an iron bar on the street and rushed up.

When Nico was doing damage inside.

He also smashed the door outside.

Smashed the door.

Then he stepped into the store through the broken glass.

Then wreak havoc.

With the addition of Chen Qiang.

I saw the manager was furious on the spot...

Not only Ni Ge, but also that Dragon Kingdom...




He kept roaring inwardly.

Watching others wreak havoc in the store is equivalent to burning your own money.

And this moment.

Not one person, but a group of people.

Facing these demons, he felt extremely aggrieved.

Kind of helpless.

At this moment, rushing in!


Not only Chen Qiang.

When everyone on the street saw this scene, many people joined in.

They ran wild one by one with excitement on their faces.

"I buy Karma!!"

"Is this smashing the store??

"My God, is this your descending entertainment?!


"so excited!!

"Count me in!!"

Accompanied by a group of passers-by who are involved in trouble.

I saw that the store became very lively.

When the store manager saw this, he was completely stupid.

He was furious and helpless.

Muttered to himself:


"Why all this!!!!"

And this moment.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the whole process.

Like the sea surging, the barrages rioted.


"Freedom is beautiful and strong, turmoil every day!! 39

"Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!"

"I didn't expect that passersby would join in!

"I don't agree with the wall, so I will help these passers-by!

"What a surprise!

"It's full of emotion! 99

"love without border!"

"I'm a passerby, so it's okay to help smash the store, right?"

"Fuck! Is this a free show?""

"To be honest, my hands are itchy too!"


Accompanied by the smashing of the store, it came to a peak.

The whole broken scene also appeared.

The once ornate Durga Banna is now basically in ruins.

And the people present, everyone contributed a force.

For the store manager.

He was completely numb.

I don't know how to deal with this.


at this time.

"Woooo!! Wooooo!! 99

A siren rang from the street.

The moment he heard this voice, the store manager was instantly refreshed.

He just called the police!

Here comes the FBI!

For the store manager, this is a life-saver.


He immediately ran out of the store.

When the FBI got out of the car.

I saw him jumping over suddenly.

Reported on the spot.

"It's them!"

"They smashed my store!"

The store manager pointed directly to Chen Qiang and a group of niggers.

And this moment.

I saw that the FBI's eyes also became serious.

Just heard that someone smashed a shop here.

Unexpectedly, it was really smashed into ruins at this time.

The FBI pointed to Chen Qiang.


"What about him?

When the store manager heard this, his anger did not come out.

To say that Nige smashed the store.

This Huang Pihou dared to join in.

And it is very likely that this group of people was found by this Huangpihou.

thought here.

With anger, he said directly:


"He ordered all these niggas!!"

"He not only smashed my store, he robbed my stuff!!35

The voice fell.

The FBI brought a touch of solemnity.

Then he walked in front of Chen Qiang.

Because Chen Qiang still had a tool in his hand.

So the store manager just now may be right.

So their eyes are not good.

But said this time.

The store manager rushed up.

Continue to complain:

"It's like this, this Huangpihou, used to be a thief in my shop.

"It must be because I saw through his plan in person, so the nature of his robber was directly revealed."

"Just the people of Longguo dare to be presumptuous in my shop! 35

"My suggestion is to directly sentence him to death!!

Because now the FBI is backing it up.

I saw that the store manager became very hard-hearted.

Hear this.

The FBI also acted swiftly with solemnity.

That is the moment.

Chen Qiang on the side became very nervous.

No way?

Are you really going to get caught?

And it's a death penalty???

Because I heard before that there is nothing wrong with less than a thousand dollars.

So he just joined in!

But how can this be the case now!!

With this scene appeared.

I saw that the people in the entire live broadcast room were also nervous.

"Fuck? Why is the FBI here too??"

"No way! It's not going to happen!!?"

"It's really Cao! The FBI won't let Chen Qiang go?!

"A capital crime? How could it be a capital crime?!"

"I have a suggestion for Chen Qiang, run quickly!!"

"You can let those niggers cover, maybe they can get away!!"

"Now the FBI is here, and things are complicated!! 35

"Does what Brother Bai just said still work?

"Why don't you let Brother Bai come forward!! 99

"It's numb, don't arrest people!

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