I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 72: Final investigation results! The superior leaders are shocked, and the whole city is arr

Chapter 72: Final investigation results! The superior leaders are shocked, and the whole city is arrested!

After the director ordered to contact the superior.

The phone goes through immediately.

And the people who were still beside him felt nervous all of a sudden.

For them, it's a win and a loss, and if it messes up, they all suffer.

And with tension.

Only see the phone connected.

"Leadership! I have something to tell you! 35

The chief immediately greeted him.

Then go straight to the topic.

Because more advanced permissions are required.

Then the reason must be explained clearly.

"Leader, we have arrested ten suspected spy prisoners, and we need to apply for permission to conduct in-depth investigations!

heard this.

The leader pondered for a while, and then asked:

"Ten spies?"

"Any definite clues??"

Now that they are all ready to ask permission to conduct in-depth investigations.

Then it must have found something.

Leaders have this idea at this time.

And this time.

The director showed embarrassment and said honestly:

"We have conducted basic investigations, as well as one-on-one interrogations, and we haven't found any problems yet!""

And this is what it says.

Although ten people were caught, there was no evidence that they were spies.

Then after some investigation, there is no clue at all.

As he said this.

There was silence on the phone.

followed by the next minute.

There was no sound at all.

The police next to him saw this scene.

A few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead involuntarily.

The atmosphere of the whole scene instantly became extremely tense!

When the leader is silent.

Then it means things are not going well.

Sure enough the next second.

Just listening to the leader directly yelled:

"Ten people were arrested, and none of them were found to be wrong, so why don't you check your ass!? 35

Hear this.

Everyone's "seven five seven" is a shock.

To say that the leader's cursing tone is too scary.

Fortunately, they weren't the one who called, otherwise the heart wouldn't be able to hold on right now.

And after the leader finished speaking.

The chief was also silent.

Only he was silent because the whole situation was embarrassing.

His source is Jiang Bai.

I don't know if it's useful to say it.

And this moment.

The surrounding police officers could not help but wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

Someone next to me whispered:

"Otherwise it's okay?

"If you anger the leader, everyone in our branch will be punished!

"I'm really scared, let's talk about it quickly, the leader is going to go crazy!

when people are talking.

It can be seen that everyone's nerves are a little tight.

But said the chief.

Although his expression was embarrassed, he responded again:

"Leader, I'll tell you about the source first, and after I've said it, you may understand."

"This time it was Mr. Jiang who provided the clue. These ten spies are all his friends, and there is one big man among them! 35

"Just in case, I think it's best to keep investigating!"

The voice fell.

The leader wondered: "Mr. Jiang? What Mr. Jiang?

The director hurriedly explained: "It's Mr. Jiang Baijiang who appeared on the Thanksgiving program! And Mr. Jiang who was in the Durga Banna incident yesterday..."

with some explanation.

The leader's expression changed directly, and he asked in a surprised tone:

"You're talking about the Jiang Bai who had trouble finding Mr. Jiang?

The director said excitedly: "Yes, yes, it's him!

And this moment.

The leaders were also stunned.

He reads the newspaper every day, how could he not know about Jiang Bai in Sucheng!

To talk about Jiang Bai's deeds these days.

One is more amazing than the other!

From looking for people in the city, to smashing a shop with a thousand niggers...

He never imagined that Jiang Bai, known as the national network brother, actually reported his best friend??

And this time.

With a look of astonishment, he asked:

"Tell me about that big man? Who is he?"

The director immediately responded: "Sun Weihua! The expert who often appears in journals!"

The leader said anxiously: "You say it again? Sun Weihua?"

Director: "Yes! He is also one of the spies reported by Mr. Jiang!"

heard here.

The leader was completely shocked.

If only reporting a common occupation.

Then it makes sense.

At the level of Sun Lao.

Jiang Bai not only made friends with people, but also found out that the other party was a spy?

Not sure yet though!

But once Sun is always a spy!

Then the entire Dragon Kingdom will be shaken!

And think here.

The leader responded directly:

"Okay! I'll give you more advanced permissions, and then feel free to investigate!

"But I also have one point to declare in advance!

The director made a statement: "What do you say, leader?""

And this time.

Because of the big names involved.

So the leaders also have some worries.

Immediately after.

It is to warn the chief:

"I can give you the highest authority, but if nothing is found this time, then...

"You just wait to be punished!!!"

chatted here.

I saw that the chief and the police officers took a deep breath.

They were nervous and apprehensive.

I thought to myself.

Once punished.

That's it!

And the chief understands that.

No problem was found this time.

Then you could be fired!

And soon.

The call is also over.

But the whole place became silent.

A look of nervousness flashed across everyone's face.

You know, they have checked it once before, but they found no problems.

And next.

After obtaining permission, can I find out the problem?

In this regard, they have no confidence at all.

And this time.

The director walked in front of Jiang Bai, stretched out his generous hand, and patted him on the shoulder.

With a heavy tone.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Jiang, this time we are all on you!"

Accompanied by these words.

The other police officers panicked on the spot.

This feeling of putting everything on is simply not calming.

And this time.

There is another meaning to what the director said.

That's next, if you screw this up, Jiang Bai will also be implicated!

At this moment.

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room followed the scene and became nervous.

The barrage boils directly.

"Brother Bai, this one is not careful, you have to go in too!"

"This has alarmed the leaders. I'm afraid Brother Bai can't escape this incident!"

"What if you can't find out even in-depth investigation?

"I want to persuade Brother Bai, why don't we forget this time? We don't have to live with the happiness of the rest of our lives!

"Mad, if Brother Bai goes to the game, whose live broadcast are we going to watch?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over!!


Most of the audience in the live broadcast room came with positive energy.

But at this moment they also panic.

Although reporting a spy is a very positive behavior, if there is a slight error, then who will take the responsibility?


Only Jiang Bai!!!

And under their worries.

The police have already launched an operation.

The chief has just been granted authority.

Immediately issue an order to the police.

With a solemn expression, he said:

"Give me a thorough and in-depth investigation of ten of them!!35


With nervous thoughts, the police officers also began to get busy.

But said this time.

The spies in the prison.

They were leaning against a wall.

Although everyone comes from different industries.

But at this moment, there are some doubts about life.

"Who the hell reported us?

"Isn't it true that something went wrong! 35

"And you guys, when you take action on weekdays, are you firm or not, and those clues haven't been cleaned up?"

heard here.

Several other people looked at each other.

My heart sank violently.

speak up.

When they acted on weekdays, they also cleaned up the clues.

And this time.

It is also completely unexpected, and even reported it to others.

Then he was put in a jail cell!


Several people muttered.

Immediately after the previous actions, conduct a psychological review.

But right now.

Another person came out of the prison.

They looked up and couldn't help but stare blankly.

"Elder Sun? Why did you come in too?"

Amidst the doubts of the crowd.

I saw Sun Weihua being escorted by the police, and then put in the same detention room.

By this time.

Everyone can see clearly.

The person next to him is indeed Sun Weihua.

It's just that they were also shocked.

Isn't Mr. Sun a top expert?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be caught!

The most important thing is that when the other party does things, it doesn't reveal any clues.

Others will only see a clean old Sun.

Can't see any stains at all.

With shock.

A few people next to him also came up and asked.

Then chatting.

Only then did they realize that Old Sun couldn't escape this time.

Police are ready to continue their investigation.

And hear this.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

And they became more and more suspicious.

Is this so special?

Who else can report Old Sun as well??

Sun Weihua next to him felt everyone's doubts and shook his head on the spot.

He showed indifference and said:

"You may not know that the person who reported us is Jiang Bai!"9

"It's our best friend!!

Just now people are still guessing.

But no matter how much you guess, you will never guess Jiang Bai's body.

And this moment.

As Sun Weihua finished speaking.

Everyone was stunned at first.

Then his face changed suddenly.

"Elder Sun? Are you telling the truth??"

"It's really Jiang Bai who rides the horse??"

The crowd asked.

"Yes! I saw him chatting with the chief outside, and he was the only one who wasn't handcuffed! 35

Sun Weihua replied.

heard here.

The crowd was completely angry.

Some of them clenched their fists fiercely, and then slammed the wall...


Someone shouted on the spot.

And now.

After hearing that Jiang Bai took revenge on them

I saw anger in their eyes.

"Jiang Bai, he actually treated us like this!

"After I go out, I must take revenge on him!

"fed up!!!!"

Falling with these words.

I saw Sun Weihua next to him and gave him a comforting look.

said calmly:

"Then I will go out and take revenge for you Jiang Bai!!"

And here.

Sun Weihua's face also showed a touch of confidence.

After all, he has also been arrested several times.

And those times were all in jeopardy.

He believes this time will be no exception.

"Don't worry, the police will never find me!"

Sun Weihua continued.

heard here.

I saw everyone nodded solemnly.

They still have confidence in Sun Lao.

Immediately after.

One by one, they flattered Old Sun.

Said to let Sun Lao help them get out.

As for Sun Weihua, he naturally chatted with a few accomplices in a very leisurely manner.

While the police are busy.

Jiang Bai sat in the reception room.

While waiting.

He turned on the phone and looked at it.

After a while, a news came across.

"Top Expert Arrested in Bathhouse? What Happened Behind Them?"

Jiang Bai clicked in and took a look.


He figured it out.

This is a photo taken by a passer-by in the bathing center, and then sorted into news.

Then it was posted online.

And this news has a lot of heat.

After all, it is a top expert plus bath center.

Straight up the topic.

And below the news.

A lot of comments came up.

Everyone discussed it.

"What's the situation? Elder Sun was arrested?"

"I wipe, but I'm still in the bath center, this is disrespectful to the old man!

"Upstairs, you are wrong, this is old and strong!!

"Don't make fun of everyone, I want to know why Sun Weihua was arrested?"

"The police have been dispatched, so what's the reason? It must be sex!"

"If it is because of this matter, the official should issue a statement soon?"

"That's right! Why hasn't there been any movement yet?"


For Sun Weihua was arrested.

Many people are very curious and want to know what happened.

After all, he is a top expert and has done charity work.

They are cute to watch this hilarious too.

However, some people immediately refuted.

They are the admirers of Sun Lao.

On the spot, he angered the group of people.

What do you say, the person above here can't be Elder Sun!

He also said that this is just a resemblance, in addition, it is a gimmick news!

And under their anger.

Everyone was also a little puzzled.


Is this really a gimmick news?

After all, in this day and age, just adding a few photos can make up a story.

Just as the news spreads.

Only see the police here.

The director, who was sitting at the back of the office at 0.7, showed a distressed expression.

After this time.

He was also a little restless.

All the men took action.

And he is also looking for clues on the Internet.

But the more you check, the more you discover.

This Sun Weihua, there is no problem at all.

If you go to check the good people and good deeds you have done, then the overwhelming news will come swept up.


At this moment, the director was also nervous.

He rested his forehead with one hand.

Constantly shaking his head.

I was thinking.

If this is really wrong to blame Sun Weihua?

So what will happen next!!

Even if he was fired, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough!

In this case, most people in the entire j bureau have to reassign their positions.

And the fishing reels became more noisy.

Then the situation becomes more embarrassing.

thought here.

The chief shook his head sharply

He told the police that he wanted to share the glory and the loss.

But if nothing is found.

So how is he going to appease these people?

There are even family members.

After all, they all need to support their families!

And with tension.

The chief also took a deep breath.

He picked up his mobile phone and prepared to report to the leader first.

That is the next thing, he has to carry it alone.

And just as he was about to act.

Along the corridor.

There was a police officer holding the document in his hand and running in a hurry.

There was an undisguised tension in his expression.

After running a few steps.

He suddenly came to the outside of the director's office.

bang bang bang!!!

There was a sudden knock on the door.

I saw the chief here.

When he heard the sound, he suddenly stopped what he was doing!


Is this something new????

[Kneeling and begging for flowers to reward evaluation tickets, kneeling and begging to subscribe automatically, my brother is here to thank you!!!!!].

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