I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 81: Unprecedented, unprecedented, tens of thousands of madness!!!

Chapter 81: Unprecedented, unprecedented, tens of thousands of madness!!!



"It's on fire!

"I just exploded!! 99

"Don't ask why, I jumped off the sofa while watching the live broadcast! 99

"It's numb! Seeing this scene, I can't sit still at all!"

"Break up!! The sound of this mountain and tsunami is totally blow up!"

"I was not at the scene, but I felt the shock of the scene!!"

"I just thought that Brother Bai called a friend. Who would have thought that tens of thousands of close friends would come!!"

"This horse riding is just a fund-raising meeting, whose fund-raising meeting will gather tens of thousands of people from all over the world!!

"Brother Bai is awesome!

"Brother Bai is a really cool guy!!!"


Under the cheers of the live broadcast room.

Every audience strongly felt the shocking scene of the scene.

For them, this scene was unprecedented.

When someone else holds a fund-raising meeting, hundreds or even thousands of people come to the sky.

It's not a concert after all.

This fundraiser represents a charitable cause.

Moreover, the people who came did not just come to the scene, but they will all contribute to this public welfare cause.

in this case.

Hundreds of top figures came first, and then there were guests from all over the world.

The entire assembly hall looked head-on, and it was full of people.

Except for shock.

The audience in the live broadcast room can't wait to watch it.

When the scene of tens of thousands of people shouting appeared.

It directly alerted every corner of the venue.


Journalists are crazy

They hold the machine and run straight

rushing towards the crowd of mountains and tsunamis

Immediately afterwards, various flashes, lights, and shooting were sent directly.

None of the reporters present had anticipated this magnificent scene in advance.

They had expectations for the number of people who came

But now, the number of people "seven five seven" far exceeds the original number, which is directly a hundred times the expectation.

from their perspective

There were so many people present that their scalps were numb.

I remember in the beginning, they were still talking

It is too difficult to say that it is necessary to establish schools in various poverty-stricken mountainous areas of the country.

It's not that I want to hit Jiang Bai, it's really impossible to do this.

But now?

I saw a scene of unity

They were completely shaken

If this can't be done?

What else can be done???

at the same time

The big people present looked at each other with awe

compared to their status

This magnificent picture of tens of thousands of people gathered together makes them feel full of energy

Everyone has seen the big scene, and has also developed the habit of Gujing Wubo

But now, completely moved

Because of the scene in front of you

The top figures in these industries are very fortunate to have participated in this fundraiser!

With honor!!!

Let's talk about those little bastards.

They negotiated and slipped away when they found a time.

After all, there are too many people here.

They would only be ashamed to stay here.

What is the title of the richest man

And their title is little fresh meat

If you want to say what is a small fresh meat, then it is an existence that can't lift its head under all kinds of capital.


How dare they stay here?

If one is not careful and angers those capital, his life will be finished

But what they didn't expect

in the moment of getting up

There was an almost earthquake-like sound from the ground

"Tap tap tap!!

listen to this momentum

Xiao Xianrou turned around and looked

With the scene of the crowd of people emerging

Not only were they stupid, but they all sat back.

Then shivered!

Don't say leave, can't move!!

The crowd arrives!

All in shock!!

With this scene

The staff immediately acted and began to arrange every guest present in an orderly manner.


It's noon

Jiang Bai walked to the speaking area

And when he stopped in the speaking area, the oncoming scene was shocking.

Some people are seated, some people just stand

But a single person outlines the grandeur of the entire fundraising event.

saw here

Jiang Bai picked up the microphone and said to the guests:

"Thank you for your presence, now that the time has come, I announce the official establishment of a charity foundation, and all the funds from this foundation will be used to build schools in poor mountainous areas!

"Next, the fundraising ceremony will begin, and the amount of donation will not be forced, as long as you like it!! 35

a word sounded

From the center of the venue, it spread to every corner of the crowd

Immediately afterwards, overwhelming responses also swept in.

All kinds of shouts, cheers, donations...

Tens of thousands of people have expressed their support.


The staff prepared all the props for the fundraiser

And the people who donated also lined up.

under the shooting of reporters

One individual, for this public welfare, has made contributions one after another.

in the long queue

Peng Gaomin, the richest man in Haicheng, is also inside

Although he can skip the line, it is a public welfare undertaking.

He wants to be fully involved

The other richest men, like Peng Gaomin, lined up to join the ceremony of the fundraising meeting.

With the donation made by the person in front, the large screen in front will slide a donation details.

And doing this is to make this public welfare completely transparent.

When it was Peng Gaomin's turn to donate

I saw him directly took out a check

There is a staff next to verify

After determining the amount

Just handed the check back.

And Peng Gaomin also used his hands solemnly

Put the check in the donation box

next second

On the big screen, a donation details suddenly crossed over

【Peng Gaomin: 100 million!】

That is the number.

On the spot, the people around let out a gasp of breath.

To them

This number represents a small goal in life!

But think about it

Every money represents a heart

They understand what it means to do what they can, don't think it's 100 million, but it only accounts for a very small part of the other party's net worth.

And soon.

Other richest people have also made a statement.

【The richest man in Shancheng: 100 million!】

【The richest man in Huicheng: 500 million!】

【The richest man in Hong Kong City: One Billion!】


Accompanied by the donation figures swiped across the screen.

The crowd was immediately dazzled.

After all, there are too many zeros on the top, and it is impossible to count them.

And next.

They saw Olympic champion Chen Han donating money.

Just a little calmer.

【Chen Han: Two million!】

saw this number.

They could finally sigh with emotion, "It seems that some people donated less."

But after expressing emotion.

They also reacted abruptly.

What is less?

How can this two million be called less??

on the spot.

They themselves have some doubts about life.

After all, it was just over a hundred million at every turn.

So they haven't recovered yet.

And in fact.

Two million is also a very high figure, and many people earn a house and a car in their lifetime.

And if there is this number, then you will not have to be busy with the house and the car in your life.


Several small fresh meat also lined up.

when they got up.

The colorful clothes also attract the attention of the people around.

And this time, they had a wad of money in their hands.

Some are 10,000 yuan, some are 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and some are even several thousand yuan.

And they brought this little money.

Even less than some ordinary residents.

After all, they only came here to promote themselves through this fundraising event.

As for the amount of donation, I don't pay much attention to it at all. I just want to donate a little money and join in the fun.

And saw hundreds of millions of donations at every turn.

These little fresh meat are also a little embarrassed in their hearts.

At first, they thought that at the fund-raising meeting, their group was the top person.

But what about now?

This gang of richest people is simply a suffocating existence.

see here.

Xiao Xianrou's idea is that if he has that kind of net worth, he will definitely donate hundreds of millions.

As for now, donating tens of thousands of yuan is almost the same.

holding money.

Xiao Xianrou also lined up.

And behind the little fresh meat.

In stark contrast to them.

Several old actors.

Wearing a simple and thin commoner, his appearance is also vicissitudes of life.

for standing in the crowd.

No one recognized these old actors.

And for the old actors, it doesn't matter.

They came to the fundraiser to help the children in poor mountainous areas.


Xiao Xianrou donated.

【Xiao Station: 20,000!】

【Kun Kun: Three thousand!】

【Wang Yibo: Two thousand!】

Accompanied by the donation of Xiao Xianrou.

The lens is also given to the past.

It's just that the reporters suddenly and keenly noticed one thing.

That is the few people standing behind Xiao Xianrou, that is the old drama bone at the palace level.

Don't look at their poor clothes, but as long as you take a closer look, you will find that they reveal a sense of righteousness.

After noticing such an old drama.

Journalists also scrambled to film.

【Chen Kaige: 800,000!】

【Yellow XX: 500,000!】

【Wang XX: 1.2 million!】


After seeing the donation from the old opera bone.

The reporters who were still filming suddenly tightened their gazes.

Xiao Xianrou was dressed so brightly, and only donated 3,000.

As for the old opera bones, they are frugal all their lives, but in front of such a big event, it is at least 500,000.

thought here.

The reporter was numb, and the whole person's scalp was numb.

They filmed the scene in unison.

I thought to myself, if this is publicized, it will definitely be popular.

next second.

They immediately handed over the filmed scene to the cooperative media, and the news will be published soon.

Speaking of donations.

It has always been orderly.

Unexpectedly, there was a heated discussion on the whole network.

To say that the content of hot discussion is a piece of news.

[The radiant little fresh meat donated only a few thousand, but the vicissitudes of the old opera bones donated millions! 】

When the news came out...

Together with other donation topics, it has been directly on the hot search list.

It's just a hot search for little fresh meat.

Directly rushed to the top of the hot search.

Because the discussion about small fresh meat has been a constant topic in recent years.

From a young age, fresh meat played big names, digital lines, cutout acting skills...

under various topics.

The popularity of the whole network for Xiao Xianrou has gradually diminished.

And this time.

Something even more infuriating happened.

Under the comments, everyone complained one after another.

"I'll go, get the sky-high salary and donate 3,000?!"

"I'm wearing colorful clothes, and that outfit is ten times more than the donation??!

"If you want me to say, it has to be a little fresh meat! I have a habit of extravagance and waste on weekdays, and I donate to public welfare, and I can still squeeze out 3,000!!!"

"Either you don't do charity work, and you still dig Soso when you do charity work?

"Upstairs, people are not doing public welfare, they just want to gain popularity and increase their reputation!"

"It's numb! It's no longer a matter of how much donations are made. The way these little fresh meats are disgusting!"

"The old opera bone has been frugal all his life, and when he really wanted to make a move, he donated one million directly!

"Otherwise, people are full of arrogance and righteousness!"

"How can Xiao Xianrou be compared with the old drama bone!


the entire comment section.

Full of scolding for Xiao Xianrou.

I don't know if I don't compare.

Once it is drawn to compare with the old drama bones, the gap is directly revealed.

To know.

Xiao Xianrou is paid a sky-high price, while the old actor has worked hard all his life, so he earns hard money.

But at the donation site, it was absolutely incredible.

Three thousand versus one million.

No one could have imagined that this would be the scene.

Otherwise, why is the whole network spraying little fresh meat?

It's these actions that are disgusting.

And now.

Various angry voices also came out.

For the little fresh meat, it's okay to play big names.

Just ask, why do they take so much money?

If it was before, they were not happy either.

And now compared to the situation of the old actors, they are even more unhappy.

The topic immediately exploded.

The whole network is crazy hot!!

Yang Shiguan Weibo also discovered the phenomenon of hot discussion on the whole network.

Speaking of small fresh meat, Yangshi has forwarded several big-name events.

Although it is.

But the topic of Xiao Xianrou continued to emerge.

No way, they are too tossed.

Either buy a villa or sell a villa...

Every little fresh meat topic can rush to the hot search.

And this time.

Yang Shi meager end again.

For the fundraiser organized by Jiang Bai.

Three official microblogs were issued in a row.

Each one is a big announcement!

Rule 1: One call, millions of support, and praise for the actions of tens of thousands of ordinary people!

Article 2: Support the poor mountainous areas, the amount is huge, and praise the caring people, the richest man, and the Olympic champion from all walks of life!

Article 3: Indifferent to fame and fortune, not to be vain, but to stand up at the critical moment, donate millions, and praise the behavior of the old actor! This is a good actor of the people!

Three meager down.

High praise for the entire fundraiser.

Even without mentioning Jiang Bai's name, every sentence praises Jiang Bai.

And under the meager alone, I also thanked different groups of people respectively.

0.7 Although under these three official WeChat, every sentence does not mention Xiao Xianrou.

But every sentence is berating Xiao Xianrou!!

Others are giving love for the public good.

But what is Xiao Xianrou doing at the fundraiser?

Running to the catwalk?

Go for an interview??

Running to boost fame???

Such behavior is simply unforgivable.

Not to mention, doing some disgusting things with a sky-high salary.


The three official microblogs have just been released.

It directly caused an uproar across the network.

On the one hand, attention to fundraisers has peaked.

On the one hand, the scolding of Xiao Xianrou reached the point of being unbearable.

Fundraiser Live!

The little fresh meats just finished donating money, and then sat down in their original positions.

And for the audience in the live room.

When I saw these little fresh meat, I was very upset.

The most important thing is that these little fresh meats don't seem to realize that they have made a very despised behavior?

And this time.

After Xiao Xianrou sat down, one by one received the message from the agent.

The message wrote about the abuse on the whole network.

That is, after reading the news.

Xiao Xianrou's face changed.

They were panicked on the spot.

And in panic.

They stood up straight away.

How about a small fresh meat?

The next move is simply surprising.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that they rushed directly to the place where the donation was made.

Under the eyes of everyone.

Then shouted to everyone:


"Let's donate some more! 39

"Let's donate some more!!!"

with this scene.

The guests present were stunned.

They don't understand the situation, so they have this kind of reaction.

But the audience in the live room got it.

all of a sudden!

The barrage burst out laughing!!!.

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