I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 83: Digging mountains is too difficult? Tens of thousands of motorcycle troops come to suppo

Chapter 83: Digging mountains is too difficult? Tens of thousands of motorcycle troops come to support!!!!

Wudu Mountains.

Under the reporter's live broadcast, the workers were busy in an endless stream.

can be seen.

They were facing a majestic mountain, towering and straight.

Workers are excavating.

It soon became apparent that the work was far more difficult than expected.

According to the current efficiency, I am afraid that it will take several months to dig through this mountain.

this day.

The workers started work from nine in the morning and were busy until the evening.

The reporter also followed the filming into the evening.

They want to know how this is going.

So I asked the workers.

I saw the worker shook his head with deep fatigue.

"Progress is too slow."

"At this rate, in one day, even 1% of this project will not be able to be completed!"

Be aware that this is just digging.

At the end of the day, it fell far short of the original plan of the plan.

The reporter seemed to see the regrets of the workers.

Involuntarily asked:

"What's the problem now? The schedule can't keep up with the plan? 35

The workers shook their heads and said:

"The main reason is that there is not enough manpower. If you can get more people, you can dig a way faster!

heard here.

The reporter responded subconsciously.

No wonder it feels that the speed of digging the mountain is not fast.

One is that large vehicles such as winches, hoists, and transport vehicles cannot enter the deep mountains.

As a result, more workers are needed to do the work these machines are supposed to do.

And this time, there are less than 500 workers in the entire Wudu Mountains construction project.

Under normal circumstances, this number is barely enough.

But now, that number is far from enough.

The reporter found out after inquiring.

With the current number of workers, the progress has been dragged down by at least 90%.

and next

For those viewers who are still watching the live broadcast on the whole network.

The reporter is facing the camera, ready to start reporting on the latest situation of the day.

"Dear viewers, I am currently located in the Wudu Mountains!"

"Behind are workers who are digging mountain passages!"

"According to the latest situation, the current progress is far from meeting expectations, and the work has been limited by various factors, including rock quality, large vehicles and equipment, and the number of workers.

“It is expected that the completion time will be delayed!

For the foggy mountains.

The problems it faces are actually a microcosm of each mountain area.

Whether the rock is hard, or large vehicles cannot enter.

will increase the difficulty of the project

And most importantly, the number of workers required has increased dramatically.

In that case, there is no way to solve the problem of workers, and the progress will be dragged down.

Accompanied by reporters' front-line coverage.

The audience who paid attention to the construction of mountainous areas on the whole network sighed one by one.

"It feels so hard!"

"Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes!!

"In the mountains, it's more complicated than you think!"

"And not only the Wudu Mountains, but also similar problems have occurred in other mountainous areas!

"In this case, it is estimated that it will not be completed in a few years, I am afraid it will not be completed!"

"I don't know if I will see mountain schools being built all over the country in my lifetime! 99

"There is only hope! 35

For the whole network.

They look forward to it.

Would love to see the finished scene.

But now, there are many obstacles to the project.

They can only hold on to hope and expect a miracle to happen.

Wudu Mountains

Reporters scramble to report the situation

Then a reporter from Kimchi Country also learned of this scene

You must know that many Kimchi country netizens stayed in the live broadcast room one by one.

They are very concerned about this

Even if they need to bring a baby, they have to watch the live broadcast while comforting the child.

And now.

With this scene appeared.

The netizens of Kimchi Country are all frantically restless.

They seem to build their happiness on the pain of others.

He burst into laughter on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Bad news on the first day?!"

"Oppa, it seems that the people of the Dragon Country can't do it either!"

"At this rate, I hope my grandson can see the scene of Longguo building a mountain primary school in an all-round way!"

"Wow, the person above, you should be only twenty years old now??"

"Twelve hours a day and not even one percent of the project is completed? 35

"I think these workers are not good, even my granddaughter is better than them"!

"This is a hilarious joke for the world!"


In the eyes of kimchi country netizens.

It's a carnival.

They act as a pickle countryman.

What I thought in my mind was that it would be exciting to be able to see this funny drama across the bank.

But said this time.

Jiang Bai ignored the voices on the Internet.

Either domestically or abroad.

He only knew that the next project was facing a very difficult problem.

He also knew that there was not enough manpower.

But his main funds were spent on building schools and paving roads.

Therefore, manpower cannot be comprehensive.

And this is the best solution so far!

At that time, after many experts' repeated choices.

If there are more workers, there will be so many mountainous areas that there will be no way to build schools.

In that case, even if the mountain is dug and the road is opened, where will the children go to school?

And now.

The progress is really slowed down.

Facing the problem of insufficient manpower.

Jiang Bai was also thinking.

He pinned his hopes on his best friend tomorrow!

Maybe some surprises!

the next day.

Jiang Bai woke up.

He checked the list of best friends for the first time.

He found that the list remained the same.

Not much has changed.

And Jiang Bai was also a little disappointed.

The workers' problem needs to be resolved nationally.

It seems impossible to place hope on a close friend.

After all, this number will be in the tens of millions!


Wudu Mountains.

Construction Site.

The workers raised their heads and looked at the majestic mountain in front of them, and their expressions changed.

There was excitement on his face before.

But now, one by one showed despair.

This majestic mountain is as difficult as an obstacle that cannot be overcome.

And most importantly, there is not enough manpower right now.

There are several workers.

Can not help but let out a sigh:

"It is impossible for us to complete this project alone! 39

And hear this voice

The other workers nodded secretly in their hearts

Although a little depressing

But they also started work immediately

After all, the progress has slowed down. If no action is taken, the completion date will only continue to be delayed.

at the same time

Jiang Bai looks up at the mountains

There was also a dignified look in his eyes.


Reporters arrive one after another

Previously, reporters from various media across the country flocked to the event.

In this deep mountain and old forest, every corner was occupied for shooting.

But now

Just one day later, there are a lot fewer reporters

And the reason is simple

Most reporters feel that there is nothing to see, and this project is destined to be a flash in the pan.

In the group of reporters gathered by major media

There were all kinds of crazy expectations

But now, the group seems very quiet.

The news still stayed last night.

"Do you still go to Wudu Mountain Area tomorrow?"

"I want to ask this question, too!"

"I'm not going, and the editor-in-chief said no need to go!

"The industry's evaluation of this project is that the good times do not last long!

"Yes, it is destined to be a dry flower!"

"Having raised 500 billion, it is still difficult, we may have too much expectations!

"When the heat fades, a mess will be left behind! 99

"It's a pity not to discuss anymore, good night! 35

"Good night!"5


For journalists.

Since there is no hope in sight, what follows is just a mess.

And reporters present.

Actually the same idea.

They were all mourning.

There are regrets in the eyes.

If you don't have high expectations

How can you be emotional.


at this time.

On the mountain road outside the mountains.

Suddenly there was a roar.

One motorcycle after another.


"Cuckoo cuckoo!

"Clang clang clang!!" 5

"Puff puff puff"

Great sound.

Like an explosion, it resounded throughout the mountain.

haunted by this sound.

The reporters, workers, and foreman all stopped what they were doing.

They could feel a clear tremor under their feet.

The trembling that rushed to his face made his scalp numb.

The first time they came up with the idea that this would not be the epicenter, would it?

But the next second.

From a perspective, at the end of the mountain road, a motorcycle appeared unexpectedly.

Then, the dust rolled up and drove on the spot.

And after that, there were also ghost fire teenagers, riding the motorcycle that was bombarding wildly, roaring.

see this scene.

Everyone reacted.

It turned out that it was not the earthquake, but the sound of the motorcycle.

But the next second.

Their eyes widened suddenly, revealing a deep shock.

Because that motorcycle was actually heading towards the old forest in the deep mountains.

There were only 100 in the beginning.

Next up are thousands.

After that it will be ten thousand!!

I saw the whole mountain road, rolling up the monstrous dust.

An unimaginable scene.

It actually appeared.

No one could have imagined that such tens of thousands of motorcycles would pop up at this moment.

A question pops into anyone's mind.

What are these people doing here!!??

Rolled up with dust.

A person riding a motorcycle rushed out of the sand and then stopped next to the construction site.

The first group of people are very vivid ghost fire teenagers.

But now, there are still students, office workers, young people, the prime of life...

They were people from nearby cities, dressed in various colors, and gathered here.

It can be seen that none of them are wearing helmets, and the moment they stop the car, all their eyes are turned towards them.

to this moment.

Jiang Bai couldn't sit still.

Because these people were not called by him.

Then again, that group of reporters.

They were dumbfounded on the spot.

Involuntarily, in the group of reporters, they sent news frantically.

"Something happened!

"There are a lot of motorcycles in the Wudu Mountains! 35

"Thousands of cars!

"Thousands of cars!

"Fuck!! What's going to happen next??"

"Come here quickly!" 9

"It's going to be big news!


Originally a silent group of reporters.

After the bombing, all the other reporters were alarmed.

Immediately afterwards, a question mark was issued frantically.



And under intense doubt.

The reporters got up immediately and went to the Wudu Mountains.

at the same time

In Jiang Bai's live room

tens of millions of people inside

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked

And then, their actions are all the same

That's crazy to ask question marks in the live broadcast room

Immediately afterwards, the question mark directly filled the entire screen.

and now

They are also sorting out their thoughts

What is the situation now?

The first point is that tens of thousands of people came here on motorcycles for no reason.

The second point is that there are tens of thousands of people in various costumes, looking like a ghost boy, looking like a student, looking like an office worker, looking like a homeless...

On the basis of these two points

There was a guess in the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Damn it! It's not like he's here to make trouble!!

It's numb! It's over!

A group of troublemakers came over!

The next day, the project was afraid that it would be directly announced to be postponed indefinitely!!

while the audience guesses.

The people on the motorcycle get off one by one.

To say that this scene is simply overwhelming.

They have all kinds of faces, and some are very fierce.

When tens of thousands of people came down together, the sense of oppression that rushed to the face directly made people's scalp tingle.

The workers and reporters could not help but take a few steps back.

And this time.

Jiang Bai walked up.

After all, this is about the schooling of children in the mountains.

If these people are ready to make trouble.

He will find a way to dissuade.

But the moment Jiang Bai walked out.

I saw a terrifying voice.

"",Mr. Jiang!!!35

In the crowd, someone shouted loudly.

There seemed to be excitement in the words.

And then, the overwhelming voice came.

Some people called Bai Ge, and some people called Mr. Jiang.

It was this scene that surprised reporters.

Could it be that there was trouble?

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

When he heard the voice, his mood sank suddenly.

He relaxed a little.

Because it can be imagined that these people are not troublemakers.

And then, I saw a young ghost fire rushed in front of him excitedly.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai asked:

"What did you come here for?"

As for the young ghost fire, he immediately showed a solemn expression.

"We're here to help dig mountains!

The voice fell.

Jiang Bai's heart paused.

Next, he (Zhao Lizhao) looked towards the rear in disbelief.

You know there are thousands of people there.

Following Jiang Bai's gaze, he saw the young and middle-aged men nod their heads one by one.

And their voices sounded one after another.

"We are here to help!!


to this moment

The reporter was shocked

Before they could organize their thoughts, they immediately approached.

Then asked:

"Why are you here to help dig mountains and help pave roads?

And this time.

The answers of these young adults were surprisingly consistent.

"We all saw what Brother Bai said at the fundraiser! 35

"Because of those words, we were all touched."

"Although we don't have much money to donate, we also want to contribute!"

"Actually, we have long had the idea of ​​digging a mountain road, but no one has taken the lead!""

"Now that Brother Bai has stood up, we can no longer remain indifferent!

Accompanied by these words.

A heavy force contained within it.

Immediately afterwards, the motorcycle army all over the mountains and plains also roared in unison.

"I heard that it was difficult to dig a mountain, and Chen You from the fog came to help! 35

"Li Yi, the capital of fog, came to help!"

'Zhang Qifeng, the capital of fog, came to help!

"Guangan Huang Qikai came to help!

"Bishan Chen Liang came to help!!""

"Liu Zhang, the capital of fog, came to help!!!""

The roars of tens of thousands of motorcycle riders came from all over the mountains and fields, like the roar of dragons and tigers, the earth shook and the mountains shook!!

Most of them are from Wudu, and there are also cities around Wudu.

After hearing that it was difficult to dig the mountain in Wudu Mountains, they organized a motorcycle army and rushed to the scene as soon as possible!

There were people who worried that these tens of thousands of young and middle-aged people are here to cause damage, and then the project will be postponed indefinitely.

But now the scene is happening in front of you.

Incredible, unbelievable, shocking...


It seems that there is a spiritual awakening, a certain feeling is surging, and a certain blood is burning and boiling in the body!!

under various emotions.

The whole network exploded directly!!!! That is,

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