Chapter 85: Officially Completed!!!!!

Just when the whole network is hot.

Foreign journalists have appeared in various impoverished mountainous areas.

They come from different countries, including belt country, chariot country, beautiful country...

When hundreds of thousands of people went to the impoverished mountainous areas.

They also followed.

To say that among these 100,000 people, some are still working, and some are students...

But now?

Why do you come here to support poor mountainous areas?

thought here.

The foreign reporters shook their heads, very-unintelligible.


This group of reporters is also one - interviewed.

They walked up to this group of simple people and asked in their own lame language:

"Excuse me, why are you here to support? Is someone paying you wages?"

The voice fell.

The people raised their heads one by one.

Some are too lazy to deal with them.

After all, they are foreigners.

And the bad language he spoke, he couldn't understand.

But under the questioning of foreign reporters.

There was a young man who could understand and said:

"No one pays us, everything is voluntary!


He signaled to the people next to him.

I saw that the people suddenly returned a gesture.

"We don't want salary, even if we give it, we won't charge it!"

Others also made gestures.


They are here for free support.

If you receive money, then your heart will change.

It can even be said that if they receive money, they have no such motivation.

Seeing this, foreign reporters looked around.

Then it was discovered that all the people present raised their gestures, and they didn't want any money.

all of a sudden.

Foreign reporters were shocked.

You know, in their country, you need money no matter what you do.

There will also be bonuses for firefighters to put out the fire.

But now?

These hundreds of thousands of people are all helping the poor mountainous areas for free!

Just this behavior.

Although it is difficult for journalists to understand.

But that didn't stop them from being shocked.


When they were interviewed, their eyes were all in awe.

As the interview progressed, they too decided.

The next step is to spread this scene to your own country.

A scene that took place in various impoverished mountainous areas of Long Country.

All edited.

Foreign reporters acted one after another, and then uploaded them to news networks in various countries.

Soon, the video went viral.

After foreign netizens opened it to see it.

In the picture, tens of millions of people appeared.

The perspectives of more than a thousand impoverished mountainous areas are all brought together on one screen.

As a result, as long as they see this scene, foreign netizens will shine.

And next.

After seeing the dragon country, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people volunteered to help build schools in the mountains.

Foreign netizens were completely shocked.

You must know that many countries do not have hundreds of millions of people!

But when someone builds a mountain school, hundreds of millions of people support it for free!

For them, this kind of behavior is directly nationalized.

But they are also very clear.

In one's own country, if you want to do one thing in the whole country, it is even more difficult than going to the sky.


In the video, all kinds of shouts echoed in the impoverished mountainous areas.

Just this hot-blooded picture is exactly what they lack.

If the people of their country can show such enthusiasm.

Then the sun has to hit the west out.

After all, many places advocate freedom.


after they watch the video.

One by one, they all complimented like crazy.

And this video, there is no doubt, has directly become the most popular news in China today.

below the video.

Immediately there were a lot of comments.

Someone was shocked.

Some people are envious.

【With the country】

"Oh! My God! Hundreds of millions of people helping for free? This is incredible!""

"What kind of country is the Dragon Kingdom, and such a thing can happen! 35

"I suddenly want to be born in the Dragon Country!"

"When can we bring the people of our country together like this?! 35

【Beautiful Country】

"Omg, God punished me for letting me see this scene!"

"So envious! There are hundreds of millions of people! The whole world is watching them!""

"Why are they all willing to do this without money?"

"I admire the speed of Longguo! Look at us again, the fire has lasted for five months, and the firefighters have been on the way late!"

"Can't hold back, this is the truth!

【Country of Chariots】

"Whenever I think Longguo is good, I find that I am the most sincere!

"Hopefully one day, we can be so positive!! 99

"The chariot country people want to make a deal with you, we teach you to play football, please pass on your spirit to us!

"There is a country in the east, which has been passed down for five thousand years!"

【Elephant Country】

【Malai Country】


For netizens in these countries.

Many of them have never been to Dragon Country.

But it does not prevent them from learning about the Dragon Kingdom through video.

It was the video sent back this time that allowed them to spy on a corner of the Dragon Kingdom.

If it weren't for the difficulty of applying for green cards, they would all want to live in the Dragon Country.

After all, the people there will stand up at critical moments.

Like this unity.

They can't be seen in the country at all.

And these miracles are destined to have nothing to do with them.

Therefore, they all showed an envious look.

When discussing with foreign netizens.

Kimchi Nation's show aired again.

As before, still an expert, evaluating real-time news.

The real-time news this time is the edited video of Jiang Bai's popular Internet.

when the video airs.

A scene from various impoverished mountainous areas emerges...

It can be seen that hundreds of millions of people have gone through many obstacles, just to reach the mountainous area and carry out school construction work.

Soon after the video finishes playing.

The expert appeared on the screen again.

When the host asked what to think of this scene.

I saw that the expert showed an expression that was even uglier than eating shi.

After all, it hit him hard in the face!

I said before that Yugong moved mountains.

But with hundreds of millions of people, the idiot can really move mountains!

And now.

The expert shook his head.

After all, this kind of thing can't happen in Kimchi country.

Nor did he anticipate it in advance.

"This scene is something I didn't expect!"5

"The people of Longguo are really able to make some tricks!

heard here.

The host then asked:

"Then, has your view on building mountain schools changed?

The voice fell.

The expert shook his head sharply, "No!"

It was this action that immediately excited the netizens of Kimchi Country.

Or do you have to listen to the experts on everything?

If you think too much, you might as well just shake your head!!

And this time.

Netizens in Kimchi Country are looking forward to it.


The expert went on to say:

"On this scale, there are indeed enough people to build schools in the mountains! 35

"However, given the complexity of each mountain area, even if there are hundreds of millions of people, this matter will take at least two years."

"And this is without considering the accident in the middle..."

To say accident.

It is simply unavoidable.

no matter who?

No matter how well planned?

In the end, there will be various force majeure factors!

thought here.

The expert sneered on the spot.

"I don't say anything else!

"I said, if these hundreds of millions of people don't work for two years and keep helping this project, then the economy of the Dragon Kingdom is estimated to collapse soon! 35

What he meant was simple.

No one can help for so long for free!

Hear from the experts.

I saw Kimchi country netizens applauded one after another.

"Break! Absolutely!

"Two years! This accident is absolutely unavoidable!

"Don't look at hundreds of millions of people now, in a week? A year? Two years?"

"By then, there will be only a few hundred people left!"

"Hahaha, it turned out to be such a situation, and I admire so many people joining in!""

"It's definitely a mob!"

"When they were supporting, they didn't think that it would take two years?"


when something happened.

Kimchi country netizens immediately found a high-rise location.

Criticism was made on the spot.

Obviously, they think this is a rabble, and there is no next time.

And they waited.

Although this event is on fire, many people are praising it.

But the higher you stand.

Then it will fall harder.

Kimchi country netizens are ready to see a joke.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

his experience in the past few days.

It can be said to be more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

On the second day, the Wudu Mountains attracted the support of tens of thousands of motorcycle troops!

On the third day, the northern snow-capped mountains encountered tens of thousands of aid!

On the fifth day, all the workers in the western Tibetan area and the poor mountainous engineering team will not be paid, just have a living guarantee!

Day 7: In desert areas, with the help of hundreds of thousands of people, the construction of schools in impoverished mountainous areas has made rapid progress.

the eighth day

For Jiang Bai.

Every day I wake up, I will receive good news from various impoverished mountainous areas.

And this is undoubtedly the most exciting.

Faced with hundreds of millions of support.

Jiang Bai also went to various mountain areas, and then made a field survey.

Immediately, exciting results were obtained.

Day 20: A breakthrough has been made in the mountainous area of ​​Huijiang!

Day 25: The progress of the project in Ningqing Mountains is far ahead of plan!

Day 26: The poor mountainous areas in Tibetan areas, loess areas, snowy mountainous areas, plateau areas, desert areas, etc., the engineering team returned good news and achieved ten times the progress!

Day 30: Hundreds of millions of people support the mountainous areas, the number of people has changed, but the overall number has not decreased!


Results for each day.

All let Jiang Bai see a surprise.

The progress of the entire project has far exceeded the plan made in advance.

Although the number of supporters has changed, new ones are added every day.

On the whole, the number of people who support the construction of mountainous areas has increased.

・・・Seeking flowers 0.....

With the support of hundreds of millions of people from the Dragon Kingdom.

The speed of the entire project has also increased rapidly.

Jiang Bai found out.

The project that was originally expected to be at least six months or even several years was directly shortened to a few weeks!

And this manpower gathers strength.

It's getting more and more terrifying!!

With the passage of time, projects such as digging mountains and roads were completed one by one.

in various places.

The majestic mountain is still tall and straight, but a manually excavated pathway has appeared.

The governance of the desert area has been slightly effective, and an oasis can be built here.

There is also the location of the school, which was originally a bumpy mountain, but now the foundation has been laid.

There are still many difficulties.

They are all attacked one by one!

And when these problems no longer exist.

The school is also starting to build!!

to this moment.

Directly detonated the expectations of the entire network!!

After all, this speed is too amazing.

Good news came out one after another from Tibetan areas and desert areas.

Then the tenfold progress was achieved!

to now.

It has overcome all kinds of difficulties faced by the mountains.

And the next step.

Apparently ready to build a mountain school.

Soon, in the various mountain topic groups of the bib.

Pictures of site selection for various mountain schools appeared.

You can clearly see that it is still bare there.

But in the hearts of everyone, there is involuntarily anticipation.

Think about it, a school will be built there.

What will it be like then?

And this moment.

That's when the Dragon Kingdom's speed is shown.

After the site picture came out.

The first hot search on the whole network came out.

That is "Provide Design Solutions for Mountain Schools!"

To say that this hot search occupies the first place.

Immediately after.

Various design exchange groups have emerged.

From all over the country, there have been tens of thousands of communication groups.

Many designers who paid attention to this matter poured in.

And they discussed only one topic, that is, how to design the school to be safer, more concise, and more beautiful...

They know that this is a public welfare undertaking, providing design solutions and will not have any income.

But they are willing to do it.

Under the attention of the whole network, the design plans have been released one after another.

How else can we say that the creativity that gathers various wisdoms will be very good?

when these designs appear online.

Every netizen will feel bright at the first sight.

Then you will like it at first sight.

The design scheme takes into account various elements.

Then highlight the beauty and safety!

On this basis, the creative design has also been added!

So ever.

Everyone is envious of seeing a boutique.

The most important thing is that many Hope Primary Schools in the mountainous area are now quite mediocre.

When these design schemes came out, it was a direct blow to dimensionality reduction.

It is conceivable that children can also go to school in a place with a more comfortable atmosphere and enjoy a better experience.

And it faces the blue sky, the scenery is beautiful, it is very attractive.

When various designs are released.

Everyone in the entire network made a move, that is, to ask Jiang Bai to adopt these plans.

After all, they did it spontaneously, and they didn't discuss it with Jiang Bai in advance.

And now.

What they look forward to most is to be able to adopt these best-in-class solutions.


Jiang Bai made a reply here, and will consider these design options first.

And these words.

Immediately, there was a frenzy on the Internet.

Immediately after.

Under the reply, countless comments emerged directly.

"Wow wow, brother Bai, there is a design plan of mine!! 39

"Upstairs, I also liked your design plan, the design is very good, there is nothing to say!

"More than a thousand mountain schools, I will witness the completion of the epic project!

"Looking forward to the day the school is built!!

"This is a gift for all mountain kids!"


“So excited!! Looking forward to that day!!”

"It's like waiting for a child to be born, I can't help it!!"

"I wonder when the first mountain school will be built?"

"It should be very soon, my guess is half a year later!

"Half a year is too late, I think it will take at least a year? 55


people all over the network.

One by one frantically looking forward to it.

They feel that the moment the school in the mountains is built, it is the best gift for the children in the mountains.

This time, more than 1,000 mountain schools will be built.

You can imagine how spectacular that scene was!

And now.

A timeline has also appeared online!

Under the attention of the whole network.

Everyone was waiting for the time when the first school was built.

Accompanied by the voice of expectation from the whole network.

two months later.

Wudu poverty-stricken mountain middle school, officially completed!!

[Kneeling and begging for flowers to reward evaluation tickets, kneeling and begging for support, thank you little brother!!!!!!!] Seven.

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