I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 94: A phone call, the top scientist who hollowed out Eagle Sauce!

Jiang Bai picked up the phone.

Then I called an S-class friend.

This close friend is a scientist in the beautiful country, and happens to be a top expert specializing in lithography machines.

His name was Rick, and he was forty years old, but he was not married.


After Jiang Bai called.

After a while, Rick's voice came: "Jiang, why did you suddenly call? 35

Because the two have not been in touch for a long time.

So Rick also has some doubts.

But soon, Rick's voice became a little excited, and he continued:

"Jiang, do you want to meet? We haven't sat down to discuss scientific research for a long time! 35

hear here

Jiang Bai smiled lightly: "Can you come to Longguo, we can sit down and have a good talk, and I need your help!

For Rick

Engaged in the field of photolithography

For some news, is to know.

If you want to say when it is recently, it is the crux of the dragon country's complete blockade.

Therefore, he also had some difficulties and said:

"Old friend, this is too embarrassing, you know, it's not convenient for me to go there!"

Jiang Bai said lightly, "Are you worried about something?"

Rick nodded heavily: "Yes, now the Beautiful Country has issued a policy to block the Dragon Country! If I were in the past, wouldn't I be blatantly disobeying the Beautiful Country? 35

Jiang Bai smiled lightly: "I want your help, this is it!


Rick was stunned.

Who would have thought that this busyness was actually related to the chip!

I mean, the two have a very deep relationship.

But now we are facing a beautiful country

It's hard for him to choose between Pretty Country and Jiang Bai!

After some consideration

I saw Rick directly asked:

"After passing through the Dragon Kingdom, can my life be guaranteed??

He had already made a choice in his heart.

This time, it's not impossible to do a favor in the past.

But he also had to be safe.

After all, the beautiful country has imposed sanctions.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

After hearing Rick's words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he solemnly said:

"If you come here, not only will nothing happen, but in the beautiful country, if there are any consequences, I will bear everything!

Heard this affirmative answer.

Without hesitation, Rick said directly: "That's fine! Let's meet at the Dragon Country!


The two chatted for a while.

Then hang up.

But for Jiang Bai.

This is just the first call.

But fortunately I got my best friend.


Jiang Bai picked up the phone and made a second call.

And this time, it was also an S-class friend.

After waiting for a while, he said:

"Jem, is 757 okay?"

Jem asked suspiciously, "Mr. Jiang?"

He is more reserved

And then the speech is more elegant

When I speak at this moment, the tone is still a little uncertain

"Yes, it's me!"

Jiang Bai knew Jem's character, so he had to take the initiative this time.

"Didn't you always say you want to come to the Dragon Country? This time I'll treat you!

"Let's get together, and then I have something to help you with!

Accompanied by these words.

Jem paused.

He is a top scientist in the beautiful country, specializing in the field of chip drawings.

Although he also wanted to get together

But now I'm afraid there are some difficulties

"Mr. Jiang, if we don't meet again later, the situation is a little unclear now!

Jem said.

heard here.

Jiang Bai also thought seriously.

Say your best friend is a little worried

It's also normal

But this time

He has a way.

"Jem, can you do me a favor then?" Jiang Bai asked.

"Of course it's fine. 35

Jem readily agreed.

Jiang Bai continued: "Then let me tell you, only you and Rick can solve this matter!

Jem was stunned. "Rick? Want the two of us?"

He didn't expect Jiang Bai to suddenly move out of his colleagues.

You know, they have a good relationship as colleagues.

"Yes! Need both of you!"

"Also, now that Rick has come to the Dragon Country, why are you hesitating?"

Jiang Bai said firmly.

The voice just fell.

I saw Jem suddenly startled.

"Huh? Did Rick go too?

After he finished

There was some hesitation in my heart.

So should I go?

think about it

Jem responded in a blink of an eye: "That's fine, I'll go with me too, we must join forces for this task, after all, we all graduated from the same school!

heard here.

Jiang Bai smiled lightly: "Okay, I'll book the same flight ticket for you, let's talk about it first! 35

And this time.

He couldn't help but feel a joy in his heart.

Who would have thought things would go so smoothly!

You must know that at this stage, close friends will definitely have concerns, and it is possible for them to hesitate.

Fortunately, the two calls have been successful.

that's a good thing

and next

Jiang Bai is going to contact these S-class friends and A+-class friends again.

To say that these people, some of them are researching materials, some are mainly focusing on biomolecules, and they are all related to the field of chips.

Another thing in common is that they are the top experts in the beautiful country (cbah).


The third call went out

There was a man on the other side.

"Jiang, it's my honor to see you calling!

The friend said with joy.

He is in the field of materials.

It is also closely related to the chip.

When Jiang Bai heard the voice of his best friend, he was ready to persuade.

As long as people can come to the Dragon Country, then half the success has been achieved.

"Can you come to Longguo to do me a favor?" Jiang Bai asked.

On the side of my dear friend, he paused for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Why do we need to say so much about our friendship? Of course I will help!

Jiang Bai is a little puzzled

How could this close friend be persuaded so easily.

"Then are you coming to Dragon Country?" Jiang Bai then asked.

Hear this.

On the contrary, the best friend was a little confused, and asked directly: "They are all gone, what do I keep?? Both Rick and Jem told me about it!

The voice falls

Jiang Bai suddenly showed a stunned expression.

It's good to be brave.

It's ready to go together!

I didn't expect Rick and Jem to help!

Then, Jiang Bai hung up the phone with a smile.

Now the third best friend has become.

not long

Jiang Bai then made a fourth call.

"Jiang, I have something to tell you!

After this call

Before Jiang Bai could say anything, the friend over there spoke up.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai was stunned, "Old friend, what do you say? 99

The expert who specializes in machinery said directly:

"I'm going on a trip to the Dragon Country, can you receive me?"

Jiang Bai was puzzled: "Is it such a coincidence? 35

Know that this is a critical time.

This is a trip, is it time for a trip?

The friend went on to say:

"Jiang, you just need to tell the outside world that I came to the Dragon Country for tourism!

"If you don't cooperate, how can I help! 35

hear here

Jiang Bai's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that this friend has received the news.

It is estimated that Rick and Jem told a few words.

"That's fine, I'll be waiting for you in the Dragon Country! You're too polite, old friend!

Jiang Bai said with a smile.

"How can you be polite? I'm traveling to the Dragon Country, I'll stress it again with you??

The friend responded.

Jiang Bai smiled lightly, "Okay! I understand! You're here to travel!"

To say this friend does have some meaning.

It must be emphasized that it is tourism.

But it doesn't matter, just follow what he means.

After getting this best friend.

Jiang Bai then finished the rest of the call.

Then it went very smoothly, and all of them were invited over.

And after he's done these things.

It is subconsciously looking at the barrage

After all, I haven't interacted with the audience for a few hours.

He wanted to see what the audience had to say.

And this moment.

I saw that the countless viewers in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

The moment they picked up the phone in Jiang Bai, they already had a hunch that the next call would not be easy.

But after the call, they realized.

The previous self was very naive, childish, immature...

They feel that they are at the level of a spokesperson.

never thought.

This time, it turned out to be a call to a top expert in the beautiful country!

You know, they just did a special search.

It turns out that Rick and Jem are really there.

And both of them have a very high status in the beautiful country.


At this moment, they couldn't hold back one by one.

Because of the content of the conversation, the barrage exploded on the spot.

"Fuck!! Brother Bai is going to go against the sky this time!!"

"A dozen calls in total! This is to move all the top experts in the beautiful country??

"I'm already numb, and those top experts all took the initiative to say that they want to come to Longguo to travel!! 35

"Absolutely! This group of people is just a coincidence!

"I like what Brother Bai said, Rick's coming to Dragon Country, why are you hesitating?"

"Hahaha, Jem really didn't even hesitate for a second!

"To be honest, I've already been looking forward to it. After the arrival of these top experts, what is the reaction of the beautiful Congress? 35

"One thing to say, they must have a psychological shadow!"

"Are none of you interested in Brother Bai's next plan?

"how is this possible!?


"I beg for Brother Bai's next plan! 35


in the live room.

Like a mountain and a tsunami, the barrage wave after wave.

After all, this has called out all the top experts in the beautiful country!

Next, the Dragon Kingdom is going to be lively!

By this time.

Everyone wants to know, what kind of jumping reaction the beautiful country will have next!

Obviously, the counterattack from the Dragon Kingdom has already begun!

Beautiful country high-rise.

conference room.

Just when Jiang Bai was on the phone.

They are having a meeting here.

And their meeting this time is actually a celebration.

After all, a wave of Dragon Kingdom has just been sanctioned, so good news should be announced next.

They just want to hear how many companies are about to go bankrupt, and how many people are crying!

News like this is the most exciting.

And with such expectations.

I saw a high-level beckoning.

Then, his subordinates walked in from the door of the conference room.

"Report, what's going on in the Dragon Kingdom now!"

said the senior.

Hear this.

Mentors directly introduce the situation.

"Because the supply of chips is cut off, the stocks of major companies in Longguo are now plummeting, and there are mourning everywhere!"

"There are already many stockholders who have posted pictures of the balcony about to jump off the building on the Internet!

"According to this trend, the Dragon Kingdom should soon ask us for help!

while talking.

The subordinates handed over the photo directly.

These are all photos found on the scarf of the Dragon Kingdom.

Because the chip supply was cut off, it caused a very sensational impact.

So many people will discuss it online.

It can be said that the overall situation is mourning everywhere.

Others, who have gone to extremes, are ready to jump off the building.

After seeing the photo.

Several senior executives are very satisfied.

They found that under this wave of pressure.

The Dragon Kingdom was directly miserable.

And the outside world of fishing reels has also undergone a big change.

Where do countries in the world still remember the thousand schools built in the Dragon Kingdom in two months??

They only know the power and dominance of the beautiful country!


One of the members sneered.

"Haha, we're just a move to keep them from having a good time!

The senior nodded with a smile.

"It's all said, sanctions are just a matter of words, this is the real ability!!"

He is very fond of the domineering displayed by the beautiful country.

even proud

The most important thing is that now people from all walks of life are praising the powerful side of Beautiful Country!


This is a happy scene.

at the same time

I saw that my subordinates went on to report:

"One more thing, there is a scientist in Longguo who is going to take refuge overnight, his name is Chen Hai! 39

hear the words

Several high-level eyes lit up.

"Tell me?"

The next one listened, and then reported:

"Chen Hai hopes we can provide a green card and a location for a laboratory!"

"This is a top expert in Longguo, specializing in the field of lithography machines. He said that in Longguo, he has no way to stretch his ambitions, and he must come to our beautiful country to show his grand plans!

Accompanied by these words

The higher-ups present were stunned for a moment.

followed by uncontrollable joy


The whole laughter spread immediately.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became festive.

To say this group of high-level did not expect.

Just said the word strong and domineering.

Unexpectedly, a scientist immediately bowed his head and bowed to Yingjiang on the spot.

thought here.

They are also very satisfied.

"Okay, let him wait first, we'll talk about this later!"

After speaking.

Several high-level executives were all smiling.

Because of this Chen Hai, they only felt more comfortable.


Just when they were complacent.

Another subordinate suddenly broke in.

Then came the tense reporting:

"Things are bad!"

"Our research institute has a big event!


There are a few high-rises next to it, and they don't take it seriously.

waved his hand and said:

"I guess it's not enough money again?

"It's okay, allocate more money!"

"Our lab, it's time to upgrade!"

"After all, more than one scientist will come to join us next, we have to make this welcome ceremony in place!"

"It's best to tell Long Guo directly, if you want to make a big show, all come to our laboratory, the treatment here is definitely the best in the world!

The seniors said.

Then he laughed involuntarily.

They are already imagining, if these words are really released.

Then the experts from the entire Dragon Country came over, so how could that be!!

But said this time.

The subordinate spoke again.

"It's not about money! 35

"Several top scientists from the research institute suddenly asked for leave together!"

"Then I took the plane to the Dragon Country!!

The voice fell.

The pictures in the minds of a group of people were suddenly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze changed.

A member of parliament, even more skeptical of life, said:

"What did you say? Our beautiful country's top expert has gone to the Dragon country??"

The subordinate nodded and replied:

"Yes! They said they were going on a trip to the Dragon Country together!"

heard here.

I saw that the high-level executives present were suddenly shocked, and quickly asked:

"what is the problem!!

"How could it be possible to travel!!

The subordinate said:

"I don't know the specifics, but those top scientists are all engaged in chips!

A word rang out.

Two words for the chip.

Everyone is very sensitive.

And next.

I saw the high-level officials present panicked.


what's going on????

Can a group of chip experts get together to travel to the Dragon Country?.

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