I Get 100 Best Friends Every Day, The Country Asks Me For Help

Chapter 99: Old friend, borrow the Ford-class aircraft carrier!!!

Accompanied by six aircraft carriers to sea.

The first thing that was disturbed was the media of the beautiful country.

It can be said that every media is scrambling to report this matter first.

Immediately afterwards, the whole news also swept the beautiful country!

But because they don't know, where the six aircraft carriers are going.

So when reporting.

They can only report that these six aircraft carriers will be the most powerful one - the force.

"Six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers! Domineering and tyrannical! Ran the sea!"

when this title appeared.

It directly caused the collective boiling of netizens in the beautiful country.

For some military fans.

This is breaking news

They poured in directly, and then began to discuss wildly.

"Omg! Six nuclear mother battle groups! This is what you're going to do!"

"Fak! That's called absolute power!

"I can feel my adrenaline burning like crazy!"

"As a military fan, I'm crazy, this is six nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups!

“Aren’t you looking forward to it? Where are these six carriers going?”

"How is that possible!! I don't sleep! Just to watch the follow-up to this news!""

"No matter what! The media all over the country are paying attention to this matter! We are going to be hilarious at this moment!"

"This is the power of the cauldron! Let's boil along!


after the news broke.

The netizens of the beautiful country became frantically restless on the spot.

After all, this is a full six aircraft carriers!

You must know that some small countries do not even have aircraft carriers!

It can be imagined that with such a huge force, it must be a heavy blow!

But they also thought of another possibility.

Perhaps the dispatch of such six aircraft carrier fleets is to carry out a strong military strength!

But for whatever reason.

This time the aircraft carrier went to sea.

Combined with the previous total lockdown.

These two waves of action come down.

The domineering and tyrannical from the beautiful country made these beautiful country netizens shout out on the spot!

Because they don't know what's going on with the top scientists.

So, they are very excited now.

And in this case.

They are also wildly guessing, what the hell happened to send six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers?

And most importantly, where are these carriers going?

Take a guess.

Many netizens in beautiful countries just don't want to sleep, and are ready to wait for the follow-up of the news!

After all, what happens next may be going against the sky!

And when the news is overwhelming.

Beautiful country's highest scientific research institute.

Chen Hai also saw the reports of various media for the first time.

After reading it, his eyes showed horror.

You must know that this is six aircraft carrier battle groups!

How did the beautiful country directly send absolute power??

And he was sitting in the chair of the research institute.

The whole person was also a little nervous.

After all, the entire group of top experts went on vacation.

And now, he is here alone and doesn't know what to do.

What if this aircraft carrier was sanctioned by the Dragon Kingdom?

Then he sat in the research institute next.

On the surface it bears the name of a scientist.

Isn't he actually a traitor???

thought here.

Chen Hai was very nervous and couldn't help but look at an ordinary employee next to him.

He asked directly:

"Do you know what happened?

Hear this.

This ordinary employee showed a suffocated expression.

"You may not know that the scientists of the entire scientific research institute have been poached by Long Guo."

And these words actually give an answer.

Perhaps these nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are meant to bring back scientists from the beautiful country.

Let's talk about Chen Hai.

He just asked a simple question, and then did not wait for the other party to answer.

After all, this is an ordinary employee.

There is a huge gap with his own identity.

How can an ordinary employee understand something that he doesn't even know?

Isn't that pure nonsense??


When ordinary employees finish speaking.

I saw Chen Hai widen his eyes on the spot and exclaimed:

"Fuck, how did you know? 99

"When did this happen?"

"Isn't that the top scientist of the beautiful country? How could it be all poached by the dragon country!!!"

Hear these shocking words.

Ordinary employees were too lazy to explain so much, and said casually:

"On the day you came, they all defected to the Dragon Kingdom!"

"As for the rest, I can't say!"


Chen Hai kept touching his forehead.

It seems very incomprehensible.

You know, he came all the way to show off his grand plans and then develop a lithography machine.

But now, the group of top scientists, when he came over, actually went to the Dragon Country.


It's so frustrating!

But said this time.

With a hint of curiosity, ordinary employees could not help but ask:

"Can I ask you a question?"

"It's really strange, they're going! But you're coming?"

"Are they sick, or are you sick??

To say this.

In fact, he was scolding Chen Hai in a subtle way.

After all, the entire team of scientists has passed.

There are many people in the family, so there is definitely no problem.

But what about you?

There is only one person, and he has come all the way?

Isn't that just a brain hit by a donkey?

Let's talk about Chen Hai.

Hearing these words, he didn't realize whether the other party was scolding him.

But the first thought that popped into his mind was.


I'm so rude!

I am sick!!

Everyone is leaving, what am I doing here?

thought here.

He immediately doubted life.

See Chen Hai's reaction.

The ordinary employee smiled and said:

"Don't panic, the beautiful country dispatched six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, obviously to force the dragon country to hand over those scientists! 95

"Presumably those scientists will be back soon!

heard here.

Chen Hai couldn't help being surprised.

His expression also changed.

He just hadn't thought about it yet.

But on second thought.

It seems to be the case.

You must know that the entire nest of the beautiful country has been dug up!

He must be trying to get people back!

With shock.

Chen Hai immediately felt relieved.

From this point of view, it is not just him who is accompanied by an ordinary employee.

With the news spread.

On Laute, the hot search just exploded.

The first ten articles are all about the beautiful country dispatching the aircraft carrier group.

And this news has caused a sensation all over the world!

I saw netizens from various countries, all of which were heatedly discussed.

Immediately afterwards, all eyes were placed on these six aircraft carrier battle groups.

After all, it's time to go to sea.

So where is its next stop?

to this moment.

Everyone was nervous.

I just want to know, where is the beautiful country going?

What do you want to do?

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom was still sleeping.

It was late at night after all.

Many people have rested.

Especially those old academicians and top experts from the beautiful country.

They discussed the topic of lithography machine for a long time.

Tired now.


time flies.

When it comes to morning.


The old academicians are all together.

But now it doesn't matter where they are.

Then a message was received.

And those beautiful friends.

They also got the message.

And this news is the news released by the beautiful country media.

"Six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers! Domineering and tyrannical! Ran the sea!"

Saw this title.

A group of old academicians changed their faces on the spot.

There are also scientists in the United States, who are also frowning.

Then, they all clicked in and looked.

in the news.

It can be clearly seen that a full six aircraft carrier battle groups have been dispatched from the beautiful country!

And it is urgent to call the navy and go to sea in an all-round way!

After reading it.

Whether it is an old academician or a beautiful scientist, all eyes narrowed.

To know.

This news, others can't see what the beautiful country is going to do!

But they were clear.

This is obviously going to be troublesome!

But the old academician was horrified.

The beautiful country took action so quickly.

And at one time, six aircraft carrier battle groups were dispatched.

Just thinking of the scene of the aircraft carrier battle group crossing the sea, they became nervous.

After all, the beautiful country is rushing to grab people!

And after thinking about the seriousness of the problem.

The old academicians immediately reported the matter to the relevant departments.

Let's talk about Jiang Bai.

He just got up.

Then he glanced at the friend list.

To his surprise.

This time, I have a SSS-level friend!

Before that, the highest was the S-Class.

But now the SSS level has been refreshed.

It is conceivable that what happened yesterday may have caused an unprecedented sensation.

And now.

He hasn't read the news yet, and doesn't know what that sensation is.


Jiang Bai clicked on his best friend subconsciously and checked it out in detail.

Just took a look.

Jiang Bai was shocked.

Because this SSS-level friend is actually the leader of Eagle sauce, Ross!

And this moment.

He hadn't had time to sort out what happened next.

There was a phone call.

It's at the Dragon Academy.

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Are you up? There's something big here!

An academician got in touch.

"No problem, I'll be right here! 35

Jiang Bai packed up and set off immediately.

He could think of it.

It might be serious!


Jiang Bai came to the Dragon Academy of Sciences building.

He glanced at it and found that it was heavily guarded, which was completely different from before.

There is a whole army, directly guarding here.

Various tanks and other heavy vehicles are parked.

There are even heavily armed soldiers patrolling the outside.

After this scene appeared.

I saw Jiang Bai's eyes also became uneasy.

After all, he didn't know what the military's attitude towards his actions was.

But he could think of it.

Alarmed the military to come to the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

・・・ Flowers・・・・

There must be a new action in the beautiful country!


After Jiang Bai walked into the Dragon Academy of Sciences, he saw an old general who was discussing with the old academicians.

Just looking from behind, you can see that the other party is upright and awe-inspiring, exuding a soldier's breath all over his body.

However, the whole expression was very serious.

There is also the atmosphere in the Dragon Academy, which is also very solemn.

Every soldier and academician, all of them are too big to breathe.

And this time.

The old academician noticed the figure at the door and immediately looked over.

He found that the person at the door was Jiang Bai who had just called.

"Mr. Jiang! Come here!

Academician Zhang immediately waved.

at this time.

The other old academicians looked at Jiang Bai and said hello.

After all, it has made a huge contribution to the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

They all respect Jiang Bai very much.

Let's talk about Academician Zhang.

After he saw Jiang Bai approaching, he said to the general next to him:

"Old Chen, this one is Mr. Jiang in my mouth!"

"He is the great benefactor of our Dragon Academy of Sciences! He is the one who called hundreds of beautiful Chinese scientists! 359

"Jiang Bai, this is old general Chen Xinghuai, you can call him old Chen.""

The voice fell.

Jiang Bai couldn't help but look at the veteran and said with admiration, "Elder Chen!"

"Mr. Jiang, I have heard a lot of your deeds!""

"I didn't expect you to be so young! 99

Chen Xinghuai said a few words politely.

By this time.

He stood there straight and straight.

An air of awe burst out.

But his expression was a little less serious.

Seeing Jiang Bai, there was a touch of gentleness.

After a simple greeting, Chen Xinghuai went straight to the topic.

"Specifically about this!

"The top scientists in the entire beautiful country were all called by Mr. Jiang?

After hearing this, Jiang Bai replied, "Yes, most of them are my best friends!"

Hearing this, Chen Xinghuai said with admiration:

"It seems that Mr. Jiang's widely circulated words are also true!"

"It is difficult to find Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang has many friends!

Accompanied by these words.

Jiang Bai was also a little surprised.

To know this sentence, others may not feel it.

But from Chen Lao's mouth, this force is a little heavy.

"Chen, you're welcome!" Jiang Bai said with a smile.

Chen Xinghuai shook his head.

You must know that these are the top scientists in the entire beautiful country.

Dig up the opponent's entire nest.

Can that be a small thing?

"Speaking of the previous incident, the beautiful country blocked our dragon country for chips, prohibiting companies from all countries from exporting chips to us!"

"If it wasn't for Mr. Jiang raising his arms, he would have called all the more than 600 top scientists in the beautiful country!

"Then the research and development speed of lithography machines cannot be accelerated by 20 years!"

"This act makes me admire!"

Chen Xinghuai was deeply impressed and gave Jiang Bai a thumbs up.

He understands.

How much energy does this person from the Dragon Kingdom have!

And how helpful is this energy to the Dragon Kingdom!

At the same time, what Chen Lao said also means that the entire military will support Jiang Bai in the future.

Hear this.

Jiang Bai was deeply shocked.

You must know that when he came in, he was still worried about the attitude of the military.

Then a little apprehensive.

But now!

He felt at ease all of a sudden!

As long as the military supports it, then everything will be easy.


When Jiang Bai was chatting, he was still a little nervous.

But soon, as the chat deepened, this tension gradually disappeared.


Talk about the next topic.

I saw Chen Xinghuai's face gloomy.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Jiang, you came here early in the morning, you probably haven't heard of that incident yet!"5


Jiang Bai asked in astonishment:

"Does it have something to do with Eagle Sauce?

You must know that the Dragon Academy is now heavily guarded.

Early in the morning, he felt that something was wrong.

It's just that he just chatted with Chen Lao, and he didn't have a chance to ask.

At this time, Chen Xinghuai nodded heavily:

"Yes! The beautiful country sent six nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups! 99

"And I have a hunch that they're coming for these scientists! 35

heard here.

I saw Jiang Bai's face sank.

"Do they really dare to use force??"

Jiang Bai asked back.

When Chen Xinghuai heard these words, his expression couldn't help changing.

He didn't expect Jiang Bai to react like this.


He also didn't know what was in Jiang Bai's heart.

It is estimated that the other party is also very angry.

"It could be a deterrent!"

"But things are escalating!""

Chen Xinghuai continued.

heard here.

Jiang Bai was completely angry.

Unexpectedly, people from the beautiful country would not bow their heads and apologize.

He even wanted to threaten with force!

By this time.

His face turned stern.

Since you dare to do so.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless!

At this time, Jiang Bai had already made plans in his heart.

Call that SSS-class friend and borrow the Ford-class aircraft carrier from the beautiful country for a use!!! Seven.

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