I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1056: You shouldn't be like this

At this moment, Shen Xuan sighed helplessly.

"Oh, actually, you shouldn't be like this originally."

"But no matter what, you just did this."

Shen Xuan was like this, making the Shang Hentian in front of him even more puzzled in his heart.

After all, this point really made him feel a little bit invisible.

"Tell me so much, what's the matter?"

When Shang Hentian looked at Shen Xuan, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he couldn't help but speak to him.

It was Shang Hentian's words, as far as Shen Xuan was concerned.

In fact, Shen Xuan was holding a sigh of relief now.

"You are calculating the matter of my Divine Sword Sect. From now on, then work with you to settle this account clearly!"

When Shen Xuan's gaze fell on Shang Hentian, Shen Xuan's face was filled with playfulness and randomness.

Slowly, as Shen Xuan said these words.

This is true in Shen Xuan. Obviously, the current Shang Hentian is watching while not forgetting to continue talking here.

"Although it is said that this is the end of the matter, nothing else is actually important at all."

"Is there any means, just take it out and talk about it."

When Shen Xuan looked at him, it was obvious that he looked at Shen Xuan.

Next, Shang Hentian must die anyway.

These things, in fact, are basically doomed.

As for Shen Xuan, he smiled faintly.

"Actually, there is no need for excessive means."

"And now, do you think you can hold it?"

When Shen Xuan said to him, this made Shang Hentian's face even more filled with anger.

"Hmph, you can't help but take yourself too seriously."

"Furthermore, do you really think that I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

As Shang Hentian said, he motioned to the people around him to continue to attack here desperately.

Only now, the more so, Shang Hentian and those people in the business have all discovered it.

The current impact of this incident is undoubtedly very bad.

As for Shang Hentian, he was looking into the distance while not forgetting to continue talking here.

"All in all, since we want to play now, let's not talk about anything else for the time being. If you have anything, just stay with me to the end."

When Shang Hentian finished speaking, the guards of other merchants looked like they were willing to go all out.

After all, this matter actually seemed to them how to deal with it.

In Shang Hentian's heart, he was even thinking about what to do here.

And those people around Shang Hentian, you look at me, I look at you.

"No matter how much, under the current circumstances, we should all take it all out."

"So I still say, what's next, we should all be able to afford it all now."

"Of course, so now, he is dead."

At this moment, as the people around you did not forget to speak here.

It was Shang Hentian, and his face was even more confident that he couldn't tell.

After all, what should we do about this matter next?

In fact, it seems to Shang Hentian that in any case, such things are necessary and should be strengthened. This is the key.

As Shang Hentian watched, there was a trace of murder in his eyes.

"Is this for fun?"

"Since you have done this, then just come here."

It seems to Shang Hentian that, in any case, such things are necessary and should be dealt with quickly.

"In short, I don't want to talk about other things, nor do I want to manage."

"But for us, in fact, next, this must be done more quickly."

Shang Hentian now wished to give Shen Xuan to the corpse.

So it seems to him that in fact, the next one has completely occupied this opportunity.

So from the current point of view, in the depths of Shang Hentian's heart, he naturally knows how to deal with these things now.

And as Shang Hentian became more and more so, this time, Shang Hentian's face was even more murderous.

"All in all, if you want to play now, let's all have fun next time."

When Shang Hentian saw this, the more so, the more touched Shang Hentian himself.

When Shen Xuan was, he didn't care so much at all.

After all, how should such a thing be solved next?

In fact, it seems to Shen Xuan that such a thing, in any case, should actually be dealt with more vigorously, and this is all right.

As for Shen Xuan, mobilizing his wrists: "Well, now, things are almost handled."

"As for other things, there is no need to entangle too much."

When Shen Xuan saw this, it was obvious what he planned to do with these things.

As Shen Xuan was talking here, it was obvious that now he has actually made up his mind and intends to go all out.

Now that it has been determined, from now on, you can take action to solve this matter anytime, anywhere.

As for Shen Xuan, as far as he was concerned, he became more and more excited.

Just looking at him, Shen Xuan waved his hand.

"Well, there is no time to think about these issues now."

"Next, everyone should be thorough and get this thing done."

Shen Xuan is now destined to do something to solve the business hatred first.

Otherwise, if you continue to consume it like this now, in fact, to Shen Xuan, it's not a big deal at all.

Slowly, look at these.

At this moment, Shen Xuan didn't feel anything at all.

"Shang Hentian, do you think you will have any effect if you continue to toss like this?"

It seemed to Shen Xuan that Shang Hentian was doing this now, purely looking for death here.

However, looking at it now, the more so, in fact, it seems to Shen Xuan that there is nothing to say about other things.

And the more it is now, Shen Xuan actually didn't even think that what would be the use of doing this next.

But as far as Shen Xuan is concerned, Shen Xuan at this time is as calm as water.

"Since you have done this now, then you are dead."

Shang Hentian, in fact, he hadn't expected this at all.

And now, those of Shang Hentian's subordinates, there is no way to toss here for a long time, and they are defeated.

"Keep it here, then, get him out of it for me."

As Shen Xuan said, the people around him nodded repeatedly.

In fact, such things may not need them to say so much at all.

In fact, in the depths of these people's hearts, it has become clearer that next, what should be done better.

"Hmph, kill you first, and then solve Yipinhui!"I will become stronger when I rest. Latest chapter address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/163301/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (The first thousand and fifty-sixth chapter you shouldn't be like that) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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