I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1086: What the **** is there

"Didn't you already say it?"

Shen Xuan looked at Lei Tianming beside him, shrugging his shoulders, not forgetting to say to this side.

And as Shen Xuan said these words, this made Lei Tianming look towards this side, and his face was even more curious and puzzled.

"What did I say just now?"

Obviously, it looks at Lei Tianming.

In fact, he didn't even feel what he said just now.

At this time, the people of the other Divine Sword Sect also looked at Shen Xuan in surprise.

They now want to see something on Shen Xuan's face.

But soon, they were disappointed.

Because Shen Xuan looked the same at this time, and there was nothing to be seen on his face, so he came.

"You just said that we can take the Mingyue Villa."

"It's just right, we have this time now, so let's go over and take a look."

Following Shen Xuan's words, this made others around him come back to their senses.

Lei Tianming actually thought so too.

But now, what should we do?

In fact, this matter should still need to be carefully considered.

"Boss, although I think so, what should we start from next?"

This is actually not clear to Lei Tianming.

But the more so, in fact, here, Shen Xuan, looking at these things, was very calm.

"That said, it's easier."

"Next, let's go straight."

What, go straight to it?

I don't know why, the other people's hearts suddenly feel very confused.

However, when they looked at this side, everyone at the Divine Sword Gate nodded one after another, not forgetting to say to this place.

"That's right, since Young Master has already said so, how can we not try it?"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. Now, everything can only be done."

"It seems that everyone sees it this way, so next, our opportunity has come."

For the present, everyone at the Excalibur Gate is still very curious how to get it.

However, Shen Xuan did not rush to disclose this.

Still leave a little bit of suspense first.

As for what will happen, Shen Xuan believes that when the time comes, he will know what is going on.

As for Shen Xuan's side, other people from the Divine Sword Sect saw this.

They followed Shen Xuan one after another, heading straight towards Mingyue Villa.


At this time, Yin Deliang was thinking a lot.

He felt that if he was Shen Xuan.

So next, his goal will definitely be Mingyue Villa.


The people around looked at Yin Deliang and couldn't help talking.

And Yin Deliang's gaze fell in front of him, slightly curious.

"Well, how is the situation outside now?"

When Yin Deliang was talking, the people around him looked over and didn't forget to say it.

"Boss, things are not so good now."

"Shen Xuan and the others, seem to be busy with something."

As the people around him said, this made Yin Deliang's whole body look more and more uncomfortable.

But now, since such a thing has happened, there are some things that can't be changed at all.

At this time, Yin Deliang still did not forget to tell the people around him.

"Remember, stare at Mingyue Villa."

"If Shen Xuan and the others are really allowed to take the Mingyue Villa, then we all can't shirk the blame!"

When Yin Deliang said these words, it made the people around him more and more surprised.

However, from the current point of view, in fact, in their hearts, they have already given a sigh of relief.

Now they have actually reached their last chance.

So next, no matter what, in fact, all of them must fight for it.

"The boss can rest assured, we know what to do."

"That's right, our Mingyue Villa is heavily guarded. He wants to enter Mingyue Villa unless he wants to die?"

"I think so too, but this kid, in fact, no one can say what's wrong."

With the people around you, you and I have to say a word, don't forget to say it here.

After all, the next thing, in fact, is the case.

As for Yin Deliang, he said all he should have said.

Compared to Yin Deliang, he was relieved in his heart.

"Thank God, this kind of thing has finally been completed."

"Since this is the end of the matter, then, on the contrary, there is no need to worry about it at all."

Looking at him, Yin Deliang couldn't help but smile, and said to this side.

And with Yin Deliang's words, this made the people around him look in front of them with an eagerness to try.

Only here, Yin Deliang waved his hand.

"Best, let's take a look first."

"After all, this kid can do everything."

When Yin Deliang finished speaking, the people around him actually felt the same way.

At this time, everyone was curious and looked towards this side.

On the contrary, Yin Deliang was looking at all of this.

At this moment, he said suddenly.

"Well, now, if you have news, please report it to me at any time."

Yin Deliang's words were just said.

Soon, someone came to Yin Deliang's side in a hurry and couldn't help talking.

"Boss, just got news that Shen Xuan has rushed over to our side."

What's the situation?

Yin Deliang frowned, especially when he looked at him.

The more so, Yin Deliang frowned.

After all, looking at it now, why is there news of Shen Xuan.

"It seems that Shen Xuan is here entirely for us."

"All in all, there is nothing to entangle now. Now that I have encountered it, then there is still a need to give up."

When Yin Deliang looked at all this, for the present, Yin Deliang himself knew better than anyone.

Just looking at him, Yin Deliang was very calm.

"Everyone, don't worry about it for now."

"After all, right now, there is only news from him for the time being, and other things are not clear yet."

When Yin Deliang spoke, the people around him stared at each other.

In fact, it seems to them that other things are not going to be said for the time being.

But the more it is now, this, in any case, it is actually necessary to prepare in advance.

When Yin Deliang saw this, he waved his hand and said to the people around him.

"Now, since he is coming, you can search around for me."

"In short, even if you dig three feet, you must find him for me!"

When Yin Deliang said these words, it made the people around him more serious.

Now that this is the end of the matter, other things should also be resolved. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1086, what is ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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