I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1114: Sure enough, the guess is correct

In fact, it seemed to Shen Xuan that the matter here should be checked first before he could be sure.

But when Shen Xuan came here, he could find that there were many things related to the Temple of War.

When he saw this, Shen Xuan just felt that there was a flame in his heart, which was constantly coming out.

Although now, everything presented here is not so strong.

But now, Shen Xuan still feels all this very clearly.

"In this way, the situation here seems to be more difficult than we thought."

When Shen Xuan said, the people around him had already seen it.

At the beginning, there must have been a big battle between the Temple of War and these people.

Moreover, the Temple of War was attacked.

Because these things here look more like trophies, like a show off from the other side.

The more so, at this moment, Shen Xuan frowned.

Regarding the current events, Shen Xuan actually has a flame in his heart, which keeps going out.

I won't talk about anything else, but now, this matter, in any case, can't be taken lightly.

Therefore, when Shen Xuan's gaze is looking at him, the more so, Shen Xuan at this time, the whole person is very silent.

"It seems that if the Yin family is destroyed, they won't be wronged!"

"It's just that, based on the information here, what can be determined for the time being that those people are definitely still in Zhonghai!"

When Shen Xuan began to analyze the information he had obtained so far, a joyful expression appeared on the faces of those around him.

After all, they have been waiting here for a long time, isn't it just such a thing?

As a result, now, they can finally wait for all of this, for them, there is no doubt that it is still very good.

It's just here, the more so, it actually looks like in Shen Xuan.

How should such a thing be done?

In fact, the people themselves in the Temple of War, the more they look at it, the more obvious it becomes.

"The leader is still right. We all didn't think so much about these things before this."

"This is right, so now we still have to increase our efforts. This is the key."

"So I still say, no matter what, these things must be completely resolved. In fact, we all have done a good job."

Now, as these people talked, they got more and more excited.

Even dealing with this point, in fact, in their hearts, the more they look at it, the more obvious it becomes.

However, Shen Xuan at this time was very indifferent.

"However, in fact, we all need to consider so much now, but it is not very useful."

"Next, everyone takes this opportunity to do something."

When Shen Xuan said to him, it made the people around him a little surprised.

But for other things, there is nothing to say at all.

Not only that, but even after seeing this, Shen Xuan felt that he should start working on this matter a little bit.

In fact, only in this way can these things be completely settled.

Otherwise, if you continue to focus on these things, in fact, thinking about it carefully, it's still a big difference.

However, looking at it now, the more so, in fact, it seems to Shen Xuan how to deal with it, in fact, it has become more obvious.

But it's just that, in fact, from the perspective of Shen Xuan, how to deal with it.

In fact, Shen Xuan's heart is more clear and clear about this point.

Just looking at all of this, Shen Xuan at this time became more and more calm.

"It doesn't matter much, since it has been determined now."

"Then next, we just need to wait here quietly."

Shen Xuan knew that compared to them, the other party was even more uncomfortable.

And now, it's up to who can't stabilize first.

Anyway, Shen Xuan's heart is quite clear, in any case, this person is absolutely impossible to be himself.

It's just here that Shen Xuan doesn't care so much at all.

"Anyway, everyone should wait a little bit now."

"As for what happens next, I believe that you all will understand it soon."

When Shen Xuan said, Ruyun nodded.

"Good boss, but the question is, when is the best time for us to start?"

When Ruyun said, Shen Xuan at this time was thinking about it for a while.

In fact, Shen Xuan's stay in Zhong Hai will not be very long.

So now Shen Xuan, deep down in his heart, is much more anxious than Ruyun.

Therefore, when Shen Xuan saw this, Shen Xuan at this time became more and more indifferent.

It's just that the more so, in fact, from the perspective of Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan continued to speak.

"After half a month."

"At most this long, longer, I can't wait."

Originally, I still felt very curious.

But now everyone, after seeing this scene, in fact, they are now more shocked.

This point, in fact, they have fully seen it now.

It's just that the more it is now, it actually seems to Shen Xuan what he should plan to do.

In fact, Shen Xuan himself became more clear and clear.

"The chief said so, then there will be no problems."

"Of course, otherwise, why do you really think we are consuming here?"

"But now, since they have made up their minds to do this, then we will go ahead with them directly."

Now, along with those around you, you are talking here one by one.

And now, at this moment, these people's hearts are even more anxious.

After all, what kind of method you plan to use to solve this kind of thing next, this point should be paid special attention to.

However, Shen Xuan actually felt that these things were simply too much.

"Haha, if you really think so now, then I think, in fact, from now on, there is no need to toss so much."

"Although this is the case, from the current point of view, how should we deal with this situation?"

"The key point now is actually not these issues. How to do it is actually quite critical."

When the people around him finished speaking, Shen Xuan now had a look of expectation on his face.

After all, how are you going to deal with this point now?

In fact, it seemed to Shen Xuan that in Shen Xuan's heart, he was increasingly looking forward to these things.

Now that this is the end of the matter, how should this matter be dealt with? This point should actually be handled quickly. This is the most important point.

For these, Shen Xuan felt that he could give it a try at this time.

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