I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1201: Why surrender

"Shen Xuan, you finally came."

Cao Wande stared at the young man in the distance and couldn't help talking.

As for Shen Xuan's information, Cao Wande had already obtained it.

So now, when Cao Wande said these words, there is no doubt about what he plans to do next about these things.

In fact, it seemed to Cao Wande that he became more familiar.

And with Cao Wande more so, for the present.

At this moment, Shen Xuan himself was very indifferent.

"Yeah, isn't that what you said, I am coming over naturally."

"The president of the Northern Chamber of Commerce, do you have any advice?"

Shen Xuan waved his hand and spoke to Cao Wande very calmly.

After all, the more so next, in fact, for these things at present.

In the depths of Cao Wande's heart, he was actually much more familiar than anyone else.

Slowly, looking at these.

At this time, Shen Xuan became more calm.

"If you don't speak, then I will leave."

When Shen Xuan was like this, Cao Wande had a very unique feeling.

It's as if the whole person has been completely pinched.


When Cao Wande saw this, he waved his hand to this side, not forgetting to speak directly.

And as Cao Wande became more and more like this, Shen Xuan stopped at this time, and slowly looked at Cao Wande in front of him.

As for Cao Wande, he looked at this side as if he was willing to go, but he didn't forget to continue talking here.

"It's actually very simple. I'm here to make you surrender to my Northern Chamber of Commerce."

When Cao Wande said this, Shen Xuan rubbed his ears.

After doing this, Shen Xuan slowly raised his head and looked here.

Obviously, with regard to the current issues, how do you plan to deal with them next?

In fact, Shen Xuan himself was more thorough than anyone.

From now on, the more it looks like this, as far as Shen Xuan is concerned, these problems must still be speeded up.

"Just, why should I surrender?"

When Shen Xuan said to this side, the more so, in fact, even here, Shen Xuan didn't care so much at all.

Slowly, when Shen Xuan saw this place.

Obviously, how do you plan to deal with these things now?

In fact, in Shen Xuan's heart, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this kind of thing is coming out of the ordinary.

As for Shen Xuan's side, Cao Wande suddenly smiled.

"Young man, maybe, you didn't understand what I meant."

"I mean, I hope you can surrender to me!"

When Cao Wande said this to this side, the more so, even the more Shen Xuan in front of him felt that he didn't care about it at all.

At Cao Wande's side, Shen Xuan sneered.

"I also said, why should I surrender to you?"

When Shen Xuan looked in front of him, the more so, he actually treated the current situation and didn't even feel what would happen.

And looking at these, at this moment, Shen Xuan himself had already made up his mind.

The more it is now, Shen Xuan's smile on the corners of his mouth grows stronger when he looks at these places.

"Interesting, now it's quite interesting."

"But, are you still planning to just fight with me like this?"

When Shen Xuan said to this side, in fact, Cao Wande really planned to do so.

However, Cao Wande looked at Shen Xuan with such a confident look.

Even Cao Wande didn't care about it at all when he saw this place now.

And the more so, when placed here, Shen Xuan looked at these places, he was very calm.

"Even though it says that, but then, you can just come."

It seemed to Shen Xuan that, in fact, Shen Xuan didn't even think what would happen to him.

In front of Shen Xuan, Cao Wande subconsciously looked in front of him, the more he is now.

In fact, when placed here, Shen Xuan appeared to be very indifferent.

"Although this is the end of the matter, but you are not planning to start with me."

"You still have some fears, are you worried, there are still people on my side?"

While Shen Xuan said these words, Cao Wande did not speak at this time.

Although the matter has come to this point, looking at it now, in fact, these things are already there.

As for this, Cao Wande really thinks so.

When Shen Xuan looked at these things, Shen Xuan was very calm at this time.

Seeing this, Shen Xuan smiled faintly: "I'm the only one, don't need to hide and tuck, you have any means, just take it out!"

When Shen Xuan said these words, Cao Wande suddenly slapped the table.

"Okay, really bold enough."

"However, since you have admitted so directly and decisively now, then it is time for me to give you a ride!"

When Cao Wande said these words, it was obvious that he didn't take all of these things too seriously.

After all, the next thing like this is actually already here.

In the surrounding area, other members of the Northern Chamber of Commerce rushed over here with sharp blades in their hands.

At this moment, while these people rushed forward, they didn't forget to talk more and more excitedly to this side.

"We still need to think about what we are doing. Now, let's hurry up and give it up."

"This is natural, otherwise, what are we all waiting here for next?"

"Although this is the end of the matter, but in the following, such a thing, in fact, I don't think what will happen at all."

When the people around you all said something to me, they couldn't help but talk to this side.

As for Shen Xuan, he looked at everything in front of him very calmly.

While Shen Xuan saw this, now, Shen Xuan's face was filled with a playful smile.

"Even though things do say so now."

"But now, are you planning to continue?"

When Shen Xuan looked at him, at this moment, Shen Xuan didn't feel anything at all.

But at the moment when Cao Wande looked at Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan was very calm at this time.

In front of Shen Xuan, Cao Wande didn't think so at all.

"No, this is absolutely impossible."

"But now, since you decide to go on playing, then, just take out these things next!"

When Cao Wande said these words, it was obvious that he didn't even care about these things at all.

"Come on, since you've already settled on this side, then you can just show your true ability."

When Cao Wande saw this, it was clear that Cao Wande had already taken it up.

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