I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1214: When will you wait

"This matter, but it's a headache."

Seeing this, Lei Tianming was a little depressed at this time.

And in Lei Tianming's side, the hearts of those around him, in fact, completely think so.

After all, these things actually seem to be passive.

Even they, for now, don't know how to answer these.

But here, Lei Tianming, while looking in front of him, did not forget to continue talking here.

"However, if you think about it carefully, I am afraid that these are not enough."

When Lei Tianming said this, it made those around him become more curious as they watched.

So, what should I do next?

At this time, a person from the Divine Sword Gate beside Lei Tianming couldn't help but feel a little curious when he saw this.

"Then Captain Lei, what do you think we should do next?"

After all, no one actually knows what to do now, it would be better.

At this moment, when Lei Tianming saw this, the corner of his mouth was filled with a faint smile.

"In fact, now, I feel that no matter what you do, it's actually not particularly good."

"Now, still stare at any time, pay attention to their movements!"

When Lei Tianming said these words, it made the people around him nod their heads in agreement.

In fact, all of them have fully seen the problem in this matter.

But here, in fact, all of them don't even feel at all what will happen to this scene.

Slowly, looking at this point.

At this time, Lei Tianming, while watching, did not forget to continue talking to this side.

"If the boss needs it, then we will definitely have to rush over as soon as possible."

"And I think, as long as the boss clears the obstacles here, he will arrange it at any time!"

When Lei Tianming said these words, this made the people around him look towards this side in a hurry.

After all, what do you plan to do next, such a thing.

In fact, how could all of them be unclear?

Not only that, but even when they all looked to this side, what they actually plan to do about these things at present.

In the hearts of these people, in fact, it is clearer than anyone else.

Slowly, looking at all this in front of him, everyone looking for it at this time was watching.

While looking at these, the people of the other Divine Sword Sect suddenly realized.

"That's right, we didn't seem to notice this before."

"Actually, after careful consideration, it seems that this is indeed the case."

"But from the current point of view, other things are actually nothing at all. From now on, the key is to think of a way to solve them completely."

The more so, in fact, when the people around them all started to look in front of their eyes.

After all, for now, these things are actually encountered here.

In its own circumstances, it is actually necessary to speed up the solution. This is the point.

As for Lei Tianming, he thought about it carefully, and then he didn't forget to say it.

"But now, that's what it says."

"Wait a moment, the boss called me."

Lei Tianming's words even calmed down those around him.

These people's attention moved slightly, and they subconsciously looked towards this side.

On the other side of the phone, Shen Xuan's voice rang.

"During this time, don't act rashly for the time being, and wait for my news at any time."

Hearing this, Lei Tianming still wanted to say something to this side.

But the more so, in fact, for this side.

A faint smile appeared on Lei Tianming's face.

"Haha, say that, I understand."

"It seems that the boss is indeed completing a big plan."

"But now that this is the end of the matter, then everyone of us really shouldn't bother the boss!"

When Lei Tianming saw this, Lei Tianming at this time, his whole face was even more proud of it.

As for Lei Tianming's side, the people around him were all looking at him.

Obviously, from now on, in fact, all of them have fully seen the problem.

Slowly, these people looked directly at these things.

At this time, Lei Tianming, while watching, did not forget to continue talking to this side.

"All in all, everyone must pay more attention."

"Although we are staring here, we still can't take it too lightly."

When Lei Tianming said these words, it made the people at the Divine Sword Sect around him, the more they watched, the more excited they became.

The things here, in fact, in their hearts, the more they look at it, the clearer it becomes.

However, they don't actually worry about this at all.

"Captain Lei has already said so, so what are we all doing here?"

"Of course it is said, so now we, in fact, have completely occupied these."

"Don't worry about other things for the time being. Next, let's think of a way to deal with all this quickly."

The more so, in fact, as far as this is concerned, the people around them all look like they are completely giving up.

After all, how do you plan to deal with these things next?

In fact, it seems to them that these people's hearts are more familiar than anyone else.

As for Lei Tianming, he looked over here for a while.

Not long after, Lei Tianming suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I was still worried before, but looking at it now, I finally understand."

When Lei Tianming said to this side, it made the people around him look at this side in unison.

After all, what is going on right now, in fact, in everyone's mind, it is not particularly clear.

Seeing this, at this moment, Lei Tianming said to others.

"Now, all of you, go to this place."

"If the boss once ordered, then you will continue to push in this direction."

When Lei Tianming finished speaking, those around him stared at each other.

The matter here, in fact, all of them now have fully seen the problem.

But the more it looks like this, they actually seem a little surprised.

"This, if all this is done, then they will definitely die at that time."

"Of course it is. As expected of the young master, he actually controlled all of this."

"Hey, so, let's lie down behind and win."

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