I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 804: Do you think you can eat me?

Shen Xuan's attention fell in front of his eyes as soon as he moved his gaze.

In fact, for Shen Xuan, such a thing, on the contrary, didn't even feel that there would be anything in the end.

But here, Dang Shen Xuan looked in front of him.

After all, next, what kind of problem do you plan to start to deal with?

At this moment, deep down in Shen Xuan's heart, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it.

From now on, in what way do you plan to solve this kind of thing?

In itself, this point is quite critical and clear.

As Shen Xuan did this, the smile on Shen Xuan's face became even more intense.

"Very well, so it looks like it's quite interesting."

"Nevertheless, when I get here, I actually feel that these things must be resolved quickly."

When Shen Xuan looked at him, Shen Xuan couldn't help but smile at this time.

"It's just that, do you think you can eat me?"

When Shen Xuan said this, Du Hansheng in front of him just felt a great shame.

Are these words completely provoking yourself?

That being the case, then the next thing should also be done.

"Damn, **** bastard, this account, from now on, I'm going to make a clear settlement with you."

"Give it to me, kill him, rewards!"

Du Hansheng scolded his eyes angrily, gritted his teeth and spoke suddenly.

As Du Hansheng said these words, the guards of the Du family around them all looked like they were going to give up.

After all, next, how do you plan to solve such a thing?

From the standpoint of itself, it is quite critical.

"Now that this is the end of the matter, why are we all talking so much nonsense to them?"

"Of course, it seems that everyone feels so in their hearts, so what are we still struggling with here?"

"It seems that everyone sees it this way, so we all have to go all out."

Following in front of them, the guards of the Du family did not forget to speak in front of them.

The more so, in fact, for this point, how do you plan to solve it?

At this time, Du Hansheng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this appearance.

"These are kind of interesting."

"But think about it, it's actually more than one grade."

When Du Hansheng's gaze moved slightly, he looked straight in front of him.

After all, next, these issues, in their own terms, actually need to be dealt with completely.

"It's just that you are not surprised at all, why did I say this suddenly?"

"Don't you think it's very strange?"

Shen Xuan said this, with a casual blow, directly breaking the neck of one of the Du family guards.

But before my eyes, such a thing, in itself, makes people feel that this scene is quite thorough.

In front of Shen Xuan, Du Hansheng didn't think much.

But now, after hearing Shen Xuan's words.

In fact, deep down in Du Hansheng's heart, this kind of feeling, in itself, has become more and more intense.

"Yes, I haven't considered this at all."

"But, now, what is all this?"

When Du Hansheng's gaze condensed, he subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more it is now, Du Hansheng's pupils contracted at this time.

"So, you did this on purpose?"

When Du Hansheng said these words, Shen Xuan was just a joke.

"Of course, I have already discussed with Aguang before this."

"Otherwise, do you think you will have a chance to deal with A Guang?"

When Shen Xuan finished speaking, it was like a bolt from the blue for Du Hansheng.

This incident is totally unimaginable.

But now that the matter is over, it is useless to say more.

Since Shen Xuan is already here, the most urgent task is to kill Shen Xuan first.

When Du Hansheng gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Xuan, he did not forget to speak to his side.

"Everyone, what are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry up!"

When Du Hansheng said these words, it actually caused the guards of the Du family around him to gather towards Shen Xuan.

But Shen Xuan didn't care at all.

"Cut, do you guys think that this look will really be useful to me?"

The more Shen Xuan was, the smile on Shen Xuan's face became stronger when he looked in front of him.

And as Shen Xuan became more like this, he treated this place, at this time Shen Xuan clapped his hands.

"Now that we have reached this point, everyone can give them a surprise."

Shen Xuan had just said these words, and behind him, the warriors from the Temple of War rushed out one after another.

Since you have to fight, then naturally, you should fight to the end.

"Hall Master, we have almost cleaned up the surrounding area of ​​Du's house."

"Yeah, so now, it's their turn to let them know what the fate of offending us is."

"What I want to say, in fact, everyone, don't talk so much nonsense with them, just shoot it directly."

Following the eyes, these warriors from the Temple of War spoke.

At this time, Shen Xuan shrugged.

"I think you should have seen it too, right?"

"Anyway, now, things are like this, as for you, there is only one word in the end, and that is death!"

When Shen Xuan said directly to him, the more he is now, he actually deals with these things.

Deep down in Shen Xuan's heart, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it became more thorough.

After all, for now, how do you plan to solve such a problem?

In fact, it seems to Shen Xuan that all of this is naturally placed here.

In front of Shen Xuan, the guards of the Du Family around him also completely gave up.

But the problem is that not only can they help Shen Xuan, they seem to have some signs of retreat.

"Don't panic everyone, we still have a chance."

When Du Hansheng saw this scene, he didn't forget to speak directly to him.

And now, following Du Hansheng's words, those around him nodded in agreement.

This point, looking at it now, is even more inevitable.

So it seems to them, so far, how they plan to proceed with such a thing.

In fact, deep in their hearts, the more they think about it, the more they feel quite clear.

At this moment, following these people in front of them, one after another subconsciously looked in front of them.

As for what is going to happen next.

In fact, for other things, I didn't even feel that there would be anything to say.

But in front of him, Du Hansheng looked at it and spoke directly.

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