I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 855: Only success, no failure

Tang Nian was very melancholy.

When he first started acting, Tang Nian actually didn't feel that way at all.

But now, it actually looks completely different.

At this time, Tang Nian felt more and more that such a task, in fact, seemed to be even more difficult.

However, Tang Nian is actually lucky.

"Everyone, our mission this time can only succeed, not fail!"

As Tang Nian said these words, it made those around them feel more excited as they watched.

After all, what should be done next, such a thing.

But looking at it now, such a thing, in itself, is the key.

And as Tang Nian subconsciously fell in front of him, at this moment, Tang Nian's face was filled with a playful smile.

"Nevertheless, how should we deal with it now?"

"Actually, you see that everyone in the Mao family is like this, I think you should already understand it."

When Tang Nian saw this place, it was obvious that everyone in the Shadow Army had already given up on what to do with this matter.

At this moment, as these people arrived quickly, it was obvious that they had already made up their minds and planned to do it at any time.

As for Tang Nian, she didn't feel much at all.

"Interesting, really interesting, since you guys want to play, then I will accompany you to have fun together!"

Anyway, Tang Nian didn't worry about this at all.

After all, for him, such a thing did not have the slightest impact at all.

Regarding these, the Mao family guards who rushed over at this time had made up their minds completely and planned to go all out.

Since they want to play here, then everyone of them can play with them to the end.

So these, in fact, they are not in a hurry at all.

With these people doing this, Tang Nian at this time, the more he watched, the more he felt very funny.

"Nevertheless, for now, in fact, for us, how should we plan to do such a thing."

"You guys, are you going to stop us?"

As Tang Nian said to his eyes, this made the people around them become more excited as they watched.

After all, for now, how should such a thing be dealt with? In fact, the guards of the Mao family became more excited as they watched it.

"Hmph, of course, in short, we should actually find a way to kill him now."

"This is natural, do these people in the Shadow Army think they can toss here? It's ridiculous."

"Who said no? Actually, think about it carefully. How should we deal with such a thing? I think it's OK to kill him."

Following the eyes, these people said to them one after another.

Obviously, this kind of thing itself is really very crucial and obvious.

As for Tang Nian, the smile on the corner of his mouth looked colder and colder.

But here, Tang Nian is moving his muscles and bones, not forgetting to speak directly.

"However, even if you want to play now, then next, I think I can play with you to the end!"

When Tang Nian looked in front of him, he didn't forget to say it directly.

Even here, the guards in front of them became more surprised as they watched.

At first, these guards of the Mao family thought that the shadow troops were only slightly stronger.

But if they want to solve it, it's not a difficult thing.

But here, they now feel it completely.

At present, these are actually not as simple as being a little tough.

These people have seriously threatened the Mao family.

"No, we have to send more people. In any case, we must get rid of them all."

"Yeah, do you still need to say, in fact, we should have been like this a long time ago."

"Of course, since we want to play, then we all can play with them to the end."

Following the moment, these Mao family guards did not forget to speak here.

It was here, at this moment, Tang Nian didn't even feel that the current situation would have any impact.

"But now, even if you really want to play, it doesn't matter."

"It's just that the present of you, the performance is still not enough."

When Tang Nian looked in front of him, now, Tang Nian's face was filled with a playful smile.

After all, this point, for them, has been completely controlled.

Now that it has been determined, this matter is really very important to them anyway.

As for Tang Nian, he didn't feel that there would be any problems with all of this.

"Very good, but if you want to play now, then we all can play to the end."

When Tang Nian said to him, the more so, in fact, what should be done about the current incident.

In itself, in fact, how to deal with such a thing, this is the key.

And with Tang Nian doing this, the shadow troops next to him were still the same at this time.

"Yeah, that's right, so now, it's time for us to take action."

"In fact, if you think about it, you will know that these things are inevitable in themselves."

"Come on, there are any means, just take it out, it's a big deal, everyone just fight it out and talk about it."

Following in front of them, the people of these shadow troops did not forget to speak in front of them.

After all, with regard to the current matter, in fact, they have already made up their minds to go all out.

And Mao's guards could resist at first.

But now, it is beginning to retreat.

Because they were surprised to find that they themselves had absolutely no way to stop all of this.

With this discovery, in fact, how should they deal with this matter now?

In their own words, the hearts of these people have actually become more and more clear.

Regarding these, Tang Nian at this time waved his big hand: "Let's go together and kill Mao Qingfeng for me!"

After seeing this scene, everyone in the other shadow troops began to speed up, and arrived in front of them quickly.

As the speed of these people began to accelerate, soon, I saw the person sitting not far away.

And this person is not someone else, it is Mao Qingfeng that they need to deal with this time.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes flashed with indescribable heat.

In their view, this matter should continue.

"Finally saw Mao Qingfeng, give it to me and kill him!" I will become stronger when I rest. Latest chapter address: https ://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI will become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https: //www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m. wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below This time (Chapter 855 only succeeds, no failures) read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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