I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 884: Then, kill you first

"Actually, I certainly know how difficult this matter is."

"After all, I'm just an outsider."

When Shen Xuan looked at these things, he shrugged slightly without forgetting to say it.

Slowly, Shen Xuan looked in front of him, behaving very calmly, and didn't forget to speak to this place.

And as Shen Xuan said these words, with regard to the current situation, in what way does he plan to start to deal with it.

In fact, there is nothing else at all.

But only that, in fact, here, Shen Xuan is moving his muscles and bones.

"In this case, then, kill you first!"

When Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, even dealing with the current situation, how he planned to solve it all.

In fact, Shen Xuan is very confident.

After watching for a while, Shen Xuan actually felt very indifferent right before his eyes.

"Interesting, this is quite interesting."

"However, it seems to me that these things are actually not enough."

When Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, the more he is now, how he plans to handle these things at the moment.

In fact, in such a situation, I didn't feel that there would be any problems at all.

But looking at him, Shen Xuan didn't think anything at this time.

"Well, from now on, this matter is actually nothing."

"But if you want to play, then I can accompany you and play to the end!"

When Shen Xuan looked at the scene in front of him, in fact, from now on, Shen Xuan had completely thought about what to do next.

As for Shen Xuan's side, the people around him all stared at him.

After all, next, how should we get this done?

In fact, Shen Xuan naturally knew how to deal with these problems.

And following the people around, they did not forget to speak to them.

The more it is now, how should this be dealt with? In fact, Shen Xuan is completely determined.

"Hmph, then, kill you first, I am definitely not talking about this!"

Shen Xuan's gaze was looking in front of him, and the corner of his mouth was even more playful with a smile.

And with Shen Xuan's rapid appearance in front of his eyes, he almost arrived in front of his eyes in a blink of an eye.

And here, in front of Shen Xuan, these Hong Family's guards gritted their teeth one after another, speeding up and arriving here quickly.

After all, next, this point is actually carefully considered, but it has been completely exposed.

"Since we are going to do it now, what are we all waiting for here?"

"If you really think about it now, in fact, I think it's a pretty good thing."

"This is natural, otherwise, we all, what are you still tossing about here?"

Slowly, following these people in front of them, they did not forget to speak to them.

After all, in the next situation, in fact, what should be done, other people have already begun to understand more or less deep in their hearts.

Looking at the scene before him, Shen Xuan was very calm at this time.

"Very well, since I am going to do it now, then I will start."

As Shen Xuan said, Hong Wentao at this time was also very angry.

"Okay, I really want to see, next, how do you solve me!"

When Hong Wentao was talking here, it seemed to him how to deal with the things here next.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he has completely taken advantage of this opportunity.

However, with Hong Wentao doing this, he was still surprised to find it at this time.

At this moment, Shen Xuan was already far more terrifying than he had imagined.

But just so, in front of Hong Wentao, Shen Xuan was very indifferent.

"Now, have you seen it?"

"If not, then you don't have this chance either!"

When Shen Xuan looked in front of him, how to solve the current situation.

In fact, it seemed to Shen Xuan that there was nothing else to say at all.

But then, no matter how you do such a thing, in fact, it should be necessary in itself, and it can be solved completely.

And how to deal with these things in the end.

In fact, Shen Xuan became more amused the more I watched it.

"But I can say goodbye."

When Shen Xuan quickly shot in front of his eyes, he only heard a violent bang from here.

Looking in front of him again, he suddenly realized that Hong Wentao in front of him fell down.

When watching this scene, the guards of the Hong family around couldn't believe it.

"This, how could it become like this?"

"You ask me, who can I ask?"

"I don't understand, so what should we do next?"

In fact, other people feel very confused when dealing with such things.

But if they are really allowed to deal with it, they actually don't know where to start.

However, Shen Xuan didn't want to talk so much nonsense with these people.

Therefore, when Shen Xuan stared at him, in fact, Shen Xuan had already taken it all out.

"However, since we are going to do it now, what are we all waiting for here?"

"Who said no, but the more it is now, how do you plan to get these things done? In fact, just think about it."

"Although I look at it this way, I don't know why, but I always feel that such a thing seems to be very ridiculous."

Slowly, these people looked at here one after another.

At this time, the warriors in the Temple of War began to speed up and quickly arrived in front of them.

But just here, the screams kept coming.

Looking at this place again, they still found that these people had fallen down.

Slowly, staring at these things in front of him, Shen Xuan at this time was very indifferent.

"Now, since this matter has been resolved, what we all need to do next is to fix these evil spirits."

With Shen Xuan's words, the key to these things, in fact, it should be necessary to increase efforts.

As for these things, Shen Xuan's heart actually became clearer.

"Although the current situation is exactly what should be done, in fact, I think it is necessary to increase the intensity of these things."

When Shen Xuan said to him, in fact, here, Shen Xuan felt that he could wait a little while now. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter VIII, then kill first You) read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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