I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 912: Hello, my name is Jiang Ningxue

On the bus, Shen Xuan sat there.

In fact, Shen Xuan hasn't taken a bus for a long time.

For Shen Xuan, in fact, such a thing really made him a little puzzled.

"Strange, what is going on here?"

When Shen Xuan saw this place, it was obvious that Shen Xuan was actually a little curious about such a thing.

I don't know why, Shen Xuan always feels that something will happen.

And just as Shen Xuan was still thinking, a crisp voice sounded beside his seat.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Ningxue."

"We're going to be together this way."

When the woman finished speaking, Shen Xuan almost thought that she was from the Temple of War.

But after thinking about it, Shen Xuan felt that it seemed impossible.

So Shen Xuan slowly began to dispel this thought in his mind.

"Hello, my name is Shen Xuan."

Shen Xuan smiled indifferently and said to this beautiful girl.

Jiang Ningxue's cheeks reddened slightly, as she thought to herself.

"Wow, I'm so handsome, I've made a profit, and I've really made a profit."

Jiang Ningxue actually escaped.

However, she knew that she must go back now.

However, it is actually a very good thing to be able to meet such a handsome guy on the way back, thinking about it carefully.

However, Shen Xuan didn't think about this. At this time, he was looking at the scenery along the way.

"Want to talk?"

"Anyway, this way is very boring."

At this time, Jiang Ningxue's voice sounded there.

As for Shen Xuan, he was slightly curious.

Actually, Shen Xuan doesn't like chatting with strangers, even this stranger is very, very beautiful.

Shen Xuan was about to talk, but a young man with wicked eyes came here and said to Jiang Ningxue.

"Okay, hello, my name is Sun Delin, and I am the youngest of the Sun family."

Sun Delin said to this side with an appearance that he thought he was good.

Shen Xuan actually didn't like this, so he didn't speak.

As for Sun Delin, he was still very cautious.

After all, Shen Xuan is so handsome, if he is also involved, then Sun Delin has no competitiveness at all.

But now, when he saw Shen Xuan like this, for Sun Delin, he was relieved in his heart.

"Oh, Young Master Sun?"

Jiang Ningxue's beautiful eyes moved, and when she looked at Sun Delin, her face was even more playful.

Jiang Ningxue is still very familiar with Zhonghai.

However, she also knows some of those big families. When did she hear that the Sun family still has this kind of stuff?

Regarding these things, Jiang Ningxue felt very funny as she watched.

However, if you put it here, Jiang Ningxue is still talking here.

"Shen Xuan, if you go to Zhonghai, let's go play together then."

"In fact, Zhonghai still has a lot of fun places."

As Jiang Ningxue said, Shen Xuan smiled slightly and nodded.

Anyway, Shen Xuan was not very familiar, if Jiang Ningxue agreed, it would be natural, and it couldn't be better.

And Sun Delin by his side saw this, he didn't forget to say.

"Okay, I actually know Zhonghai very well."

"If you are willing to Ningxue, we will be together then."

Sun Delin said to this side with a look of feeling good about himself.

As for Shen Xuan, when looking at this place, what should be done about these things at present.

Actually this point, Shen Xuan's heart, the more I look at it, the clearer it becomes.

Slowly, when Shen Xuan saw this, Shen Xuan closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Besides, as far as Shen Xuan is concerned, Shen Xuan actually feels that there is not much need for it to be like this.

"Well, things are almost done."

"But, if you think about it, there is actually no problem at all."

When Shen Xuan thought secretly to his eyes, but Shen Xuan felt that Sun Delin's purpose was not that simple.

As for Jiang Ningxue, she didn't want to talk to Sun Delin very much.

After all, everyone is not very familiar.

Secondly, compared with Shen Xuan, this Sun Delin suddenly fell far short.

To say that he is a passerby is a kind of flattery.

However, Shen Xuan did not entangle this.

At this time, Shen Xuan frowned slightly.

"Well, strange, how could this be?"

I don't know why, but Shen Xuan felt something wrong.

When Shen Xuan looked into the distance, he always felt that something would happen.

But here, Shen Xuan can't really tell you why, how good it is, it will become like this.

It's just here that Shen Xuan actually doesn't know how to describe this.

Not long after, when Shen Xuan looked in front of him, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Shen Xuan's mouth.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct."

Shen Xuan thought secretly here, and suddenly, the car stopped.

Others also feel that something is not right.

What's the situation? How can the car stop?

Shen Xuan was wondering what was going on here.

However, at this time, a faint smile appeared on Shen Xuan's face.

As for these, in fact, Shen Xuan, the more he looked, the more he felt that he must be careful.

"Strange, why did the car stop?"

Jiang Ningxue's beautiful eyes moved, a little curious.

And beside him, Sun Delin smiled at this side.

"Haha, maybe something went wrong with the car, these are small things, I believe it will be resolved soon."

As Sun Delin was talking here, at this moment, Jiang Ningxue on the side looked at Shen Xuan.

As for Shen Xuan, his brow furrowed slightly, and he didn't forget to say it here.

"Something's wrong, the situation here seems to be very wrong."

When Shen Xuan said to this side, at this moment, Jiang Ningxue in front of him also realized this.

When Jiang Ningxue looked in front of her eyes, she exclaimed in her heart.

"No, we are in trouble."

At this moment, Sun Delin patted his chest and said very proudly.

"Haha, it's okay. Don't worry, my grandson's family is here, and it's kind of thin."

"So, they won't embarrass us!"

When Sun Delin was talking here, it made the people around him, the more they watched, the more interesting they became.

But other things, in fact, there is nothing to say for the time being.

Next, in response to these, Shen Xuan at this time, the more he looked at it, the more he felt very funny.

"Haha, at that time, we will rely on your grandson."

As Shen Xuan said, Sun Delin waved his hand: "It's okay, when the time comes, let's take care of me!"

As Sun Delin spoke, his face showed a confident look.

After all, such a thing does not seem to Sun Delin. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 912 Hello, my name is Jiang Ningxue) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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