I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 927: So, what are you doing?

"what happened?"

Listening to what the people around him said, at this moment, Shen Xuan frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked in front of him.

After all, what will be the result of such a thing next.

Just these things at the moment, really make people a little bit unpredictable.

And looking at this, at this moment, Shen Xuan's performance is very indifferent.

After all, it seemed to him that no matter what it was, Shen Xuan could actually be solved easily.

In front of Shen Xuan, the person from the Divine Sword Sect explained the ins and outs of this matter.

At this moment, Shen Xuan finally knew what all this was.

"So, is that so?"

When Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, Shen Xuan was actually eager to try these things in the depths of his heart.

It's just here, when Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more it is now, Shen Xuan is actually very indifferent here.

"Very good, but for now, everyone shouldn't be too anxious."

When Shen Xuan looked at these things in front of him, at this moment, in fact, Shen Xuan didn't even feel that the current situation would have any impact.

Slowly, when Shen Xuan looked at these, at this moment, deep in Shen Xuan's heart, the more he thought about it, the more interesting he felt.

"This matter, don't worry about it, wait a minute, I will think of a suitable way to deal with it."

It turned out that the industry on the side of the Excalibur Gate was affected.

Moreover, it was targeted by several forces at the same time.

In the case of China Shipping, this is actually very cruel.

So when these people are talking.

At this moment, Shen Xuan looked in front of him, and Shen Xuan hadn't thought of this for the time being.

In spite of this, it still has to be said now.

At the side of Shen Xuan, Jiang Ningxue looked over, and a beam of light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

After all, the current Shen Xuan is indeed too good.

It is even more letting, with a feeling of shock.

Slowly, as Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him.

At least here, there is actually nothing to say about other things.

At this time, the other Divine Sword Sect people calmed down even more.

"Yes, the sect master is right, we didn't think so much at all before this."

"Yeah, that's right, so next, there is no doubt about what we all should do."

"Since that's what I say now, then it's very obvious when you think about it."

Following the present, these people have not forgotten to speak to this place.

There is no doubt that such a thing, in fact, is already there.

And as these people said one after another, Shen Xuan waved his hand at this time: "Don't take any action, wait until I come back."

As Shen Xuan said, these people nodded again and again.

Anyway, as far as they are concerned, the hearts of these people are actually quite clear.

However, in fact, they are getting more and more excited, just don't know how Shen Xuan plans to completely solve these things next.

But they are actually very confident in Shen Xuan.

But it was just that. Actually, Shen Xuan himself didn't even feel at all what kind of influence it would have if he was like this.

Slowly, when Shen Xuan subconsciously looked in front of him, the more it was now.

In fact, when you think about it, this point is already there.

It's just that, in fact, here, Shen Xuan is looking at him, while not forgetting to speak directly to this place.

"Well, now I'll take you back."

When Shen Xuan looked at Jiang Ningxue, he didn't forget to say.

Jiang Ningxue nodded lightly, but the moment he looked at Shen Xuan.

For some reason, Jiang Ningxue's heart was even more shocked.

Even Jiang Ningxue couldn't tell why.

"He is a man who can be trusted for life."

When Jiang Ningxue looked at Shen Xuan, she didn't know why, that thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

But think about it, it's actually here.

Shen Xuan didn't feel anything.

But in fact, at the beginning, Shen Xuan looked in front of him, and the corner of his mouth brought a playful smile.

After all, Shen Xuan will come to the Divine Sword Gate to do something next.

After all, Shen Xuan is now the young master of the Divine Sword Sect, and the Divine Sword Sect will definitely be incorporated into the War God Temple in the future.

This can be imagined, so next, the top priority, in fact, should be completely solved.

"Ok, thanks."

Jiang Ningxue looked at Shen Xuan, with a bit of gratitude in her beautiful eyes, not forgetting to say it.

As for Shen Xuan, the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more touching as he looked at him.

But just so, in fact, here, Shen Xuan is very casual.

Now that things have been handled in this way, what needs to be done next is to completely fix the Divine Sword Gate.

"Well, in fact, if you have your own business to deal with during this period, then you can go to your own business."

Jiang Ningxue looked at Shen Xuan, she blushed and said.

Shen Xuan actually didn't know what to say.

Although it was only a short time here, Shen Xuan was not a cold-blooded person without emotions.

In fact, in his heart, he already felt that this place was very good.

If there is a chance in the future, Shen Xuan will definitely develop this place.

At this moment, the distance to Wan Kelai was getting closer and closer, Jiang Ningxue looked at Shen Xuan and couldn't help talking.

"I'm here."

Seeing Jiang Ningxue doing this, Shen Xuan's heart was shocked.

In fact, Shen Xuan didn't know what to say.

How could Jiang Ningxue not understand Shen Xuan's friendship?

Even though he knew this very well in his heart now, when Shen Xuan subconsciously looked over, at this moment, Shen Xuan had only one thought in his heart.

That's the next step, do whatever it takes to complete these.

"Well, I will come back to you again when I have time."

Shen Xuan spoke softly to Jiang Ningxue.

But Jiang Ningxue nodded gently.

However, when she looked at Shen Xuan, she seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Shen Xuan."

With that said, Jiang Ningxue came here and gave Shen Xuan a light kiss on the cheek.

After that, he fled and left.

For Jiang Ningxue, she was even more like first love at this time.

But her blushing look is funny how you look at it. I become stronger when I rest. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 927, so, still stunned What to do) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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