I Get Stronger When I Rest

Chapter 1001: That, but Shen Xuan's woman

"It's unreasonable, if there is a chance, I must deal with him ruthlessly!"

At this time, Aaron had just returned, and his heart was even more frustrated.

This kind of thing happened too fast after all.

Even, Aaron felt that all these things must be completely resolved from now on.

But at this moment, Along's side, a subordinate, ran over quickly.

"Boss, good news."

What good news?

Aaron looks like this now, where is the good news for him?

But at this time, beside Along, the man shook his head and said to him.

"Just now, I saw Jiang Ningxue coming from thousands of guests outside."

See Jiang Ningxue?

What does this have to do with yourself?

Aaron didn't want to complain about such things.

But the next moment, the men next to him continued to talk.

"But, that's Shen Xuan's woman."

As the people around him finished speaking, Aaron at this time had no way to calm down.

"What are you talking about, Shen Xuan's woman?"

If this is the case, then Aaron has no way to calm down at all.

"where is she?"

Aaron is now very eager to see her.

After all, it seemed to Aaron that, in fact, his heart became more clear.

Now, how should we do such a thing?

And beside Along, the people around him all looked in front of him.

"It's on the street not far from here, it seems to be shopping here."

When the people around Aaron said, this made Aaron's heart even more angry.

After all, what should be done next, such a thing.

I won’t say anything for the time being, but the more so, how do you plan to deal with these things now?

This alone, how you look at it, how it came to make other people completely invincible.

And looking at these, at this moment, Aaron gritted his teeth: "This is a good opportunity."

"If we capture Shen Xuan's woman, then we can use it to blackmail him at that time!"

"In this way, I don't believe it, he still dares to continue to contend with us!"

Following Aaron's words, the others around him stared at each other.

In fact, all of them feel pretty good about such things.

This is the end of the matter, so what should I do next?

In fact, these people have become more aware of such things in their hearts.

"Now that I have made up my mind to do this, then I feel that we should continue on this point."

"This is natural, otherwise, what are we all struggling with here?"

"In fact, I feel that from now on, there is no need to worry about it. After all, Shen Xuan is just a person."

Slowly, following the people around, they kept talking.

When they finished speaking, Aaron was a little unhappy.

Although it seems on the surface, it is true.

However, if it is just because of this, you will underestimate the other party.

Then, the next thing is going to be a big mistake.

At this time, Aaron waved his hand: "No, what you guys think is still too simple."

"This Shen Xuan, he can hold his foot here, he is definitely a ruthless person."

Aaron is like this, this makes those around him, the more they look, the more excited.

If this is really the case now, then the primary purpose of the next step should actually start from here.

At this time, Aaron, the more he thought of this in his heart.

The people around were a little dumbfounded, but since the matter was over, then they did it.

In fact, if you think about it, you won’t suffer.

"Very well, since that's the case, then everyone should act quickly."

Along looked at him, waved his hand and said.


At the same time, the other side.

A faint smile appeared on Shen Xuan's face.

As for other things, Shen Xuan didn't feel that there would be anything wrong.

"Don't talk about anything else, how to deal with this kind of thing next, in fact, is still very important."

"As for you all, let's think of a way first to solve the problem here!"

As Shen Xuan said, Lei Tianming immediately understood that he was talking about the three Hubao.

"Just, what will they do next?"

"If I did it just now, I guess it would have been successful now!"

At this time, Lei Tianming couldn't help sighing, and said here.

After hearing Lei Tianming finished speaking, Shen Xuan was a little helpless.

"If you did it before, it is true that you will have a great chance of success."

As Shen Xuan said, other people looked sideways.

Now that this is the case, then why not take it one step further?

In other people's hearts, they really want to know this.

However, it is here.

When Lei Tianming looked over, Lei Tianming suddenly thought of something.

"Boss, are you going to show your attitude to others?"

Hearing Lei Tianming's words, Shen Xuan smiled faintly.

It's not easy, it was finally guessed.

Otherwise, Shen Xuan still doesn't know what it takes.

But now, Shen Xuan did not forget to continue talking.

"In fact, now, what I want to say is not just this."

Shen Xuan continued to talk here, but this caused the people around him to look sideways.

In fact, they didn't know why Shen Xuan would say so now.

When seeing this, Shen Xuan smiled faintly and said.

"Actually, if I solve the tiger and leopard, then it will be very unfavorable for us to go further."

"So next, I will choose to do this."

When Shen Xuan said these words, it was for others.

This kind of thing, on the contrary, has become clearer and clearer.

As for Shen Xuan himself, he didn't feel much.

Now that this is the end of the matter, Shen Xuan feels that it is appropriate now.

"Actually, now, the three Haw and Leopards must go back and think about how to deal with us."

"If we say, if we start now, the chance is just right."

Shen Xuan's words made Lei Tianming beside him stunned for a moment.

After all, he hadn't considered this matter at all.

But now, since Shen Xuan has already said so.

So next, you can try it anytime, anywhere.

At this time, Shen Xuan was very indifferent.

But I was wondering, someone came here quickly not far away.

"It's not good, the big thing is not good."

"Young Master, Miss Jiang Ning Xuejiang is in trouble."

what's the situation?

How could it be possible, is Jiang Ningxue also here?

"What the **** is it, you guys speak slowly." I will become stronger when I rest. Latest chapter address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/book/163301.htmlI will become stronger when I rest. Reading address of the full text: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/read/163301/I become stronger when I rest. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/163301.htmlI become stronger when I rest. Read on mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/163301/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( The one in chapter one thousand and one, but Shen Xuan's woman) Reading records, next time you open the bookshelf, you will see it! If you like "I get stronger when I rest", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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