I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter Thirteen: Resolving the knot

"What is 'unreasonable thinking'?"

As soon as he walked out of the flower shop, Yiyong asked abruptly.

He was so confused that the snowflakes flying around his body formed tiny question marks.

Uchiha Mikoto stopped and looked at Giyu curiously, "Why do you ask about this?"

"That kid named Ino told me. She told me not to have any bad thoughts about her. She only likes Sasuke. Even if I look like her, there is no chance."

Yiyong's eyes were innocent, "But I don't understand why she said this."

Uchiha Mikoto let out a long sigh and said helplessly: "Giyu, you must have said something that will be misunderstood again."

It seems like leaving Giyuu alone with a stranger——

Even if they are strangers together, they are still a little reckless.

[So, how did he get involved with the children in the clan? 】

Uchiha Mikoto was puzzled.

"I want to ask her for a hair."

Yiyong thought for a while and added: "But she looks very reluctant."

【really. 】

Uchiha Mikoto didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This is something only volunteers can do.

"Can Yiyong tell mom why you did this?"

"Because I want to collect red or yellow hair."

Jiyong clapped his fingers and recalled the pillars that several other people were in urgent need of resurrecting, but only Kanroji's hair color was special, "There are also pink or green ones, I should also need some."

[You still haven’t said why you need it! 】

Mikoto complained feebly in her heart, but educated her earnestly: "Giyu, only friends with extremely close relationships can ask for something as important as hair.

“Asking for hair from someone you meet for the first time, especially a girl you meet for the first time, is very rude and can easily be misunderstood.

"If you were an adult, you might be arrested by the tribe and put into the police force."

[In the past, hair was generally used as a material for making love tokens. 】

[I heard that the miko in the land of ghosts has the magic to make the owner of the hair fall in love with anyone...]

Unconsciously, Uchiha Mikoto's thoughts returned to the distant past.

When she first got married, she heard from her old friend Uzumaki Kushina that Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, also asked for Tsunade-sama's hair, saying that he wanted it to be cursed by a miko from the Kingdom of Demons. After the attack, he was beaten until he was unconscious and four of his ribs were broken.

Speaking of which...

The couple, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Kushina, also happen to have one red and one yellow hair color.

"But she bought me a drink."

Giyuu's words brought Mikoto's thoughts back to reality.

"We should be friends already, right?"

Judging from Jiyong's simple social experience, if a stranger invites him to eat or drink, it should be with the same intention as he did - to close the relationship between them.

"Just being ordinary friends is not enough."

[Besides, they are just being polite...]

Mikoto stretched out a finger and emphasized: "If the other party is a girl, asking for hair should only be done when the boyfriend and girlfriend are friends or even engaged.

"But if it's a boy, it should be much easier. They usually don't care about the deeper meaning of such things..."

"Is it easier for boys?"

Yiyong nodded, immediately absorbed his mother's advice, and further refined his goal——

Find men with red or yellow hair and get their hair to use as material for channeling Anjurou in purgatory.

Suddenly, he remembered the yellow-haired child he saw in the woods last time, who was beaten by three older children in order to protect the white-eyed girl.

Although the child's hair is a bit dull, it is closer to the original color of Purgatory than Yamanaka Ino. It is probably due to malnutrition that it lacks luster.

In addition, the child's physical recovery ability is very strong. Perhaps his gene carrier is more suitable as the material for the psychic purgatory Xingjulang. After all, Yanzhu's body has always been the best among the pillars except Mr. Mingmingyu. Purgatory would also be happy if he became stronger after his resurrection.

The most important thing is that he is willing to protect the "weak" in this ninja world where people are colder than ghosts. The child's character is also very similar to that of Purgatory.

Unfortunately, since that day, Yiyong has never seen him in the village again.

[Is it possible that he is no longer in Konoha? 】

Yiyong shook his head with regret.

At this time, Uchiha Mikoto noticed that Giyuu was holding a paper bag in his left hand that he didn't have when he entered the flower shop.

"what is that?"

"The kid named Ino gave it to me and asked me to give it to Sasuke."

Jiyong shook the paper bag in his left hand.

"New Year's gift?"

Some pure and romantic conjectures suddenly came to Uchiha Mikoto's mind.

"Can mom take a look?"

Yiyong thought for a while and nodded.

Anyway, the contents inside were originally given to my mother.

Mikoto took the paper bag and opened it gently with curiosity, and found that there were six daisies of different colors lying on the top layer of the paper bag. There was also a small envelope hidden in the middle, with "Sasuke received" written on it in childish fonts.

"I won't read it if you believe it. I don't know if Sasuke will be shy."

A smile appeared on her face and she focused on the six daisies.

These daisies are small and delicate. Each branch is carefully cultivated and pruned. The color and shape are extremely beautiful even in the snow. They also exude a light and elegant fragrance. At first glance, a lot of thought has been spent on them.

"Children these days are really precocious."

She muttered quietly.

"I remember that Daisy's words were 'pure secret love'."

[Unfortunately, Sasuke is probably not interested in flowers and plants, so the child's work is probably in vain. 】

Mikoto continued to scroll down and noticed that there was a group of individually wrapped longevity flowers at the bottom of the paper bag.

"Giyu, did Ino give this to Sasuke too?"

Uchiha Mikoto took out the longevity flower and looked a little strange.

longevity flower, as the name suggests, means health and longevity, and is usually given to middle-aged, elderly people or patients.


Yiyong replied solemnly: "Didn't you say before that you would let me choose a flower to give to you?"

When he was choosing flowers, he asked Yamanaka Ino: "If you want the person who receives the flowers to live a safe and happy life for a long time, which one should you choose?"

"Of course it is longevity flower, but this kind of flower is sold more in Konoha Hospital than at my house. If you are willing to help me bring this package to Sasuke, I will choose the best longevity flower in the store and give it to you. "

This was the answer Yamanaka Ino gave him.

Her confidence in flower knowledge also affected Yiyong's judgment, so he made the decision.

If he had mentioned that it was for his mother, Ino would not have chosen such a flower that clearly suggested age.

Seeing Uchiha Mikoto's appearance as if she was petrified in the snow, Giyuu asked unconvincingly: "What's wrong, mother, don't you like it?"


Uchiha Mikoto showed a relieved smile, tied up the paper bag and returned it to Giyuu.

This is the first time she has received a gift specially chosen for her by Yiyong (rather than incidentally). She can also feel the love and blessings from her little son that she has never expressed from the meaning of this flower, and she is already very satisfied.

[But if Yiyong continues to lack common sense, what will he do in the future? 】

"I like it very much. But my father is older, so this flower is more suitable for him than me. Can I give Yiyong's gift to my father? If he knows that it is from you, he will be very happy."

"Just make your own decision."

Yiyong nodded in understanding, not expecting what he would hear next second.

"But since the flowers were given to dad, mom will have nothing?"

Mikoto leaned down and showed a sly smile, her hair fluttering in the wind and snow in front of Giyuu, gradually overlapping with the figure of her sister in her previous life.

"Then can I directly ask for a special gift from Yiyong? The kind that you can't go back on if you agree."


This time it was Yiyong's turn to be silent.

A shadow rose on his forehead and he took two steps back, worried that his mother would rub his face like before, which would be too embarrassing.

"Hey, does this mean you don't agree? Obviously I haven't said anything yet."

Uchiha Mikoto once again showed a sad look of being hurt. If Itachi or Sasuke saw it, they might be surprised.

However, the same old tune is useful.

Uchiha Giyuu froze in place, like a frozen porcelain doll.

He is the most taciturn of the Nine Pillars, but also the softest one. If any of the other pillars encountered Nezuko who had turned into a ghost, the latter would not be able to survive.

This is true for strangers. It is conceivable that the closer the relationship is to the person, the less Yiyong wants to make the other person feel pain.

So seeing his mother seeming disappointed, he immediately said: "Then tell me."

"Then you agree."

Uchiha Mikoto's expression changed instantly.

She stared into Yiyong's eyes, and her facial features suddenly became gentle and kind, even with a hint of pleading in them.

"Then Giyu, I hope you can just call me mom (Kasan) like Sasuke and Itachi did. Is this okay?"

The word mother is a knot in Uchiha Mikoto's heart.

One day soon after Yiyong was born, he suddenly learned to speak. At that time, the couple was very surprised, thinking that they would add a naturally smart child to their family.

But unlike the "mom" and "dad" that Mikoto had always taught him and Sasuke, Giyuu addressed them for the first time, "Mother" and "Father" with a very distant and ritual sense.

For the Hyuga clan, which is governed by a large clan model and has a strict hierarchy, this kind of name may be very normal; but for the Uchiha family, which is a family unit and has strong cohesion, this kind of name is too cold.

Both Fugaku and Mikoto could feel that this child seemed to be deliberately trying to distance themselves from them.

As they grow older, the difference in how Giyu and Sasuke treat them becomes even more obvious.

He seems to have placed his status in the family very low. He will suddenly start doing housework without saying a word, but he never asks for anything from his parents and brothers, and he doesn't care at all, including praise.

If any of the new clothes bought for him were different from Sasuke's, he would give them directly to Sasuke, as well as the new year's money.

Maybe Giyuu himself didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this, and he thought it was a way to repay the Fugaku couple for having children.

But Miqin only felt frustrated, why did this child always treat them like an outsider?

Every time Giyong respectfully calls her "Mother", not only does she not feel respected, but she becomes very worried, wondering if she did something wrong when Giyong was younger, making him mistakenly think that she is one of those In the romance story, he is an illegitimate son who is treated as a domestic servant.

It wasn't until one day that Itachi saw her troubles and found Giyuu, forcing him to drop the word "sir" from his title and change it to "father", who was still stiff but had improved a lot. "Mother".

However, the nature of Yiyong's behavior has not changed much. He is still trying to find ways to distinguish himself from the other two brothers.

Maybe others would regard Giyuu's words "Sasuke and I are different" as Giyuu's boast that he is more mature than Sasuke, but as a mother, Uchiha Mikoto knows very well that Giyuu's meaning is far from that simple.

Sometimes when he lowered his head and said that sentence, Uchiha Mikoto would hallucinate another sentence.

"I'm not your real family."

Unbelievable, Uchiha Mikoto felt that her heart was about to break. And this was the reason why she chose to leave home and return to lead the Jonin team.

She didn't dare to face Yiyong alone.

It wasn't until Giyuu and Sasuke's fifth birthday that things finally turned around.

The most obvious thing is——

Yiyong became willing to be close to his family.

As long as Itachi has no mission, the three of them will stick together like Siamese twins, even sleeping in the same room at night. Although Fugaku complained that this was not conducive to the growth of the child, he seemed to be happy to see it happen.

When the three of them get along, although Giyuu will still sit farther away to give Itachi and Sasuke more space, this is at least a real improvement.

Closeness in spatial location often also means closeness in psychological distance.

Now that several months have passed, Sasuke will no longer fall into negative emotions because of Giyu's casual words, because he knows that his understanding must be very different from what Giyu himself wants to express.

What really surprised her was that a few days ago, Itachi went on a mission and Sasuke went to his grandpa's house to deliver things. Giyu actually made a lunch and delivered it to Fugaku who was in the police force for the first time.

According to Fugaku, who was equally surprised, Giyuu stayed in his office all afternoon and asked him to release genjutsu from time to time (actually Giyuu was brushing up on the resolution of Breath of the Moon). Although he didn't say anything, compared to the father-worried man in the past, , I don’t know how many times stronger.

This incident made Uchiha Mikoto's heart knot loosen slightly. Yiyong's relationship with the other members of the family has improved significantly, and there's no reason why she can't.

She had been waiting for Yiyong to call her "Mom" for too long.

So on this day, taking advantage of the holiday and the opportunity of volunteers to send her flowers, she planned to make an attempt.

Staring at her with hopeful eyes, Yiyong felt as if he was being burned on a fire. A third emotion that could not be hidden finally appeared on his face - panic.

Yiyong's face was deathly pale, and the corners of his mouth were trembling slightly. He wanted to say something but couldn't speak at all, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

Of course he didn't want to disappoint Uchiha Mikoto, but he couldn't calmly call him that tone.

In the past few years, the most he could do was regard himself as an adopted son, and mother was already the title he felt was most intimate to his adopted son.

Because in his heart, he is still Tomioka Yoshiyuki, a thief who took away the other person's real son's chance of survival, so who has the right to call him such an affectionate name.

His confused look was caught by Mikoto, who had never seen Giyuu like this before. Worried about irritating his eyes to further evolve, she quickly took a step back and said with a forced smile: "I'm kidding, Giyuu can be called whatever he likes." La.

"It's getting late, let's go home quickly after shopping, Yiyong."

As she said that, she turned around quickly.

Yiyong saw from behind that his mother raised her right arm and crossed it in front of her. At this moment, it felt like my heart was sinking into extremely cold water, and every cell felt stinging.

Until the voice in his head suddenly reminded him——

[If it were not for the reincarnation of your dead soul, Uchiha Giyu would not exist at all. This is your body. 】

These words were like a bright light, piercing through the dark clouds that shrouded Yiyong's mind.

【……is this real? 】

he asked in his mind.

[Your essence is the same as the pillar that is about to be resurrected. The only difference is that you were born. [Otherwise, why would your name still be Yiyong? 】

The responding voice was still as cold and heartless as a god, but it only strengthened the authenticity of this statement in Yiyong's heart.

After all, he followed the instructions of the voice and successfully analyzed the Breath of Fire, and indeed obtained the method of practicing the Breath of Fire. This means that so far, this voice has never made any mistakes.


Uchiha Mikoto, who walked out in a daze, found that no one was following her. She quickly turned around to look for Giyuu, only to find that the sky in Konoha, which was slightly gloomy a second ago, was torn apart by the sun, casting several bright beams of light, and snowflakes appeared. Lurking in the light like angel feathers.

Yiyong stood in front of her with his head lowered, with the thin snow under his feet.


He said this in a shy and jerky tone.

At this moment, he was finally able to accept his identity with peace of mind and shout out these simple words that he had no chance to say in his previous life, because as long as he could remember, his only relative was his sister.

He raised his head, and warm tears bloomed on the quiet and gentle smiling face. The crystal water droplets reflected the light beams in the sky, making the purple-red Sharingan look so soft.

"Can I keep calling you that?"

"Of course."

Uchiha Mikoto leaned Giyuu's head into her arms, lowered her head and responded gently, with an irrepressible smile on her lips.

"I couldn't ask for more."

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