I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 51 The start of school (Part 2)

When a person truly cares about others, he often temporarily forgets himself.

This is what Uzumaki Naruto looks like today.

He seemed to be aimlessly walking back and forth in the Ninja School Square, but he turned a blind eye to the looks in the eyes of a few people that had severely damaged his soul. On several occasions, he even took the initiative to look at other children.

But after their eyes collide, he will immediately move in another direction. His extremely serious look makes people unable to ignore his movements.

Unconsciously, his heart was no longer as empty as before.

"How could it not be?"

He muttered as if he was looking for someone.

The improvement in his diet in the past two months has allowed Naruto to grow two or three centimeters in height, and the color of his hair is now much brighter than before.

The thin clouds that covered the sun were moved aside by the wind, and the nine o'clock sun in the morning shone on his golden hair, embellishing the beads of sweat falling on his forehead into a unique light, which contrasted with the sky-blue eyes. .

The light-expanding white swirl pattern short sleeves make the gentle light scatter in all directions, making it dazzling but not eye-catching.

Because of this light, many children who thought Naruto looked weird because of his beard also changed their minds.

Many veteran jounin couldn't help but be slightly stunned when they saw him, remembering the trustworthy figure they once had. Now that man's face is carved on the Hokage Rock not far away.

But today, Naruto didn't care about other people's opinions at all. Because the person he wants to see most has not yet been seen.

[Yiyong was injured outside the village and may not be able to report tomorrow. 】

Last night, the reminder from the third generation old man was swirling in his mind.

Naruto was eager to see Giyu, not because it would relieve his loneliness; but based on his understanding of Giyu, if Giyu couldn't come here today, the injury must be very serious! After all, he has never seen anyone who can endure pain better than Yiyong.

So how could he not be worried when he didn't see anyone?

"If only I were taller, I could see everyone..."

Driven by worry, Naruto looked around and finally noticed a lush evergreen tree standing on the edge of the square, which was very suitable as an overlooking point for observation.

He passed through the crowd again and ran towards the tree, passing by the white-eyed girl who had just raised her right hand.


Before the white-eyed girl could say hello, Naruto had already hurriedly walked around from the other side.

The little sound Hinata Hinata had just made was extinguished in her throat. She lowered her eyes, looking a little disappointed, worried that she had been forgotten because she was too inconspicuous.

She looked up at her father cautiously.

The latter was looking at every child around him with careful eyes, but when his eyes returned to his daughter, he pursed his lips tightly, frightening the latter to immediately lower his head and stare at the pale fingertips without moving.

"Ningci was the leader of the first grade last year and brought glory to Hinata, so the elders in the clan are very happy."

Hinata Hinashi calmed down in a stern tone: "As the heir of the clan, even if you cannot be the same as Neji, you must not fall too far behind. Do you understand what I mean?"

There were two Uchiha in his daughter's class, so he had given up hope of being number one.

Originally, he had not planned to come today, but the misunderstanding between Uchiha and the village had just been resolved, and the clan felt that it was necessary for him to show up on such an occasion, so he changed his mind.

But after hearing what his second-grade teacher said about Ningji's performance last year, while he was relieved, he was also more dissatisfied with Hinata.


Hinata replied quietly in a voice that only she could hear.

Her father's expectations weighed on her shoulders like a mountain, making her breathless. However, she was somewhat happy when she heard that brother Neji was praised.

Hinata Hiashi didn't hear her daughter's response, and was just about to scold her when she noticed that Uchiha Mikoto was walking over with a child. It was Giyuu who still had a bandage on his knee.

Although it is not a good thing to say this, when Hinata Hiashi saw Giyu, a child who was said to be more reserved than his daughter, he inexplicably received a little psychological comfort.

Who says a tiger father has no canine son (female)? Isn’t this just a fact?

[But aren’t they twins? Where did the other one go? 】

On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto quickly climbed up the evergreen tree outside the square while no one was paying attention to him.

He held onto the tree trunk with one hand and stepped on the four-meter-high branches with his feet, looking down constantly.

His eyes fell behind the podium in the square, and he saw a third-generation old man discussing something with a man with a pineapple head. The pineapple-headed man looked at his watch and pointed to the podium. The old man also put away his cigarette rod and began to arrange his clothes.

"It looks like the ceremony is about to begin."

Naruto made his judgment.

Sure enough, as the three-generation old man stepped onto the podium, the parents and children in the square quickly dispersed and stood quietly.

Naruto smiled. The crowd dispersed, and he could see the backs of the people below more clearly. As for what the old man said, he had no intention of listening now.

His eyes were like a scanner, searching for Yiyong's back in the crowd.

But at this moment, he heard a muffled sound of footsteps, and the source was under his feet.

Naruto looked intently, his eyes bursting with dazzling light - a young man with a hedgehog hair and wearing a high collar and short sleeves with a table tennis racket pattern was holding the tree trunk with one hand and looking intently at the crowd over there.

His head turned slightly, obviously looking for someone.

【It’s volunteerism! 】

Naruto will never forget the symbol on the back of Giyu, which is the Uchiha clan emblem.

Not only did he firmly believe that this child was a volunteer, he even immediately figured out the reason why the child was here.

[Is he here because he is looking for me? 】

Although he only guessed half of it right, his whole body and mind were immediately surrounded by huge warmth. Especially now that Giyuu didn't seem to be seriously injured, Naruto's worries were completely relieved.

Just when he leaned out slightly and wanted to say hello to "Yiyong" in a low voice and let him go to the tree to watch the opening ceremony together, "Yiyong" seemed to be very annoyed. He clenched his fist with his left hand and hammered the tree trunk hard, gritting his teeth. He spat out a few words.

"Damn it! Damn it! Where are you?!"

It was "Yiyong" that contained an angry strike. As soon as he leaned out of his body, Naruto, who had trouble maintaining his balance, suddenly felt a violent vibration coming from the tree trunk.


His feet were unsteady, and he danced like a cat on roller skates. When he fell from the tree branch, he did not forget to let out a scream that resounded throughout the audience.

The "Yiyong" under the tree heard the noise, raised his head suddenly, and saw a yellow-haired child, hitting him like a comet falling to the ground.

At this distance, he should have been able to avoid it.

But after the two of them looked at each other, he felt dazed for no reason, as if they had known each other for a long time, but he was sure that he had only seen each other a few times on the street.

But in this dazed moment, he missed the best opportunity to dodge. The yellow-haired kid had already bumped into him and hugged his shoulders. The two of them fell to the ground at the same time and rolled several times on the playground. Just stopped.

Finally, the smoke and dust cleared, revealing its contents——

Because of the loud shout that Naruto just fell from the tree, everyone in the square, from the Third Hokage to the vendors who were joining in the fun and selling exam stationery, looked in their direction, and then unanimously stunned.

After all, no one would have thought that today’s children would perform such an outrageous act as kissing on the first day of school.

And one of them had the Uchiha clan emblem painted on his back.

After the two children suddenly separated, both of them looked horrified.

"Who are you?!"

After the two asked this question in unison, they turned around and held their throats, holding on to the nearby trees and mouthing "yue". It was obvious that they had suffered great psychological trauma.

Especially Naruto, when he found that the emotion in the other person's eyes was too rich when he landed, he knew that this person was definitely not a giyu.

However, everything happened too fast.

The new students in the square were already deeply impressed by these two children because of some previous events. They will never forget them after this time, and can even bind their memories.

In short, when you think of one of the two, you can't help but think of the other. The more famous they are, the wider the story will spread.

"Sasuke, Sasuke's first kiss..."

In the crowd, Ino leaned weakly in her mother's arms, her eyes dull, as if she had lost hope.

The Third Hokage only spoke less than 1% of his speech, and his old body stood motionless on the stage.

"Mrs. Mikoto..."

Hinata Hiashi covered his daughter's eyes and turned his head with a strange expression, "That black-haired child must be Sasuke."

Uchiha Mikoto didn't answer, her expression dull.

[Sure enough, I should have asked Fugaku to bring them here. 】

It's not that she didn't expect that her son would do something embarrassing to her today, but what she never expected was that this person was not Giyuu who couldn't read the air, but Sasuke!

When he said he was going to the toilet just now, he should have been stopped.


She pushed Giyuu gently with her hand, "Go and bring Sasuke back."

She has already thought about it. In the next few days, she will take on a long-term mission. The farther away from here, the better. She will come back when everyone no longer regards this matter as a topic of discussion.


Yiyong was not affected by the atmosphere at all, and walked away from the crowd with two bandaged legs.

"Sasuke, Naruto."

After getting closer, he called out the names of the two people, but their expressions when they turned around were completely different——

One looked as surprised as a child celebrating his first birthday, while the other looked angrily, like a little lion whose territory had been robbed.

"It turns out you already know each other."

Yiyong walked to the position between the two of them, his tone even a little relieved. This way, he doesn’t need to introduce me, which saves a lot of effort.

But the two people looked at each other and said in unison again: "Who would know him!"


After the two were stunned for a moment, they pointed at each other fiercely and threatened: "Don't imitate me!"

The whole square fell silent after a crow croaked and flew over their heads.

Naruto and Sasuke were stunned at the same time. Only then did they realize that everything that had just happened was under the observation of everyone present.

"you you you……"

Sasuke, who was already shy, pointed at Naruto, his fingertips trembling.

He already knew from the name that it was this kid who inexplicably occupied a very important position in his brother's heart; it was this kid who embarrassed him in front of everyone. And for some reason, from the first time the two of them looked at each other, he felt very unhappy with this guy!

But on the contrary, Uzumaki Naruto was almost immune to sight. After he made sure that Giyuu's injury didn't look serious, he ran to Giyuu's side like a normal person.

"Yiyong, who is he? He looks like you. Is he your brother?"

[Brother? 】

Sasuke's body was numb, and the eyes in his eyes were shaking wildly, and finally two faint red lights spewed out from them.

He swayed and was about to fall to the ground when Yiyong suddenly stepped to his side and picked him up.

He was the closest and could see the most clearly. In Sasuke's eyes, a pair of magatama had just appeared.

When Uchiha Mikoto saw her son fainted, she hurried forward. It didn't matter what the people around her said or thought.

Hinata Hizu's words of congratulations were still unsaid.

"Today's speech ends here."

The third generation knew that opening the eyes of a child of the Uchiha clan was an important event comparable to birth, not to mention that Sasuke was so young, two years younger than Itachi when he opened his eyes.

He didn't care to continue talking at this moment, and immediately said loudly: "The Human Studies test will be held in an hour. Parents and students, please, under the leadership of the teacher, enter the teaching building together to prepare for the test."

This is about clearing the square.

The Jonin in the crowd shook their heads and took the lead in leading the children into the teaching building. The others followed suitably, but they couldn't help but whisper.

In the end, only Uchiha Mikoto, Sandai, Naruto, Giyuu and the fainted Sasuke were left.

"It seems Sasuke won't be able to take the exam."

Sandai pinched his goatee and judged, "Mikoto, should you take him to the hospital, or..."

"I'll take him to Fugaku first."

Uchiha Mikoto's expression could neither be said to be happy nor worried, and she immediately said to Giyuu: "Giyu, you will go home immediately after taking the exam, do you understand?"


Before the third generation came over, Giyuu had already checked Sasuke's brain, and it was fine. It should be similar to the situation when he opened his eyes, and he would wake up soon.

After hearing his agreement, Uchiha Mikoto left immediately without saying anything more.

"Yes, did I hurt him..."

Naruto's face was pale and his fingers clenched into fists. After all, that was Giyuu's younger brother (erroneously).

"nothing dealing with you."

Giyuu obviously hasn't figured out the principle of opening the Sharingan yet, but Sandai understood this as Giyuu's generosity and smiled as expected.

"Okay, you guys go take the exam. However, Sasuke may not get a grade this time..."


Naruto left feeling uneasy.

Giyuu followed, thinking about what to feed Sasuke tonight.

Three days later, the results were released.

Sasuke has no grades.

Giyuu and Uzumaki Naruto were tied for first place.

But that’s a story for another day.

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