I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 78: Getting ready to go (Part 1)

Hokage's office.

Purgatory Anjuro solemnly placed a passbook from the Bank of the Country of Fire on the third generation's desk.

The old man put down his cigarette rod and narrowed his eyes.

Although he already had some guesses in his mind, he still asked for confirmation: "Xingjuro, what are you going to do?"

"Lord Hokage! This is the savings I have accumulated in the past three years. The total is 14,230,000 taels!"

Sandai's old eyes widened slightly.

His bad guess was verified, and he was unable to speak for a while.

Anjuro did not stop speaking because of the appearance of the third generation, and continued to speak loudly: "Although Dr. Tsunade said that as long as I live here, I can get rid of the debt of 10,000 taels a day, but I know in my heart that if I live here In her house, this is just a disguised way of taking care of me! I can't accept it when I live in someone else's house and get such a high salary for just a little cleaning!

"The money in the bankbook was all earned by me working in the Land of Fire and contracting genin commissions in Konoha!

"Although there is still a shortage of 800,000 yuan, if we wait until the end of this year and include bank interest, we should be able to collect 15 million taels! Please give this money to Dr. Tsunade for me. Bar!"

Sandai glanced at the numbers in the bankbook, and then let out an old sigh.

"This day has finally come."

Of course he knew about Anjuro's contract with Konoha Village as a genin.

Over the years, the village has accumulated a large number of D-level and C-level commissions.

This kind of commission does not require much combat power, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the reward is very small, so few young ninjas are willing to do it.

Anjuro Sora has a large amount of chakra, but he is not a registered ninja in Konoha, so he is not qualified to accept those commissions.

But in order to make enough money, he blocked the gate of the task distribution office and asked the Konoha genin who went in and out to take care of all the trivial troubles, and then let his clone take care of the execution.

As for the commission fee, after deducting the commission from the leading Jonin, Anjuro will take half of it directly.

For those genin who are only responsible for receiving requests, this is money earned in vain, why don't they want it?

So the cooperation quickly started smoothly.

Those unanswered tasks such as watering farmland and collecting herbs, catching cats and dogs, taking care of children, subduing injuring wild beasts, and even taking care of paralyzed patients were all taken care of by Xingjulang alone, and the positive rating was almost 100 %.

At the most, Anjuro completed sixteen commissions in one day.

In the past three years, he has completed nearly 2,000 commissions. After deducting commission from each commission, he can earn about 2,500 taels. It can be seen that Xingshou Lang earned more than half of the 14 million taels of medical fees from other channels, and even the third generation did not know about it.

"You gave me this money, are you planning to leave Konoha?"

The wrinkles on Sandai's face are deeper than before, and they look as deep as being chiselled with a knife.

Obviously, when he reviewed the test results of Ninja School students an hour ago, he was not so old.

"Yes! From now on, I will not live in Konoha forever!"

The reason why Anjuro came to leave before saving enough money was because he was not sure about the outcome of this trip to the Land of Rain.

But if you owe someone money, you must pay it back as much as possible. If he can come back after this incident, he will continue to work to make up for the 800,000 yuan. But if you can't get it back, you can only use interest to make up for this number.

"Thank you and the village for taking care of me these past three years!"

"There is nothing to thank you for. You have also changed this village a lot."

Sandai pondered for a while, clasping his fingers together and rubbing them together, obviously surrounded by anxiety in his heart.

"Have you told Naruto and them about your departure?"

"Yiyong already knows! I will explain to the rest of them before I leave!"

Anjuro said calmly: "Although I feel sorry for everyone, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world, and I also have things that I must do! But if nothing happens, I will come to Konoha to visit them often! Of course, still As a guest!"

"...Although I knew that one day would come sooner or later, I still imagined that I could use this old bone to change your mind and keep you in Konoha. If this happened, I would be able to do a lot for this village. The most valuable thing.”

Sandai used an ink bottle to hold down the half-open bankbook, and raised his heavy eyelids to look at Anjurou.

Although his eyes were full of regret, he was also somewhat relieved.

"But now it seems that I overestimated my influence, Xingjuro, I was not wrong about you. You have a heart as tough as my teacher."

Since handing over the scroll left by Uzumaki Mito to Anjuro, the third generation has never played tricks on Anjuro, nor has he specifically controlled who should be close to or even stay away from him.

For this kind of upright, open-minded child, who can even see through people's hearts, the only way to treat others is to treat them like others and treat each other sincerely.

Therefore, when Hiruzen Sarutobi discovered that this child had a unique fire escape talent, he simply taught him as much as he did to his descendants and students, and even taught him the fire escape ninjutsu of the Sarutobi clan.

But as soon as he turned around, Anjuro taught the secrets of practicing the change of fire attribute properties in a more understandable way to the students in the Ninja School such as Uchiha, Sarutobi and his own fire attribute chakra. In the past few years alone, the juniors of the Sarutobi clan, after graduation, have reached a level close to jounin in fire escape. The only shortcoming is that their chakra is seriously insufficient...

All in all, Anjuro never refuses "favors" that can enhance his abilities.

But after receiving the benefit, he will immediately repay Konoha in his unique way, never letting his heart be surrounded by a sense of debt. And through this method, Anjuro unintentionally reduced the barriers between children from various families in Konoha to a great extent.

Although nothing can be seen now, when these children grow up, the cohesion of the major families in the village will definitely be stronger than now. This is all the result of Anjurou's ability to shine anytime and anywhere. He is what Hiruzen Sarutobi considers to be a natural leader.

But now, the Third Hokage could not find any reason to convince him to stay.

"Although I know there is a high probability that you will refuse, for the sake of the future of Konoha, I still have to give it a try."

The third generation stood up from behind the desk and walked to the opposite side of Anjurou. His eyes were stern, but their postures were relatively equal.

"If you are willing to stay and officially join this village, then I can promise you that the position of Hokage will be entrusted to you sooner or later."

Anjuro was shocked and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the raised palm of the Third Hokage.

"Listen to what I have to say first. I'm not just talking nonsense, nor am I making random wishes, but you have indeed met all the conditions.

"You are a member of Mito-sama's clan, and the Fire Country Daimyo is related to Mito-sama, so he won't have any objections.

"Furthermore, with the potential you have shown, you will definitely have power beyond me, an old man, and even the Five Shadows in the future, and you will be qualified to be called Hokage.

"Finally, Anjuro, half of the residents of Konoha know your name, know what you have done, and many of them have been helped by you. In the Ninja School, more than 80% of the students admire you very much. Over the past few years, After that, they became Chuunin and became the mainstay of this village, and they will support you to become Hokage without hesitation."

Sandai's words were precise and his tone was cheerful, as if he had already seen the royal robe being worn on Xingjulang's body.

"No matter from which aspect, if you want to become Hokage, you have an advantage over anyone in this village! I remember that the second day you came to Konoha, you said on the podium of the Ninja School that I hope No one is killed by weapons and can live a long life. The Land of Fire is the richest country in the ninja world, and Konoha is still the number one ninja village. If you really want to change the world, Konoha is the best place for you to display your ambitions. Opportunity!"

The old man held Xingjulang's shoulders with some excitement.

"Have you never considered this?!"

The third generation spoke loudly, and the ANBU guarding the door outside could naturally hear it.

Although they were able to stand motionless at the door for a whole day without eating, drinking or urinating, they were still shocked by the promise given by the third generation.

The two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and then they were sure that they heard correctly.

In order to keep Anjuro, he actually used the Hokage's position as bait? Is it a bit too exaggerated?

However, the third generation knew very clearly that one Anjuro could solve several major problems facing Konoha.

First, with Anjuro, a descendant of the whirlpool who can use King Kong to block it, the Kyuubi is no longer a threat.

Secondly, judging from the relationship between Anjuro and the two sons of the Uchiha Fugaku family, as well as the Uchiha in the Ninja School, as long as he grows up and takes the position of Hokage, the conflict between the village and the Uchiha will probably be resolved naturally. .

Third, the Sannin have left, and Konoha has not had a strong man who can handle it for a long time, but judging from Anjuro's current performance, it is only a matter of time to surpass Namikaze Minato, him, and even the Second Hokage.

As long as Anjurou can solve these three major problems, it's just the position of Hokage, so why not give it up?

The two ANBU outside the door seemed to be standing still, but all their attention was focused on the sound coming from the crack in the door.

They didn't even notice that an old man with a bandage on his right eye and a cane was already five meters away.

At this time, Xingshou Lang's loud voice happened to come from inside.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you! But I have absolutely no interest in becoming Hokage!"

Danzo suddenly stopped two meters away, feeling that he might have arrived a little late.

The two Anbu outside the door came to their senses and were about to salute him, but they saw Danzo's index finger raised in front of his lips and could only stand silently.

"...Well, I somewhat expected this result."

The third generation's voice became even more decadent, but there was not much surprise in his tone.

"No matter what, Anjuro, the door of Konoha will always be open for you. I will use this money directly to pay off Tsunade's gambling debt, but you don't have to move out of that house in a hurry. When you come to Konoha in the future, you Still living there, I think Tsunade would like that."

"Then thank you for your kindness, Hokage-sama!"

"Okay, go ahead. You don't have to say hello to me when you leave tomorrow. Please pay attention to safety outside."

"Please take care of yourself! I will take my leave now."

The door opened, and Anjuro walked out. Danzo wanted to go up to him and say something unpleasant, but when he was stared at by those bright eyes, he took a small step back as if he was trying to stay away from a hot stove.

"Sorry! I blocked your way!"

Anjuro smiled politely, helped Danzo directly to the door of the office, and then said goodbye to the two Anbu before saying goodbye and leaving.


Danzo stood at the door with a complicated expression for a while, always feeling that the phrase "blocking your way" sounded a bit strange.

"Danzo, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned on the desk, with a bit of complaint and impatience in his tone, "What else?"

Danzo closed the door and never mentioned anything about Hiruzen Sarutobi's promise to be the Hokage just now. He just asked in a cold voice: "Do you really want to let him go?"

The third generation suddenly raised his head, and two sharp lights shot out from his wrinkled eyes.

"This matter is non-negotiable."

His tone became even colder than Danzo's, "Duanzo, don't do those unnecessary things as usual. That will only push him to the opposite side of Konoha."

"He has the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan. Even if I want to do something extra, I can't do it. This is all thanks to your generosity."

Danzo was not frightened by the threatening tone of Sandai, and after a calm sarcasm, he revealed the purpose of his trip.

"I'm here to talk to you about another thing. You should already know that Uchiha Itachi is resigning as a ninja, right?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple. 】

The third generation nodded calmly, "He said it yesterday when he came to report on his work."

"I'm just reminding you that in the past two years, because of the appearance of the police force, your wariness towards Uchiha is not as good as before. Is Uchiha Itachi no longer a ninja, or no longer a ninja of Konoha? There is a big difference. I have just met Orochimaru and I am about to resign. Is there any relationship between the two? "

Thinking of his villain, Sandai's brows rose with a hint of vigilance.

Orochimaru is indeed used to confuse people, but Uchiha Itachi is very young and at the age where he is easily influenced.

"your opinion?"

Danzo knocked on the floor with his crutch, "The only people who came into contact with Orochimaru were him and Uchiha Shisui. In the descriptions of these two people, the process of defeating Orochimaru seemed too easy, and they cannot be trusted for the time being. They have to be separated. . Even if you want to agree to Uchiha Itachi's resignation, you must force him to stay in the village for a full year and not let him go out. As for Uchiha Shisui, continue to send him out on missions and try not to let him come back."

The Third Hokage pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "That's it. Send him to the Earth Kingdom to see what Onoki does. You can choose the mission."

Danzo left with satisfaction, wrote a secret letter when he returned to his base, and gave it to his ninjas.

"Take this letter to the tower in the Death Forest northwest of Konoha, and someone will contact you."


Two hours later, the root ninja who delivered the message arrived at the designated location. Before he could rest, his heart was stabbed by the masked man who suddenly appeared behind him. Then his body and the secret message were taken into the vortex of the mask's right eye. middle.

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